
  • Navigating Community Building through events: A Season 3 recap!
    Nov 20 2023

    Explore a world of community building and event success with our season 3 recap! From strategic planning to seamless execution, discover the interconnected tales of triumph in three key themes: strategy, process, and experience.

    We'll recap:

    • the importance of authentic connections, curiosity, and intentional storytelling in event planning.
    • the treasure trove of takeaways and wisdom from our guests this season to revolutionize your approach to event hosting

    Key Topics and Takeaways

    00:01 - Recapping Themes in Make It Kickass

    We had incredible guests this season and were amazed to find that even though they hadn't spoken to each other, they connected on similar stories. We covered three major topics throughout the season: strategy, process, and experience.

    15:47 - Meaningful Event Experiences

    Throughout the season we spoke to our guests about creating meaningful experiences for our attendees. We emphasized making sure attendees feel seen and heard, and setting expectations through communication. We also discussed applying a ‘lazy attitude’ to event production and how it can help reduce friction for attendees. Lastly, we discussed how technology can often get in the way, but emphasized that the goal is to design experiences that allow people to connect with each other on a human level.

    31:59 - Storytelling's Power in Event Production

    We discussed the importance of being conscious and intentional with the stories we tell and how this can create meaningful experiences for our attendees. We explored how we, as event producers, can craft the event story for our attendees and how this can help them connect with each other.

    Want to dive deeper? Take our free 30 minute training, Community Event Mastery. Access it here.

    See you in season 4!

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Exploring the Power and Influence of Storytelling
    Nov 16 2023

    We discuss the practical storytelling insights drawn from our conversation with experienced storyteller Mike Pacchione. We chat about striking the right balance in narrative details and the tangible impact of shared language in storytelling.

    Key Topics and Takeaways

    01:17 - Exploring the Power of Storytelling

    When can details in a story become a red flag? We explore the line between providing enough detail to establish trust in the storyteller, and offering too much detail and creating distrust.

    14:36 - Storytelling's Power in Shared Language

    We explore how storytelling can be used to connect with people but can also be used to manipulate them😬. We examine how the details of stories can create a shared language among a group, strengthening their bonds. We reflect on our own experiences with people who are naturally talented at storytelling and how these tales can be remembered even after the teller is gone.

    21:56 - Importance of Narrative in Event Hosting

    We discuss the importance of narrative when creating a program or talk for an event. We also consider how context is essential for establishing empathy with an audience.

    Want to dive deeper? Take our free 30 minute training, Community Event Mastery. Access it here.

    Next episode: Wrapping up Season 3!

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Fine-Tuning the Art of Storytelling with Mike Pacchione
    Nov 13 2023

    What is the secret to delivering an unforgettable talk? That's what we're unpacking in our latest episode with Mike Pacchione. We get into the nuances of storytelling, differentiating between narratives and stories, and exploring how the right structure married with vivid details can paint vibrant pictures in the minds of the listeners that they’ll remember for years to come.

    Guest Bio

    Mike Pacchione is an international speaker and speech coach who specializes in helping executives, athletes and entrepreneurs deliver smart and engaging messages to audiences of all sizes. Among his client list are James Clear, Laura Belgray, Don Miller, Amy Porterfield, Pat Flynn, Scott Hamilton, and more than 10,000 employees from companies like Apple, Google and Nike.

    Connect with Mike at his website bestspeech.co!

    Key Topics and Takeaways

    00:07 - Tell Better Stories With a Speech Coach

    We sit down with Mike Pacchione to discuss tension, editing, and detail to tell better stories and build better talks.

    10:23 - The Importance of Storytelling in Communication

    We discuss storytelling vs narratives, storytelling's power to build communities and Mike's journey into speaking with ADHD.

    27:51 - Leveraging Storytelling for Effective Presentations

    Emphasizing relatable stories over remarkable ones, storytelling to create connections, and the vulnerability of sharing your story.

    41:07 - Best Speech Coaching and Freebies

    Tips on public speaking, storytelling, and engaging an audience.

    Want to dive deeper? Take our free 30 minute training, Community Event Mastery. Access it here.

    Additional Resources
    • Connect with Mike at his website bestspeech.co!
    • Check out the Best Speech Podcast with Mike Pacchione

    Next episode: Exploring the Power and Influence of Storytelling

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Making space for dancing and connection at events
    Nov 9 2023

    We reflect on our conversation with Jordan Hayles and discuss making events inclusive and personally resonant while challenging conventional event planning norms. How do we strike a balance between structure and personal discovery, within a welcoming atmosphere?

    Want to dive deeper? Take our free 30 minute training, Community Event Mastery. Access it here.

    Key Topics and Takeaways

    02:07 - Conference Impact, Transformation and Exploration

    We follow up on our interview with Jordan Hales, discussing how to make sure attendees leave an event transformed. We emphasize the importance of considering the full humanity of attendees and how to create moments of inclusiveness that remind us of our shared humanity.

    10:57 - Creating Inclusive Event Spaces

    How do we make events welcoming and inclusive for attendees, and how do we foster a sense of safety and freedom for participation? We look at providing structure and guidance without forcing engagement, and how to create an atmosphere that encourages people to take risks.

    22:32 - The Cultural Significance of Dance

    We explore the significance of dance in indigenous communities and how it has been lost in modern American culture. We discuss the importance of allowing people to express themselves through dance, and how movement and dance can embody every emotion.

    Additional Resources
    • Want to dive deeper? Take our free 30 minute training, Community Event Mastery. Access it here.

    Next episode: Fine-Tuning the Art of Storytelling with Mike Pacchione

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Dance and Connection in Community with Jordan Hayles
    Nov 6 2023

    Get ready to move and groove with Jordan Hayles! In our chat with Jordan, she passionately shares her journey to becoming a dance ambassador, and the power she believes movement holds in connecting people. She gives us insight into how she incorporates movement into conferences, bringing energy, engagement, and excitement to the event. You'll learn about her unique ability to fill people's hearts with music and dance and how it helps bring out the best in everyone.

    Guest Bio

    Jordan Hayles is a multidisciplinary artist who works as a host & emcee of forward-thinking conferences online & across the globe through dance.  She calls herself a Dance Ambassador to the World, and encourages movement in the most ordinary and extraordinary ways … in places where movement is easily forgotten or unexpected like work and conferences!

    Find out more about Jordan's work at jordanhayles.com

    Key Topics and Takeaways

    09:15 - Movement Creating Connection

    Jordan Hayles shares her philosophy that denying movement denies life. We discuss how movement unlocks something in the human spirit and how the collective energy of a group contributes to the overall event experience.

    23:20 - Collective Expression

    Jordan shares an epiphany about how the audience in an event can be part of a collective without without physical presence, and how the power of the music and choreography can be seen from a different perspective.

    30:24 - Music and Connection

    Jordan shares her experience as a musician and the spiritual connection she has with music. She speaks to the power of traveling with music, finding joy in different genres of music and fruits, and the importance of bringing humanity to events through music, movement, and storytelling. We explore how music, movement, and storytelling can create a deep connection between people and how Jordan facilitates exchange between people by helping them let their guard down and explore their own expression.

    Additional Resources
    • Work with Jordan!
    • Want to dive deeper? Take our free 30 minute training, Community Event Mastery. Access it here.

    Next episode: Making space for dancing and connection at events

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Shifting Priorities and Event Engagement
    Nov 2 2023

    After our conversation with master improviser Gary Hirsch we sit down to discuss our biggest takeaways and how we can use that to create better community experiences.

    Some of the topics we touch on this episode:

    • how event dynamics have dramatically shifted in the post-pandemic world
    • how evolving priorities have affected interaction with events and how that is shaping event logistics
    • how online events have paved the way for synchronous social engagement, a feature often missing in traditional in-person events

    Key Topics and Takeaways

    11:32 - Leadership Failures and Ignoring Community Impact

    We talk about the problem of seeing people as numbers rather than unique individuals. We share a real example where an event organizer didn't think about the audience and added an interview with a political candidate that didn't fit the event's theme, causing a bad experience for everyone.

    20:18 - Introverts, Networking, and the Importance of Acknowledgment and Connection at Events

    How are introverts coping with events nowadays? We address the challenges introverts encounter during networking and talk through some tools and conversation starters to use. We also highlight the advantages of creating relaxed opportunities for attendees to connect without overcomplicating things.

    25:45 - The Changing Landscape of Events

    We discuss how people's expectations are evolving as people re-invest in live experiences to rekindle a sense of connection and excitement in their lives. The key message here is the importance of adapting to these shifts, whether you're an event organizer or an attendee, to create more meaningful and fulfilling experiences.

    Want to dive deeper? Take our free 30 minute training, Community Event Mastery. Access it here.

    Next episode: Dance and Connection in Community with Jordan Hayles

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • The Improv Advantage: Memorable Experiences with Gary Hirsch
    Oct 30 2023

    Have you ever imagined improvisation and business events going hand in hand? Our latest conversation with renowned artist and improv veteran, Gary Hirsch, will make you think again. We uncover the magic of improv in transforming your typical event into a dynamic, interactive, and co-created experience that is not only engaging but also profitable.

    We reflect back on how the pandemic affected event engagement and share invaluable lessons learned on how to leverage psychology and improvisation to make your virtual events unforgettable.

    Plus: common pitfalls and how to achieve a balance between the presenter, the content, and the audience.

    Guest Bio

    Gary is the co-founder of On Your Feet, a creative training and facilitation consultancy that uses the art form of improvisation to help clients such as Apple, Nike, Google, and others create, relate and communicate…all while having a ridiculously good time. He is also a renowned artist, illustrator, and muralist with public works featured in numerous U.S. and international cities.

    Check out more of Gary's incredible work with improv at On Your Feet.

    Key Topics and Takeaways

    00:07 - Improv in Business and Events

    Explore how improv can be used to create something unexpected, surprising and memorable with other people in the events world. Gary, a renowned artist, illustrator, and muralist, has over 20 years of teaching and improv experience. We explore how to get people to connect with each other and learn through doing, instead of just pushing information into the attendees' brains. Finally, Gary talks about how co-creation and collaboration can be used in events to bridge the gap between people and make an impact.

    14:03 - Pandemic's Impact on Virtual Events

    How to use the science of psychology and improvisation to create meaningful experiences even in a virtual setting as the event industry still comes back from an all virtual world. We explore the pros and cons of virtual settings and how to apply the lessons we've learned from the pandemic.

    19:28 - Improving Human Connection at Events

    We discuss mistakes people make when planning events, such as overpacking agendas or forgetting to focus on the needs of their audience. Finally, we look at how to think of an event as a triangle, with the presenter, content, and audience at each apex.

    27:26 - Creating Interstitial Experiences in Events

    Create more humanity in events by creating structures that allow for these moments to emerge and for people to have freedom of choice. We discuss the potential of programming time for participants to rotate around the room to connect with speakers and discuss the possibilities that can arise from letting go of some control.

    Want to dive deeper? Take our free 30 minute training, Community Event Mastery. Access it here.

    Additional Resources
    • Check out more of Gary's incredible work with improv at On Your Feet.
    • Want to dive deeper? Take our free 30 minute training, Community Event Mastery. Access it here.

    Next episode: Shifting Priorities and Event Engagement

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Less is more: Streamlining event tech
    Oct 26 2023

    In this follow-up to our discussion with Brian Richards, we tackle the critical balance between efficiency and simplicity in event technology. Brian's 'lazy' approach to tech is a fantastic way to achieve efficiency and gain maximum impact from your efforts. We discuss the value of simplicity in maximizing the attendee experience and the benefits of having a minimum viable system to avoid over-reliance on technology.

    Plus: marketing in driving event attendance, the role of swag in creating positive impacts, and the balance between educational content and relationship building.

    Key Topics and Takeaways

    03:07 - Simplicity and Efficiency in Event Technology

    We discuss keeping production processes and programming as simple as possible and how this approach allows for the highest impact on attendees and that efficiency is the key. We also talk about Brian's "lazy" approach can benefit us by optimizing for the right goal and not just to do more.

    15:55 - Changing Event Preferences for Learning/Networking

    We consider how those looking for content may be more likely to attend online events while those looking for networking opportunities may be more likely to attend in-person events. We consider how to create something that meets the needs of both types of attendees and explore a study that found that people prefer online or in-person events based on what they are looking to gain from the experience.

    20:17 - Considerations for Planning Virtual Events

    Understanding the goals of event attendees when deciding whether to host an online or in-person event. The format of the event should be determined by what the highest priority is and what format will best suit that goal. Social media and streaming services have impacted the perception of events, and this has pressured organizers to provide quality content and resources. It is important to avoid the temptation to do too much in a virtual event.

    Want to dive deeper? Take our free 30 minute training, Community Event Mastery. Access it here.

    Next episode: The Improv Advantage: Crafting Memorable Experiences for your Audience

    This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

    Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
    Más Menos
    37 m