
  • 20240906_IRISH_locht_ar_an_rialtas_agus_an_earnail_togala_faoi_thine_grenfell
    Sep 6 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/2ct43ckk Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com Blame the government and the construction sector for the Grenfell fire. Locht ar an rialtas agus an earnáil tógála faoi thine Grenfell. The negligence of governments, construction companies and especially the negligence of the companies that put flammable cladding on the front of Grenfell Tower caused the fire there that killed 72 people on 14 June 2017. Faillí rialtais, comhlachtaí tógála agus go háirithe faillí na gcomhlachtaí a chuir cumhdach inlasta ar éadan Thúr Grenfell ba chúis leis an tine ann a mharaigh 72 duine an 14 Meitheamh 2017. The fire in the 23-storey tower block in an affluent area of west London was the worst residential fire since the Second World War. Bhí an tine sa túr 23 stór i gceantar saibhir in iarthar Londain ar an tine ba mheasa in áras cónaithe ó bhí an Dara Cogadh Domhnanda ann. On the companies that were responsible for maintaining and refurbishing the tower, on the local and national authorities that were negligent and on the companies that claimed that the cladding was safe when it was flammable. Ar na comhlachtaí a bhí freagrach as cothabháíl agus athhcóiriú an túir, ar na húdaráis áitiúla agus náísiúnta a bhí faillíoch agus ar na comhlachtaí a mhaigh go raibh an cumhdach sábháilte nuair a bhí sé inlasta. But there is also criticism of the government, the Kensington and Chelsea housing authorities, the fire brigade who were negligent about fire safety in such high-rise blocks. Ach tá cáineadh ann freisin ar an rialtas, ar údaráis áitiúíl Kensington agus Chelsea, ar an mbriogáid dóiteáin a bhí faillíoch faoi shábháilteacht tine in mblocanna arda dá leithéid. The Grenfall Tower fire was caused by decades of negligence by the government and other institutions in the construction sector, according to the report. Faillí na mblianta fada sa rialtas agus i bhforais eile san earnáil tógála ba chúis leis an tine i dTúr Grenfall, dar leis an tuarascáil. Since the fire, people who survived the fire as well as the families of the dead want those responsible for the fire to be brought to justice. Ón uair a bhí an tine ann, tá daoine a tháinig slán ón tine chomh maith le muintir na marbh ag iarraidh go gcuirfí an dlí orthu siúd a bhí freagrach as an tine. The police say that 58 people and 19 bodies and institutions are under investigation but that it will be a long time before prosecutions can be expected. Deir na póilíní go bhfuil 58 duine agus 19 comhlacht agus foras faoi iniúchadh ach go mbeidh tamall fada eile ann sular féidir bheith ag súil le ionchúísimh. The police say that it is because of the complexity of the investigation and study that will be done on this report and its implications. Deir na póilíní go bhfuil sé amhlaidh de bharr chomh casta is atá an t-iniúchadh agus an staidéir a bheidh le déanamh ar an tuarascáil seo agus ar a impleachtaí. Prime Minister Keir Starmer said the report identified significant and widespread neglect. Dúírt an Príomh-Aire Keir Starmer gur aithin an tuarascáil go raibh faillí suntasach agus forleathan ann. His thoughts were with the families of the dead, those who survived the Grenfell Tower fire and the community of the area, he said this morning. Ar mhuintir na marbh, orthu siúd a tháinig slán ón tine i dTúr Grenfell agus ar phobal an cheantair a bhí a smaointe, a dúirt sé ar maidin. With those people today, he said. Leis na daoine sin an lá inniu, a dúirt sé. The Prime Minister hoped, he said, that this report is a step towards the responsibility they are asking for. Bhí súil ag an bPríomh-Aire, a dúirt sé, gur céim i dtreo na freagrachta atá siad a iarraidh é an tuarascáil seo. Keir Starmer promised that the government would carefully study the report and its recommendations so that such a tragedy cannot happen again. Gheall Keir Starmer go ndéanfadh an rialtas staidéar stuam...
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  • 20240905_IRISH_ardu_12.6%_ar_an_gcain_ata_bailithe_go_deireadh_lunasa
    Sep 5 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/2a2ufuuf Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com A 12.6% increase in the tax collected until the end of August. Ardú 12.6 faoin gcéad ar an gcáin atá bailithe go deireadh Lúnasa. There has been a 12.6% increase in the amount of tax collected by the State in the first 8 months of the year compared to the same period in 2023. Ardú 12.6 faoin gcéad atá tagtha ar an méid cánach a bhailigh an Stát sna chéad 8 mí den bhliain i gcomparáid leis an tréimhse chéanna i 2023. The latest information from the Department of Finance shows that the increase is based on an increase in income tax, corporation tax, VAT and stamp duty. Taispeánann an fhaisnéis is deireanaí ón Roinn Airgeadais gur ar bhreis cháin ioncaim, cáin chorparáideach, CBL agus dleacht stampa atá an t-ardú bunaithe. The total tax collected up to the end of August was €59.8bn, of which €16.3bn was corporate tax, an increase of 28.4% on the same period last year. €59.8bn an cháin iomlán a bailíodh go deireadh Lúnasa, agus is cáin chorparáideach €16.3bn de sin ardú 28.4 faoin gcéad ar an tréimhse chéanna anuraidh. The VAT collected up to the end of August is €14.5bn, a 7.5% increase on the same period last year. Is ionann €14.5bn agus an CBL a bailíodh go deireadh Lúnasa, ardú 7.5 faoin gcéad ar an tréimhse chéanna anuraidh. Excise revenue is €4.1bn, a 14% increase on 2023. €4.1bn é an t-ioncam ó mháil, ardú 14 faoin gcéad ar 2023. So far this year, the Exchequer has a surplus of €3.8bn, compared to debts of €0.3bn last year, a difference of €4.1bn. Go dtí seo, tá farasbarr €3.8bn ag an Státchiste go dtí seo i mbliana, i gcomparáid le fiacha €0.3bn anuraidh, difríocht de €4.1bn. But this is not likely to be the final figure, because during 2023 €4bn was transferred to the National Reserve Fund, and if this happens again this year, the surplus may be less than that. Ach ní hé seo seans an figiúr deiridh, mar i rith 2023 aistríodh €4bn chuig an Cúl-Chiste Náisiúnta, agus má dhéantar a leithéid arís i mbliana, is feidir go mbeidh an farasbarr níos lú ná sin. Today's figures also showed that the State spent €69.1bn to the end of August. Thaispeáin figiúirí an lae inniu freisin gur chaith an Stát €69.1bn go deireadh Lúnasa.
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  • 20240903_IRISH_priosun_curtha_ar_enoch_burke_an_athuair
    Sep 3 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/2cduvuqm Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com Enoch Burke imprisoned again. Príosún curtha ar Enoch Burke an athuair. For the third time, the High Court has jailed teacher Enoch Burke for violating a court order. Den triú uair, tá príosún curtha ag an Ard-Chúirt ar an múinteoir Enoch Burke as ordú cúirte a shárú. Judge Michaell Quinn said today that he was satisfied that Burke was in breach of the permanent appeal granted to Wilson's Hospital school in County Westmeath last year. Dúirt an Breitheamh Michaell Quinn inniu go raibh sé sásta go raibh Burke ag sárú an achomhairc bhuan a deonadh don scoil Wilson's Hospital i gContae na hIarmhí anuraidh. The Judge ordered that Enoch Burke be imprisoned until he was cleared of contempt of court. D'ordaigh an Breitheamh go gcuirfí príosún ar Enoch Burke go dtí go mbeadh an díspeagadh cúirte glanta aige. Enoch Burke will be in court again on October 11 but he can clear the contempt court whenever he wants. Beidh Enoch Burke os comhair na cúirte arís an 11 Deireadh Fómhair ach is féidir leis an díspeagadh a ghlanadh os comhair na cúirte aon uair is mian leis. Enoch Burke told the Judge that God will be responsible for imprisoning someone because of their faith. Dúirt Enoch Burke leis an mBreitheamh gur do Dia a bheidh sé freagrach as príosún a chur ar dhuine de bharr a gcreidimh. Enoch Burke has spent over 400 days in Munsey in two shifts, for breaching a court order, which made him stay clean at Wilson's Hospital. Tá os cionn 400 lá caite ag Enoch Burke i Muinseó ina dhá sheal, as urghaire cúirte a shárú, urghaire a chuir air fanacht glan ar Wilson's Hospital. He was released at the end of June when the school closed for the summer. Scaoileadh saor é ag deireadh an Mheithimh nuair a dhún an scoil don samhradh. But Enoch Burke is coming back to the school since it opened after the Summer vacation. Ach tá Enoch Burke ag teacht i láthair na scoile arís ó d'oscail sí tar éis shaoire an tSamhraidh. The school said in court that Burke's presence was stressful and disruptive for both staff and students. Dúirt an scoil sa chúirt gur strus agus suaitheadh don bhfoireann agus do dhaltaí araon Burke bheith ann. It was also said that having Burke's support groups on and off the school grounds is also a health and safety issue. Dúradh freisin gur fadhb shábháilteachta agus sláinte é freisin grúpaí tacaíochta Burke bheith ar thailte na scoile agus taobh amuigh di. Enoch Burke was fired from his job at the school last January but he is appealing that. Briseadh Enoch Burke as a phost sa scoil mí Eanáir seo caite ach tá sé sin á achomharc aige. That appeal was unsuccessfully heard, and Burke has initiated legal proceedings in relation to the appeals panel in the case. Níor éisteadh an t-achomharc sin go fóíll, agus tá imeachtaí dlí tionscnaithe ag Burke maidir leis an bpainéal achomhairc sa chás. Enoch Burke was arrested on the school grounds in the evening, and a lawyer for Wilson's Hospital, Rosemary Mallon, asked that he be jailed. Gabhadh Enoch Burke ar thailte na scoile tráthnóna, agus d'iarr abhchóide ar son Wilson's Hospital, Rosemary Mallon, go gcuirfí príosún air. She said if that wasn't done he would be at school again tomorrow. Dúirt sí mura ndéanfaí sin go mbeadh sé i láthair na scoile arís amárach. Enoch Burke said that the court was denying him his faith. Dúirt Enoch Burke go raibh an cúirt ag séanadh a chreidimh air. The former principal had ordered to 'force transgenderism on students'. Bhí ordú curtha ar ag an iar-phríomhoide 'trasinscneachas a bhrú ar dhaltaí'. He said his students knew he was an honest man but he wouldn't tell them that. Dúirt sé go raibh a fhios ag a chuid daltaí gur fear ionraic a bhí ann ach nach mbeadh sé á rá sin leo. He referred to a passage from the Book of Jesus and said that the belief in man and woman was at ...
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  • 20240902_IRISH_149,200_inimirceach_tagtha_go_heirinn_in_imeacht_bliana
    Sep 2 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/26r67kmc Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com 149,200 immigrants arrived in Ireland in the course of a year. 149,200 inimirceach tagtha go hÉirinn in imeacht bliana. 149,200 people came to live in this State from abroad during the twelve months between April 2023 and April 2024, according to new figures from the Central Statistics Office. Tháinig 149,200 duine chun cónaithe sa Stát seo ón iasacht i gcaitheamh an dá mhí dhéag idir Aibreán 2023 agus Aibreán 2024, de réir figiúirí nua ón bPríomh- Oifig Staidrimh. That is a 5% increase from 2022-2023 and is the largest number of immigrants to Ireland in one year since 2006-2007. Sin ardú 5 faoin gcéad ó 2022-2023 agus is é an an líon is mó inimirceach a tháinig go hÉirinn in imeacht bliana é ó 2006-2007. Not all of them were foreigners, 30,000 of the 149,200 were emigrants who were returning to their native land. Níor eachtrannaigh iad ar fad, arae aisimircigh a bhí ag filleadh ar an bhfód dúchais ab ea 30,000 den 149,200. 27,000 of them were citizens of other member states of the European Union and 5,400 of them were British citizens. Saoránaigh bhallstáit eile san Aontas Eorpach ab ea 27,000 díobh agus saoránaigh na Breataine ab ea 5,400 díobh. The other 86,800 people were from other countries. Ba as tíortha eile an 86,800 duine eile. According to the Central Statistics Office this is the third year in a row that over 100,000 came to live in Ireland from abroad. Dar leis an bPríomh-Oifig Staidrimh gurb í seo an tríú bliain as a chéile a tháinig barr ar 100,000 chun cónaithe in Éirinn ón iasacht. The statisticians published today also show that over 69,000 people left the State to live in other countries between April 2023 and April 2024, compared to 64,000 the year before. Léiríonn ar fhoilsigh na staitisteoirí inniu chomh maith gur imigh barr ar 69,000 duine as an Stát le dul chun conaithe i dtíortha eile idir Aibreán 2023 agus Aibreán 2024, i gcomparáid le 64,000 an bhliain roimhe sin. That is the largest number of emigrants since 2014-2015. Sin an líon is mó eisimirceach ó 2014-2015. 34,000 of the 69,000 were Irish citizens. Saoránaigh na hÉireann ab ea 34,000 den 69,000. 10,600 of the 69,000 went to Australia, compared to the 4,700 who headed south- east on that antipodal continent the year before. Ba chun na hAstráile a chuaigh 10,600 den 69,000, i gcomparáid leis an 4,700 a thug a n-aghaidh soir ó dheas ar an mór-roinn antapódach úd an bhliain roimhe sin. 15,200 people left the State to settle in Britain, compared to 14,600 the year before. D'imigh 15,200 duine as an Stát le baint fúthu sa Bhreatain, i gcomparáid le 14,600 an bhliain roimhe sin. At the same time, there was a natural increase in the population; 54,200 children were born and 34,800 people died, which is an increase of 19,400 people. San am céanna, tháing breisiu nádúrtha ar an daonra; saolaíodh 54,200 leanbh agus cailleadh 34,800 duine, ar bhreisiú 19,400 duine é sin. According to the estimates provided by the Central Statistics Office today, the population of the State is getting older. De réir na meastachán a chuir an Phríomh-Oifig Staidrimh ar fáil inniu, tá daonra an Stáit ag dul in aois. There are 833,300 people aged 65 or over, which is 156,800 more than in 2018. Tá 833,300 duine 65 bliain d'aois nó níos sine, sin 156,800 níos mó ná 2018. There are 55,500 children under twelve months, which is 19,400 less than in 2010. Tá 55,500 leanbh faoi dhá mhí dhéag, sin 19,400 níos lú ná 2010. New information graphic from the Central Statistics Office The percentage of the national population living in Dublin has risen from 27.6% in 2011 to 28.5%. Grafaic eolais nua ón bPríomh-Oifig Staidrimh Tá an céatadán den daonra náisiúnta atá ina gcónaí i mBaile Átha Cliath ardaithe ó 27.6 faoin gcéad in 2011 go 28.5 faoin gcéad . 1,534,
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  • 20240901_IRISH_taoiseach_ag_lorg_comhairle_faoi_thradail_le_hiosrael
    Sep 1 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/288y968s Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com Taoiseach seeking advice on trade with Israel. Taoiseach ag lorg comhairle faoi thrádáil le hIosrael. Taoiseach Simon Harris is asking Attorney General Rossa Fanning to clarify whether Ireland is allowed to review trade agreements with Israel on its own, or whether this country must comply with the European Union's general policy on matters trade. Tá an Taoiseach Simon Harris ag iarraidh ar an Ard-Aighne Rossa Fanning a shoiléiriú an bhfuil sé de chead ag Éirinn athbhreithniú a dhéanamh aisti féin ar chomhaontuithe trádála le hIosrael, nó an gcaithfidh an tír seo cloí le comhpholasaí ginearálta an Aontais Eorpaigh i dtaobh cúrsaí trádála. The question was raised after the Tánaiste Micheál Martin announced yesterday that Ireland would not buy any military equipment from Israel or vice versa in view of the ruling of the International Court of Justice about the persecution of the Palestinians by the Israelis. Tógadh an cheist tar éis don Tánaiste Micheál Martin a fhógairt inné nach gceannódh Éire aon trealamh míleata ó Iosrael ná a mhalairt feasta i bhfianaise rialú na Cúirte Breithiúnais Idirnáisiúnta faoin ngéarleanúint atá na hIosraelaigh a dhéanamh ar Phalaistínigh. Last month, that court ruled that Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories is against international law. An mhí seo caite, rialaigh an chúirt sin go bhfuil an greim atá ag Iosrael ar na críocha Palaistíneacha in aghaidh an dlí idirnáisiúnta. It was also ruled that Israeli settlements in those places are against the law. Rialaíodh freisin go bhfuil lonnaíochtaí Iosraelacha sna háiteanna sin in aghaidh an dlí. It is the European Union as a whole that makes decisions about trade matters on behalf of all the member states, but the Taoiseach wants to know if Ireland is allowed to make a decision on its own in this case. Is é an tAontas Eorpach trí chéile a dhéanann cinntí faoi chúrsaí trádála thar ceann na mballstát ar fad, ach teastaíonn ón Taoiseach a fháil amach an bhfuil cead ag Éirinn cinneadh a dhéanamh aisti féin sa chás seo. The Taoiseach said he hoped to receive a response from the Attorney General within a few days. Dúirt an Taoiseach go raibh súil aige freagra a fháil ón Ard- Aighne faoi cheann cúpla lá. RTÉ News and Current Affairs Nuacht agus Cúrsaí Reatha RTÉ
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  • 20240830_IRISH_cinneadh_faoi_threalamh_o_iosrael_pleite_ag_triur_ceannairi
    Aug 30 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/224vlpd4 Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com Decision about equipment from Israel discussed by three leaders. Cinneadh faoi threalamh ó Iosrael pléite ag triúr ceannairí. Green Party leader Roderic O'Gorman has revealed that Tánaiste Micheal Martin discussed the decision not to buy military equipment from Israel with himself and Taoiseach Simon Harris. Tá sé tugtha le fios ag ceannaire an Chomhaontais Ghlais Roderic O'Gorman gur phléigh an Tánaiste Micheal Martin an cinneadh gan trealamh míleata a cheannach ó Iosrael leis féin agus leis an Taoiseach Simon Harris. Roderic O'Gorman, however, did not say whether the matter had been referred to Cabinet before the decision was made. Ní dúirt Roderic O'Gorman, áfach, ar cuireadh an cheist faoi bhráid na Comhaireachta sula ndearnadh an cinneadh. The Gorman claimed, however, that Micheál Martin always pays attention to legal advice and is someone who thinks hard about issues. Mhaígh an Gormánach, mar sin féin, go dtugann Micheál Martin aird i gcónaí ar chomhairle dlí agus gur duine é a mhachnaíonn go dian ar cheisteanna. Micheál Martin announced yesterday that Ireland would not buy any military equipment from Israel or vice versa in view of the ruling of the International Court of Justice about the persecution of the Palestinians by the Israelis. D'fhógair Micheál Martin inné nach gceannódh Éire aon trealamh míleata ó Iosrael ná a mhalairt feasta i bhfianaise rialú na Cúirte Breithiúnais Idirnáisiúnta faoin ngéarleanúint atá na hIosraelaigh a dhéanamh ar Phalaistíngh. Last month, that court ruled that Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories is against international law. An mhí seo caite, rialaigh an chúirt sin go bhfuil an greim atá ag Iosrael ar na críocha Palaistíneacha in aghaidh an dlí idirnáisiúnta. Independent MP Cathal Berry - a highly qualified ex-soldier - said Ireland had bought very little military equipment from Israel in 20 years. Dúirt an Teachta Dála Neamhspleách Cathal Berry – iarshaighdiúir ardcháilíochta – gur fíorbheagán trealaimh mhíleata a cheannaigh Éire ó Iosrael le 20 bliain. According to him, helmets, respirators and ammunition were once the most purchased items, while drones and optical material have recently been purchased the most. Dar leis gur clogaid, análaitheoirí agus armlón is mó a cheannaítí tráth, agus gur dróin agus ábhar optaice is mó a ceannaíodh le gairid. Cathal Berry pointed out that Ireland currently has around a dozen Israeli-made drones. Thug Cathal Berry le fios go bhfuil thart ar dhosaen drón de dhéantús Iosrael ag Éirinn faoi láthair. RTÉ News and Current Affairs Nuacht agus Cúrsaí Reatha RTÉ
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  • 20240829_IRISH_fogra_cibearshlandala_tugtha_do_chustaimeiri_phairc_fhoite
    Aug 29 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/2ym3ze9y Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com A cyber security notice has been issued to Park Fote customers. Fógra cibearshlándála tugtha do chustaiméirí Pháirc Fhóite. It has emerged that the website of the Foyt Wildlife Park in Co Cork was recently hacked and some customers' bank details may have been stolen. Tá sé tagtha chun solais go ndearnadh cibirionsaí ar shuíomh gréasáin Pháirc Fiadhúlra Fhóite i gCo Chorcaí le gairid agus go bhféadfadh sé gur goideadh sonraí bainc roinnt custaiméirí. Park administrators indicated that customers may have to cancel their credit and debit cards because of the raid. Thug riarthóirí na páirce le fios go mb'fhéidir go gcaithfeadh custaiméirí a gcártaí creidmheasa agus a gcártaí dochair a chur ar ceal mar gheall ar an gcreach. In an email they sent to customers, the administrators said there is a risk that the details of people who made payments on the park's website between 12 May 2024 and 27 August 2024 were stolen. I ríomhphost a sheol siad chuig custaiméirí, dúirt na riarthóiri go bhfuil an baol ann gur goideadh sonraí daoine a rinne íocaíochtaí ar shuíomh gréasáin na páirce idir 12 Bealtaine 2024 and 27 Lúnasa 2024. It was also revealed that the website has since been closed and secured. Tugadh le fios chomh maith go bhfuil an suíomh gréasáin iata agus daingnithe ó shin. The matter has been reported to the Gardai and the Data Protection Commission, and cyber security experts are investigating how the site was said to have been breached. Tá scéal curtha chuig na Gardaí agus chuig an gCoimisiún um Chosaint Sonraí, agus tá saineolaithe cibearshlándála ag fiosrú conas go baileach a bhíothas in ann foghail a dhéanamh ar an suíomh, a dúradh. In the meantime, the Wildlife Park is open as usual and the entrance fee can be paid at the gate. Idir dhá linn, tá an Pháirc Fiadhúlra oscailte mar is gnách agus is féidir an táille iontrála a íoc ag an ngeata. RTÉ News and Current Affairs Nuacht agus Cúrsaí Reatha RTÉ
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  • 20240827_IRISH_cosc_ar_scutair_leicteacha_ar_an_gcoras_iompair_poibli_mi_df.
    Aug 27 2024
    jQuery(document).ready(function(){ cab.clickify(); }); Original Podcast with clickable words https://tinyurl.com/25ek6lzg Contact: irishlingos@gmail.com Ban on electric scooters on the public transport system in DF.. Cosc ar scútair leicteacha ar an gcóras iompair poiblí mí DF.. The ban on electric scooters on board buses, trams and trains in early October is due to safety concerns. Imní faoi shábháilteacht is cúis leis an gcosc a chuirfear ar scútair leicreacha bheith ar bord busanna, tramanna agus traenacha go luath mí Dheireadh Fómhair. The National Transport Authority has advised the operators of the public transport system, due to the concern related to the lithium ion batteries used in them. Tá comhairle curtha ag an Udárás Náisiúnta Iompair ar oibritheoirí an chórais iompair phoiblí, de bhun an imní a bhaineann leis na ceallraí ian litiam a úsáidtear iontu. The Authority says it is now known that internal defects occur in batteries and can overheat and catch fire. Deir an tÚdarás go bhfuil sé aitheanta anois go dtagann lochtanna inmheánach sna ceallraí agus gur féidir leo téamh an iomarca agus dul trí thine. This ban covers scooters that can be folded or carried, but does not include electric bikes or mobility scooters. Clúdaíonn an cosc seo scútair is féidir a fhilleadh nó a iompar, ach níl rothair leictreacha ná scúdair soghluaisteachta san áireamh ann. The ban will come into effect in early October. Tiocfaidh an cosc i bhfeidhm go luath mí Dheireadh Fómhair. The Authority says that a lithium ion battery caused fires and thick black smoke on the public transport system in Madrid and Barcelona recently. Deir an tÚdarás gur ceallraí ian litiam ba chúis le tinte agus deatach tiubh dubh ar an gcóras iompair poiblí i Madrid agus Barcelone le gairid. Such a ban is already in place in Berlin, Barcelona and the United Kingdom. Tá cosc dá leithéid i bhfeidhm cheana féin i mBerlin, Barcelona agus sa Ríocht Aontaithe. The electric scooters are not long on the market, and only this year regulations were applied to them in Ireland. Níl na scútair leictreacha i bhfad ar an margadh, agus i mbliana féin a cuireadh rialacháin i bhfeidhm orthu in Éirinn. According to the Authority, the control over standards in the manufacture of electric scooters is not as developed as it is in the case of electric bicycles and mobility scooters, which were regulated further back. Dar leis an Údarás nach bhfuil an smacht ar chaighdeáin i ndéantúsaíocht na scútar leicteach chomh forbartha céanna is atá sé i gcás na rothar leictreacha agus na scútar soghluaiseachta, ar cuireadh rialacháin orthu níos faide siar. Therefore they do not carry the same level of risk. Dá bhrí sin ní bhaineanna an leibhéal céanna riosca leo.
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