
  • Crypto Freedom is not free, You have to fight for it Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes…
    Jul 29 2023
    This episode is packed filled with all the information that happened in this past month's Expert takes on where the markets are going. We take a deep dive into the crypto space and go where no other team has dared go to bring in the information that you need to make wiser decisions and keep your family ahead of this crypto game. I'm more proud of the work done here.. You will feel the grit and real passion that went into crafting it. We are getting sharper in our analysis we're getting more in tune with you our audience and we know exactly what nuggets of real information to bring you so that you can be much stronger investors for it, this episode shows how Raw we can really get... We loved bringing this episode's insights to you we enjoyed every moment of it and we are so enthusiastic to see what you think of it enjoy because this is the crypto revolution and we are all part of it. T
    Más Menos
    49 m
  • The Win is in the inches in Cryto Plays, not in the long shot flyers…
    Jun 10 2023
    This episode finds Its voice and is chock full of impactful podcast information that you can use. it pulls no punches, we give you the full Dynamic layout of what we are doing with our portfolio. What some of the smarter Whales in the crypto spaces are doing and give info on how to move forward. Crypto sometimes is a blood sport, right now it is investing your own assets that you secure and take custody of and you need the right information to make your own decisions, we're honored that you take the time to listen to our podcast and give us a seat at your war room table. We can work together for the win for you and your family. I can honestly say that crypto has changed many of the people's lives at this company but also the lives of many people that listen to this podcast. Moving forward if you just do consistent actions and make the decisions that you deem right I can say wholeheartedly it will be a successful one you will learn and you would have taken action. All the wins that you get in crypto are not necessarily all for you some of those wins are for you to help other people gain wins as well, please remember that…. T
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    32 m
  • New Freedoms Means New Devils and Ways for Them to Keep Their Eyes on Your Money …
    May 1 2023

    This episode is chock full of Bank closers and early adopter's stories and guys who want to fuel the next crypto Gold Rush by selling the picks and shovels. To say that you're in the right place at the right time would be an absolute understatement. The fact is the majority of people don't even see the opportunity standing right in front of them right even though the opportunity is waving red flags got a reflective vest on and is beckoning them to come to safety and get themselves a crypto portfolio. It seems people are blinded and don’t see that all the Millionaires and billionaires the people who have the most amount of money are taking their money out of these banks in droves and moving to crypto-based Solutions. This episode touches on all these things and a little bit more but gives you a solution not just highlights the problem. We help you dig deep into the information to go after big problems. We need you guys to be better, faster, and move so that you can be successful in the coming Bull Run.

    I love that you are here with us, now let’s make it worth your time and attention Cheers ….. T

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    55 m
  • The History is guiding our steps now, and for our coming future. Those who embrace it will win here in 2023..
    Mar 1 2023
    This episode has been a labor of love realistic and raw filled with all the information poured out for you. Laid bare at your feet for your perusal and for your absorption you can pick up and take away what you will and leaving us empty for all the information is exactly what we would give to our family our friends our lineage so that they can use these same tools to make a huge impact in the crypto space come 2023. We have wanted to do this for years and now have the opportunity to do it for you here in this podcast. We truly believe that in years to come from now we will be looking back at this podcast as the turning point, where people started to invest in crypto a different way and became more successful using basic tools, and rather than hearing the noise we start listening to the true signal which has always been our message here at let's start crypto Love, light, and strength for a prosperous future …. T
    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Giants Walk Among Us and with tools like Chat GPT, we can catch them.. Here are our thoughts on what AI will do for the upcoming markets.
    Jan 20 2023

    This episode is filled with tools and views that you can use to better prepare yourself for 2023 it is chock-filled with practical knowledge on the markets what's happening with the economy and what you can look to do to have the highest impact with your investment dollars. We touch on recent news and we even look at what the AI and Robotics Markets are doing to the economy, and how you can better prepare yourself for the coming storm that is this coming New World. Big money is here folks as we know what they want, you hard-won Crypto but how they are manipulating the markets to make sure that the smaller investor stays out so that they can have a blue ocean of Investments to buy up all the Bitcoin we touch on that and much more in this episode it is a pleasure to bring it to you and we're glad to see our whole family's and many new faces here for 2023 and coming out into the numbers to support us.

    This episode is our gift to you thank you.. T

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    51 m
  • Avoiding The Swan Songs of Crypto that may cause you to wreck yourself, this will be your light in the darkness to guide your way in 2023
    Dec 27 2022
    This episode is a powerful how-to guide on investing in the space in 2023, it recaps some of the hurdles and challenges that we had in 2022 and also highlights what we need to do as investors going into the crypto going forward. We touch on new things coming on the horizon that we can capitalize on, Market position upcoming events. Our team gives you an over-the-shoulder look at our 2023 Playbook. Which we use year after your to dominate the market and give ourselves an unfair advantage over other investors in the space. This episode helps you zero in on what the Smart Money on what is doing, allowing you full access to the rooms that we are in an unapologetically giving you all the insights you need to make the smart moves in your portfolio and Empower your kitchen table War Room to do just like the big money Players are doing. Finally, we close out 2022 with a powerful statement of how we can move into 2023 as stronger better investors and prepare ourselves for the coming battles that will face with nothing to protect us but our team and the community here at Let's Talk Crypto but this is my promise to you, WE Stand together and never alone for we win as a Team, As a Crypto Family. Be Well, The future is Bright… T
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    1 h
  • New opportunities are on the horizon, never before has it been more important to stick to the fundamentals of Crypto than now. Setup your mind on your targets and hit it.
    Dec 5 2022
    This episode is chock-full of helpful information on mindset and what you should be doing with your crypto markets, what exactly the experts are doing with their crypto, and things that are coming that you should be aware of, to take advantage of gains. We really touch on good practices, a little bit of housekeeping, and really deep on what you should be doing with your crypto now. It welcomes new ideas about the crypto markets and as well new players that are entering the space that are adding their assets to the table of wealth as well. This episode shrugs off the get-rich mentality for the long-term consisted investor that knows how to win and shows you exactly what you have to do for the long term for that Legacy wealth and that generational wealth play that we are all looking for. A tremendous episode that talks to all the things that you need to know going into 2023 and was a joy to put together for you we hope you enjoy it. Cheers, Be well. T
    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Lions, Tigers, and Bears What we should be doing in these markets to win big for our investments
    Oct 13 2022
    This week's podcast is nothing less than a master class of groundbreaking information that you need to know about markets right now. We touched on every aspect of investing to bring you winning high-level investment strategies that experts are using right now to capitalize on making billions of dollars in the coming future. Simple and easy to understandable blueprinted conversations that are well drawn out. With examples of what you can do for your Investments to win like the big money is doing. This podcast tells It like It Is, What you need to be doing and mistakes you should NOT be doing that could cause you to miss this opportunity market entirely. We deliver a one-two punch of reality thinking and easy-to-understand real-world action step-by-step plans you can follow thank you enjoy Cheers T
    Más Menos
    57 m