
  • Dating Disasters: When Jokes Turn to Lies
    Jun 23 2024
    In this episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker, Rabbi and Aleeza welcome back Janine to share another wild and unexpected tale from her dating adventures. This time, Janine recounts a bizarre experience with a man she met online who made an unbelievable claim about having a glass eye, only to later reveal it was a joke. The trio talks about the importance of honesty and humor in the dating world, exploring where the line should be drawn. Key Takeaways: The Importance of Honesty: Trust is crucial in any relationship. Janine's story shows how a lack of honesty can quickly become a deal-breaker. Understanding Humor in Dating: Humor can be a great ice-breaker, but it's important to know where to draw the line. Jokes that are misleading or confusing can harm a budding relationship. Communication is Key: Clear and open communication helps avoid misunderstandings. Janine's experience highlights how miscommunication can lead to awkward and uncomfortable situations. Red Flags and Gut Feelings: Trust your instincts. Janine noticed several "orange flags" but was willing to overlook them until the glass eye incident. Recognizing and acting on red flags can save time and emotional energy. To submit your question for a future episode, go to www.MarriageMindedMentor.com/Podcast Watch this episode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUtaMTM0rzqa4R2eZWyA9Q
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    10 m
  • Dating Disasters: When ‘No’ Isn’t Clear Enough
    Jun 16 2024
    In this week's episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker, Aleeza and Rabbi are joined by a regular listener Janine, who shares a humorous and perplexing dating experiences that highlight the complexities of modern relationships. The trio explores the boundaries of friendship between men and women, the importance of clear communication, and the persistence often found in romantic pursuits. Key Points: Crazy Dating Stories: Janine shares her personal experiences with a longtime friend who repeatedly tries to turn their friendship into a romantic relationship, despite her clear rejections. Clear Communication: The episode emphasizes the importance of direct communication in dating, illustrated by Janine's bold approach of telling her friend she would "vomit" if he flirted with her. Persistence vs. Stalking: The discussion delves into the fine line between being persistent and becoming a stalker, with insights on when men should recognize and respect a clear 'no'. Friend Zone Dynamics: They examine whether men and women can truly have platonic friendships, especially when one party has romantic feelings, concluding that it often leads to misunderstandings and complications. To submit your question for a future episode, go to www.MarriageMindedMentor.com/Podcast Watch this episode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUtaMTM0rzqa4R2eZWyA9Q
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    11 m
  • Why Do People Delay Marriage?
    Jun 9 2024
    In this episode, Aleeza and Rabbi discuss a listener's question about how to inspire couples to get engaged and married quicker, reflecting on personal experiences and cultural trends. The discussion the topic of marriage timelines and societal perceptions of marriage. They also talk about the challenges and benefits of marriage, emphasizing the importance of positive messaging and community support. Key Points Current Trends in Marriage: Aleeza and Rabbi talk about how getting married has become less popular, with many people focusing on careers and personal goals first. Being Positive Role Models: They emphasize the need for married couples to share the good parts of their marriages openly. This can help inspire others to see marriage as a positive and worthwhile step. Balancing Challenges and Benefits: The discussion covers both the challenges and the benefits of marriage, including practical perks like tax breaks and the personal growth that comes from having a life partner. Changing the Conversation: Aleeza and Rabbi plan to create and spread positive messages about marriage to counter the negative ones often seen in media. They believe this can help change how people think about getting married. To submit your question for a future episode, go to www.MarriageMindedMentor.com/Podcast Watch this episode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUtaMTM0rzqa4R2eZWyA9Q
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    10 m
  • Dating Struggles in Rural Areas
    Jun 2 2024
    In this episode, Aleeza and the Rabbi talk about a listener's question about the unique challenges of dating as a middle-aged Jew in the rural South. Rachel, a listener from Virginia, shares her experience of connecting with another Jewish divorcee from North Carolina and the complexities of their new relationship. Aleeza and the Rabbi discuss the pressures of long-distance relationships, the difficulty of finding Jewish partners in small communities, and the importance of giving potential relationships a fair chance despite geographical and social hurdles. They also invite Rachel and her match to share their journey on the podcast. Key Points: Long-Distance Relationship Dynamics: The hosts talk about the intensity and challenges that come with long-distance dating, including managing communication and expectations. Scarcity of Jewish Partners in Small Towns: Aleeza and the Rabbi explore the pressure of dating within a limited Jewish community and the fear of settling due to a lack of options. Importance of Real Connections: They stress the need to tell the difference between feeling forced into a relationship due to limited options and recognizing a genuine connection. Giving Relationships a Fair Chance: The hosts suggest a "five date challenge" to allow time for a real connection to develop before making a final decision and highlight the potential blessings in having fewer dating options. To submit your question for a future episode, go to www.MarriageMindedMentor.com/Podcast Watch this episode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUtaMTM0rzqa4R2eZWyA9Q
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    12 m
  • Why Is Finding Love So Hard for Me?
    May 26 2024
    In this episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker, Rabbi and Aleeza tackle a big question from a listener named Shoshana, who has been single for ten years and is struggling to understand why finding a life partner is so hard. The discussion looks at both the spiritual and practical sides of finding a match, exploring the balance between divine intervention and free will. Rabbi emphasizes that the challenge of finding a soulmate is part of God's plan and talks about how time and effort in relationships are crucial for their longevity and success. Key Points: Divine Intervention and Free Will: Rabbi explains that while God is involved in matchmaking, humans also have free will, which means the process requires their active participation and decision-making. The Importance of Effort: Both hosts agree that the difficulty in finding a partner is intentional, designed to make individuals value and work hard for their relationships, ensuring they are cherished and maintained. Multiple Potential Soulmates: Aleeza and Rabbi discuss the idea that there isn't just one perfect soulmate for each person; several individuals could potentially fulfill that role, which can alleviate some pressure and open more possibilities. Practical Advice and Hope: The episode concludes with practical advice, such as Aleeza's "Mystery in Your History" course, which helps individuals re-evaluate past connections, and a hopeful message encouraging patience and perseverance in the journey to find a life partner. To submit your question for a future episode, go to www.MarriageMindedMentor.com/Podcast Watch this episode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUtaMTM0rzqa4R2eZWyA9Q
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    12 m
  • Understanding the Reasons for Divorce
    May 19 2024
    In this episode, Aleeza and the Rabbi answer a question from Judith, a widow in her 50s. Judith notices that many divorced men she meets blame their failed marriages on their ex-wives' emotional issues, which they say come from being raised by Holocaust survivors. The episode looks into whether this is a real pattern or just an excuse. The Rabbi and Aleeza also talk about how the Holocaust affects later generations. They give Judith and others advice on dating. Key Points: Recurring Theme in Divorce Reasons: Judith sees that many divorced men say their ex-wives are emotionally unavailable because of their Holocaust survivor parents. Holocaust's Lingering Impact: The Rabbi explains how the trauma from the Holocaust can affect the children of survivors, shaping their emotional and relationship issues. Pattern Recognition and Self-Reflection: Aleeza and Rabbi suggest that Judith think about why she sees this pattern and how her own background might play a role. Advice for Change: They recommend that Judith try dating outside her usual community to find someone who is emotionally available and a good match. Watch this episode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUtaMTM0rzqa4R2eZWyA9Q To submit your question for a future episode, go to www.MarriageMindedMentor.com/Podcast
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    10 m
  • Staying Friends After Rejection
    May 12 2024
    Join us for another episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker where your hosts, Aleeza and Rabbi, dive into a heartfelt query from Yosef, who is facing the challenge of unrequited love with a friend. The episode explores the delicate balance of maintaining a friendship while dealing with romantic feelings that aren't reciprocated. Key Points: Respecting the Friend's Decision: Aleeza stresses the importance of respecting the friend's feelings and decision to remain just friends, highlighting how essential it is to honor these boundaries. Timing for Reapproaching: Aleeza advises waiting at least six months before considering to express feelings again, suggesting a gentle approach to see if the dynamics might have changed, without applying pressure. The Importance of Moving On: Rabbi emphasizes the necessity for Yosef to focus on moving forward, recommending that he explore other romantic possibilities instead of waiting for his friend’s feelings to change. Taking Time for Self-Reflection: Both hosts agree on the benefits of Yosef taking some time away from the friendship if needed, to mitigate emotional pain and to make space for new, reciprocative relationships. Share Watch this episode: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUtaMTM0rzqa4R2eZWyA9Q To submit your question for a future episode, go to www.MarriageMindedMentor.com/Podcast
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    11 m
  • Letting Go of Self-Blame in Relationships
    May 5 2024
    In this episode of Matchmaker Matchmaker, Aleeza and Rabbi respond to a listener who is struggling with self-criticism after a past relationship. They discuss the importance of forgiving oneself and using mistakes as learning opportunities for better future relationships. The conversation offers practical advice on personal growth and emotional recovery post-breakup. Key Points: Normalizing Mistakes: Aleeza points out that making mistakes is a common part of all human interactions. She likens it to how children stumble when learning to walk, illustrating that errors are essential for personal development. Timing of Conversations: Aleeza shares a personal tip about managing emotions during conflicts. She advises waiting until you're calm to discuss sensitive topics to ensure the conversation is constructive. Shared Responsibility: Rabbi highlights that problems in relationships are usually not one-sided. Recognizing that both partners may contribute to issues can alleviate unnecessary self-blame. Constructive Reflection: They offer advice on how to reflect on past errors effectively, which includes stopping negative behaviors, expressing regret, clearly stating intentions for change, and making plans for improvement.
    Más Menos
    9 m