
  • Life After...Entrepreneural Moment...The 29/31 Day Challenge
    Feb 4 2024

    I initially recorded this episode in December, and I started the challenge myself and I have seen results. I have pop up events coming up, I am trying to line up speaking engagements, and my calendar has many upcoming networking opportunities. What would happen if you took at least an hour a day to work on promoting your business or do anything related to your business? Not just selling items, but stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new regarding your business. Doing things differently than you did in 2024! I look forward to hearing about how your 29/31 day challenges goes beyond February.


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    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Happy 2024!
    Feb 4 2024

    Hello everyone. Welcome and welcome back! May 2024 be a fresh start for many of you that are listening. What are some things that you want to do in 2024 (beyond your resolutions ha ha)? What do you want to do differently in 2024? What are some topics that you might be interested in me talking about this year? Thank you all for joining me on this journey. Talk to you later. 


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    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Life After...The 2023 Recap
    Dec 29 2023

    I can't believe that 2023 is quickly coming to a close. To be honest reflecting on the past year is hard. The things that didn't happen in my life that I wanted to happen often overshadows all of the good things that happened. There were so many things that I can celebrate this year, blessings beyond which I can count. I am sorry if things did not turn out the way that you wanted or expected during 2023. I hope that 2024 is a better year for all of us. Thank you for coming on this podcasting journey with me. I will be taking a break for a couple of weeks, but I will be back at the end of January 2024. Talk to you soon.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Life After...Letting Go Of The What Ifs...
    Nov 24 2023

    When recording this episode, I thought about how many times a day I think or say "What If". At times I can get consumed with trying to weigh the costs and analyze every decision that I need to make...but as you guessed this can get exhausting. One thing I am working on and want to work on more in 2024 is letting go of the "What Ifs". I want to spend more time taking action compared to thinking about what can go wrong. How would your life be different if you did not let the "What Ifs" get in your way???

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Life After...Entrepreneural Moment...Freelancers
    Nov 19 2023

    So...as a small business owner I am learning that I can not do everything on my own. Delegating and asking for help is still a struggle for me. Working with freelancers has helped me to get my business up and running. The process does take patience, and it is important to make sure that your freelancer is a good fit and understands your vision for your business. 

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Life After...Entrepreneurial Moment...Pivoting
    Nov 5 2023

    As an entrepreneur I am learning about the importance of being flexible and of pivoting when needed. I pride myself on having a plan, but as you know things don't always go as planned. Closed doors and limited/no responses might be the set up that you need for something better. It may be the push that you need to think outside of the box or to pursue something completely different than you had planned. Don't be afraid to pivot.  

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Life After...Addressing Mom Guilt
    Nov 3 2023

    I feel like the title says it all. I often struggle with mom guilt, especially when I am sick. I have so many things that I want to get done before the end of December...but there is just 1 of me! During this episode I talk about ways to let go of the mom guilt, and to be kind to myself. 

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Life After...Special Guest Stephany Ann DV Awareness Month
    Oct 26 2023

    October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. For this episode I had the privilege of speaking to guest Stephany Ann. She is a domestic violence survivor, lawyer, advocate for those who struggling due to domestic violence, a mother, and so much more. We talk about the things she has learned from her 2 abusive marriages, and how she uses her story to help others. She provides words of encouragement and hope for those that feel stuck due to domestic violence. 



        I know personally that the topic of Domestic Violence can be triggering, and a difficult topic overall. This episode may not be appropriate for younger listeners. 

    Más Menos
    56 m