
  • Drum Roll Please 🥁 We Announce The Winners of the Once-In-Lifetime Napoleon Hill Mastermind
    Jun 5 2024

    "Napoleon Hill's Legacy: Unveiling Don Green's Treasures"

    Justin Benton reveals the winners of a JV affiliate contest with Russell Brunson and Danny Walsh. The winners receive a "Willy Wonka golden ticket" invitation to Wise, Virginia, to visit the Napoleon Hill Foundation. This is a significant opportunity as they will meet Don Green, the Foundation's director, and Dr. JB Hill, Napoleon Hill’s grandson, along with other notable speakers and guests. The event is planned for fall, around September or October.

    Justin expresses excitement and gratitude for the support from affiliates and JV partners and encourages listeners to become affiliates by visiting secretsofsuccess.com/JV. Russell Brunson joins the episode, sharing his enthusiasm about the Think and Grow Rich challenge and the amazing support from the affiliates, noting the fun and success of the event.

    The announcement of the top 20 contest winners follows, highlighting each individual's contributions and support. The top 10 winners receive invitations to the exclusive event in Wise, Virginia. Each winner is celebrated for their hard work and impact on the challenge's success.

    Don Green, a central figure, joins the podcast and shares his extensive collection of Napoleon Hill memorabilia, including personal items and documents. He emphasizes the importance of helping and inspiring others, reflecting his deep commitment to spreading Hill's teachings. Don is praised for his generosity, often sending books to people who show interest in Hill's work.

    The conversation highlights the excitement surrounding an upcoming event in Wise, Virginia, where attendees will explore the Napoleon Hill museum and participate in a mastermind session. Don's contributions to the foundation, including his historical research and personal stories, are celebrated. Russell Brunson and others express their gratitude for Don's partnership and support.


    Thank you for tuning in to the Miracle Plant Podcast. Remember, our mission is to heal the world with the power of this miracle plant. Join us next time for more inspiring stories and insights into the world of cannabis.

    Produced by PodConx

    101cbd - https://101cbd.org/

    Email Justin Benton - jbenton@101cbd.org

    Get a free consultation - askjanet.org

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • 200th Episode - Looking Back How Far We’ve Come & What’s New Today
    May 30 2024

    200th Episode - Looking Back How Far We’ve Come & What’s New Today

    In the 200th episode of the Miracle Plant Podcast, Justin Benton reflects on the journey and evolution of the podcast, which began during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially inspired by a goal of reaching 100 episodes to attract guests like Seth Godin, the podcast quickly doubled that number. Justin discusses the shift from traditional, in-person business approaches to embracing the digital world, catalyzed by the pandemic, which opened up new opportunities in digital marketing and online interactions.

    He emphasizes the importance of organic marketing, especially through video content on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Organic marketing, involving consistent and strategic video posts, has become a vital strategy as paid ads have become increasingly expensive and less effective. Justin shares insights on creating impactful organic content, leveraging viral videos, and balancing between organic and paid strategies.

    The conversation shifts to the changing landscape of cannabis and hemp legislation in the United States. Highlighting two significant developments: the potential federal legalization of cannabis, moving it from a Schedule 1 to a Schedule 3 substance, and the updates in the Farm Bill affecting hemp and CBD products. The host expresses cautious optimism about these changes, noting their potential to expand research, access, and market opportunities while also acknowledging the challenges posed by regulatory and market dynamics.

    Thank you for tuning in to the Miracle Plant Podcast. Remember, our mission is to heal the world with the power of this miracle plant. Join us next time for more inspiring stories and insights into the world of cannabis.

    Produced by PodConx

    101cbd - https://101cbd.org/

    Email Justin Benton - jbenton@101cbd.org

    Get a free consultation - askjanet.org

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Healing Hemp & Success Stories: A Fireside Chat with Justin Benton
    May 22 2024

    "Nurturing the Next Generation: Justin Benton on Teaching Entrepreneurship"

    Justin Benton discusses his entrepreneurial journey on The Prodigy Kid Podcast, beginning with his childhood in Omaha, Nebraska, where he engaged in various entrepreneurial activities like snow shoveling and telemarketing. He highlights the influence of his upbringing and family values on his work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit.

    Justin Benton shares his experience with starting 101Hemp.org, a company that emerged from his quest to heal his son’s severe autism through the use of hemp and cannabis juicing. This journey into the world of CBD and hemp led to significant personal and professional growth for Justin, as well as collaborations with notable figures like Russell Brunson. He delves into his participation in the ClickFunnels community and the Inner Circle program, emphasizing the importance of mindset and personal development in his success.

    Throughout the conversation, Justin emphasizes the importance of teaching entrepreneurial and life skills to children, advocating for experiential learning and exposure to diverse opportunities. He reflects on the limitations of the traditional education system and the need for teaching soft skills and people skills to better prepare the next generation for success.

    Justin also discusses the significance of personality profiles, particularly extroversion and introversion, in understanding how individuals interact and recharge. He shares insights into how his extroverted nature has helped him in his entrepreneurial endeavors and highlights the value of understanding one's personality for personal and professional growth.

    Overall, the podcast provides an inspiring look at Justin Benton’s entrepreneurial journey, the challenges he faced, and the lessons he learned along the way, with a strong focus on the importance of mindset, personal development, and nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit in children

    To learn more about the Think and Grow Rich Challenge www.thinkandgrowrichchallenge.com

    Thank you for tuning in to the Miracle Plant Podcast. Remember, our mission is to heal the world with the power of this miracle plant. Join us next time for more inspiring stories and insights into the world of cannabis.

    Produced by PodConx

    101cbd - https://101cbd.org/

    Email Justin Benton - jbenton@101cbd.org

    Get a free consultation - askjanet.org

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Unlocking the Secrets of Success: How Justin Benton and Russell Brunson Are Revolutionizing Personal Development
    May 15 2024

    "Unlocking the Secrets of Success: A Movement in Personal Development"

    Justin Benton joins Sean Osborne to talk about the Secrets of Success movement and the upcoming Think and Grow Rich Challenge on the Thinking Big: Mindset, Habits, and Hacks podcast. Justin highlights Russell Brunson's transition from marketing to personal development, emphasizing the movement's focus on timeless wisdom from past thought leaders. They discuss the challenge's lineup of speakers, including Dean Graziosi, Sharon Lechter, and Trent Shelton, and the significance of Napoleon Hill's unpublished works. The conversation underscores the transformative potential of the challenge and encourages listeners to join the movement.

    To learn more about the Think and Grow Rich Challenge www.thinkandgrowrichchallenge.com

    Thank you for tuning in to the Miracle Plant Podcast. Remember, our mission is to heal the world with the power of this miracle plant. Join us next time for more inspiring stories and insights into the world of cannabis.

    Produced by PodConx

    101cbd - https://101cbd.org/

    Email Justin Benton - jbenton@101cbd.org

    Get a free consultation - askjanet.org

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • 3 Ways The Miracle Plant Helps With Autism
    May 1 2024

    "Unlocking the Potential of CBD: A Journey of Hope and Healing"

    Justin Benton joins Kristin Selby Gonzalez on Autism Approved Radio to discuss the benefits and differences of CBD products. Justin shares his personal journey of discovering CBD as a treatment for his son's autism and how it transformed their lives. He explains the differences between hemp seed oil and hemp oil, emphasizing the importance of using the whole plant and cold extraction methods for maximum benefits.

    Throughout the show, Justin addresses common questions and misconceptions about CBD, such as its psychoactive effects, drug testing concerns, and the importance of third-party testing for purity and potency. He also highlights the charitable initiatives of his company, offering discounts and free products to families dealing with autism.

    Kristin, shares her own experience using 101 CBD products for her son with autism, expressing gratitude for the positive impact it has had on their lives. She emphasizes the importance of transparency and education when choosing CBD products and encourages listeners to explore the potential benefits for their families.

    Thank you for tuning in to the Miracle Plant Podcast. Remember, our mission is to heal the world with the power of this miracle plant. Join us next time for more inspiring stories and insights into the world of cannabis.

    Produced by PodConx

    101cbd - https://101cbd.org/

    Email Justin Benton - jbenton@101cbd.org

    Get a free consultation - askjanet.org

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Miracle Plant Chronicles: Unveiling the Healing Power of Hemp
    Apr 24 2024

    The Wayback Machine - "Unlocking Nature's Secret: The Justin Benton CBD Story"

    Blast from the past! Justin Benton joins Dan Humiston on Hemp Barons to discuss the benefits of CBD, particularly in its raw form, and how it helped his son with autism. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining the plant's integrity and using full-spectrum extraction methods. Justin explains the endocannabinoid system, dosing considerations, and the role of terpenes in CBD's effectiveness. He shares his company's mission to provide high-quality CBD products and educate people about their benefits.

    Thank you for tuning in to the Miracle Plant Podcast. Remember, our mission is to heal the world with the power of this miracle plant. Join us next time for more inspiring stories and insights into the world of cannabis.

    Produced by PodConx

    101cbd - https://101cbd.org/

    Email Justin Benton - jbenton@101cbd.org

    Get a free consultation - askjanet.org

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • A Blast From The Past When Hemp Was 1st Re-Legalized
    Apr 17 2024

    Sustainable Solutions: Redefining the Role of Hemp in Modern Society

    Justin Benton is a guest on The Cannabis Today Podcast with Catherine Sidman to discuss the benefits and potential of cannabis. They discuss topics such as the healing powers of cannabis, the importance of education, regulatory challenges, and the potential uses of hemp beyond CBD products. The conversation covers various aspects of the cannabis industry, including advocacy efforts, product development, and the need for sustainable practices. Justin emphasizes the importance of staying informed, advocating for hemp legalization, and promoting the holistic benefits of the plant. Throughout the discussion, there is a shared passion for spreading awareness about cannabis and its potential to positively impact health and the environment.

    Thank you for tuning in to the Miracle Plant Podcast. Remember, our mission is to heal the world with the power of this miracle plant. Join us next time for more inspiring stories and insights into the world of cannabis.

    Produced by PodConx

    101cbd - https://101cbd.org/

    Email Justin Benton - jbenton@101cbd.org

    Get a free consultation - askjanet.org

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Throwback Episode To The Days Of Clubhouse!!
    Apr 10 2024

    "101CBD: Nurturing Hope and Health through Cannabis Education"

    Charlie Krebs, the host of Know, Grow, Create Cannabis Podcast discusses various forms and benefits of CBD with Justin Benton. Justin shares his personal journey of using cannabis to help his son with autism, emphasizing the importance of raw cannabis and acidic cannabinoids in providing health benefits without psychoactive effects. The conversation also delves into the historical and political aspects of cannabis prohibition and the potential of hemp for various industries, such as fiber, plastics, and batteries. Overall, the episode highlights the educational and advocacy efforts surrounding cannabis and its potential for improving health and sustainability.

    Thank you for tuning in to the Miracle Plant Podcast. Remember, our mission is to heal the world with the power of this miracle plant. Join us next time for more inspiring stories and insights into the world of cannabis.

    Produced by PodConx

    101cbd - https://101cbd.org/

    Email Justin Benton - jbenton@101cbd.org

    Get a free consultation - askjanet.org

    Más Menos
    54 m