
  • Finding Salvation and Embracing Redemption: A Reflection on Zacchaeus' Encounter with Jesus
    Mar 28 2024

    [Edited for clarity] God bless everyone. Today, I wish to offer a brief reflection on Luke Chapter 19, verses 1 to 10. You are encouraged to read it at your convenience. In this passage, Jesus encounters Zacchaeus, a wealthy chief tax collector who was short in stature. Eager to see Jesus but hindered by his height and the crowded surroundings, Zacchaeus climbed a tree for a better view. Jesus, noticing him, called out, 'Zacchaeus, come down, for I must stay at your house today.' This gesture filled Zacchaeus with joy, although it led to murmurs among the crowd, questioning Jesus' decision to associate with a sinner. However, Jesus' interaction with Zacchaeus brought salvation to his house, demonstrating that Jesus is accessible to everyone—regardless of size, intelligence, wealth, or health. He is ever-present, offering salvation and redemption to all.

    This story illustrates that Jesus seeks to reach out to everyone, even those who, like Zacchaeus, seem to have it all yet lack spiritual fulfillment. Zacchaeus was curious about Jesus and discovered that Jesus intended to bring him redemption and salvation. This narrative encourages us to recognize Jesus' constant presence and openness to us, inviting us to turn away from sin, cleanse our hearts and minds, and embrace a life aligned with His purpose.

    I pray to God that we can form a bridge to Him, acknowledging His mercy, grace, and love, which are always waiting for us. God desires us to follow Him out of genuine desire, not obligation. We should seek Him with pure hearts, spending time in prayer and rejecting the temptations of the enemy.

    Despite our weaknesses and failures, past or present, we must not continue down the path of distraction and sin. We are given free will, but we ask for God's guidance and the Holy Spirit's help to repent and align ourselves with God's will, especially in challenging times. Let us not be led astray by distractions or sins but remain focused on our path to God, seeking purity and connection with Him.

    In conclusion, we seek God's assistance in overcoming distractions and temptations, surrendering fully to His will, and ensuring our actions are in accordance with His desires. Thank you, Lord, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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  • Seeking Light in the Shadows: A Reflection on Overcoming Negativity Through Faith
    Mar 6 2024

    More at www.MariaEwen.com

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  • Praying Against the Spirit of Fornication in Our Generation
    Feb 24 2024

    Thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus. In this moment, Lord, I want to pray against to the spirit of fornication because we see that very strongly in this generation. Lord, we pray Lord, against to that because now people don't want to get involved like, like being in, in institutional marriage law. Now people wants to have just like a like a, the op door open. They feel like they are not really connecting in, in the thinking. Like they're going to live forever together, thinking like it's going to work together in everything law. Because when we, when we get connected like a couple law, we have to work together. We have to work each one individual to keep our relation chip going Lord and a pray Lord for those couples, for those couple, they are thinking that way, that they, they have the door open.

    If it doesn't work, the relation between them, they can go away. But I know, Lord, I pray Lord, that people get a, get a knowledge that we need you, Lord, that we need you Lord. And you created the institutional marriage to get marriage for that to be covered on for your Lord and a prayer for so many people that are in, in fornication. A lot of people in my neighborhood, a lot of people in my family law, a lot of people in front church, family law, they are in living in that with the spirit. Lord, they open the door to the enemy because he is, he is really, really working, working hard to keep people thinking like they feel comfortable the way everything is working well, living in, in with a sin. But I pray, Lord, the, the you Holy Spirit, because you have that power that you put it in, in, in that small seed that you put that desire, they really, each one, they, they want to get married.

    They want to close the door to the enemy. They really say, I want to be on theca, Lord. I want to be on the blessings. Lord, I want to be clean. Lord, I pray, Lord, the people recognize the enemy is working, working hard to keep people thinking that it is normal. There's okay there something like, like a style in this, in this world now, Lord, but we, we know Lord, that we can pray for, that we can pray against to the Spirit we extend, engaged to the Spirit. Lord is working hard, is very strong, very strong in this moments, Lord, and a pillow for this, you, there are a lot of you kids that are now living in fornication. A lot of kids learn now because this is normal, because

    They see that in, in, in the family. They see that from the parents because the parents showing that it's normal. They're living together then showing them to that. It's normal for them. But I pray, Lord, that the parents get it together, really, really recognize they had to, if they're living for so many years, so many years, what they thinking, what they thinking, why they miss, they miss is to be with God. They miss to close the door to the enemy. They miss. It's just really, really recognize the what you want. God is the that we, that they are being in the under cover, be law in the institution of marriage and say no more to the enemy. They close the door to the enemy. Lord, I pray, Lord, they really feel the desire. They really see the, the enemy try to make made them comfortable. But another way is working and run, run to the Lord that they really recognize and rebuke and rejected and start, say no more to the enemy and get more close to your Lord. And she's an amen.

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  • Strengthening Marriages and Families
    Feb 17 2024

    For more, go to:


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  • A Prayer for Prodigal Souls: Returning to the Path of Light
    Feb 8 2024


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  • A Prayer for Order and Healing in Every Aspect of Life
    Jan 26 2024


    [Edited for Clarity] Heavenly Father, we come before you, praising your holy name. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for everything. In this moment, we lift up our hearts in prayer, seeking your guidance to bring order to our lives.

    Lord, we ask for clarity in our thoughts, that our minds may be in order. Help us to see and hear with discernment, and guide us in the way we speak. We surrender our hearts to you, asking for healing from any hurts or unforgiveness that may linger within us.

    Cleanse our hearts, Lord, and grant us the strength to put our lives in order. May our relationships, marriages, and single lives align with your will. We lift our financial concerns to you, asking for wisdom to manage our resources wisely and resist unnecessary expenses that lead to anxiety and depression.

    Lord, we pray for those burdened by overwhelming debt. May they find the help they need, and may your light shine upon them in their darkest moments. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus.

    We also seek your guidance in maintaining order in our physical bodies. Help us recognize the importance of healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices that contribute to our well-being as we age.

    Lord, we lift up our families, asking for healing in relationships and understanding among generations. We pray for those facing challenges related to diverse issues, trusting that your love and order will prevail.

    Finally, Lord, we pray for our homes. Grant us the wisdom to let go of the past, removing unnecessary clutter and negativity. May our homes be spaces where your presence is felt, bringing joy and peace.

    We recognize that as followers of your teachings, Lord, we are called to live in order. Guide us on this journey, aligning our lives with your divine order. Amen.

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  • The Forgotten
    Jan 18 2024


    [Edited for Clarity] In this moment, Lord, I want to dedicate my prayers to those people who are being forgotten. Those people in jail, those people in depression, who are in that dark place, Lord, in sadness, in that darkness. And I pray, Lord, because we don't know what they're going through in that place, Lord. But we pray, Lord, we pray, Lord, that the intercessions we are making in this moment, this prayer that we are offering, touch their hearts, cleanse their hearts, and lead them to ask for forgiveness.

    Lord, may they ask for your help, repent for their sins, because the enemy is working hard. And we don't know why, Lord. The demons use whatever they can, Lord, and we are not to judge. Because the only one who can judge is you, Lord. You have the power to judge anyone, Lord, everybody, Lord. And we pray, Lord, we pray for them. Lord, we don't want to judge them. The only thing we want to do is intercede for them, pray for them. May they open their hearts to you, Lord, and start asking for forgiveness, Lord, for whatever they did, big or small. We don't know, Lord, but may they truly seek you, Lord. Seek you, Lord, because we pray for them. May they truly recognize that there is a God who cares, a God who loves them.

    They are loved because they are in this moment, in a moment of suffering, Lord. Because the enemy works in there horribly. They make the enemy make them believe whatever lies, Lord. But we pray, Lord, that they will humble themselves, ask forgiveness from you, Lord, with a pure and clean heart. May your Holy Spirit enter their hearts and make the changes they need to have. Transform their hearts and help them become the person they are meant to be. And we pray, Lord, that you will use them in that place to bring souls to you, Lord. May they bring a testimony, a testimony of a transformed life, that what you did for them, you can do for others. Use them, Lord. Use them in that place, in that darkness, in that sad moment in their lives, that they can be the source to help bring souls to your kingdom.

    Lord, I pray that they will embrace more and more that you will use them, Lord, because they have a calling from you. Everybody, each individual has a calling for you, Lord. And those people in jail, Lord, use them. The pastors, Lord, who are in jail. The ministers, Lord, who are in jail. You are calling them in this moment, Lord, to bring souls to you, Lord, to bring souls close to your kingdom. May they recognize this. Another life is another joy, another peace, another moment, Lord, that they say no to the enemy. The enemy is trying to destroy them even in jail, Lord. But when, Lord, even in jail, they can see your light. Even in jail, they can feel your peace.

    Even in jail, they can feel that joy that comes from you, Lord. And they say, 'I want you, Lord. I want you.' May you touch their hearts, that they start seeking you, Lord. May they read the Bible and be fulfilled by your word, Lord. May they seek you very, very hard, Lord. May they feel you very, very strongly. And may they see life in a different way. And when you allow them to go out from jail, as they go out to the streets, Lord, may you use the calling they have, Lord. May they start embracing people, being that soul for your kingdom. May you use them inside and outside, in all moments. Amen.

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  • Thank you Lord
    Jan 16 2024


    [Edited for Clarity] Good morning, God. Good morning, Jesus. Good morning, Holy Spirit. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything. Thank you for this beautiful day. Thank you for allowing us to wake, God, and think about you. Thank you, Lord, because we know that we must think about you first, welcome you, Holy Spirit, into our lives, minds, eyes, mouth, ears, soul, and heart. We must work on welcoming you, Holy Spirit, into our spirit because we need you. We need you all the time. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Holy Spirit.

    We acknowledge, Lord, that you are the one who makes everything possible in us. You are a God of possibilities, capable of doing everything. What we cannot do, Lord, you can do. You make everything possible because you are our Father. You are the God who always desires the best for us. I pray, Lord, for today and for this new year. May we embrace you more and more, take time to be with you, and recognize who you are in our lives.

    Though we have 24 hours in a day, it doesn't mean we must think about you every second. But at least, take time to be with you, pray to you, and acknowledge your presence. We know, Lord, that you are our shelter and strength. You provide strength to us because we are weak and need you. We need you, Lord. We need you all the time.

    In these challenging times, where there is sadness, disasters, and people suffering, we pray for peace and unity. Bring peace to the land, Lord. Help us to bring you into our homes, minds, hearts, flesh, and soul. We need you, Lord, in these moments of darkness, sadness, and anguish.

    We also pray for those who don't know you. Use us, Holy Spirit, to reach them and help them recognize who you are. You are a miracle-working God, a healer of spirit, soul, mind, and heart. Break through the bitterness, anguish, and traumas in their hearts. Transform and cleanse their hearts so they can feel your presence and see you as a loving God.

    May they open their hearts to you, Lord, and be released from pain, trauma, darkness, and depression. Use us as vessels, Holy Spirit, to bring more people to you. Allow us to be instruments of your love and help others find salvation and redemption through Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name, amen.

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