
  • The Nothingness of Overconnected Lives – MDW 398
    Feb 23 2024
    In this episode of "Mike Dell's World," number 398, titled "The Nothingness of Overconnected Lives," Mike Dell explores the themes of technological simplicity and privacy. The episode was recorded on February 22nd, 2024. Mike begins by updating his listeners on his personal life, mentioning his recent shoulder surgery recovery and his return to flying. He also notes a change in his recording setup due to technical issues, leading to a lack of sound effects and music in this episode. Mike shares that he's started a new podcast with Mike Wilkerson, which will be available in video, audio, and on a YouTube channel. He talks about his experience with different podcast apps, praising features like smart playlists and privacy-focused platforms like Cast o Matic, Podverse, Fountain, and Podcast Guru. The main topic of the episode revolves around smartphones, privacy, and the idea of 'de-Googling' one's life. Mike discusses the consequences of using free apps, his intolerance for advertisements, and the consideration of using a 'dumb' phone. He mentions his decision to reduce Google's presence in his personal life, although he still uses YouTube and Facebook for work and occasional personal posts. Mike critically evaluates the necessity of always being connected, mentioning his preferences for minimal social media usage and the privacy implications of technologies like face ID. He expresses concerns about the habit-forming nature of smartphones, describing efforts to simplify his phone usage by removing unnecessary apps and switching to the Brave browser for privacy. He references an article by the BBC about the resurgence of 'dumb phones' among younger generations, highlighting a particular model called the Nokia 3310. Mike then details his interest in a minimalist phone called the Light Phone, which aside from basic features, has limited apps to minimize distractions. Mike also discusses an article that explains how to turn an iPhone into a 'dumb phone' and suggests getting rid of applications that track users or serve ads. He talks about living without the constant bombardment of news and entertainment, advocating for a more straightforward lifestyle. He further discusses his experience in de-cluttering his media consumption, from podcasts to news and television, advocating for RSS feeds as an alternative to mainstream news sources. Mike also adds that he has been exploring off-grid living through various YouTube channels. The episode wraps up with Mike mentioning his initiatives at Blueberry, including testing AI for generating chapter files and adding transcripts to make podcasts more accessible. He remarks on the resilience of RSS feeds in maintaining a decentralized platform for podcast content, independent of larger corporations like Apple or Spotify. Mike concludes by encouraging listeners to tune into his more regular appearances on the Auto History Podcast and Podcast Insider for content related to automobiles and podcasting insights. Additionally, he promises to provide links in the show notes related to topics discussed in the episode, such as the BBC article, the Light Phone details, and the guide to dumbing down an iPhone. - Mike updates on his shoulder surgery recovery and return to flying - Discusses changes in recording setup resulting in no sound effects or music - Announces a new podcast with Mike Wilkerson, including video and audio formats Auto History Podcast - Discusses podcast apps, favoring smart playlists and privacy-focused options like Castamatic, Podverse, Fountain, and Podcast Guru - Main topic on the downsides of smartphones and privacy concerns - Speaks on ‘de-Googling’ his life while still using YouTube and Facebook for essential work purposes - Advocates for reduced social media usage and is wary of technologies like face ID - Efforts to simplify phone use, including removing apps and using Brave browser - References BBC's article on the popularity of 'dumb ph...
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  • Failing NaPodPoMo again – Want to be a Podcast co-host? – MDW397
    Dec 11 2023
    Yup, Failed again. NaPodPoMo has come and gone with me doing a total of 14 episodes. 9 here and 5 on PodcastInsider.com On another note, I would like to find someone who wants to be a weekly co-host of the Auto History Podcast I want to start. If you would be interested, please contact me mike@mikedell.com 00:00:00 - Beginning 00:01:00 - 1 Minute in 00:10:00 - Ten Minutes in
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  • World’s Worst Podcast Episode – MDW396
    Nov 9 2023
    Summary: In this episode (#396) of Mike Dell's World, aired on November 9th, 2023, Mike Dell reflects on his previous podcast episode, which he dubs as potentially the world's worst, entirely created with AI tools. He walks through the process of using ChatGPT for scripting, Descript for voice training, and AI for generating episode artwork. Mike shares his experiences with podcast apps, switching from Overcast to Castamatic, and recommends others for users to try. He updates listeners on his shoulder surgery recovery, the convenience of passive exercises, and the adjustments he's had to make during his recovery, including hiring help for yard work. Mike also talks about dealing with a planned power outage during his wife's birthday celebration and plans for the next podcast episode during this disruption. Key Points: - Mike Dell's experiment with a fully AI-produced podcast episode. - Tools used for the episode: ChatGPT for scripting, Descript for voice training, AI for artwork. - Discussion about various podcast apps and a personal switch to Castamatic. - Updates on shoulder surgery recovery and adjustments in daily life. - Upcoming birthday party for Mike's wife and coping with a planned power outage. Mentioned Podcast Apps: - Podcast Guru - Castamatic (recommended by Mike, possibly iOS only) - Podverse (for live shows) - Podcast Addict (for Android users) Resources: - For new podcast apps, visit: podcastapps.com, newpodcastapps.com, or podcastindex.org/apps. Closing: Continue tuning into Mike Dell's World and hints at a potentially pre-recorded episode due to the power outage and birthday celebrations.
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  • The Role of AI in Podcasting Today – MDW395
    Nov 8 2023
    World 395 for November 8th 2023 Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Mike Dell's World, where we explore the fascinating corners of technology and its impact on our daily lives. I’m your host, Mike Dell, and today, we're delving into the intriguing world of Artificial Intelligence, or AI, and its increasing role in the podcasting universe. Podcasting has always been about the human connection—voices in our ears, telling stories, sharing knowledge, and sparking conversations. But as technology advances, AI is becoming an integral part of this audio experience. It's transforming how we create, distribute, and even listen to podcasts. So, buckle up as we take a quick dive into this tech evolution! First off, let's talk about content creation. AI is now assisting podcasters in scripting, with tools that help in writing more engaging and SEO-friendly content. Imagine having an AI co-writer that suggests topics based on trending data or even helps to fine-tune your language for better clarity and impact. Then there's the production side of things. AI-driven software can now mix and master audio files, balance levels, and even remove background noise, making the editing process faster and more accessible to podcasters of all skill levels. Distribution has seen a revolution too. AI algorithms are the backbone of recommendation engines on podcast platforms, helping listeners find your show among the millions out there. And if you're worried about discoverability, AI can optimize your podcast metadata to ensure you're hitting the right keywords and phrases. Now, let's get into the listening experience. Ever used a smart speaker to play your favorite podcast? That's AI in action, folks! Voice recognition allows listeners to search and play podcasts effortlessly. And it doesn't stop there—AI is even enabling real-time translation and transcription, breaking down language barriers and making podcasts accessible to a global audience. But with all these advancements, it's essential to remember the heart of podcasting—the storytellers, the educators, the entertainers. AI is a powerful tool, but it's the human touch that truly connects with listeners. As podcasters, we can harness AI to elevate our craft, but let's not forget the art of storytelling that makes podcasting so special. So, what's your take on AI in podcasting? Are you excited about these new tools, or do you have concerns about the role of AI in a medium so deeply personal? Drop me a line, and let's start a conversation. That’s all for today's episode. Thanks for tuning in to Mike Dell's World. Be sure to subscribe for more discussions on technology, life, and the space in between. Until next time, keep on casting! As you can tell, this is an AI version of my voice. I will be back in person tomorrow with another episode for Na Pod Po Mo.
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  • Snowfall in Northern Michigan – MDW394
    Nov 8 2023
    Dealing with heavy snowfall during the winter months is a way of life for the residents of Northern Michigan. With an average snowfall that can exceed 100 inches in some areas, the communities have adapted in unique and effective ways. Preparation for the snow season begins early. Residents ensure their homes are well-insulated, with sufficient heating systems to withstand the biting cold. Snow tires and chains become standard for vehicles as locals aim to maintain mobility in slippery conditions. Additionally, there's a significant investment in snowblowers and plows for personal use. The local governments also play a crucial role. Budgets for winter are carefully planned to ensure that snowplows are in good condition and ready to clear the streets. There's a remarkable efficiency in the deployment of these services, often working throughout the night during heavy snowfall to minimize disruption to daily life. Community spirit shines through during the winter months. Neighbors often help each other, especially in assisting those who are elderly or disabled with snow removal. This camaraderie extends to sharing resources like food and water during particularly severe storms that may lead to temporary isolation. Education on dealing with winter conditions is also a key factor. Schools teach children about frostbite and hypothermia prevention, while local organizations provide winter survival tips. There are also community-led initiatives to ensure everyone has adequate clothing, such as coat drives. Despite the challenges, the residents of Northern Michigan embrace the winter season with a sense of pride and enjoyment. Winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, and ice fishing are not just recreational activities but also a part of the cultural identity of the region. In summary, Northern Michigan's approach to managing snowfall is a blend of preparation, community support, and embracing the harsh yet beautiful winter environment. This resilience allows the region to not only endure but also thrive during the snowy months.
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  • Beagles Rule! – MDW393
    Nov 6 2023
    Just a couple of Beagle Rules memes read out.
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  • A New Time – mdw392
    Nov 5 2023
    Why do we change times 2 times a year? My Beagles didn't get the memo...
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  • New Podcast Apps – MDW391
    Nov 4 2023
    I just got off a live stream / Podcast episode of Podcasting 2.0 with Adam Curry, Dave Jones and Todd Cochrane (see: https://podcastindex.org/podcast/920666 episode 153 ) Had a great time with the guys talking about podcasting and some sexy namespace talk. It's a tad geeky, but very cool. I want to talk to you about your listening app. What do you use to listen to podcasts? One of the "Legacy apps" or a new modern podcast app? For a new app to try, check out https://podcastindex.org/apps?appTypes=app Join me on one of those apps, and setup V4V and look for live streaming alerts for live shows you may like. I just discovered "Podcast Guru" ( https://podcastguru.io/ ) and have it setup just a bit. It seems impressive! Listen to this episode and then go listen to Podcasting 2.0 ep 153.
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