
  • S2 Ep.14 | Own your visibility journey
    May 17 2023


    Más Menos
    23 m
  • S2 Ep.13 | Bringing your unique energy
    May 5 2023

    “The cracks in our perfection is what humanises us

    In order to stand out online, we need to fully own who we are. I know, it’s easier said than done. But what if what we perceive as our imperfections are actually what makes our unique flavour?

    I had so much fun recording this episode with my friend Becky Rui. She’s a personal brand photographer and bringing out our unique energy through picture is at the heart of her work.

    She is sharing so much wisdom in this conversation from her own experience behind and in front of the camera. You’re going to love it!

    In this episode we talk about:

    • How to connect deeper with your soul clients

    • Why you should infuse your unique energy into your content

    • Redefining what “professional” looks like for you

    • How to look comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera

    • How to feel both prepared & allow space for spontaneity

    • How to keep imposter syndrome away

    • A really cool mantra you can steal!

      Featured on this episode:

      • Becky Rui is a UK based personal brand photographer. She works with creative business owners to own their magic in front of the camera, connect with their dream clients and grow their business with vibrant, soulful photography. Find out more about her work here. Book a call or connect with her on social

      • Get Camera Ready is OPEN for registrations: it’s a FREE 3-day live training happening on May 22-24 @11:11am EST. Find out more & sign up here

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • S2 Ep.12 | Opt out of Burn out
    Apr 6 2023

    Burn out is so present in our culture that whether we experienced it ourselves or not, we can all relate and understand why it’s so easy to get sucked into doing more, faster and forgetting to prioritise resting and taking good care of ourselves.

    Learning to re-balance Doing with Being is essential to growing & running a business in the long run. But it’s not always so easy to keep this balance. And often, once burned, we tend to avoid taking action all together… or we fall back into the same pattern of over-doing until we learn what’s there to integrate.

    So what if burn out is here to show you where you are keeping yourself small and your gifts hidden?

    Today I invited Nicole Barton - Feminine Leader and Magical Teacher - to talk about burn out as an initiation to find and express more of yourself.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • What’s underneath the procrastination & avoidance

    • The power of owning the cause for burn out

    • What the Witch Archetype can help you with

    • How to see the kinky pleasure in burn out & learn from it

    Enjoy this episode!


    Más Menos
    30 m
  • S2 Ep.11 | Profile Optimization
    Mar 21 2023

    These days you have 3 seconds (or less) to grab someone’s attention. Make theses counts!

    Wouldn’t it be a shame to have spent all that time and effort creating great content for your audience, only to miss out on potential clients because the link to your website wasn’t updated or they got confused reading your bio?

    Lets’ make sure it doesn’t happen to you.

    When someone gets curious about you and wants to know more, they’ll click on your FB or IG profile and decide if you’re for them or not mostly based on what they understand you’re about.

    There is no room for confusion (remember a confused mind keep on scrolling).

    Make it easy for them to feel welcome by having a clear and optimized profile. It’ll help welcome in your new followers, friends and future clients.

    This is a perfect example of a small tweak that can lead to big results and I’m letting you in all the details!

    In this episode I share:

    • where you might be confusing your audience

    • why you should care about keeping it optimized

    • your FB profile checklist

    • your IG profile checklist

    • the secret ingredient once it’s all updated

    This is a very actionable episode, make sure to implements these asap.


    Más Menos
    16 m
  • S2 Ep.10 | Getting Naked
    Mar 7 2023

    When you are a business owner building your social media presence it can sometimes feel like you're getting naked in front on strangers.

    And this surely will trigger visibility wounds.

    It actually requires a lot a bravery to show up like this and allow yourself to be seen.

    This is also what happens during a photoshoot, even more with a boudoir shoot. Have you ever tried?

    I did. And it taught me a lot about vulnerability and power when you allow yourself to be seen.

    In this episode I invited Rachel Ferdez - a brand photographer & visibility alchemist - to talk about visibility when getting in front of the camera.

    We talk about:

    • her experience with her clients in both brand photography & boudoir
    • how to move past the nerves and reveal your unique essence
    • how to use your next photoshoot as a manifestation portal
    • what you need to do if you are struggling with being seen

    You're going to enjoy this one!

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • S2 Ep.09 | About Self-Sabotage
    Feb 6 2023

    Do you Self-Sabotage?

    Self sabotage is happening in different stages of business.

    Maybe you have a clear desire to pivot in your business but find yourself stuck in the starting blocks, battling with impostor syndrome & lack of confidence…

    Maybe you sat everything in place and then ghosted your business or changed your offer (again) after deciding it wasn’t working fast enough...

    Maybe you are getting super close to accessing a big result and keep bumping yourself against an upper limit…

    Whether you are afraid of failing or succeeding - starting, building and growing your business will give you many opportunities to sabotage yourself along the way.

    Your job as an entrepreneur is to recognise that you are doing this at some level and find how to de-amorce it & keep on going.

    Today on the podcast I invited my colleague and friend Angélique Braise (love coach & attachement style expert) because I believe the way we do one thing is the way we do everything.

    We talk about:

    • the attachment styles and how they work
    • what self-sabotage is really about
    • the parallels in love and business when it comes to our patterns
    • concrete steps to take care of yourself and your business
    • And much more…

    Listen to the episode here

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • S2 Ep.08 | Intentions Setting for 2023
    Jan 7 2023

    Happy New Year!

    I hope that you are enjoying the start of this new year so far.

    This is the perfect time to go slow, to spend time in reflection, and to give yourselves permission to just be.

    Don't pressure yourself to set intentions and goals before you are ready. It's okay to float.

    When you go at your own pace, do things at your own time, you start to truly hear yourself.

    From there, your true desires and intentions can come to you. 

    I've created this episode to guide you through a series of questions, prompts into setting your intentions for 2023.

    It's an invitation to go deeper behind the surface and connect with yourself.

    When you'll feel ready, grab a journal and listen up!



    Más Menos
    23 m
  • S2 Ep.07 | Embracing your timing
    Dec 23 2022


    Más Menos
    17 m