
  • EPISODE INTRO: Who’s the Master Coach Mindset for?
    May 20 2018

    Rhonda Britten introduces you to the new podcast Master Coach Mindset with Rhonda Britten. 

    Más Menos
    3 m
  • EP00 - What is the Art of Coaching?
    May 21 2018

    This podcast is for you if:

    • You are a professional coach whether it’s life coach, business coach, or any type of niche coaching.
    • Or if you use coaching skills as part of your every day life:
    • and lastly, this podcast is for you if you, like me, want to be a masterful communicator

     So why listen?

    Here’s just a small list of the goodness you receive when you become a master coach:

    • An ability to have difficult conversations with anyone, anywhere, at any time.
    • An ability to act with compassion – not the gooey kind but the fierce fearless kind that allows you to stand for someone – give someone a break but don’t let them off the hook
    • See innocence in another allowing your heart to stay open and stay connected no matter what challenge you face
    • Get out of your own way and be motivated to take action
    • Let go of the shame and blame game of negative self-talk
    • Empower others to take action on their own behalf
    • Deep willingness to listen and in turn, be heard
    • No more fake cheerleading but authentic connection and support
    • If you want to be more effective in moving your clients towards achieving their goals
    • Oh, and there’s so much more…


    P.S. Grab your Free Fearbuster Coaching™ Toolkit at http://bit.ly/2kNP1um




    Más Menos
    3 m
  • S01E01 - Your Internal Work is Your Biggest Asset [Part 1 of 13]
    May 21 2018

    A Master Coach knows their own internal work is the foundation of their coaching practice, guaranteeing deep healing and authentic awakening for themselves and their client.”

    Moments You Don’t Want to Miss!
    • 02:57 – This is essential to be a Master Coach
    • 03:53 – This is what I cherish about coaching…
    • 05:24 – What is a Coach responsible for?
    • 06:02 – Why you have to master saying no
    • 07:14 – Ask yourself this question…
    • 08:05 – Here’s what happened during my “dark night of the soul”
    • 10:37 – What it means to “know your own internal work”
    • 11:20 – Human reality versus a spiritual life
    • 12:42 – Don’t confuse judgment with discernment
    • 14:20 – This is what’s really happening between you and your client
    • 15:15 – “Tip of the Day”
    • 15:29 – Question of the Day: “Rhonda, what should we do if our personal values conflict with our clients? How do you set aside something that you believe in so strongly?”
    • 17:03 – What is a “Content Coach”?
    • 17:47 – In our human reality, we are driven by this one thing
    • 19:53 – When when you judge your client (or yourself)…
    • 21:02 – The best gift you can give your client


    P.S. Grab your Free Fearbuster Coaching™ Toolkit at http://bit.ly/2kNP1um




    Más Menos
    23 m
  • S01E02 - Your Definition of Success is Keeping You Stuck Part [2 of 13]
    May 21 2018

    So do you ignore time or results? Well, kinda. But not in the way you might think. Many times our clients believe they know the results they want but how often are those results taking them down a path that isn’t theirs?

    Our job as Coaches is to create a new way to define success for our clients (and ourselves) that go beyond goals or perfect situations but rather we want to create a definition of success that outlasts any relationship, any career, any project. When we do that, we give our clients a more expansive view of what’s possible including the real reason they hire us: To become the people they were born to be.

    Moments You Don't Want to Miss!
    • 04:55 – How to create a definition of success that grows with you
    • 06:01 – Fear isn’t going anywhere so now what?
    • 08:01 – I don’t focus on results with my clients, I do this instead
    • 11:06 – Do you know the #1 regret people have on their deathbeds?
    • 12:11 – Broken Dreams are never lost. Listen to Rhonda’s story about how her dead dream reincarnated into living in another country and changing lives all over the world.
    • 21:57 – What does God have to do with your desires?
    • 23:31 – Question of the Day: If a potential client comes to you with several goals, where do you start in order to be the most effective coach?


    P.S. Grab your Free Fearbuster Coaching™ Toolkit at http://bit.ly/2kNP1um




    Más Menos
    30 m
  • S01E03 - How Sympathy is a Trap [Part 3 of 13]
    May 28 2018

    A Master Coach never blames or shames their client, or gives them sympathy or pity, but supports them unconditionally.

    Moments You Don’t Want to Miss!
    • 2:13 – Hear Rhonda flub and lesson learned
    • 4:31 – Do you do this? Examples of shame and sympathy
    • 6:31 – How your assumptions disempower your clients
    • 8:45 – This disempowers your client
    • 9:11 – To empower your clients, put your personal opinions aside
    • 9:58 – How to get to the heart of your clients feelings
    • 10:38 – How to support your clients in processing their feelings
    • 12:41 – Coaching Tip of the Day: Eliminate the word “stress” and here’s why
    • 13:39 – Fearbuster Exercise™: Feelings List and how to use it
    • 14:10 – One word that changes everything
    • 15:07 – Naming your subtle feelings is one aspect of self-mastery
    • 16:09 – The one tool I use alongside Nonviolent Communication
    • 17:33 – How blame and shame may show up in your coaching
    • 18:42 – What does it mean to support unconditionally
    • 19:13 – Question of the Day: “If a client goes off on a rant and starts to get defensive, what do you suggest doing?”


    P.S. Grab your Free Fearbuster Coaching™ Toolkit at http://bit.ly/2kNP1um




    Más Menos
    26 m
  • S01E04 - There's Something Way Better than Results [Part 4 of 13]
    Jun 4 2018

    There’s Something Way Better than Results

    Moments You Don't Want to Miss!
    • 04:20 – The mechanics of a deep breath
    • 07:12 – Embracing your humanity means awakening to your process
    • 08:40 – Why you should be coaching yourself out of a job
    • 10:41 – The real purpose of goals
    • 11:03 – What our true job is as coaches
    • 12:15 – Difference between coaching and consulting
    • 13:00 –You client is looking at the sign ahead, where are you looking?
    • 13:40 –This is what I do. Do you do this too?
    • 16:20 –Every experience you have ever had brought you here
    • 17:50 –If you’re not spiritual, you might want to turn the podcast off now
    • 17:55 –How I became an actress, and why I quit
    • 20:17 –Is everything really possible?
    • 21:46 – Coaching Tip of the Day: Focus on when you’re coaching results versus process
    • 23:16 – Question of the Day: What do you do, Rhonda, when a client comes to a session and says they have nothing to work on?


    P.S. Grab your Free Fearbuster Coaching™ Toolkit at http://bit.ly/2kNP1um




    Más Menos
    25 m
  • S01E05 - No Such Thing as a Mistake [Part 5 of 13]
    Jun 11 2018

    One of my favorite lines in the Master Coach Manifesto is: "A Master Coach coaches beyond right or wrong or bad or good because there is no such thing as a mistake.”

    Here’s what I know: There’s no benefit to blaming and shaming for mistakes. The same is true for withholding innocence. Seeing your own innocence, and your clients is a cure-all for reframing your past into a new present that you’ll be proud of. And even more important, you will be able to let go of guilt and breath!

    Moments You Don’t Want to Miss!

    4:51  Go beyond the current problem

    7:06  This belief limits your capacity to help your clients

    7:38  Three things needed for transformation

    8:48  Downfall of “I should have known better.”

    10:03 Coaching skill of seeing innocence

    10:45 More you know, the crueler you can become

    11:59 Wrong way to motivate yourself and robot results

    13:30 What if you saw your client’s innocence?

    14:17 Coaching roleplay: Mistakes

    17:40 Ask coaching questions to eliminate guilt, shame, etc.

    18:08 Forget 10. Six is fine.

    18:20 Where striving for 10 comes from

    20:15 Meaning of mistake

    20:46 Coaching Tip of the Day: Do you see your own innocence and do you see your client’s?

    22:18 Question of the Day: “My client came to me saying that she wants to have a baby with her husband because she’s getting older and believes that kids bring couples joy and therefore, brings them closer together.”

    23:35 Clarity comes when any answer to the same question is okay

    24:30 “Your yes means nothing if you can’t say no.”


    P.S. Grab your Free Fearbuster Coaching™ Toolkit at http://bit.ly/2kNP1um




    Más Menos
    27 m
  • S01E06 - The Power of Integrated Feelings [Part 6 of 13]
    Jun 18 2018

    Feelings are so confusing. They pull us one and then the other. And because of that, we stay stuck in indecision. One of the key aspects of taking our power back is knowing how feelings work and how to align our head, heart, body, and soul. When you can do that, clarity ensues bringing with it clarity, focus, motivation, and awe-inspiring wonder.

    Here’s line six of the Master Coach Manifesto: “A Master Coach honors a client’s feelings, yet listens for alignment, knowing that when the head, heart, body, and soul work together, that determines how free and fearless their client can truly be.”

    Moments You Don’t Want to Miss!

    1:07 Coaching Skills are an Art
    4:23 Listen to line 6 of the Master Coach Manifesto
    5:27 Alignment means clarity, motivation, momentum.
    6:35 Feelings either serve fear or freedom
    7:33 An example of how anger is not bad or not good
    9:11 How to coach: “I can’t take this one more minute.”
    11:25 Victoria wanted to quit her job. I shocked her instead.
    12:19 Who’s in charge of your decisions?
    13:02 Preparing for the future while taking action now
    16:00 Coaching Tip of the Day: Feelings are energy
    17:10 Honoring feelings releases shame
    17:30 When your head and heart are colliding, you’re in conflict
    18:33 You can’t force alignment
    20:41 When you’re not taking action, you’re not aligned
    21:04 My client won’t do their homework
    22:18 Question of the Day: I don't want to make any more changes. I'm good."
    22:55 Anchor your clients changes so they can build a new future
    23:35 When do you scale back with a client
    25:50 Ask questions to double check your client



    P.S. Grab your Free Fearbuster Coaching™ Toolkit at http://bit.ly/2kNP1um




    Más Menos
    28 m