
  • Book of James: Who does it belong to?
    Jun 21 2024

    In this episode, Spencer and Ben discuss the importance of not judging others and making plans without considering God's will.

    They also addresses the issue of wealth and how it should be used to bless others. James warns the rich about the consequences of their actions and emphasizes the need for generosity and humility.

    The episode highlights the importance of recognizing that everything we have is a blessing from God and should be used to further His kingdom. In this part of the conversation,

    James discusses the importance of blessing and providing for one's family, as well as being generous givers beyond the tithe. He emphasizes the need to balance obligations and generosity, citing examples from the Old and New Testaments.

    The conversation then shifts to the topic of wealth and comfort, with Spencer highlighting the need to be willing to give up comforts and possessions if called by God.

    Spencer also discusses the disconnect between love and money in churches, emphasizing the importance of valuing and appreciating volunteers.

    Ben concludes with a discussion on patience, perseverance, and not judging others.

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Book of James: Taming the Tongue
    Jun 14 2024

    In this episode, Ben and Spencer discuss the destructive power of the tongue and the importance of using our words wisely.

    They emphasize the need for humility and grace in our speech, especially for those in leadership positions.

    They also highlight the dangers of gossip and envy, and the importance of being content and sincere in our interactions with others.

    The episode concludes with a reminder to resist the devil and to approach conflicts with love and understanding.

    Key Takeaways

    • The tongue has the power to both build up and destroy, so we must be careful with our words.
    • Gossip and envy can be destructive and can harm relationships.
    • Humility and grace are essential in our speech, especially for leaders.
    • Contentment and sincerity are important in our interactions with others.
    • Conflicts are inevitable, but we should approach them with love and understanding.
    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Book of James: Everybody Matters w/guest Brian Qualls
    Jun 7 2024

    In this episode, Ben and Brian continue their discussion on the Book of James. They focus on the themes of listening, speaking, and anger, emphasizing the importance of being quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. They also discuss the idea of being doers of the word, not just hearers, and how our theology should lead to action.

    They then delve into the topic of showing favoritism and the importance of treating all people equally, as taught in Jewish tradition. They highlight the need for the church to care for the poor, widows, and orphans, and the significance of living out our faith through acts of mercy and love. In this conversation, James emphasizes the importance of loving others and living a holy life.

    He reminds listeners that loving their neighbors as themselves is a central commandment in the Torah. James encourages believers to live differently from the world and to show no partiality based on wealth, status, or abilities. He highlights the need to see people as God sees them and to look for the gold in others.

    James also emphasizes the importance of faith being accompanied by action, using the examples of Abraham and Rahab. He challenges believers to live out their faith and to manifest righteousness in their actions.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m
  • Book of James: Pure Joy w/guest Brian Qualls
    May 31 2024

    In this episode, Brian Qualls joins Ben to discuss the Book of James. They explore the background of the book and its author, James, the half-brother of Jesus. They emphasize that James is writing specifically to Jewish Christians and that his teachings should not be seen as conflicting with Paul's teachings.

    They also highlight the importance of understanding the Jewish context and traditions that James references. The main focus of the discussion is on the idea of facing trials with joy and seeking wisdom from God.

    They emphasize that trials are opportunities for God to refine and shape us, and that wisdom from God is essential in navigating these trials. They also discuss the contrast between godly wisdom and worldly wisdom, and the importance of having a right relationship with God.

    In this conversation, Ben and Brian discuss the importance of walking in relationship with God and seeking His wisdom. They highlight the example of Solomon, who had wisdom but lacked a heart bent towards God, leading to his downfall.

    They emphasize the need to live beyond oneself and plan for the future, especially in the context of succession in the church. They also discuss the significance of trials and how they shape and prepare us for the storms of life.

    The conversation concludes with a focus on living for God in the midst of chaos and loving one another well, even in disagreement.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Misunderstood Words: Hypocrite
    May 24 2024

    In this conversation, Ben and Spencer discuss the concept of hypocrisy and its implications in the context of Christianity. They explore the origins of the word 'hypocrite' and its association with actors in ancient Greece.

    They highlight the tendency to label others as hypocrites based on minor differences in beliefs or practices, emphasizing the importance of focusing on the motivation of the heart. The hosts also discuss the dangers of playing for the applause of others and the need to prioritize the more important matters of justice, mercy, and faithfulness.

    They encourage authentic relationships with God and others, rather than conforming to a set of external expectations.

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Safe or Transformative?
    May 10 2024

    In this conversation, Ben and Spencer discuss creating safe places within the church. They acknowledge that while the desire to create a safe environment is good, true safety means being void of risk, and the gospel increases risk in life.

    They explore biblical examples of how following Jesus is not easy or safe, and how the church should be a transformative place where people can experience healing and redemption. They emphasize the importance of accepting the messiness of people's lives and the risks involved in shining the light of Jesus in the world.

    In this conversation, the speakers discuss the concept of safety in churches and how it relates to the gospel. They emphasize that churches should strive to be transformative rather than safe places, as the gospel is for everyone, including those who may be seen as dangerous or undesirable.

    They draw parallels to everyday activities that carry risks, such as driving a car or flying in an airplane, and highlight the importance of mitigating risks rather than avoiding them completely. The speakers also discuss the reputation of churches and the need to prioritize the reputation of Jesus over pleasing man.

    They emphasize the importance of stewardship, not just of money, but of everything entrusted to us, including the gospel. They encourage churches to take risks and step out of their comfort zones to bring about transformation in their communities.

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • The Spiritual Gifts: Healing w/guest Pastor Sarah
    May 3 2024


    The conversation revolves around the topic of healing, both physical and emotional. The hosts discuss the importance of recognizing and validating different types of pain, and the need for the church to create a safe and transformative space for healing.

    They explore biblical examples of healing, from the Old Testament to the ministry of Jesus, emphasizing that healing is not limited to a specific time. The hosts also address the fear of failure and the messiness of engaging in healing ministry.

    They highlight the significance of humility and accepting the risk involved in helping others find healing. In this conversation, the hosts discuss the topic of healing and share personal stories of experiencing and ministering healing.

    They emphasize the importance of being obedient to God's leading and demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit to effectively minister healing to others. They also caution against overcomplicating the gifts of healing and highlight the need for a settled relationship with God before engaging in healing ministry.

    The hosts encourage listeners to give what they have received freely and to trust in God's timing and outcome.

    00:00 - Introduction and Personal Chaos

    07:11 - What Does the Bible Say About Healing?

    14:18 - Jesus' Commission to Heal

    32:06 - Overcoming the Fear of Failure in Healing

    39:46 - The Greatest Healing

    46:59 - Ministering Healing as Recipients

    53:42 - The Power of Simple Acts

    01:04:01 - Trusting in God's Timing and Outcome

    01:11:18 - Avoiding Overcomplication in Gifts of Healing

    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • The Spiritual Gifts: Tongues w/guest Lindsey
    Apr 25 2024


    In this episode, Ben and Spencer are joined today by Spencer's wife Lindsay as they discuss the spiritual gift of tongues. They emphasize the importance of love for God and others as a foundation for operating in spiritual gifts.

    They also highlight the need to hear the voice of God and bear the fruit of the Spirit before engaging in the gifts. The hosts explain that tongues can manifest in different ways, including speaking in known languages for the purpose of evangelism and speaking in an unknown heavenly language for personal prayer and worship.

    They discuss the importance of structure and interpretation when speaking in tongues in a public setting. In this conversation, the speakers discuss the importance of finding common ground and connecting with others when sharing the message of God.

    They emphasize the need to adapt to the changing knowledge and understanding of younger generations.

    They also highlight the significance of the Holy Spirit in everyday life and how it can manifest through speaking in tongues. The speakers caution against focusing too much on tongues and neglecting other spiritual gifts.

    They stress the importance of unity and love within the body of believers and the need to test spiritual experiences against scripture.

    Más Menos
    50 m