
  • Conversation about life, medicine and life after medicine
    May 25 2024

    Last one of the season. Season 2 coming to an end; rather a pause to the series.

    Talking with an old friend, Dr. Sayuj Paudel; frinedship of more than two decades, reminiscing about shared memories and experiences, feels like a warm embrace—a comforting return to a familiar place. Our conversations span the years, weaving together the threads of our lives. This friend, a supporting husband, has been a steadfast presence, standing by his family's side through life’s twists and turns. His unwavering support has also been my anchor, grounding me even when the waves of uncertainty threatened to pull me under. As a caring dad, he’s worn many hats: storyteller, playmate, protector. I can picture him chasing after little ones, lifting them high in the air, their laughter echoing through the house. His love is tangible, woven into the fabric of our family.

    And then there’s his professional life—a successful physician in California. We delve into the intricacies of his work—the long hours, the delicate balance between science and compassion. He shares stories of patients, their struggles and triumphs, and I listen, awed by the impact he makes. We talk about life—the mundane and the extraordinary. The rhythm of our days—the morning coffee, the evening walks, the quiet moments when the world fades away. And in those conversations, I glimpse the heart of a physician—the empathy, the resilience, the weight of responsibility.

    The MD and DO differences come up, and we dissect them like curious students. We explore the nuances—the paths they take, the philosophies they embrace. It’s a dance of letters, a symphony of healing, and we marvel at the diversity within medicine. Ah, the USMLE scenario in Nepal—a tale of dreams and hurdles. We discuss the aspirants, their determination, the sleepless nights spent poring over textbooks. The exam room becomes a battleground, and we cheer for every victory, mourn every setback.

    But this conversation isn’t just about facts and figures. It’s about friendship—a bridge that spans continents and time zones. We laugh, reminisce, and share our hopes for the future. It’s a fun talk, a reminder that no matter how far we wander, some connections remain unbreakable.

    As the season draws to a close, we savor these moments. It’s like we’ve saved the best for last—a finale that leaves us wanting more. We’ll take a break, but it’s not the end. Next season, we’ll return with renewed energy, more interactions, and deeper insights.

    Our step forward is a promise—to bring better and brighter times. So, to all who’ve joined us on this journey, thank you. Until the next episode, stay curious, stay kind, and know that we’ll be back—even stronger—in the new season. 🌟🎙️✨

    Please do share your views and thoughts about the episode.
    To our cherished listeners and supporters, your engagement fuels our passion and drives our pursuit of meaningful conversations. We invite you to join us on this exhilarating journey by reaching out to us via email at medschool20podcast@gmail.com or through direct messages on Instagram @medschool2.0_podcast and Twitter @Medschool2_0. Your feedback, suggestions, and inquiries are not only welcomed but cherished as we strive to tailor our content to meet your interests and needs.

    Remember to spread the word, like, share, and subscribe to our modest production. Your support fuels our endeavors and empowers us to amplify the voices shaping the future of medicine. Together, let us continue to illuminate the path forward, one insightful conversation at a time.

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • VSLO and ERAS and Everything it entails
    Apr 15 2024

    In the pursuit of their ultimate goal, fourth-year medical students and international medical graduates alike recognize the paramount importance of the residency match process. Every aspect, from VSLO to ERAS applications, demands meticulous attention. Dr. Daniel Veyg, an interventional radiology resident and the visionary behind Matchpal, a resident-run platform dedicated to providing specialty-specific residency advising, joins us in unraveling the intricacies of this journey. At Medschool 2.0, our mission is to equip aspiring physicians with the knowledge and support they need. In this episode, we delve into the nuances of VSLO and ERAS applications, striving to demystify the process for all applicants. This recording has been not only engaging and enjoyable but also profoundly informative. We extend our sincerest hope that this episode serves as a beacon of guidance for all those embarking on this transformative journey.

    Please do share your views and thoughts about the episode.
    To our cherished listeners and supporters, your engagement fuels our passion and drives our pursuit of meaningful conversations. We invite you to join us on this exhilarating journey by reaching out to us via email at medschool20podcast@gmail.com or through direct messages on Instagram @medschool2.0_podcast and Twitter @Medschool2_0. Your feedback, suggestions, and inquiries are not only welcomed but cherished as we strive to tailor our content to meet your interests and needs.

    Remember to spread the word, like, share, and subscribe to our modest production. Your support fuels our endeavors and empowers us to amplify the voices shaping the future of medicine. Together, let us continue to illuminate the path forward, one insightful conversation at a time.

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • ReRun : Armed Force and Med School
    Mar 14 2024

    ReRun : Armed Force and Med School

    Hello and welcome to the new episode. Since we are doing once-a-month episodes; this episode was actually recorded a while back during Veterans Day, 2022 but we were looking for a suitable time to publish it.

    The main reason for publishing it now is upcoming classes. There would be a new upcoming class in 2027 and hopefully, this episode would help to shed some light on HPSP (Health Professions Scholarship Program) and a general look into how would shape a medical student through that program.

    We thank these students from NYITCOM; Mahmoud Khalil, OMS II who was the outgoing President of AMOPS (Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians 22/23) and Eastern Region representative, National SAMOPS (Association of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons 23/24), Iffat Nur OMS II; outgoing treasurer AMOPS 22/23; a civilian, Michael Talamo, OMS I, the new President AMOPS 23/24 USN (United States Navy) and Sean Decker OMS I, Secretary AMOPS 23/24 USN.

    Please do share your views and thoughts about the episode.
    To our cherished listeners and supporters, your engagement fuels our passion and drives our pursuit of meaningful conversations. We invite you to join us on this exhilarating journey by reaching out to us via email at medschool20podcast@gmail.com or through direct messages on Instagram @medschool2.0_podcast and Twitter @Medschool2_0. Your feedback, suggestions, and inquiries are not only welcomed but cherished as we strive to tailor our content to meet your interests and needs.

    Remember to spread the word, like, share, and subscribe to our modest production. Your support fuels our endeavors and empowers us to amplify the voices shaping the future of medicine. Together, let us continue to illuminate the path forward, one insightful conversation at a time.

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Future of Healthcare: Siblings in Medicine Talking about IMG, AMG, MD and DO Insights
    Feb 14 2024

    In the realm of medicine, common threads intertwine the lives of siblings, binding them in a shared journey. Dr. Bishant Baral, hailing from the vibrant tapestry of India, and Eshani Baral,MS IV; currently navigating the corridors of medical education in Ireland, exemplify this familial bond amidst the vast expanse of the medical landscape.

    Their narrative resonates with the resolute spirit of being first-generation medical professionals. Against the backdrop of their father's illustrious career as a respected physician in the United States, they tread a path illuminated by both legacy and expectation.

    In the intimate dialogue of their shared experiences, the weight of their heritage looms large – the expectations, the aspirations, and the implicit pressure to carve out their own distinct identities amidst a legacy of excellence.

    As IMGs (International Medical Graduates), they confront unique challenges and triumphs, transcending borders and cultural divides in pursuit of healing and knowledge. Their journey echoes the resilience and determination inherent in the immigrant experience, forging paths where others see barriers. In the canvas of their conversation, they paint a vivid portrait of the medical landscape, touching upon the ever-evolving discourse surrounding the perceived distinctions between MDs and DOs. In the corridors of academia and practice, they challenge preconceptions and celebrate the diversity that enriches the fabric of modern medicine.

    Amidst the cacophony of expectations and the pursuit of distinction, their story serves as a testament to the transformative power of family, heritage, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in the noblest of professions – medicine.

    We extend our deepest gratitude to Dr. Bishant Baral and Eshani Baral, MS IV for graciously dedicating their precious time to share their insights on our humble yet vibrant podcast platform. Their willingness to engage, even amidst the whirlwind of their demanding schedules, is a testament to their generosity and commitment to fostering dialogue within the medical community. With sincere appreciation, we acknowledge the invaluable contribution they've made to our burgeoning podcast channel. Their participation not only enriches our content but also inspires us to continue our journey of exploration and discovery in the realm of medicine and beyond.

    To our cherished listeners and supporters, your engagement fuels our passion and drives our pursuit of meaningful conversations. We invite you to join us on this exhilarating journey by reaching out to us via email at medschool20podcast@gmail.com or through direct messages on Instagram @medschool2.0_podcast and Twitter @Medschool2_0. Your feedback, suggestions, and inquiries are not only welcomed but cherished as we strive to tailor our content to meet your interests and needs.

    Remember to spread the word, like, share, and subscribe to our modest production. Your support fuels our endeavors and empowers us to amplify the voices shaping the future of medicine. Together, let us continue to illuminate the path forward, one insightful conversation at a time.

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Everything You Need To Know Before Starting OMS III
    Jan 14 2024

    We, medschool2.0 recently had a chat with few of the OMS II. Concerns from the majority of the people were wondering 💭 🤔how regional and non-regional rotations work. To begin with, regional rotations are those rotations which you do in a single hospital scenario whereas non-regional are those you rotate in different hospitals.

    Some students were also asking how does a third year rotation look like 🧐. I don’t blame them, for I was in the same shoe when I began my rotations and because those sort of things are really learnt by experiences, rather than in lecture hall .

    To tackle all these cushions and concerns we at Medschool 2.0 had this opportunity to call on two great OMS III; Madison O’Donnell 💎 and Katherine Milford 💎 from NYITCOM.

    We are super excited 😊 about this episode not only because it holds tons of information ℹ️ for the upcoming OMS III but also gave us a chance to talk to long lost friends 🥹who are submerged in different rotations at different hospitals.


    We are constantly working to bring you fresh topics and better conversation 🎙️🎙️ through the platform. Please download and listen our episodes on all major platform where you get your podcast from. Leave a comment, like us and please do review 📈📊how you are liking 🫶🏽👍🏽or not liking 😢the podcast.

    Thank you 🙏🏼 for listening and not giving up 🤜🏽🤛🏽on this small project of ours called Medschool2.0.

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Más Menos
    1 h y 17 m
  • How Successful People Make the Most of Their Social Media and Med school (Full Episode)
    Dec 19 2023

    Rerun Episode

    We, here at Medschool 2.0, are always trying to bring you topics that are close to us and we try as much as we can to bring in the guests that are involved in some way or other in the topics we are discussing.

    In today's episode, we have tried the same. As we always say, everybody has their own stories and we are just a medium to bring those stories to light. OMS II Asnat Yuabov and Noor Asif are here talking about how they handle med school and social media. They both are "users" and consumers of the different platforms with many followers.

    We are forever grateful that even in these busy times with studies and exams, they took out their valuable time to sit down and talk to us and enlighten us about social media, the good things that it brings with it, the bad things and also if they can be useful in an education perspective.

    We had to make this episode into two halves. We will be releasing the other half soon.

    Music: bensound.com

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Lets Talk About that ERAS Tour (The other kind)
    Nov 15 2023

    Two medical students will be knighted Dr in the coming months. We, at Medschool2.0, know these superstar future doctors and couldn't be more proud to see the path they took a while back is coming to its fruition.

    As a third-year medical student the ERAS (other kind), NRMP, and Rank Order List (ROL) are kind of daunting cause there are only so many resources and so many layers of each to gather information from while stepping into as a 4th-year med student. These two brilliant personalities not only were brave enough to talk about these topics where other people would hesitate and make us understand these topics but also gave a clear-cut and precise in-depth analysis of the residency application and the whole shebang.

    Abu-Bakr Malik and Karan Malik, both OMS IV were kind enough to give their valuable time during the period of residency applications and ongoing interview sessions while doing their electives and Sub-Is. We must have done some good deed that they humbly accepted the request to be on the show and share their knowledge and experiences. We are lost for words to thank them.

    Please write to us if you want us to bring any kind of topic through our channel. Let us know what do you want to hear from us and we shall deliver. If there are any questions you want us to ask the guests please write to us at medschool2.0podcast@gmail.com or DM us on Instagram or send a message on TikTok and Twitter. Follow us everywhere with the same name; Medschool2.0.


    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Más Menos
    1 h y 33 m
  • HAPPY PA (Physician Assistant) WEEK
    Oct 12 2023

    Hello everyone!

    Happy PA week to all my PA colleagues and especially to PA students. I know how hard we all have worked and dedicated ourselves to come this way to be here in this position. To celebrate PA Week (Oct 6-12) we have a few of the best and the brightest PA-S with us talking about life, PA school, debt, and everything in between. Please welcome Roshni Desai PA-S and Paul McGuinness PA-S from Touro University with a round of applause as we dig deep into the lives and stories of PA students. We are glad that these two wonderful people are the first PA students we have on our show and we are so thankful for them that they could take some time off from their busy schedules to talk to us. We wish nothing but success to them.


    If you want certain people or certain stories to be heard from our show please write us at medschool2.0podcast@gmail.com
    Give us a follow on Instagram #medschool2.0_podcast
    As we are now on TikTok @medschool2.0_podcast. Please do follow us there.
    Drop in the comments and let us know if there is something you want to hear or comments and suggestions for us to improve.

    Music: bensound.com

    Thanks for listening. Follow us on twitter @medschoo2_0 also follow us on ig @medschool2.0_podcast

    Más Menos
    43 m