
  • Are You Too Booked and Busy for God? Episode #143 Me to We Talk Podcast
    Mar 15 2024

    Life is busy. And sometimes it feels so busy that prayer becomes pushed to the background. Ask yourself, are you too booked and busy for God? For prayer?

    But what if we changed our perspective on praying to God?

    What if it wasn’t that we were too busy to pray … but that we are too busy NOT to pray?

    Check out the latest episode from the Me to We Podcast by Elders Conell & Rhonda Hollins as we shift our perspective and saw the busy seasons of our lives not as an excuse that keeps us from spending purposeful time in prayer with God – but the busyness was the reason we prayed all the more!

    Learn our top 3 tips on how to stay connected to HIS glory!!! God is NEVER too busy for us, let’s NEVER be too busy for HIM.

    Subscribe to the Me to We Talk Podcast

    Me to We Talk Podcast presents The Truth Serum Series!Address Godly relationship issues and topics not normally discussed in church settings...but should! Join Elders Conell & Rhonda Hollins as they speak the Truth, The Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth...So Help Me God! Available for Free download! Check us out at our podcast website Me to We Talk and join our blog...The Talk of the Town to get the latest topics up for discussion on the Me to We Talk Podcast! Join us on air! Click here to contact us we would love to hear your perspective and talk with you live during our podcast! Listen in and let the truth set you free!

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    Follow us on IG and FB at @metowelove or check out our link tree here: Love you all! ❤️

    Support the Show.

    Follow us on IG and FB at @metowelove or check out our link tree here: Love you all! ❤️

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Things Are Looking Up! Me to We Talk Podcast- Episode 142
    Oct 8 2023

    If I told you to look up, what would you be looking for? Would you be checking for the sun, stars, or the moon? Or would you look up to see what your Father was saying to you? We are in turbulent times, the signs are all around us, and we see them every day on the news (wars, famine, death, earthquakes, etc.). God is trying to tell us something! The GREAT news is we know how this ends for those who love God! Things are looking up!

    Luke 21:28 King James Version

    28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

    Join the Me to We Talk podcast as we look up together and discuss exactly what is going on in the world, and what God is saying to us all.

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    Follow us on IG and FB at @metowelove or check out our link tree here: Love you all! ❤️

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Does your Fire…Work? Episode #141 - Me to We Talk Podcast
    Jul 4 2023

    Happy Fourth of July!! It's something about this day that brings out the kid in all of us! Just as fireworks go off around the U.S., so do fireworks in your relationship. Are there fireworks in your relationship or do you find there is only Fire…no works?

    Does your anger ignite just like a firecracker until your temper explodes? Or does your fire have a slow burn. How do you handle anger in marriage? Let’s discuss managing your temper and understanding long and short fuse responses.

    Join the Me To We Talk Podcast as we discuss the fire that burns within your relationships, and how we need to fan the flame in some instances but not to the point where the fire consumes us.

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    Follow us on IG and FB at @metowelove or check out our link tree here: Love you all! ❤️

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Joint or Separate?? Me to We Talk Podcast- Episode # 140
    Jun 5 2023

    In marriage, do we really have to share everything? What if that doesn’t work for you? What if it does? What if you don’t want to? Does not having a joint account make you less married?

    Traditionally, couples have been taught to keep their money in a joint bank account. But what if a newlywed couple decides to have separate accounts and come together to pay the bills. Who’s to say it won’t work!

    Join Elders Conell and Rhonda Hollins on the Me to We Talk Podcast as we get to the bottom of this discussion. And ask ourselves if we’re married or thinking about marriage, should everything automatically be joint? Check out this weeks episode to see if this discussion will break the bank!

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    Follow us on IG and FB at @metowelove or check out our link tree here: Love you all! ❤️

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • You Only Get One! Episode 139
    May 14 2023

    That’s right, you only get one! Couples, friends, and family you only get one mother! Now, you may not like her all the time, you may not agree with her all the time, but she is still your mother!

    In today’s episode, we will list ways for you to forgive your mother, give honor to your mother, mourn your mother and appreciate your mother, the way GOD intended!

    Listen in as elders, Conell and Rhonda Hollins appreciate all the single mothers, grandmothers and caregivers that have stood in as mother for you. You don’t want to miss this hilarious yet poignant take on why moms rule the world! Thank you God for all the mothers in this world!

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    Follow us on IG and FB at @metowelove or check out our link tree here: Love you all! ❤️

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • A Real Man Opens More Than Just Doors! Episode 138
    Jan 27 2023

    I take it upon myself as a husband to make sure that I always hold the door open for my wife, because chivalry isn’t dead. My children; my three little boys see this and because of my example they will hold the door open for anyone in need, especially their mother. So as a father I feel I’m doing something right. But as a man we should be doing more than just opening doors. We should be opening our Bibles, and continuously praying for our family, friends, love ones and leaders. Listen in and find out what it means to be a real man.

    One that can open the doors to God’s never ending blessings that no man can ever shut!

    Join the Me to We Talk Podcast as we discuss this topic and more.

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    Follow us on IG and FB at @metowelove or check out our link tree here: Love you all! ❤️

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Do You “Know” Me? Episode # 137
    Jan 6 2023

    Can I be my authentic self? Do you really know me? Will I be judged, will I be an outcast, or will I be cancelled if I make a misstep. In a “real” marriage you don’t have to filter yourself until only the best version of yourself is available. Real marriage loves the “ugly parts”.

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    Follow us on IG and FB at @metowelove or check out our link tree here: Love you all! ❤️

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Friends of the Opposite Sex- Episode 136
    Dec 13 2022

    When is it ok for your spouse to have friends of the opposite sex? Or is it never ok? Or are you like me, and say “ No new friends!” Join the Me to We Talk podcast as we discuss this very topic.

    Support the Show.

    Follow us on IG and FB at @metowelove or check out our link tree here: Love you all! ❤️

    Más Menos
    21 m