
  • Episode 236 (09-01-24) CreakingSound,ThirdPersonCrd,PumpGas,LastBlanket,4444plate,Hydrangea,
    Jun 27 2024
    1) – Man in an empty church praying (hears sounds of creaking as if invisible heavy person or angel was walking toward him)! Saint Elmo Fire? 2) – I was at an exercise complex + noticed three people walking toward me with 100 feet space between them. Third person needed the card for sure! 3) – Pumping gasoline, I handed card to person (had 10 min successful chat)! 4) I was leaving the beach, but inspired to do 1-more blanket + (2 People needed to hear about Luke 10:38-42 and Jeremiah 33:3)! 5) – Precisely at exit I was following a car with plate 4444! 5) – A Hydrangea flower floated up to woman at sea on her birthday!
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Episode 235 (08-25-24) Tempt=0Pray,Jesus=Elctrc,TorentialRain,Premonition,444x3,Walmart-2Ladies.
    Jun 27 2024
    1) – Pastor R.Morris said (devil trick is) to get us to NOT pray because we do not want to think about our stressful problems. 2) – Then I had some electrical failures due to storms and my stove and microwave ceased working. And Jesus inspired me to push 4-buttons on the units and (they started working). Jesus was listening! 3) – person in empty church heard voice: “Watch it rain”. WOW (it rained hard)! 4) – Gloomy person (pre-monition) saw 777 at intersection! 5) – Listener saw 444 (3 times in 15 minute drive)! 6) – Saw 2-ladies Walmart, missed 3-times (until Jesus got them to “stop” walking)!
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    15 m
  • Episode 234 (08-18-24) ColegPPL=25mins,1-ManTold3AM(ReadBible),5hrsSpeaking@beach=sameAsTV
    Jun 27 2024
    1) – 3 blankets (8 PPL/Group) of college people age 24ish (first day vacation), were delighted (+ thx profusely). Had 25 minutes of Q+A about books and God (Luke 10, John 10:27, and 14:26, and CCC 1776-1779). 2) – One man said (awakened one night at “holy Hr. of 3:AM, and in-spired; “to get a Bible and read it all)” “He did it (and it changed his life forever)!” 3) – Explained at beach today for 5 hours many things from our books and website (especially Mark 4:15) … then PM Rob Morris said (same-things-too)!
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Episode 233 (08-11-24) 300Cards+100Questions,Argentina,C777onwayIn+Out,777atIntersection,4ReadersOfBk,MirMedls:
    Jun 27 2024
    1) –I spent 5 hrs + passed out 300 cards + answer 100 questions (all answers based on 45 yrs teaching + 2,000 pgs Bible, and 30-annual Bible retreat weekends over the past 60Yrs. 2) – Used Argentina as in-spired + stunned 2-ladies. 3) – Followed a 777 plate on way in; and 777 on way out (like Luke 16 promises)! 4) – Tells of person who waved a person to go ahead at intersection + then saw car behind it (had a 777 plate)! 5) – Another beach day (met 4 people who did read my book and are now using our website)! 6) Met a married couple (and 3 kids) who prayed and hoped to see me (at beach); because I gave Miraculous-Medals in past (but 2-kids lost theirs)!
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Episode 232 (08-04-24) 3BlanketsSeeAngelNos,Last3BlanketsConfirmMission,BlessedBy2Teens+Moms:
    Jun 27 2024
    1) – 5-hrs at beach today! Met 3 blankets at beach that all told me they have been seeing “angel numbers”; based on a book about Angels numbers. 2) – Last 3-blankets that day (confirmed my mission): a= Lady just finished reading my book that Morning! b= College students overheard and asked about it and loved Luke 10: Re: “1 thing necessary” c= Last was Jewish wife + Christian hubby (asked lot of questions + told me grateful; i.e. 20-minutes solved lot of past friction). i.e; Jesus was and is a Jew too! 3 –second time in 2 weeks: I met a mom with a teenage daughter (who said “WOW” and will get our book + listen to our 230 pod-cast shows. Teens LOVED: “Just one thing necessary, Luke 10!”
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    15 m
  • Episode 231 (07-28-24) ComplmentPPL,DadAgrees100%,ElectricTruck:777-222-BBB,ManSaw1776-79=BeforeMetMe.
    Jun 26 2024
    1) – Listener led to compliment people and later that day heard our radio show (say same)! 2) – Spent 5-hrs at beach; but Jesus said do 3 more blankets b/f leave. Wow: all 3 were talking about God and how to relate to God b/f I arrived. One man told wife and 3-teen-kids “WOW! (I just told U same b/f he came!” Luke 10:38-42, John 10:27, + 14:26, James 1:5-8, CCC 1776-79 3) – Listener tells us they noticed 2-wks that God is in-spiring them with answers, and noted following truck with (plate 777, phone 222, and BBB note! 4) – Listener tells us that CCC 1776 (matches Independence Day Declaration) + says we can all talk to God and hear God in our souls! “PTL! I was so (so) delighted to hear this confirmation of my 56-yr history.
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    15 m
  • Episode 230 (07-21-24) DeceasedMom,3yrsPplUse,CoupleArgues,LegExercise,Pslm121,ManGotAns@Beach:
    May 19 2024
    1) – Woman at beach celebrates deceased-mom = a year ago with both of us! 2) – It was great to meet Ppl at the beach on this day who I met in past 3-yrs + hear of how they are using our books etc. 3) – Husband and wife (15 yrs) but who argue about religion + God. They were blessed to hear answers to solve problem. 4) – Met a man who says he asked God to help him with leg + back pains that are frustrating his life. God in-spired him = exercises that work! 5) – A listener tells us they led to read Psalm 121 in morning; and then noticed God all day in (co-incidence miracles)! 6) – Met man who just came out to the beach and said: “WOW … I just asked God to do something for me at the beach today as you approached me with your card (wow)!
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Episode 229 (07-14-24) SeesGGG,18YrOld=inspired,MarriedUsesRbooks,Odomtr77.7,OnLineDating/God!
    May 19 2024
    1) – Person goes to Sunday Mass and sees GGG at the intersection and GOOD as they exit the church lot later! 2) – 18 yr old lady is happy hear things she can use and her mom was pleased Jesus got us all to meet for her daughter. 3) Met married couple who both read my books and use them daily for Fleecing Clues like Bible: (Judges 6, and Genesis 24)! 4) – Listener got a call with bad news. They pulled over and asked God for help and peace (as a car 777 passed and his odometer = 77.7 miles driven)! 5) – Person goes to church to pray, but sees a friend there with on-line date problems. Wound up helping friend instead of praying (it was God’s will)!
    Más Menos
    15 m