
  • "Find a Support System" The Jacquez Anlage Story
    Jun 1 2023

    Healing is sometimes the hardest part of the process of losing a child. Crystal Anlage know this all to well when she got news her son Jacquez Anlage had been murdered. Her life would be forever change in a moments notice. Jacquez had been ripped right from her with out noticed. Now on top of making agreement for her son. She also had to fine away to start living again. Which her journey will show that healing from this is not as easy as most would think. Jacquez his loving and caring boy would bring his mother and father so much joy. While in their mourning they would set out to help others. This story will show how helping is also healing for some.

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    34 m
  • SEASONS OF GRIEF ("Grief Specialist Zjohnnae Milton")
    Jan 10 2023

    Zjohnae Milton is all so familiar with dealing wiith grief. Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. Especiall when someone goes missing. Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness. The pain of missing someone can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, or even think straight. These are normal reactions to loss—and the more significant the loss, the more intense your grief will be. Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life’s biggest challenges. You may associate grieving with the death of a loved one which is often the cause of the most intense type of grief—but any loss can cause grief, This podcast will allow us to learn how to process those emotions. So we can start to heal.

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    30 m
  • "Let God Be Your Focus" The Corbin Johnson Story
    Dec 25 2022

    They say there is nothing like a mothers love. Well Corbin Johnson"s mother has held that dear to her heart. Her son went missing and for a whole year she was able to connect with him. Melissa Jackson knew at one point she might have to prepare herself for the worst. Her belief in god was what kept her going. Then she recieves that fatal news that no mother wants to here. Instead of losingn her mind Melissa put her trust in her higher power. The Corbin Johnson story has emotion and a sadness that no mother should endure. This is the CORBIN JOHNSON STORY

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    47 m
    Jun 27 2022

    Mary Lunsford spoke to her daughter 29-year-old daughter Tabitha Queen on Mother's Day, May 9, 2021. Mary lives in San Antonio, Texas, and Tabitha lived in Bastrop, Louisiana with her three children. Tabitha called her mother to wish her a Happy Mother's Day,

    “There were two men in the car with her and I asked her who was she talking to, and she was like, ‘Uh, mom I got to go,’ and I was like, ‘What you mean you got to go? And she hung up the phone. I called right back, and her phone went to voicemail.”

    Tabitha Queen's family discovered her three children home alone. Mary's 11-year-old granddaughter, Alice, told her mother was arguing with a man Tabitha allowed to use her car a few days prior. Alice told them a man took her mother and her mother never returned.

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    31 m
    May 31 2022

    The only picture Donna Green ever had of her son, Raymond, was in her mind. "I don't have a picture of him. I never had a picture," Green says about the fair-skinned baby boy snatched over 40 years ago from her home in Atlanta, Georgia. To be only sixteen years of age and for one of the most joy able times that you should have in your life. This is a story of missed birthdays, missed graduations, missed grandkids, and just missed opportunities of a child that belonged to his mother. Being normal is so hard to do. When you have a piece of you missing for so long. So for 40 years she learned to adapt but not forget.

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    34 m
    May 19 2022

    Brittney Woods was only 19 when she somehow just disappeared. Along with her missing a lot events started to unveil themselves. Soon after her family had more secrets that would leave to some very unanswered questions. In the fog of all the secrets somehow Brittney's disappearance and who she was as a person got lost in turmoil. This episode is with Brittney's stepmom. Stephanie Hanke has vowed that the world will know a bubbly and friendly single mother. Someone who was loved someone who is a daughters, someone who is mother, someone who was friend. Stephanie Hanke wants you to meet Brittney Woods.

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    28 m
    Apr 28 2022

     A Montgomery mother is desperate for answers more than two years after the death of their loved one.

    The mother of Rickem Samuel is making an urgent plea to the public to come forward with information that could shed light on what happened to her son.

    “That smile was so beautiful that he had, so bright. Rickem, he had a bright future, and he had his plans laid out as to what he wanted to accomplish," said Ericka Davis.

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    49 m
    Apr 18 2022

    As being a parent of child that was once was missing it can take you a journey. Being very distressed when a child is missing is a normal reaction to an abnormal event. Most everyone is upset, worried, or frightened. People have different ways of handling these emotions. Some find expressing emotions and talking with supportive others helpful. Others use distraction to lower the distress by focusing on other things. Yet others find comfort in becoming very involved in actions to find the child. These are all perfectly normal reactions, although it may be tough in a family when members have different coping styles. There are many ways to manage psychological distress that do not require the involvement of a mental-health professional. Talking to family members and friends and relying on the usual sources of support during hard times, such as religion or spirituality, are the most typical ways families cope with a missing child. We want we want you to take this journey from different perspectives, different emotions, and different outcomes. This will show the people who endured these events and those that where attached to these crimes. Sit back an listen to these different journeys.

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    2 m