
  • My CSM Experience
    Oct 14 2022
    This podcast episode talks about the Copywriting sales and marketing training held by Bossuhzi Oranebo the author of Your Skills Will Make You Rich and Mindset Boost. The experience was worth my time and energy. The implementation process wasn't an easy one, I had lots of doubts in my abilities to carry out but lacked a push. Nevertheless Bossuhzi made those implementation steps easy by breaking his own methods of closing sales online, making people pay him for his knowledge. If he could do so then I could too. I braced up and got to work I'm recently creating my own paths in the business of Copywriting with so much value to receive. Do you want to know how to sell and where to sell even if you haven't sold anything before? Then I recommend the CSM 21 days bootcamp for you. Send me a message on Whatsapp to get started now. https://wa.me/2348139562776
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    2 m
  • How To Become More Intentional
    Sep 2 2022
    Are you hell bent on achieving goals and building supportive network of friendships? Then having an intentional focus is a way of thinking about your business and life that's committed, purposeful, deliberate. When you're intentional you choose to make decisions and take action on what's important to you.
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    8 m
  • How Emotional Intelligence Works with Bright Uboh.
    Jul 23 2022
    Does Emotional Intelligence help one succeed? What does Emotional Intelligence look like? How can I improve my emotional Intelligence?
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    8 m
  • How to Deal with DIFFICULT people
    Jun 10 2022
    Dealing with difficult people can take a toll in your health, and you feel like getting rid of such people for your mental and emotional health. What happens if this difficult person in question is a family member or a very close friend that you can't easily get rid off? You'd have to deal with them in a way that won't be offensive. This podcast shares tips on how to deal with difficult people.
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    3 m
  • How to say No to People
    May 31 2022
    Being able to say no to people helps reduce stress levels and gives you time for what’s really important. Fortunately, you can learn how to say no to people without causing hurt feelings or impaired relationships. This podcast discusses some strategies you can use to set boundaries, protect your personal time, and say no more often.
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    3 m
  • How Approachable Are You?
    May 16 2022
    How Approachable are you? If you hardly get approached for casual greetings, formalities, compliments and you think something is wrong then you're right! This episode shares tips on how to become more approachable if you're not. Listen and send in your comments through voice message on Spotify.
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    3 m
  • Are You Being Too Nice?
    May 3 2022
    This Podcast episode explains the fact that you're being nice or trying to help when necessarily shouldn't give room for selfishness and expectations from who you're helping out or being nice with. It also teaches you how not to neglect yourself in the course of being nice. You can be nice and still maintain your self respect by not neglecting your own needs too to avoid people who would take advantage of your kind gestures.
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    2 m
  • Your Colleague is Not Your Friend and Here's Why...
    Apr 20 2022
    Who's a Colleague? Definitely not a friend but a work mate in a business field. Sometimes we feel the need to connect or network with our colleagues not minding what to say and what not to say. This episode contains reasons why your colleague shouldn't be your friend while at work & how to go about it.
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    1 m