
  • Life Lesson 9: Honor Thy Father
    May 5 2021

    Exodus 20:12 says "Honor thy Father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy GOD giveth thee." This podcast focuses on the life of my father and the tremendous way that he has served as an example as God's ambassador on earth for me and my family. Please join me as I celebrate him for all he has done in service as a man of GOD and a role model for generations to come. Using his life as an example I will show how GOD has used him as a stalwart example of a man who in embraced the principles of a loving father.

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Life Lesson 8: The unimaginable paradox of GOD's endless love for us
    Apr 27 2021

    GOD the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit have a love for their creation (us) that is so deep and beautiful it defies explanation. The human followers of GOD the son will one day be transformed into his loving bride, a gift from GOD the father. It is almost like the story of Adam and Eve. The love that our triune GOD has for us is infinitely demonstrated in the death of his son for the sins of humanity. Join me as we explore our beloved's GOD's committment to us as we study Jesus's farewell prayer documented in John 17:23-25.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Life Lesson 8: The unimaginable paradox of GOD's endless love for us
    Apr 27 2021

    GOD the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit have a love for their creation (us) that is so deep and beautiful it defies explanation. The human followers of GOD the son will one day be transformed into his loving bride, a gift from GOD the father. It is almost like the story of Adam and Eve. The love that our triune GOD has for us is infinitely demonstrated in the death of his son for the sins of humanity. Join me as we explore our beloved's GOD's committment to us as we study Jesus's farewell prayer documented in John 17:23-25.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Episode 7:The King Who Really Cares
    Mar 12 2021

    When we look at the history of kings and rulers throughout history, we will often find great rulers who served their people as GODlike figures who were often unapproachable. What is it in man that causes us too long to worship individuals and treat them as GOD on earth? This study analyzes the peculiar behavior of sovereign kings when compared to a sovereign GOD. I think you will find the perfect example of the benevolent king is our loving father, GOD.

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Episode 6: Your words determine your victory and your reality
    Mar 8 2021

    Jesus said in Matthew 24: 35.Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. This powerful scripture tells us that the almighty word of GOD will never pass away or be destroyed. Did you know that this saying is true of your words also? Join me in this fascinating study as we look at how our "words" shape our reality and ultimately determine our victory in this life and beyond.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Episode 5: Honor Thy Mother: Happy Birthday Mom: Unie Brown
    Feb 7 2021

    Written for my mother on the day of her birth, February 6th. This episode focuses on the blessing and joy that mothers provide to families. This podcast is a special tribute to my Mother on her birthday. This podcast examines the bibles teachings on the role and blessings of mothers and cites the tremendous love and caring that mothers have provided for humanity throughout history. I cite personal examples of the biblical definition of a true mother by referencing the life of my amazing mother, Unie Brown. I hope these words encourage you to let the mothers or mother figures in your life know how they have blessed you and others.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Life Lesson 4: Love Family First
    Jan 13 2021

    Have you ever wanted to go out and save the world with acts of kindness and love? We’ve all wanted to do great things for others but often neglect to love those right in front of us, our family. This episode illustrates that we must learn to love our family members who we see every day before we can truly embrace and care for those in the world who we do not know. Your Challenge after listening to this episode will be to to ask yourself, "In what small but meaningful way can I show love to my family each day.”

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Life Lesson 3: Faith What it Means and How Should We Use It.
    Jan 1 2021

    As a child of GOD have you ever wondered why GOD asks us to have Faith? Everything that GOD asks us to do is centered on demonstrating "Faith". What exactly is Faith and why does GOD ask us to use and embrace this concept. Wouldn't it be easier if GOD just appeared and answered all of our questions? The answer to this and other questions about faith may surprise you. Join me in this podcast as we explore the definition and explanation for why GOD requires us to work on building our faith. We will also learn how having faith unlocks life altering powers to communicate with GOD and see his personal work in our life.

    Más Menos
    15 m