
  • Season 2, Ep 30: 3 Habits That Will Keep You From Creating A Life YOU Love
    Jul 20 2017

    Imagine this. You wake up nearly every day feeling full of passion and energy. You love (most aspects of) your job, your relationships and even yourself!

    When things aren't going your way, you don't let it get you down; you instead know that you can overcome anything! You honestly feel that day in and day out you have a life YOU love. 

    Sounds dreamy, right?

    I promise you that having a life YOU life is something you CAN create. No matter where you are in life or what your background is, you CAN have a life you are CRAZY in love with.

    I know because feel this way every day when I wake up, and I know many of my clients do too! (No b.s.!) You CAN create EXACTLY what you want from life; sometimes you just need help getting there.

    Helping you create a life you love is what I do, friend and today I want to help you spot three habits you may be doing that're keeping you from creating a life YOU love.

    After coaching hundreds of women, I've spotted the patterns and know what if you're doing ANY of these three habits; it's going to be hard to create (and maintain) a life you love.

    These three habits are things you may be doing without even realizing it! My hope is that today's episode will help you spot these bad habits and stop them so you can wake up with the passion and love for life I know you want to feel.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Season 2, Ep 29: Why Mindfulness Is Your Ticket To A Hot & Passion-Filled Life
    Jul 13 2017
    "You're perfect.", he said.  
    "There's nothing wrong with you!  I hit the jackpot by landing you."  
    I sat there sick at my stomach. Here I was with a great guy and all of a sudden I knew things wouldn't work out with us. He had said "the statement of death."
    The "you're perfect" statement was something said to me by a handful of former boyfriends in my 20-something years.  When they'd say this "you're perfect" comment, I know our relationship was in deep trouble.
    I used to HATE being called perfect.  Hearing perfect was a trigger for me to start messing things up between us.  I knew if/when someone threw out that p-word, my mind would start saying to me, "Oh boy, he thinks I'm perfect!  I wish he didn't say that. He better watch out.  There's that awful side of me he hasn't seen yet. He's going to realize that I'm anything BUT perfect."
    That awful side that he needed to watch out for?  It's the side I call my Inner Mean Girl.  The psychology world calls the voice of the Ego and my guest on today's Life Luvers Radio episode has a completely different (and oh-so-fun) name for her voice.
    Whatever you call this voice, we ALL have it.  It's part of our basic DNA, and this voice is f*ck%ing things up for us!
    In my case with the boyfriends who thought I was perfect, I would quickly show them the Inner Mean Girl "witch" side of me that would sabotage our relationship.  I would turn into a person I knew that I wasn't, but I couldn't stop being her!  
    This Inner Mean Girl "witch" voice was critical, overly emotional and mean. I hated her yet; I felt helpless as the Inner Mean Girl voice controlled me. I didn't know how to stop her so within weeks, that once great boyfriend had broken up with me.
    If you can relate to a time when your Inner Mean Girl voice sabotaged a relationship for you either by causing a break-up or simply by being snippy with your partner, today's episode is for you.
    For today's episode, I've brought on my ah-mazing biz buddy, Andrea Featherstone. Andrea is a Mindfulness Facilitator who is here to teach you how to overcome this Inner Mean Girl/Ego voice through mindfulness.

    Not only will she teach you how to quit sabotaging your life and relationships with mindfulness, she's here to teach you why mindfulness is your ticket to a hot and passion-filled life!
    Andrea used to be a pro at sabotaging her relationships and had a life that wasn't very passion-filled. (She used to spend her days vacuuming the walls for a billionaire! Talk about boring.)
    Although she was having sex, she was having what she called "porn star" sex that made her feel like she wasn't connecting with her partner and instead just going through the mindless motions to make her partner happy.
    Her relationships and life started to change when she was introduced to mindfulness. Now, she lives a passion-filled life (that's full of some great sex) and wants to teach you how you can too!
    Andrea is SO fun to listen to and SUPER funny. She had me constantly laughing during this episode. Her honest, upfront style on what goes on in HER mind will instantly make you feel like she's reading YOUR mind too!
    You don't wanna miss this episode!
    (Please be aware that there's adult language and content in this episode.)
    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
    Andrea's Webiste: http://www.ProjectSelf.com.au The book, "The Power Of Now" by: Eckart Tolle

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Season 2, Ep 28: Wanna Be A Life Coach? 10 Things You MUST Know Before You Enter This Profession.
    Jul 6 2017
    The #1 question I get from Life Luvers™ Radio listeners may shock you. It isn't about how to find your life's purpose, how to live a fulfilling, happy life or how to overcome setback, it's instead, "Lindsay, I'm interested in becoming a Life Coach.  What's it like to be one?"  

    I've gotten this question SO MUCH that I used to think I was attracting every person in the world who was interested in coaching!  It would frustrate me when people asked me this question. I would think, "If they knew what it's REALLY like to start a coaching business, they wouldn't be asking this question."

    If you're one of those curious folks who are interested in becoming a life coach, I can't blame you!  From the outside, this profession can look very exciting, fulfilling and even glamorous. Coaching can help a lot of people and can be quite lucrative when done well.

    When someone already loves self-help and has experienced first-hand the changes personal development (or coaching) can give them, they can become hooked! They want more, and that more usually means becoming a life coach.

    While coaching CAN be amazing, fun, fulfilling and lucrative, there are a few things that many consider as AWFUL about this profession. (Myself included.)

    These things are so awful in fact that many coaches don't make it out of their first few years of coaching. They've decided it is too hard to "make it," and they're forced to give up.

    I'm three years into my coaching business now, and while I'm proudly standing here, this journey has not always been pretty or easy!  There's been a slew of setbacks I've had to overcome to make this business work.  There have been tears shed, money lost, and time wasted on things gone wrong.

    Today, I'm pulling back the curtain to give you a glimpse "behind the scenes" on what it's like to be a life coach. Many of the things I share today I've NEVER shared with anyone other than my husband!  

    My journey toward becoming a successful life coach has been very private to me because the truth is, I didn't know if I would make it! I've seen so many people give up on their coaching business. It's been scary to witness.

    I didn't want to end up in what I call, "the graveyard of coaches." I've worked hard a hell to overcome the setbacks of this industry though and finally feel like I'm standing on solid ground.

    So, I'm ready to give you all the good stuff on what it was like to get to this point! I don't want you to enter this profession (like I did) where I thought it would all be so easy and I'd be rocking it financially in less than two years. I want you to know the truth!

    My hope is that my honest tips will allow you to find clarity if coaching is right for you so you can make a decision based on fact, not fiction.

    I also want the tips I share today to help those who decide they DO want to enter coaching to avoid some of the heartache, time wasters and money drainers I've experienced so they can become a successful coach even faster than I have. (and let's be real, I still don't consider myself a success!)

    If you even have just an inkling you want to enter this profession or are just curious to know what it's like "behind the scenes" of my business, today's episode is a MUST listen.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Season 2, Ep 27: Ready To Give Up On A Goal? Listen To This.
    Jun 27 2017
    Listen Here:    A few weeks ago, I was mindlessly staring at my latest goal check-in. As I sat there, I realized that another month had gone by that I didn’t accomplish what I hoped for one of my goals.  This goal was once something I wanted SO much!  After six months of not doing […]

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Season 2, Ep 26: How To Get It All Done Without Being An Anxious Mess
    Jun 22 2017
    Listen Here:  If you’re ready to rock your goals and life with more gusto and energy, yet scratching your head wondering how in the world you’ll get it all done without being an anxious mess, this episode is for you. As a former single mama who was working full-time in a corporate job, building this […]

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Season 2, Ep 25: How to FINALLY Care Less What People Think Of You
    Jun 15 2017
    BIG truth moment, friend. I've got a some questions for you. Answer honestly!

    Do you find yourself thinking things like, "I can't do that! I would disappoint ____(my parents, my friends, my partner, my church, etc.)" or you randomly find yourself wondering what ____ thinks about you?" (Like people from your high school, an old flame, a co-worker, your family, a random person across the room.)

    Yes? Keep going...

    Do you then find yourself consciously or unconsciously trying to change yourself to fit the mold of what THEY want for you?

    Another yes?

    Then, my love, I hate to break it to you, but you care what people think of you!

    Good news: You aren't alone here! I haven't met a soul who doesn't care about what others think of them until they learn otherwise. Caring about what others think of us is part of our DNA!

    Bad news: Caring what others think about you is weighing you down! You're likely pleasing others and holding yourself back from being the person you were meant to be. This is costing you precious time, energy and fulfillment of life!

    This unconscious (or conscious) fear of being judged, talked about and unliked by others is primal. We need connection to survive and thrive in our world around us!

    However, when does that need for connection go too far? When does the fear start to consume our life and make it miserable? Today on the show you'll find out.

    I invited my dear biz buddy, Julia Wells to give you some FABULOUS tips on how to overcome this common block.

    Julia is a Women's Empowerment Coach who specializes in helping women care less about what others think of them. In her popular "Zero Fucks" challenge she teaches women how to live a life where they feel free from the misery of what others think of them. Today, she's giving you a taste of how to do that for yourself too!

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    How Julia is starting to live a life where she cares less about what others think (aka the "Zero Fucks" life).
    How to catch yourself when you're caring about what others think of you
    How life can change when you care less about what others think of you
    How you can start caring less about what others think of you starting TODAY!
    This episode is entertaining to listen to, and it's one that's oh-so-important. Until you care less about what others think of you, creating a life YOU love is going to feel hard if not damn near impossible. (Heads up! There's explicit language in this one.)

    Resources In This Episode:

    Connect with Julia Wells: http://www.juliacwells.com
    The book, "The Alchemist"

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Season 2, Ep 24: When Motivation Backfires: How To Keep Achieving
    Jun 8 2017
    You know those times in life when you have a goal you want to achieve SO badly? When you first made the goal, you were all fired up and ready to go! You started off strong and felt like you were rocking it. You had a pep in your step and couldn’t wait to knock this goal out of the park.

    Soon though, the momentum and excitement faded and the goal that you once wanted so badly, goes on the back burner. In just a matter of a few shorts months (even weeks!), your motivation has backfired, and you’ve stopped achieving ANYTHING toward this goal. You feel disappointed with yourself, even ashamed and begin to lose hope that this goal might be something you just *can’t* do.

    You are not alone here. We ALL do this. We ALL have these moments. We ALL have those feelings. Including me!

    At the beginning of the year, I set a money goal in my business. I deemed it my #1 goal of the year and told myself that I wanted this goal to happen more than ANYTHING!

    Six months later...all my other goals are rocking EXCEPT for the darn money goal. (Figures, right?!) Sometimes the thing we want the most in life can be the hardest to achieve.

    A few weeks ago, I had enough with putting this goal off. I sat down and started to coach myself on why my motivation was lacking toward this goal. I once said this goal was SO important to me. Why had I lost my motivation?

    As I began to dig into my mind, I asked myself a series of questions to tap into the deeper meaning behind my goal. I wanted to see if I even wanted the darn goal in the first place or if I was sabotaging myself from success. (Something we ALL do SO often!)

    Within just a few minutes of asking myself these questions, I started to have some major ah-ha's about why my goal wasn’t happening. These questions are powerful! They’re the same ones I ask my clients when they too are struggling with their motivation toward a goal, and now you get these questions too! For FREE! (You lucky thing, you!)

    In today’s episode, I’m going to share with you five questions that will help you tap into your motivation with a goal so that you can get back to achieving!

    You’ll discover from these questions today:

    If your goal is something you still want (vs. something you feel you SHOULD be doing)
    How you can find the core value of your goal so you can understand how to motivate yourself toward success
    What you need to succeed and accomplish your goal!
    Ways to hack your brain so that you will accomplish your goal with more ease and fun.
    **I’m also sharing a resource I found recently that will test your top motivational factors!** This resource can rock your world with awareness on how to set stronger goals that you achieve.

    With these questions and free resource, I’m proud to say that I’m back on track to feeling motivated with my money goal. My hope is that you’ll feel that way with your goal too!

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

    The Motivator’s Assessment: http://www.LindsayEPreston.com/Motivation
    The Book, “You Can Heal Your Life” by: Louise Hay

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Season 2, Ep 23: Your Ultimate Mid-Year Goal Check-In Guide
    Jun 1 2017
    Let’s get real...making goals is one thing, ACCOMPLISHING your goals is another. This year personally for me has been so-so with my goals. There’s been some goals that I’ve been rocking and other goals that I’m no where near to hitting.

    The funny thing with goals is that we want the end result but, we sometimes don’t anticipate or want the journey to get there. Sh*t happens! We don’t wake up like we thought we would to work-out, we don’t get the job we thought would pan out, or we don’t gain the connection we thought we would with a loved one.

    Sometimes not reaching our goals can make us feel defeated. But, it doesn’t have to be that way! Our goals are there to show us what we need to become in order to achieve what we want. When sh*t happens, we think it’s a curse but, it’s really a blessing...and today, I want to show you why.

    Now, no matter where you are right now with your goals, I’m here to help.

    I’ve put together the ultimate mid-year goal check-in guide to help you take your goals to the next level. Goals can be SO fun and rewarding when they’re set up the right way. Today, in my guide, I’m going to show you step-by-step how to set up YOUR goals for success.

    This guide is for EVERYONE! If you’re rocking your goals, this guide will help you make them stronger. If you’re rocking some goals and others aren’t happening, I’ll help you gain clarity and focus toward those that need help. If you have have NO goals or starting over due to a reset, I’ll help you put some great goals together so that you can move forward.

    This episode is packed FULL of goodness. I’ll be sharing with you how to overcome your blocks that are keeping you from achieving your goals to how to enjoy the journey of accomplishing your goals more and even some of my favorite tools that will help you stay accountable along the way.

    If you have goals on your mind, you don’t want to miss this episode.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
    PowerSheets: http://www.LindsayEPreston.com/PowerSheets
    Simplified Planner: http://www.LindsayEPreston.com/SimplifiedPlanner

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Más Menos
    51 m