
  • Life Check Yourself Episode 467- “ How Nancy Retired Early (And You Can Too)” with Nancy Hurley
    Sep 18 2024

    In this week's episode, Marni welcomes Nancy Hurley to the Life Check Yourself studio. Nancy is a seasoned marketing executive and a client of Marni. She shares her incredible journey of transforming her life, moving from a state of work overload and self-doubt to a balanced life filled with purpose and joy. Her story is a testament to the power of intentional life design, where she took bold steps to redefine her future, embrace retirement, and open new doors, all while working through the profound internal and external changes with Marni’s guidance.

    • The Journey of Overcoming Work Overload and Finding Balance

    • Confronting the Fear of Retirement and Financial Insecurity

    • Redesigning Life and Career on Your Own Terms

    • Letting Go of Perfectionism and Delegating for Success

    • The Importance of Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Self-Care

    1. Recognizing When Overwork Leads to Burnout – [00:10:35]

    Constant overworking can drain energy and overshadow personal life. It’s important to recognize the signs of burnout and take steps to create a healthier balance, allowing for both career success and personal fulfillment.

    "I didn’t want to turn 61 still doing what I had been doing at 60. I knew I had to figure out how to make the shift."

    1. Managing Financial Fears Surrounding Retirement – [00:23:45]

    Financial concerns often surface when considering retirement. It's essential to confront these fears directly, ensuring that retirement is not a source of anxiety but an opportunity for personal growth and new experiences.

    "Life is short. Unless this is the most fulfilling thing you're doing, there shouldn't be any 'buts'. Serve yourself, and what matters to you."

    1. Redesigning Life with Intention and Freedom – [00:45:10]

    Redesigning life after years in a demanding career can be empowering. It's crucial to approach this transition with a clear plan, ensuring that personal goals align with professional exit strategies, while maintaining future flexibility.

    "You have to stop pushing out the timeline, making excuses for the next promotion or incentive. If you keep waiting, it’ll never happen."

    1. Letting Go of Perfectionism to Foster Team Success – [00:55:25]

    Perfectionism can create unnecessary stress and hinder both personal growth and team dynamics. Learning to trust others and delegate responsibilities helps reduce pressure and fosters a more collaborative and effective working environment.

    "Delegating and trusting others with responsibility allowed me to let go of perfectionism and finally breathe."

    1. Setting Boundaries to Protect Personal Well-Being – [01:05:10]

    Boundaries are critical for preserving mental and emotional health. Prioritizing self-care and establishing clear limits between work and personal time ensures a more balanced, fulfilling lifestyle.

    "The small wins come when you start showing up for yourself, closing your laptop at five, and making time for what truly matters."

    Make a Connection:

    • 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    • How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    • Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    • Unlock the shocking truth about how your unique personality type is silently shaping your future

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Life Check Yourself Episode 466- “3 feminine habits men find wildly attractive (this will make his heart race!)” with Mary McMonagle
    Sep 11 2024

    In this week’s episode, Marni welcomes Mary McMonagle to the Life Check Yourself studio. Mary is an intuitive healer and feminine energy coach who helps high-achieving women break free from limitations and unlock their true potential. She is also the founder of True Vibe, a spiritual lifestyle brand dedicated to guiding others toward embracing their true selves.

    In this episode, the duo dives into the concept of feminine energy, exploring how it manifests uniquely in each of us and why it's important to balance both masculine and feminine energy. They'll unpack why some women find it hard to access their emotional side and how society and upbringing play a role in this. They also talk about the power of vulnerability and how embracing your feminine energy can lead to deeper connections, personal growth, and a more fulfilling life.

    • What is Feminine Energy and How Do We Overthink It?

    • Accessing Emotions and Vulnerability

    • Balancing Giving and Receiving in Feminine Energy

    1. What is Feminine Energy and How Do We Overthink It? (07:12)

    Feminine energy is often misunderstood or overcomplicated. This section discusses the uniqueness of feminine energy in each individual and the importance of not suppressing this part of ourselves.

    "Feminine energy is a unique expression of who we are, and it's different for everyone."

    1. Accessing Emotions and Vulnerability (15:23)

    Many women find it challenging to connect with their emotions due to societal and cultural conditioning. This segment explores the significance of accessing and expressing emotions as a key to personal growth and stronger relationships.

    "Growth only happens when emotions are fully experienced—suppressing feelings limits personal development."

    1. Balancing Giving and Receiving in Feminine Energy (27:40)

    Feminine energy is not just about giving; it also involves being open to receiving. This part of the discussion focuses on finding balance between nurturing others and taking care of oneself, avoiding the trap of people-pleasing.

    "True balance in feminine energy comes from allowing oneself to receive without feeling guilty."

    Make a Connection:

    • 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    • How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    • Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    • Unlock the shocking truth about how your unique personality type is silently shaping your future

    • Get the latest updates from Mary- “Mary McMonagle Instagram Account”

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Life Check Yourself Episode 465- “Heal Chaos and Overwhelm: How to Declutter Every Part of Your Life” with Mahwish Syed
    Sep 4 2024

    In this week’s episode, Marni welcomes Mahwish Syed to the Life Check Yourself Studio. Mahwish is an award-winning fashion and interior designer, cancer survivor, and author. She shares her incredible journey of turning adversity into a powerful source of transformation. Her new book, Purgatory to Paradise: How Cancer Helped Me Design an Authentic Life, highlights how she navigated the dark times of her illness to emerge as a stronger, more authentic version of herself. In this episode, the duo dives deep into the concepts of self-love, healing, and the transformative power of our environments. Whether you're battling illness, overcoming a challenging relationship, or simply seeking more peace and joy in your daily life, Mahwish’s insights will inspire you to create beauty and harmony from the inside out.

    • Using Adversity as a Catalyst for Change

    • The Power of Healing Environments

    • Reconnecting with the Inner Child and Authentic Self

    1. Using Adversity as a Catalyst for Change (08:15)

    Adversity often reveals truths that are hidden in the comfort of everyday life. This shift in focus led to a deeper understanding of personal worth and the realization that one must prioritize their well-being over toxic relationships.

    "It wasn’t just about surviving; it was about finding a way to truly live."

    1. The Power of Healing Environments (20:45)

    The surroundings in which one lives and heals play a significant role in recovery and well-being. Emphasizing beauty and order in one’s environment helps cultivate a mindset of peace and wellness.

    "Creating beauty in our environment helps to cultivate peace within."

    1. Reconnecting with the Inner Child and Authentic Self (35:30)

    True healing involves reconnecting with the authentic self and nurturing the inner child. By curating personal spaces that reflect one’s true identity and childhood joys, individuals can foster a sense of wholeness and contentment. This practice allows for a deeper connection with one's core values and passions, encouraging a life lived in alignment with inner truths.

    "Reconnecting with what we loved as children brings us back to our most authentic selves."

    Make a Connection:

    • 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    • How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    • Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    • Do You Believe Your Space Can Impact Your Health?-- Mahwish Syed Design

    • Mahwish Syed Design- Mahwish Website

    • PURGATORY TO PARADISE: How Cancer Helped Me Design An Authentic Life *Get Your Copy Now*

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Life Check Yourself Episode 464- “ How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over” with Katie Horwitch
    Aug 28 2024

    In this week’s episode, Marni welcomes Katie Horwitch to the Life Check Yourself Studio. Katie is an author, speaker, mindset coach, and self-talk activist. She is the founder of WANT: Women Against Negative Talk, a platform that gives women tips, tools, motivation, and inspiration to live fearlessly by shifting their negative self-talk patterns. Her first book, Want Your Self: Shift Your Self-Talk and Unearth The Strength In Who You Were All Along, (10/3/23 Sounds True), guides you to change your self-talk at the deepest level—so you can move forward fearlessly into the life you were meant to live. The duo dive deep into the concept of self-talk—how the stories we tell ourselves shape our reality and how we can transform that narrative to live more authentically and fearlessly. They explore the challenges of overcoming negative self-talk, the importance of being honest with ourselves, and practical strategies for shifting our mindset to move forward in life.

    • Understanding Self-Talk and Its Impact

    • Overcoming Negative Self-Talk

    • The Role of Emotionally Heavy Words

    1. Understanding Self-Talk and Its Impact (08:45)

    Self-talk is the ongoing story we tell ourselves about ourselves as we navigate through life. It's not inherently good or bad; it's the information we process and what we do with that information that truly matters.

    "Self-talk isn't inherently good or bad. It's information, and what we do with that information informs what we do next."

    1. Overcoming Negative Self-Talk (22:30)

    The process of overcoming negative self-talk involves more than just "flipping the script." It requires identifying the underlying beliefs and gradually building a foundation of self-worth. Simply replacing negative thoughts with positive ones doesn't work if we don't believe in the new narrative. The guest emphasizes the need to address the root cause of negative beliefs and to be realistic in our self-talk shifts.

    "You can't just flip the script on negative self-talk. It's about recognizing the belief behind it and making a realistic shift."

    1. The Role of Emotionally Heavy Words (35:15)

    Emotionally heavy words, like "hate" and "ugly," carry significant weight and can deeply influence our emotions and actions. It's essential to be mindful of the language we use with ourselves and others.These words often hijack our emotional state, making it harder to move forward.

    "Emotionally heavy words can hijack the entire moment. Be mindful of the language you use with yourself."

    Make a Connection:

    • 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    • How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    • Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    • Shift Your Negative Self-Talk- Katie Horwitch’s Website

    • WANT YOUR SELF- Guidebook (Get your Copy NOW)

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Life Check Yourself Episode 463: “How to Raise Successful Kids–Without Overparenting” with Ashley Radzat
    Aug 21 2024

    In this week’s episode, I welcome Ashley Radzat to the Life Check Yourself studio.Ashley is a seasoned educator and certified life coach from The World Coaching Institute (WCI). She has dedicated over 20 years to helping parents and teens navigate this critical stage of life. We dive deep into the challenges and complexities of parenting teenagers in today's fast-paced world. Together, we explore the unique pressures facing today’s teenagers and how parents can effectively support their development while fostering independence.

    • The Impact of Over-Parenting on Teenagers

    • The Role of Technology and Social Media in Teen Development

    • Strategies for Empowering Teens to Face Real-World Challenges

    1. The Impact of Over-Parenting on Teenagers [00:05:30]

    Over-parenting can unintentionally send a message to teens that they are not capable of handling life’s challenges, which can lead to anxiety and dependency.

    "The pendulum always swings from one generation to the next...we're overcompensating for the fear of what if my child isn't good enough."

    1. The Role of Technology and Social Media in Teen Development [00:20:15]

    Teens today are more connected yet more isolated than ever due to the overwhelming amount of information and the pressures of social media.

    "Teens are supposed to be very social...but the feedback they’re getting is that nobody really goes out there and has social experiences."

    1. Strategies for Empowering Teens to Face Real-World Challenges [00:35:45]

    Encouraging healthy risk-taking and providing opportunities for independence are crucial for building teens’ confidence and resilience.

    "We have to realize that our job is not to be our child’s friend...our job is to help them practice for the real world."

    Make a Connection:

    • 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    • How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    • Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    • Change Begins with a Seed- Radzat Consulting

    • Foundations of Teen Success: 6-Week Program

    • Parenting SOS: Quick Support Session for Every Stage

    • Family Harmony Mastery: 12-Week Consulting Program

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Life Check Yourself Episode 462- “How to Make Hard Choices” with Robert MacPhee
    Aug 14 2024

    In this week's episode, I welcome Robert MacPhee to the Life Check Yourself studio.Robert MacPhee is the creator of the “Excellent Decisions” values-based leadership program and the author of “Living a Values Based Life”.He is an expert in experiential learning, peak performance, values clarification and leadership. In this episode, we’ll explore the importance of clarity, confidence, and inspired action in achieving personal and professional success. Robert shares his insights on how making excellent decisions can transform your life by aligning your actions with your core values. Whether you're striving to advance in your career, build better relationships, or simply lead a more fulfilling life, this conversation is packed with actionable advice that will help you unlock your true potential.

    • The Power of Clarity and Core Values

    • Building Unshakeable Confidence

    • Taking Inspired Action

    1. The Power of Clarity and Core Values (08:15)

    Understanding and defining your core values is crucial for making decisions that are not only effective but also fulfilling.

    "When you're clear about your values, decision-making becomes a lot easier because you have a guiding light to follow."

    1. Building Unshakeable Confidence (15:42)

    True confidence comes from the alignment of your decisions with your values, creating a sense of inner trust and self-assurance.

    "Confidence is not about always knowing what to do; it's about trusting that you'll figure it out."

    1. Taking Inspired Action (22:30)

    Focus on actions that are deeply connected to your purpose and values to ensure that your efforts lead to meaningful outcomes.

    "Inspired action isn't about doing more; it's about doing what truly matters."

    Make a Connection:

    • 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    • How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    • Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    • Values Based Life- Robert MacPhee’s Website

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Life Check Yourself Episode 461- “5 Shocking Psychology Facts About the Sex Lives of Women in Midlife” with Sureya Leonara
    Aug 7 2024

    In this week’s episode, I welcome Sureya Leonara to the Life Check Yourself studio. Sureya is a holistic sex and relationship coach dedicated to healing and liberating sexuality in a way that permeates every area of our lives. In this episode, we'll explore how to cultivate sexual energy, address common sexual dysfunctions, and understand the broader impact of a healthy sex life on our overall well-being. We will dive deep into a topic that is often overlooked but crucial for living a fully expressed life: sexual vitality.

    • The Importance of Sexual Energy

    • Addressing Sexual Dysfunction and Cultural Misconceptions

    • Practical Steps to Enhance Sexual Vitality

    1. The Importance of Sexual Energy (00:03:40)

    Sexual energy is our life force, a creative vitality that permeates everything we do. Its significance is beyond just the act of sex and it affects our overall health and longevity.

    "Our sexual energy is our life force. It's our vitality. It's the energy that we were made out of."

    1. Addressing Sexual Dysfunction and Cultural Misconceptions (00:10:45)

    The common misconceptions about sexual health and dysfunctions, is that sexual health is integral to overall well-being. Cultural narratives often diminish the importance of sexual health, especially for women.

    "It's the glue that holds together the difference between being roommates with our spouse and actually still lovers."

    1. Practical Steps to Enhance Sexual Vitality (00:20:30)

    Reigniting sexual vitality, including cultivating curiosity and desire, addressing environmental and emotional barriers, will help you find new ways to connect with your partner.

    "Curiosity is really a precursor to desire. If we stop being curious, we don't have desire."

    Make a Connection:

    • 3 Secrets Men Wish You Knew *Free Download*

    • How to Eliminate Burnout: How to use the Radical Living Blueprint to Reinvent Your Life

    • Ready To Take Control Of Your Life? Book A Call With Us

    • Meet Sureya Leonara- Holistic Sex and Relationship Coach

    • Get in touch with Sureya on Instagram

    • Nectar Sex and Soul- Listen on Spotify

    • “Making Love with Life” Practice: Free Gift

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Life Check Yourself Episode 460: “The 5-Min Energy Pick-Me-Up You Can Do In Your Car” with Tammy Mastroberte
    43 m