
  • Kaya Sthairyam Tantra Meditation with Nalini Sahay
    Dec 8 2017
    Meditate with Karya Sthairyam Meditation. A classical Tantra Meditation. This particular variation of Karya Sthairyam was taught by Paramahamsa Swami Satyananda, disciple of Swami Sivananda. Meditation instruction by Dr. Nalini Sahay, Yoga Master, psychologist and yoga therapist in Delhi. Recording … Weiterlesen →
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  • Meditation on the Point between the Eye Brows – To develop Intuition
    Sep 17 2017
    Meditation on the movement of breath in the point between the eye brows. This elevates the mind, gives new energy and develops intuition and insight. According to Hatha Yoga and Kunalini Yoga, this meditation technique activates the Ajna Chakra, the … Weiterlesen →
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  • Ajapa-Japa-Meditation with Soham
    Aug 25 2017
    Meditation practice with Nalini Sahay, diciple of Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati. Paramahamsa Satyananda was a diciple of Swmai Sivananda. Let yourself guide through the technique of Ajapa-Japa-Meditation with the mantra Soham. Ajapa-Japa means chanting in the mind. This meditation was part … Weiterlesen →
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  • Chidakash Meditation – Ajna Chakra
    Aug 3 2017
    Dr. Nalini Sahay is guiding you through a 13minute meditation. Meditation practice on the Chidakash. The Chidakash is located in the space behind the eyebrow center, the space behind the closed eyes. Chidakash is also called the window to the … Weiterlesen →
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  • Ajapa Japa – Tantra Meditation Technique
    May 21 2017
    Ajapa Japa is a Tantra Meditation Technique for opening the Chakras, activating the energies and bringing the mind to a state of silence. You work with Ujjayi, Khechari, Soham Mantra and circulation of Awareness. This variation of Ajapa Japa was … Weiterlesen →
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  • Heart opening meditation with Sukadev
    Oct 8 2016
    German with English translation! In this guided meditation uses Sukadev the technique of visualization. The meditation guides us into a connection with heaven and earth. Seats stable and relaxed for the meditation. For more English yoga videos, music, blog posts, … Weiterlesen →
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  • Maitri Bhava Meditation mit Arjuna und Shakti
    Mar 5 2016
    További videókat ès információkat a jògàròl, a meditàciòròl ès az ajurvèdàròl http://joganekem.ning.com. Ebben a meditációban összekapcsolódunk az Univerzális Szeretettel. Megtapasztaljuk, hogy testünk, érzéseink, gondolataink egész megtestesült lényünk nem más, mint etam vibhutim ennek a Szeretetnek a megnyilvánulása. Szívünk Terébe térve … Weiterlesen →
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  • Swami Yogaswarupananda leads a Japa with three mantras
    Aug 1 2015
    During his visit at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg Swami Yogaswarupananda, from the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh, leads a Japa meditation. Japa means to feel the meaning of the mantra. He speaks about the meaning of three mantras. About the … Weiterlesen →
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