
  • Praise FOR 22 MARCH 2020
    Mar 22 2020
    Churches have now stopped all public worship services, to avoid the spread of the corona virus, so we're launching a new programme here on Manx Radio. Starting on Sunday 29 March, AT YOUR SERVICE will be an ecumenical act of worship - presented each week by at least two different denominations, blending music, a Bible reading, reflections, thoughts and a time of prayer - and maybe some folk will share stories of their faith journey too - In fact, all the elements of a church service - but in a radio programme! We'd love you to choose a hymn or some sacred music which is meaningful to you, and, as many people are now self-isolating, or practising social distancing, could you invite friends to listen 'together' and in that way be united by sharing the programme, each in your own home? AT YOUR SERVICE will be available as a podcast, to download or listen via our website - and on PRAISE today we preview the style and content of the new programme with help from two Methodist ministers - Rev'd Steve Ingrouille and Rev'd Andy Fishburne. There's plenty of music, too, and testimony, as Scripture Union Ministries Trust Schools Worker Hannah Grove takes a look at her own faith journey, and explains what really matters in her life now. The new programme will be at the later time of 9.30am, to bring it closer to the time when church services would normally be starting - we look forward to living faith together - AT YOUR SERVICE!
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  • PRAISE FOR 15 MARCH 2020
    Mar 15 2020
    Rev Daniel Norris was born and educated on the Island before leaving to study modern foreign languages and theology first at Durham and then at Cambridge Universities. In 2015 he was ordained priest in the Church of England, and now serves in the Diocese of London, where he is part of the ministry team at St James's Church in Piccadilly. He is also Executive Head Teacher of St Jerome's Church of England Bilingual School in Harrow. He visited the Island at the invitation of the Island Spirituality Network, to lead a morning, reflecting upon what It might mean for us to 'live a Eucharistic life' - to be 'blessed, broken, and given' to the world. On PRAISE today, Daniel explains what that means, and we hear a response from leaders of other Christian denominations as they share thoughts on the difficult issues that have to be faced on the road to unity. Daniel also talks about the joys and challenges of leading a bilingual school, and why it's equally attractive to pupils, parents and teachers - PLUS - there's music too!
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    Mar 8 2020
    Today is International Women's Day so it's appropriate that PRAISE should feature two very different women, linked by their deep faith. The Rt Reverend Dr Emma Ineson, Bishop of Penrith, made history when she became the first woman to hold the position of Central Chaplain to the Mothers' Union, making her in charge of the spiritual care of Mothers' Union staff and members in the UK. She brings a wealth of experience, and her passion for Mothers' Union is evident as she talks about her new role within the largest single organisation in the world-wide Anglican Church. Angela Dudley lives on a ranch in Virginia, USA, with her husband and 5 children, and definitely does not need another job - but some experiences simply cannot be ignored! Find out how Angela discovered the Isle of Man - and became an author. And acceptance - we all long for it - but do we believe we can really be accepted, just as we are? Dylan's story explores these questions - and there's music, too!
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    Mar 1 2020
    On PRAISE today we're celebrating St David's Day with a great hymn - For All The Saints .... Reverend Nigel Uden is the Moderator of the United Reformed Church General Assembly - we find out why he's on the Island, and why he wants us to think differently about Christmas and Easter. He also chooses a favourite piece of music from JS Bach Paul Moores is our link between The Leprosy Mission Isle of Man, and The Leprosy Mission world-wide - he joins us to talk about this year's big project - a bid to recruit more Hospital Heroes - doctors and nurses willing to work in the hospital in Myanmar (formerly Burma) to bring help, hope and rehabilitation to people affected by leprosy.
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    Feb 23 2020
    Russ Bravo and Patrick Woodward discuss Shrove Tuesday, pancakes, Ash Wednesday and the positive purpose of the church's season of Lent. They mention that Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness. Have you ever felt you're in a 'wilderness' ? There are many reasons we can find ourselves feeling lost and alone - Lynne's story is one of going into - and coming out of - her own 'wilderness'. And PRAISE goes on pilgrimage again - Suzi Rosedale is the guide who led the Manx pilgrims when we were in Israel last November - in a rare quiet moment in our Jerusalem hotel, Suzi shares a little of her fascinating life. Suzi will be the guide on the pilgrimage from the Island which Rev'd Steve Ingrouille, his father Rev'd Rod Ingrouille and Rev'd Dawn Harrison from Lancashire will jointly lead in Spring 2021. If you'd like some information about it, have a word with Rev'd Steve (Minister in Onchan Methodist Church) on 01624 674 464
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    Feb 16 2020
    For the last 20 years, Ramsey based husband and wife Steve and Alison Taylor have been raising funds for projects, and delivering humanitarian aid, to help some of the world's poorest people, through their Drop Inn Ministries charity shops here on the Island. Now their focus has slightly altered and as well as continuing to support global aid projects, they are also developing and supporting an important local outreach for anyone wanting a little gentle help with their mental or emotional wellbeing - Renew Wellbeing Spaces are places where it's OK to be not OK. Alison and Steve provide Renew3 in Ramsey (in Water Street opposite the War Memorial at the end of Parliament Street) and they are involved in the Renew Space open each Monday in the Community Centre in Jurby, too. There's also a Renew Well, next door to Broadway Baptist Church in Douglas. Renew spaces are simple cafe-style places where hobbies, activities and often food is shared, and there's a quiet room or space where the inner practices of wellbeing can be shared. Renew Spaces have support from mental health professionals, to ensure that there is appropriate extra help available for those who need it. Listen as Alison and Steve explain how Renew Spaces work, and who can benefit. Father Dennis Blackledge is a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest who rose to fame around 3 years ago when his church, St Francis Xavier in inner city Liverpool, was the setting for the acclaimed BBC TV drama 'Broken' and Fr Dennis was the religious advisor - helping actor Sean Bean to fully embrace his role as Father Michael Kerrigan. But today Fr Dennis talks about his own real-life priesthood - what it means to be a Jesuit, and, yes, he DOES tell the piranha story! AND there's music too! From the St Michael Singers, and from Libera To find out more about the Renew Spaces project, see their website www.renewwellbeing.org.uk To find out more about local Renew Spaces, search for their Facebook pages For Ramsey - search for Renew3 (meets from noon each Thursday and Friday) For Jurby - search for Drop Inn's Renew Space at Jurby (meets in the Community Centre each Monday afternoon from 2pm - 4.30pm) For Douglas - search for Renew Well (meets next door to Broadway Baptist Church each Wednesday from 11am to 3pm-ish!)
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    Feb 8 2020
    Hugh Stowell Brown was the older brother of our National Poet Thomas Edward (T.E.) Brown. At the age of only 23 he went to Liverpool to preach at Myrtle Street Baptist Church - and stayed there for the next 40 years! What he achieved was astounding, and has so inspired Baptist Minister Wayne Clarke that he has researched and written a biography of Hugh Stowell Brown, and joins me on the programme to tell the story of A READY MAN. A Ready Man is published by Instant Apostle and costs £8.99 - Churches Bookshop in Howard Street in Douglas have copies, some of which may be signed by the author, Wayne Clarke. Valentines Day on Friday the 14th will be popular with florists, the postal service and restaurants, as it's THE day for romantic gestures - and maybe some marriage proposals, as this is a leap year! But who was the REAL St Valentine? We have the story! And finally something from the PRAISE archive. On Sunday 1st August 1999, a very special service was held at Trinity Methodist Church at Rosemount in Douglas. It was led by Revered Kenneth Elworthy, minister of Trinity at the time, and it was to celebrate the 100th birthday of Reverend Leonard Duchars. His daughter-in-law Pam Duchars played the organ and directed the choir, Reverend Leonard's sons and grandchildren gave the readings, and Reverend Leonard himself preached the sermon. We end this week's programme with the hymn which summed up Revered Leonard's long years in ministry - All For Jesus! - mixed with some inspiring words from the sermon - well worth a listen! Music this week is from Marilyn Baker, Margaret Rizza and the Choir of The King's School, Canterbury
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    Feb 2 2020
    Gemma Simmonds is a sister of the Congregation of Jesus - the religious order for women based on the spirituality of St Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits - but what does that really mean? We find out, in conversation with Sr Gemma, whose own ministry isn't just global - it even includes the world wide web! And PRAISE is on pilgrimage again this week, with interviews with two women, recorded in the Holy Land in late 2019. One is an ordained priest, the other a deacon in the Anglican Church - they share their challenges and their triumphs. And if you'd like to know more about the next pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Rev'd Dawn Harrison and the Rev'ds Rod and Steve Ingrouille, have a word with Rev'd Steve on 01624 674464 or email steve.ingrouille@methodist,.org.uk
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