
  • Full Moon in Uttarashadha Nakshatra - Gurupurnima (21 July 2024)
    Jul 10 2024

    Upcoming Full Moon is also known as Guru Purnima - the day when the blessings of all the Gurus flow to us and we become more open to receive divine guidance. This year this auspicious Full Moon will culminate with Sun at maximum exaltation degree of Jupiter, while Moon will shine at Jupiter’s maximum debilitation place at the other side of the zodiac. This will inspire us to search balance between positive attitude & philosophical approach and more pragmatic, down to earth attitude. The balance between being fully connected to the Divine while at the same time staying fully grounded in the present moment.

    The lunar fortnight leading towards Guru Purnima is also sacred in tantric tradition to Divine Mother in the form of Varahi - the one who helps us overcome pride and attachment to external world, and helps us find value in simple things and humility.

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  • New Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra (5 July 2024)
    Jun 26 2024

    New Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra

    5 July

    New Moon culminating with complete conjunction of Sun and Moon in Punarvasu Nakshatra will inspire us to give ourselves a chance for new beginnings in various areas of life. Punarvasu, after all, means “the return of light”. With Moon and Mercury experiencing Parivartan Yoga on the day of New Moon itself we will be inspired to feel more rather than trying to intellectualise things - to bridge mind’s understanding with understanding through feeling and experience. This entire dark fortnight will keep inspiring us to look at various aspects of our life with a new, fresh perspective, and a healthy dose of curiosity and positive approach. It is a powerful time for self-work, introspection and changing some of our existing habits.

    Learn more about Punarvasu Nakshatra: https://www.thenakshatras.com/punarvasu-nakshatra/

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    13 m
  • Full Moon in Mula Nakshatra (21/22 June 2024)
    Jun 10 2024

    Full Moon in Mula Nakshatra

    21/22 June 2024

    This bright fortnight will culminate with Full Moon in Mula Nakshatra in sidereal Sagittarius, which will occur just one day after Summer Solstice on Northern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice on Southern Hemisphere. The fierce energies of Sun in Ardra, the star of Rudra, will combine with Full Moon in the star of Nirriti or Kali, which will result in result in a very transformative fortnight.

    Throughout the entire fortnight Venus will remain combust, which will make it a challenging time for our relations, as we will have a tendency to prioritise ourselves more. It is a very important time for conscious practice of compassion and kindness, rather than gravitating towards more forceful approach.

    Learn more about Mula nakshatra here: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/mula-nakshatra/

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    12 m
  • New Moon in Rohini Nakshatra (6 June 2024)
    May 29 2024

    After recent transformative Full Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra, we are going to experience in a few days one of the most powerful New Moons in this year: New Moon in Rohini Nakshatra, at the heart of sidereal Taurus, culminating with 5 planetary conjuction - the New Moon, which is also known as Shani Amavasya.

    With all 3 sattvic planets conjuct with 2 rajasic ones in Taurus, and preceded by a sequences of 3 tamasic grahas, we may expect that our tamasic & rajasic qualities may temporarily overshadow our sattvic qualities, such as peacefulness, compassion or rational thinking. We will be much more inclined to listen to our selfish desires and stormy emotions, than to the inner voice of insight. It is a very good time for intensifying our spiritual practice, so that we may stay more centred in the heart during this period.

    Learn more about the Three Gunas: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/three-gunas-workshop/

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  • Full Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra (23 May 2024)
    May 11 2024

    One of the most complex Full Moons of the year is fast approaching. This fortnight, beginning with Jupiter’s transit into Taurus and auspicious day of Akshaya Tritiya, will culminate with Full Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra, at the heart of sidereal Scorpio, where Moon experiences its debilitation.

    In opposition to the Moon, Sun will be experiencing a complex conjunction with Venus and Jupiter, both of which will reach the state of planetary war during the Full Moon day itself. In times like that, when luminaries & sattvic grahas struggle, being overpowered by Venus, the planet of desires, we too may experience our own temptations to do the “easy thing” rather than the “right thing”.

    Full Moon shining in Anuradha nakshatra may also bring to the surface of our awareness many suppressed emotions and desires, while simultaneously it will inspire us to review our commitments and priorities. An incredibly powerful time for honest introspection.

    Learn more about Anuradha Nakshatra: https://thenakshatras.com/anuradha-nakshatra

    Learn more about Matangi & other Mahavidyas: https://academy.discoveringyouniverse.com/courses/mahavidyas-10-mystical-goddesses/

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  • New Moon in Bharani Nakshatra (7/8 May 2024)
    Apr 26 2024

    Upcoming New Moon in Bharani Nakshatra will be inspiring us to let go of some outdated parts of ourselves, release the grip from our desire to control the flow of life, and surrender a little more. With Sun exalted throughout this entire dark fortnight, it is a perfect time to look within and confront our shadows, as we will be seeing them more clearly right now, while simultaneously being inspired to transcend them. It might be a little tense time when it comes to our relations with other people, though, which happens often when our own shadows come on the surface. Try to avoid judging yourself to others in this time period and practice conscious compassion.

    Learn more about Bharani Nakshatra: https://thenakshatras.com/bharani-nakshatra

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    14 m
  • Full Moon in Swati Nakshatra (23/24 April 2024)
    Apr 19 2024

    In a few days we are about to experience a particularly powerful Full Moon in sidereal Libra (symbolic of our heart chakra), aspected by Jupiter and exalted Sun, with Libra’s dispositor, Venus, shining in full exaltation. Both Venus and Sun will be at maximum exaltation during the Full Moon itself, which makes this fortnight a particularly powerful time for creative endeavours and opening our minds and hearts for new waves of energy.

    Learn more about Swati Nakshatra: https://thenakshatras.com/swati-nakshatra

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  • Total Solar Eclipse in Revati Nakshatra (8th April 2024)
    Mar 25 2024

    In two weeks (8 April) we are going to experience a powerful Total Solar Eclipse in Revati Nakshatra in sidereal Pisces, where Sun, Moon and Rahu, along with exalted Venus, will be conjuct together. It’s going to make this lunar fortnight particularly spiritually charged and make us all more inspired to dive within and connect with the Divine.

    Venus exalted around the luminaries with Rahu also indicates that it is a powerful time to work on opening our heart, cultivating compassion and consciously choose to let go and forgive, as universe is going to support us in that during those days. But, as it often is, if we rather choose to resist, that very process of opening the heart may manifest in a more painful or stressful way.

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    16 m