
  • “Tares Among Us” - Part 4 (The Not So New “New Age”)
    Jun 24 2024

    New Age practices in the Church are on the rise. To understand what is meant by “New Age” it is basically a combination of metaphysical beliefs, spiritual techniques, and ancient rituals that have become popular in Western society over the last few decades.

    They often involve a mix of Eastern Mysticism, Neo-Pagan religion, and occultism. These practices tend to focus on personal transformation or enlightenment by tapping into universal energies or developing psychic abilities.

    Frighteningly, many of these occultic practices have infiltrated the Church and are being taught to unsuspecting Christians – (many of whom are really Christians in name only) - as being part of their faith.

    Some of these “New Age” practices may appear to look innocent – but it must be understood that even the most innocuous practice is backed by Satan and his intention to keep as many as he can, entangled in his lies and falsehoods.

    In this Podcast, we expose several of these demonic practices with a call for the legitimate children of God to contend even more earnestly for the true Faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. (Jude 1:3)

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    11 m
  • “Tares Among Us” - Part 3 (Witchcraft in the Church)
    Jun 17 2024

    Without a doubt, we have reached the hour that the inerrant Word of Truth has warned would be upon us with “last minutes” confirmation.

    Deception has reached its pinnacle, as the tares that have been sown within the Wheat by the enemy, continue to practice their deeds of destruction in blatant rebellion against the unadulterated Word of God’s Truth.

    And as these foretold events play out in this prophetically charged hour in the earth, the Holy Spirit is sounding the alarm for His Holy Remnant to be on guard, with discernment as our guidepost as we test every spirit to be certain it is of God.

    Surely, it is time to pay attention – for the Prophetic Word of God is unfolding before our very eyes!

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    15 m
  • “Tares Among Us” - Part 2 (You Will Know Them By Their Fruits)
    Jun 10 2024

    We must not forget the heart-trembling passage in Matthew Chapter 7 where Jesus warns that not everyone who says to Him ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven – but he who does the Will of His Father in Heaven.

    The company of pretenders Jesus addresses in that account gave Him a litany of the many things THEY did in His Name. And as we study the Word of God, line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here and a little there - as we are instructed in Isaiah 28:13 - we quickly realize that these acts were not the works of the Holy Spirit that Ephesians Chapter 2 reveals were already prepared before the foundation of the world for a true believer to walk in – but rather man-centered and haughty attempts to exercise the Power of God for their own prideful purposes

    Jesus then tells them – “I never knew you, depart from Me you who practice lawlessness” – wherein lies the confirmation of unrighteous motives of these imposters – for the Greek rendering for the phrase “you who practice lawlessness”

    is “ergazomai” from the root word “ergon” which in the negative sense and in opposition to the “works of God” means “to perform with the intent of personal gain.”

    These are the “Tares” among us – and in these last minutes of the Last Hour, the Holy Spirit is alerting us to be on guard! And to “Not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.” 1 John 4

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    Jun 7 2024

    In the first YouTube Video for Love's Last Call, we address the greatest deception Lucifer has orchestrated which holds within it every other deception he has stored in his arsenal of lies and falsehoods. In these last prophetic minutes of the Last Hour, God's ambassadors of Truth are being called to contend even more earnestly for the true Faith which alone will lead mankind to the safe haven of Salvation's Eternal Life Promise.

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    20 m
  • “Tares Among Us” - Part 1 (Let Those Who Have Ears – Hear!)
    Jun 3 2024

    In order to more fully understand the parable of the Wheat and the Tares which is recorded in Matthew 13:24-30, with the Lord’s explanation of it granted in verses 37-43, we must go back to the Sower and His Seed as recorded in Matthew 13 and verses 3-9.

    The “Seed and Sower” parable holds revelation that is in concert with the Predestination Election Scriptures such as Matthew 22:14; Jeremiah 1:5; Ephesians 1:3-5; and Romans 8:28-30 that we covered in a previous message entitled “The Lamb’s Book of Life,” and which established the certainty that the Lord God Almighty knew before the foundation of the world who His true sheep would be – as well as those who would either reject Him completely – or be imposters who superficially would appear to be His.

    These imposters are those who on that day will say ‘Lord, Lord’ did we not…. while giving a litany of all the things they did in His Name. But the Lord will say to them…I never knew you – depart from Me you who practice lawlessness” Matthew 7:13-23.

    These lawless ones are the tares among the wheat that Jesus exposes in Matthew 13:37-43.

    Jude also reveals them in verse 4 of the letter by his name where he writes: “For certain persons have crept in unnoticed; those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.”

    With the last prophetic minutes of the last hour rushing us toward the final climax leading to the End of the Age, the call to be certain whether you are Wheat or a tare has never been more urgent than it is now!

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    16 m
  • “The Lamb’s Book of Life” - Part 2 (Can A Name Be Erased?)
    May 27 2024

    In Part two of “The Lamb’s Book of Life” we are going to continue to look to the Holy Spirit and His correct interpretation of God’s Word, to determine whether or not a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ can have their name blotted out of this heavenly record.

    As we look to the unadulterated Word of God’s Truth, line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here a little there (Isaiah 28:10) that question will be confidently answered as well as the question “Does our Salvation, that has been provided through the Blood Atonement Sacrifice of our Beloved Savior, Lord Jesus the Christ, guarantee Eternal Life security? Or can that Salvation be lost?

    It is critical that we confidently know the answer to these questions; for time is running out as the Prophetic Word of Truth unfolds before our very eyes. And by the unadulterated Word of Life that has been sealed and ratified by the Holy Spirit, we can know for certain whether we are secure or not – and how that security can be guaranteed for all eternity.

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    15 m
  • “The Lamb’s Book of Life” - Part 1 (Eternal Life’s Passport)
    May 20 2024

    To have one’s name written in the “Lamb’s Book of Life” outweighs anything that holds any temporal value in this world and its fleeting vanities and carnal enticements. It is an eternal reality that strengthens the heart of a child of God with equipping power to face all of the obstacles, trials, and difficulties that are coming against us in this critical hour in the earth, and which are accelerating as the Prophetic Word of Truth unfolds before our very eyes.

    There are eight references in the New Testament to the “book of life,” and two of them refer specifically to the book of life that belongs to the Lamb of God, Jesus the Christ.

    In this Podcast, we will cover all eight, as well as, delving into the Doctrine of Predestination which while being disputed by some, is clearly confirmed in the Holy and inerrant Scriptures of the Bible.

    We will find that when looking to God’s Word line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here and a little there, the doctrine of Predestination becomes very understandable without compromising the free will of man, or in any way presenting the Lord God as being unfair. For He is All-Knowing and Perfect in all His Ways! And His Love and Mercy endure forever!

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    14 m
  • “The Great White Throne Judgment” - Part 2
    May 13 2024

    Revelation 20:12-13 records John’s vision of the Great White Throne Judgment of God. The books that are opened at this dramatic and heart trembling event contain the records of everyone’s deeds, whether they are good or evil. God knows everything that has ever been said, done, or even thought by every person who has lived on the earth, and anyone whose name is not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be thrown into the Lake of Fire to join Satan and all his demons.

    I believe it is safe to say that many who name themselves “Christian” do not really understand, nor do they embrace how great the Love and Mercy of the Lord our God is. Neither do they fully comprehend the magnitude of the Love-endowed Blood Atonement Sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Savior, and how much it cost Him to pay for the penalty of death our sins deserved.

    Salvation is taken so casually and irreverently, when it should cause the heart to tremble at the Holy Wonder of what the Lord God has provided through His Beloved Son in Eternal Life ransom of fallen man’s hopeless fallen condition.

    In these last Prophetic minutes on the earth, God’s Watchmen on the Wall are sounding the alarm to awaken and pay attention! For Jesus comes quickly!

    Are you ready?

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