
  • Get Out of the Way Part 3
    May 2 2023

    I hate to end such a great conversation. Get Out of the Way has definitely been one of my favorite conversations. Sonya the Big Hug lady always come through with wisdom. I've been very intentional about living a purpose driven  life, but if I am keeping it one hundred, I have to learn to stay out of the way of God. I remind myself that He is in control, but sometimes I still stop to ask am I doing everything I'm supposed to on my end. These past 3 years have been rough and I know that I've been in the way of God.  For some reason, I think God need me to step in.  I had been trying to figure things out on my own, while telling God that I had given Him all access. I'm learning to stay still. It hasn't been easy, but I'm intentional on letting go. 
    In each episode, I learn something new and I started to notice how much I've grown over the years. I love getting the opportunity to share these moments with you-complete transparency. I'm not perfect. I don't have all the answers. And I'm not ashamed to say that I don't. I'm not ashamed to say that I've messed up.  
    I don't want to give away our talk.  So click the link and join the talk! Let's Talk About It.  Yeah Let's Talk About It.

    Email info@twindlellc.com to be featured as a guest co-host or if you would like to share your story for advice

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Get Out of the Way Part 2
    May 1 2023

    If you enjoyed Get Out of the Way Part 1 with the Big Hug Lady Sonya Lewis you're going to love this episode of the podcast as we dive deeper in allowing God to take control and being intentional about the life that we want to live.  If you miss part 1, you want to go back and listen because the opening is the foundation to our conversation and you want to follow along. 
    Every episode, I learn something new and I love getting the opportunity to share these moments with you. I don't want to give away our talk.  So click the link and join the talk! Let's Talk About It.  Yeah Let's Talk About It.

    Email info@twindlellc.com to be featured as a guest co-host or if you would like to share your story for advice

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Get Out of the Way Part 1
    Apr 17 2023

    Have you ever felt like you were in the way of your progress? Girl get out of the way and allow life to happen. Sometimes people don't believe me when I say, "you cant fix everything". Some things doesn't need to be fixed it just needs to happen. I had to learn to stop tampering with things that God already know is in motion. He sees He knows and He is able.
     Once I learned to get out of my own head and out of God's way, I started to let go and let God. I know you've heard that before, but have you done it? Have you truly let go and let God do what He set out to do in your life. You may have remember my friend Sonya, the BiGHuG Lady. She had time to join me for a conversation and I'm going to tell you it is always nice catching up with her. Every conversation, I learn something new and I love getting the opportunity to share these moments with you. I don't want to give away our talk.  So click the link and join the talk! Let's Talk About It.  Yeah Let's Talk About It.

    Email info@twindlellc.com to be featured as a guest co-host or if you would like to share your story for advice

    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m
  • Bruise But Not Broken
    Apr 10 2023

    I've had some good days and I've had some bad days. When I look around and think things over, I realize that I have no reason to complain. One day, as I was scrolling on social media, I came across a post by @iambrendaj that caught my attention. Brenda J shared how she was addicted to sex at the age of 8, how she was molested by family members, and also contracting HIV from her husband. I was speechless, but I had to have a conversation with her. All I could think about was her strength. Brenda j is an overcomer and is telling her story through her book Bruised But Not Broken. She didn't allow everything that she's gone through to hold her back. She has 3 beautiful children and is now remarried and living life to the fullest. She may have been bruised, but she is definitely not broken. Her message is powerful and you don't want to miss it so press play and Let's Talk About It. 

     If you would like to be a part of the podcast, send me an email at info@twindlellc.com and Let's Talk About It.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m
  • Finding Joy
    Feb 27 2023

    You've probably heard me talk about exiting 2022 and having no joy. I had been crying out to God about not having joy for quite some time and he literary sent me Joy.  Joy Green is the author of "Stuck Is Not Your Story" and let me tell you something I was definitely feeling stuck. I feel like God sent a message for me. It is no coincident that during my struggles I found joy and she walked into my  life to give me joy and hope. There are so many inspiring people in the world and I'm so lucky to be able to have a conversation with people who are out there trusting God just like me. 

    A lot of times, people see what you're doing, but don't understand the weight that comes along with it. I was feeling stuck and I cried out to God asking Him why so many nights. Everything happens for a reason and I'm not alone. 

    Talking with Joy helped me so much.  She is inspiring, resilient, and pressing into God. She has overcame so many obstacles and is telling her story and living in her truth. She is an amazing woman of God and I'm blessed to have found Joy! God has a reason for every season in our lives and as you hear Joy's story you will see that God never took His hands off of her and won't take His hands off of you. I don't want to give away our talk.  So click the link and join the talk! Let's Talk About It.  Yeah Let's Talk About It.

    Email info@twindlellc.com to be featured as a guest co-host or if you would like to share your story for advice

    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m
  • I Don't Have Any Joy
    Feb 20 2023

    Have you ever felt like you ran out of juice and couldn't go any further.  Towards the end of 2022, I felt like I had nothing else to give. They say, "you should die empty." I don't think it was my time just yet, but I had nothing Nothing NOTHING left in me! I got to a point where I had lost my joy. I didn't think I could move forward. I struggled walking into the new year. I felt like life knocked the wind out of me and I couldn't pick myself back up. I had become weary and tired. 
    Listen, I know you want to throw every scripture you could think of at me, but it won't change how I felt in that moment. I was no longer looking for my due season, I was wondering about my when season. When would this burden life off of me? 

    Life has been challenging for so many people, including myself. I was taught to keep going no matter what, but during that time in my life I had been going for quite some time. I no longer desired to go any further.  I finally decided to stop and process what I was feeling and how it made me feel. I had to decide what was and wasn't working. I had to learn to pause and pace myself. Life doesn't always go as planned, the key is to accept it and embrace what you are feeling in the moment. 
    I found myself asking Why so many times, but I kept reminding myself that all things are working for my good.
    While pausing for a break, I had a chance to catch up with Chanelle Monae. I was able to openly share my struggles and hear all about hers. This podcast is like a glass, I see you and you can see me. I like to be open and honest because it is exactly what we all need. I don't want to give away our talk.  So click the link and join the talk! Let's Talk About It.  Yeah Let's Talk About It.

    Email info@twindlellc.com to be featured as a guest co-host or if you would like to share your story for advice

    Más Menos
    1 h y 23 m
  • Finding Your Balance
    Feb 13 2023

    Life has a way of teaching us lessons at the worst time and when that happens we have to learn to balance it all. I've had to adjust my life and learn to find balance through some very tough moments and even though I thought I wouldn't make it to the other side, I had to learn to trust God in a way that I've never trust Him before. What helped me to the other side of it all, was holding on to God's promise. 
    Recently, I had a chance to speak with Naima Akida to talk about her new business venture and what she doing to help business owners grow their business. What I took away from our conversation is, sometimes when we're trying to balance our lives,  we have to pivot or shift along the way. We may start out with an agenda, but  God may have something else planned. Check out my conversation with Naima she shared so much wisdom.  I don't want to give away her story.  So click the link and join the talk! Let's Talk About It.  Yeah Let's Talk About It.

    Email info@twindlellc.com to be featured as a guest co-host or if you would like to share your story for advice

    Más Menos
    1 h y 28 m
  • Focus On What's In Front of You
    Feb 6 2023

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! We are in the second month of the year and things are moving fast. Some days I can hardly catch my breath. Sometimes life can  happen so quickly, we have to learn how to respond and trust God that our response will make a difference. I recently had a conversation with a friend, Chantae. I was so eager to catch up with her, to hear all about her new business- Mochinut. To my surprise, I got more than just the business. Before jumping into the talk, Chantae shared a heartfelt moment that she  experienced with a young toddler that was in danger, luckily God allowed her love to shine bright to capture him in her arms. Chantae has a beautiful spirit; she is filled with patience and love. In that moment, she had to act quick and to her surprise she was exactly what that little boy needed. Instead of focusing on what she had planned for the day,  she focused on what was in front of her. She was where God needed her to be.  

    While conversing with Chantae, she shared her story about the process to opening her new business. If you know me, you know I love all things business and I love to hear people's story.  Things didn't go as planned, but it definitely went according to God's plan. I don't want to give away her story.  So click the link and join the talk! Let's Talk About It.  Yeah Let's Talk About It.

    Email info@twindlellc.com to be featured as a guest co-host or if you would like to share your story for advice

    Más Menos
    1 h y 30 m