
  • Overcoming Self-Sabotage in Fitness
    Jul 12 2024

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    Embracing Change: Overcoming Self-Sabotage in Fitness and Life

    Episode Summary:
    A few years ago, during a grueling ultra-marathon training session, Kat found herself hitting a wall of exhaustion. As a seasoned personal trainer and former college track and field coach, she couldn't understand why she struggled so much despite her expertise and dedication to fitness—this pivotal moment prompted deep reflection and a realization that she was unintentionally sabotaging her progress.

    Key Points Discussed:

    1. Recognizing Self-Sabotage:
    - Despite consistent training efforts, Kat neglected crucial aspects of her health and well-being outside of workouts. Ultra-marathon training, running a business, and managing family responsibilities drained her.

    2. Identifying Damaging Narratives:
    - Kat uncovered several harmful beliefs contributing to her self-sabotage, such as not prioritizing rest and recovery, justifying poor dietary choices due to exercise volume, comparing herself unfavorably to others, and doubting the worthiness of her ambitious goals.

    3. Commitment to Change:
    - After confronting these narratives, Kat committed to transformative actions:
    - Prioritizing Rest and Recovery: Establishing a strict bedtime routine and cutting out distractions after 9 PM to ensure adequate sleep.
    - Nutritional Discipline: Adopting a balanced approach to nutrition, using tools like the app chronometer to track intake and focusing on nutrient-dense, family-friendly meals.
    - Letting Go of Comparisons: Embracing her unique journey and refraining from comparing her progress to others.
    - Building Self-Worth: Daily affirmations and inner validation became crucial in reinforcing her belief in herself and her goals.

    4. Ongoing Journey:
    - Kat emphasizes that personal growth is continuous and requires dedication. Despite setbacks and challenges, she has achieved significant milestones like completing over a hundred miles and setting personal bests, proving that sustainable progress comes from within.

    Change is challenging, and it's not a linear path. Through self-discovery and a commitment to overcoming self-sabotage, Kat illustrates the power of embracing challenges and making conscious choices. Believing in one's worthiness is critical to achieving ambitious goals and sustaining personal growth.

    ☎️ - Schedule a complimentary call to see if podcasting is a good fit for you: https://katfit.moxieapp.com/public/katfit/consultation-call
    ❓ - Have A Question About Strength Training, Nutrition, and cardio training? Submit It HERE:
    📧 - Join The Email List: https://katfit.ck.page/18d83c2d56

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    18 m
  • Understanding Progressive Overload
    Jul 5 2024

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    Episode Title: Understanding Progressive Overload

    Episode Summary: In this episode of the Milesfromherview podcast, we dive deep into the concept of progressive overload and how it can be viewed from two distinct perspectives. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, understanding progressive overload is crucial for continual improvement and muscle growth.

    Key Discussion Points:

    1. Defining Progressive Overload:
      • Planned Process: Increasing or changing programming factors to add new stresses to muscles.
      • Natural Outcome: The natural result of well-designed programs and their execution.
      • Both approaches share the same goal: introducing more stress through different training factors to foster growth and improvement.
    2. Key Factors for Progressive Overload:
      • Weight: Gradually increase the weight you're lifting.
      • Reps: Increase the number of repetitions.
      • Tempo: Slow down the lifting tempo to increase time under tension.
      • Volume: Add more sets to your routine.
    3. Practical Guide to Progressive Overload:
      • Building a Base: Start by increasing your reps to establish a strong foundation.
      • Increasing Load: Once comfortable with your reps, increase the weight.
      • Adjusting Volume: Use the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) to gauge when to add more sets or reps.
      • Playing with Tempo: Experiment with slower tempos to enhance time under tension.
    4. Implementing Progressive Overload in KatFit Strength:
      • Establish a routine with consistent strength training sessions (e.g., 2-3 times per week).
      • Monitor adaptations, which typically take 4-6 weeks.
      • Adjust reps, load, volume, and tempo one at a time to ensure proper progression and avoid overtraining.
    5. Final Tips:
      • Consistency is key before tweaking variables.
      • Focus on one factor at a time to ensure sustainable progress.
      • Aim for a structured and disciplined approach to foster continuous improvement.

    Episode Takeaways:

    • Progressive overload is essential for muscle growth and athletic improvement.
    • There are multiple ways to implement it, each tailored to your specific goals and current fitness level.
    • Consistency and a well-planned approach are crucial for long-term success.

    Listener Engagement: How do you incorporate progressive overload into your training? Share your experiences and questions with us! We'd love to hear from you and discuss how you're making strides in your fitness journey.

    For more insights and personalized coaching tips, visit KatFit Strength and explore our programs designed to help you achieve your wellness goals.

    ☎️ - Schedule a complimentary call to see if podcasting is a good fit for you: https://katfit.moxieapp.com/public/katfit/consultation-call
    ❓ - Have A Question About Strength Training, Nutrition, and cardio training? Submit It HERE:
    📧 - Join The Email List: https://katfit.ck.page/18d83c2d56

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    8 m
  • How to Know if You're Lifting Heavy Enough
    Jun 28 2024

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    "How to Know If You're Lifting Heavy Enough"

    Episode Highlights:

    1. Understanding "Heavy":
      • Discussion on how "heavy" varies for each individual.
      • Importance of personalized strength levels.
    2. Three Key Ways to Determine Proper Weight:
      • Reps and Fatigue:
        • Explanation of sets and reps.
        • Signs that your weight might be too light or too heavy.
      • Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale:
        • Description of the RPE scale (1-10).
        • Ideal target: 7-8 on the RPE scale.
        • Concept of Reps in Reserve (RIR).
      • Trial and Error:
        • Importance of experimenting with different weights.
        • Using feedback to gauge strength and adjust accordingly.
    3. Practical Tips:
      • How to choose the right weights.
      • Adjusting reps and weights when gym equipment is limited.
      • Emphasis on safety, form, and progressive overload.

    Closing Remarks:

    • Recap of key points on assessing lifting weights.
    • Encouragement to embrace the trial and error process.
    • Importance of safe and progressive training.

    ☎️ - Schedule a complimentary call to see if podcasting is a good fit for you: https://katfit.moxieapp.com/public/katfit/consultation-call
    ❓ - Have A Question About Strength Training, Nutrition, and cardio training? Submit It HERE:
    📧 - Join The Email List: https://katfit.ck.page/18d83c2d56

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    10 m
  • Navigating Season of Hard
    Jun 21 2024

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    Navigating the Seasons of Hard

    1. Embracing the Chaos:

    • Kat shares a personal update on the chaos of summer break, balancing business, running training, strength training, and family responsibilities.
    • Discussion on how tough periods are crucial in shaping our strength, consistency, and success.

    2. Fitness Journey Insights:

    • Understanding that every fitness journey has its ups and downs.
    • Lessons about resilience, perseverance, and adapting to circumstances.

    3. Assessing Good vs. Bad Days:

    • Redefining what constitutes a "good" day versus a "bad" day in your fitness journey.
    • Reflecting on effort and overcoming obstacles, even if the workout wasn't perfect.

    4. Honesty and Realistic Planning:

    • Being honest with where you are in your fitness journey.
    • Creating realistic plans that address your specific needs and goals.

    5. Overcoming Comparison:

    • The pitfalls of comparing yourself to others, especially on social media.
    • Embracing your unique challenges and understanding that everyone faces their own struggles.

    6. Identifying and Combatting Specific Challenges:

    • Understanding your unique obstacles, such as lack of time, motivation, or energy.
    • Strategies for overcoming these challenges with systems and planning.

    7. Real-Life Examples and Strategies:

    • Personal stories from Kat about her own fitness challenges and solutions.
    • Practical tips for fitting in workouts, even with a busy schedule or lack of childcare.

    8. Setting Up Effective Systems:

    • Tips on organizing your life to prioritize your well-being.
    • The importance of advocating for your own needs and creating a supportive environment.

    9. Daily Challenges and Incremental Progress:

    • Acknowledging and preparing for daily challenges.
    • Embracing the gradual nature of progress and celebrating small wins.

    10. Motivation and Encouragement:

    • Inspirational quotes and thoughts to keep you motivated.
    • Encouragement to embrace the journey and stay committed to your goals.

    Actionable Takeaways:

    • Shift Your Mindset: Redefine what a successful day looks like and focus on effort and progress rather than perfection.
    • Be Honest and Realistic: Assess your current situation and create plans that are tailored to your specific needs and goals.
    • Avoid Comparison: Understand that everyone has unique challenges and that comparing yourself to others can be detrimental.
    • Implement Systems: Develop systems and routines that help you overcome obstacles and stay consistent.
    • Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize and celebrate every small step forward, no matter how minor it may seem.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Navigating the seasons of hard is all about understanding your challenges, being honest with yourself, and implementing effective systems to stay consistent. Embrace your journey, celebrate your wins, and remember that progress is gradual.

    Please leave a review and share this podcast with friends who might benefit from our discussions. Your support helps us grow and reac

    ☎️ - Schedule a complimentary call to see if podcasting is a good fit for you: https://katfit.moxieapp.com/public/katfit/consultation-call
    ❓ - Have A Question About Strength Training, Nutrition, and cardio training? Submit It HERE:
    📧 - Join The Email List: https://katfit.ck.page/18d83c2d56

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    18 m
  • Overcoming Dieting Fatigue and Sustainable Fitness Solutions
    Jun 14 2024

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    Overcoming Dieting Fatigue and Sustainable Fitness Solutions

    Episode Summary: In today's episode, we tackle a listener's question about overcoming the frustration of dieting and finding a sustainable approach to fitness. This listener, over 35 with two kids, feels stuck and is seeking a way to enjoy life without the constant pressure of dieting. We dive into mindset shifts, practical tips for nutrition, strength training, and the importance of creating sustainable habits.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Mindset Shifts for Sustainable Success:
      • Move away from the "good vs. bad" food mentality. Food is just food.
      • Recognize that losing weight isn't about rapid, unsustainable changes.
      • Understand that intense workouts and constant dieting aren’t necessary for long-term health.
    2. Nutrition Strategies:
      • Focus on balanced, nutrient-dense foods rather than restrictive diets.
      • Prioritize protein and fiber to support muscle maintenance, fullness, and overall health.
      • Use tools like Cronometer to track your intake and make small, manageable changes.
    3. Effective Strength Training:
      • Aim for progressive strength training 1-3 times per week.
      • Incorporate heavy lifting to build muscle and improve bone density.
      • Complement strength training with 1-2 HIIT sessions per week for cardiovascular health.
    4. Creating a Balanced Routine:
      • Find a routine that fits your lifestyle and allows for flexibility.
      • Make small, consistent changes rather than overhauling your entire lifestyle.
      • Celebrate progress, no matter how small, and avoid setting unrealistic expectations.
    5. Practical Tips for Measurement and Progress:
      • Take photos, measurements, or use clothing fit to track changes over time.
      • Understand that weight fluctuations are normal and focus on overall trends.
      • Use apps like Happy Scale to monitor progress without getting discouraged by daily variations.

    Listener Q&A:

    • How to enjoy holidays and vacations without feeling guilty about food choices.
    • Strategies for incorporating enjoyable foods into a balanced diet.
    • Tips for staying active and fitting in workouts with a busy schedule.

    Resources Mentioned:

    • Cronometer: A comprehensive app for tracking nutrition.
    • Happy Scale: An app for tracking weight trends over time.

    Final Thoughts: Achieving sustainable fitness and nutrition goals is about finding balance and making gradual, lasting changes. Embrace a mindset that allows for flexibility, enjoyment, and long-term success.

    Call to Action: Have a question you'd like answered on the podcast? Submit it anonymously through the form in our show notes. We’re here to help you gain clarity on your fitness journey!

    ☎️ - Schedule a complimentary call to see if podcasting is a good fit for you: https://katfit.moxieapp.com/public/katfit/consultation-call
    ❓ - Have A Question About Strength Training, Nutrition, and cardio training? Submit It HERE:
    📧 - Join The Email List: https://katfit.ck.page/18d83c2d56

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    32 m
  • How to Stick with Your Training Routine
    Jun 7 2024

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    In today's episode, we're discussing how to maintain a strength and conditioning routine for the long haul. Thank you for joining me today. I appreciate the time you've dedicated, and I hope you gain valuable takeaways for your routine.

    Main Takeaways:

    1. Allow for Messing Up
      • Action Step: Shift your mindset from perfection to progress. Recognize that it's okay to miss a workout or enjoy a treat without guilt. Embrace flexibility and be kind to yourself when plans change.
      • Research: Self-compassion improves resilience and adherence to health behaviors (Kristin Neff). Allowing for slip-ups can prevent the all-or-nothing mentality and reduce the risk of burnout (Journal of Clinical Psychology).
    2. Ask for Support
      • Action Step: Seek support by hiring a coach, joining a fitness community, or leaning on friends and family. Engage with others who share your goals to stay motivated and accountable.
      • Research: Social support positively impacts exercise adherence (Journal of Behavioral Medicine). People are more likely to stick with exercise routines when they have a strong support system (American Journal of Health Promotion).
    3. Understand That Motivation Will Wane
      • Action Step: Build discipline and habits to sustain you when motivation is low. Set realistic, achievable goals and focus on the long-term benefits of your routine.
      • Research: Intrinsic motivation is more sustainable than extrinsic motivation (Self-Determination Theory by Deci and Ryan). Developing consistent habits can bridge the gap during periods of low motivation (European Journal of Social Psychology).
    4. Adjust and Adapt the Plan
      • Action Step: Flexibility in your training plan is key to accommodating life’s changes. Adapt workouts to your current energy levels, stress, and circumstances. Allow for modifications rather than skipping workouts entirely.
      • Research: Adaptability in exercise plans leads to better long-term adherence (International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity). Personalized adjustments to training can prevent injuries and improve overall outcomes (Sports Medicine Journal).

    Sticking with a strength and conditioning plan for life requires patience, self-compassion, support, and adaptability. Allow yourself to mess up, seek support, understand that motivation will wane, and adjust the plan as needed. These strategies will help you achieve long-term success.

    Thank you for tuning into today's episode! If you found this information helpful, please subscribe and share it with other high-achieving women looking to prioritize their health and well-being. Ready to take the next step? Book a consultation call with me, Kat, and let’s create a personalized plan that fits your life and helps you achieve your fitness goals. Book: https://katfit.moxieapp.com/public/katfit/consultation-call

    Visit www.kat.fit to discover more about KatFit Strength programs and how you can ignite your fitness journey.

    ☎️ - Schedule a complimentary call to see if podcasting is a good fit for you: https://katfit.moxieapp.com/public/katfit/consultation-call
    ❓ - Have A Question About Strength Training, Nutrition, and cardio training? Submit It HERE:
    📧 - Join The Email List: https://katfit.ck.page/18d83c2d56

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    19 m
  • Resilience Through ACT Principles: Navigating High-Risk Pregnancy & Reconnecting with Your Body
    May 31 2024

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    Join me in this empowering episode as I share the transformative journey from postpartum trauma to reclaiming my strength and resilience.

    Through personal anecdotes and professional insights, I explore the importance of acknowledging our current state, meeting ourselves with compassion, and trusting our capacity to move forward.

    Discover the power of the "ACT" acronym—Acknowledge, Compassion, Trust—as a guiding principle for navigating life's challenges and achieving personal growth.

    ☎️ - Schedule a complimentary call to see if podcasting is a good fit for you: https://katfit.moxieapp.com/public/katfit/consultation-call
    ❓ - Have A Question About Strength Training, Nutrition, and cardio training? Submit It HERE:
    📧 - Join The Email List: https://katfit.ck.page/18d83c2d56

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    39 m
  • 5 Sneaky Ways to Lose Fat & Gain Muscle
    May 24 2024

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    Today on Milesfromherview, we're delving into five sneaky ways to lose fat without giving up your favorite foods. We'll explore strategies beyond the scale and inches lost, focusing on the holistic benefits of body composition changes. We'll address the shortcomings of diets and delve into strategies that promote long-term success.

    5 Key Points:
    1. Prioritize Sleep:
    - Aim for 6-8 hours of quality sleep.
    - Sleep promotes muscle growth, recovery, and a healthy metabolism.
    - Consistency is key, even amidst life disruptions.

    2. Stay Hydrated:
    - Drink one fluid ounce of water per pound of body weight.
    - Start gradually increasing water intake to avoid overwhelming the body.
    - Hydration boosts energy, flushes toxins, and aids in digestion.

    3. Meet Protein Needs:
    - Aim for about one gram of protein per pound of body weight.
    - Start from your current intake and gradually increase.
    - Protein supports muscle maintenance, repair, and overall health.

    4. Embrace Fiber for Gut Health:
    - Fiber promotes healthy digestion and bowel movements.
    - Gradually increase fiber intake to prevent discomfort.
    - Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains are rich sources of fiber.

    5. Incorporate Resistance Training and HIIT:
    - Include both resistance training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in your routine.
    - Customize workouts based on your schedule and preferences.
    - Focus on consistency and gradual progression for long-term results.

    Remember, these strategies are about progress, not perfection. Prioritize small, sustainable changes that align with your lifestyle. Utilize tools like Cronometer to track progress, but prioritize overall well-being over strict adherence. All foods can fit into a balanced lifestyle, so find what works best for you and enjoy the journey to a healthier, happier you!

    Cronometer is a great tool to assess your nutrition. Check it out and receive 10% off on Gold Subscriptions: CRONOMETER

    ☎️ - Schedule a complimentary call to see if podcasting is a good fit for you: https://katfit.moxieapp.com/public/katfit/consultation-call
    ❓ - Have A Question About Strength Training, Nutrition, and cardio training? Submit It HERE:
    📧 - Join The Email List: https://katfit.ck.page/18d83c2d56

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    20 m