
  • What Wish We Knew Before Becoming a Witch
    Apr 21 2022

    Are you a new witch or thinking about becoming one? Today we are going to talk about some things we wish we knew before becoming a witch. 

    1. The power of intention. 

    Wayne w Dyer said. "You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality." Your intentions are the foundation of your reality so it's important to be clear about the desires you are projecting that you want to experience. When you understand and are aware of the power of intention you can begin creating the world that you desire to experience. If you are confused on how to set your intentions; it's a very simple process: state what you desire and act on it in any way you can. Remind yourself of your intention repeatedly; writing it down or creating a vision board are both powerful tools to help you constantly be reminded of your desires. 

    Q. What past intentions are you currently living and how did you ensure its manifestation?

    2. Nothing is good or bad

    I wish I would have understood that nothing is good and nothing is bad. Everything just is. When we make a judgment of something is when we put the label of good or bad, righteous or evil, Holy or unholy. All of these are just perceptions based on the life you live, the community you are a part of and what you have learned from family and friends. 

    Q. Have you ever done something that was considered bad to someone but good to you or vice versa?

    3. Words are spells

    Growing up I didn't realize the power behind my words and thoughts. Words are powerful and we have the ability to speak the reality we want. Not only do we have this ability, we practice it all the time. If you look around you can find evidence of things and situations you’ve spoken into existence. Having awareness of how powerful your words gives you the opportunity to speak life into your trust desires. 

    Q. What have you spoken into existence before you understood the power of your words? 

    4. How you practice is personal

    Not every witch is the same and there is no correct way to practice witchcraft. The correct way is your way and anyone who tells you differently is taking away your power. Trust yourself, you have the answers within. There are many resources and people who are great mentors but even the greatest mentor will tell you the power is within you, trust yourself and move accordingly. 

    Q. How do you practice your craft?

    5. There are many types of witches

    6. Trusting yourself

    Trusting yourself is the key to being a Witch. Trust is where your power comes from. There is a verse in the bible that says if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains meaning if you have faith and trust in yourself you have the power to face any obstacle. 

    Q. Do you fully trust yourself? Why or why not?

    7. How to take back your own power

    The best way to take back your power is to trust yourself first and listen to your intuition. In life we give our power to so many people because we believe they are better than us in some way. This could be your parents, teachers, bosses, and friends. 

    Q. How do you take back your power?

    8. The secret to manifestation.

    Is there a secret to manifestation?

    A lot of people don't understand the process of manifestation but it's really simple. Faith+Works=Manifestation but there are some secrets that every practitioner uses that makes their manifestations happen faster. Sage and I will share a secret or 2 that we use when manifesting. 

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Ascending to the 5th Dimension
    Jul 19 2021

    What is ascension?

    Ascension is simply a shift in consciousness. There are different levels of consciousness, but today we will discuss the 3d, 4d and 5d levels of consciousness. 

    3d- This physical plane that you are experiencing this podcast at right now. In the 3d you experience duality, all emotions. You are able to work through karmic debt and evolve your consciousness. The 3d is the place where lessons are learned and life is lived. 

    4d- isnt talked about much; as it is the transitioning dimension. It is where out of body experiences happen such as astral projection, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, and shifting takes place. In the 4d; you have 1 foot in the physical and one foot in the spiritual realm. 

    5d- is in the spiritual plan where oneness and the now resides. There is no judgment, only love and compassion.

    How to know you are living in the 5th dimension?

    1. You feel a sense of oneness with everyone and everything
    2. You will experience a sense of lightness and love
    3. Time will no longer move like it use to
    4. Synrotinities will be revealed on a larger scale
    5. Manifestations will happen quicker and with ease
    6. You will experience gratitude more consistently 
    7. You will judge less and with more compassion and understanding
    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Episode 40- Assume: to make an ASS out of U and ME
    May 23 2021

    The Modern Witch Academy Patreon

    In the Book, the 4 agreements by don Miguel Ruiz, the 3rd agreements Focuses on not making assumptions. We make assumptions about everything, why people do what they do, why people say what they say and even how other people feel. But what gives us the right to think that we know everything? There’s an old saying that goes when you assume you make an “ass out of you and me” and I didn’t really understand that saying as a child. It was never explained to me that immune means to explain without proof. I thought people said that because of the way you spell assume. Assuming can cause so many unnecessary issues. 

    But assuming isn’t always a negative thing. We assume for protection. For example, if you know that most mushrooms you know about that are poisonous have black gills, if you come across a mushroom you're unsure of but you see that it has black gills, its safe to assume its poisonous. Or if you are driving and notice the car in front of you is swerving, is safe to assume they are under the influence or sleepy based on your past experience, you can use the knowledge to avoid being near them.  

    Assuming for protection is smart but assuming for control, to fill in the blanks in your story, or to place blame is harmful, can ruin relations, and is the cause of so much suffering. 

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Episode 39- Trust Me, It's Not Personal!
    May 2 2021

    3 signs that you take things way too personal are if you're 

    1. easily offended 
    2. you have a need to be right
    3. if you're easily triggered

    6 Tips on How to not take things personally:

    1. Understand you can’t please everyone
    2. Know that your not defined by what others think or say about you
    3. Understand your self worth
    4. You don’t need approval from anyone
    5. You are not responsible for others peoples emotions
    6. Understand that not everything is about you

    How to be a better communicator:

    1. Listen- not to respond but to understand.
    2. Assume the best intentions.
    3. Ask questions if you need clarifying
    4. Don’t take it personal, even if they are talking about you 

    When you stop taking things so personally you regain your power and confidence, you are able to move through difficult situations, and see life from a different perspective. 

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Episode 38- Your Words are Spells
    Apr 26 2021

    Shout out to our first patron Jose. Your support is so appreciated!

    The power behind being a witch is being aware of your power and the magic that is created with your thoughts and words. Do you recognize that you have the ability to manifest with just the words you speak? In todays lesson you will get a deep understanding of how powerful the words you use truly are and how to be more aware when it comes to what you speak over others and yourself!

    "The word is the most powerful tool you have as a human: it is the tool of magic. But like a sword with 2 edges, your word can create the most beautiful dream or your word can destroy everything around you" This is quote from the book, the four agreements by don miguel ruiz

    For todays Podcast we will probably be refencing that book a few times as it was the inspiration for this podcast. 

    James 3:3-6 NLT

    The tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.

    This is pretty much saying your words dictate your ability to live in hell or heaven just by your words.  

    It is said that Hell is separation from God, when you reject yourself, you separate from the god that is within you which causes you to experience suffering leading you deeper and deeper into your personal hell. 

    What part of yourself do you reject? 

    You can  also speak life into people! This comes in the form of motivation, encouragement, kindness, compliments. And a lot of time you can cancel a curse and replace it with a blessing. 

    Challenge of the week, be aware of the blessings and curses you speak over those you love. When you see yourself about to speak a curse, stop. If you've realized you spoke a curse, apologies and replace it with a blessing. 


    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Episode 37- Being Married to a Witch (1 Year Update)
    26 m
  • Episode 36- April Message- Remember, You're Perfect
    Apr 7 2021

    Are you looking for a little guidance going into month of April?? We have a reading for you! If you're hearing this message then it means this is a message that is meant for you. It was inspired by you and put out just so one day you would come across it. 

    Todays reading focuses on what you need to do this month in order to grow!

    This reading will deal with on what you need to focus on, what actions do you need to take, 

    What area of your life should you direct some forgiveness towards, and what message you need to focus on going into May.

    8 of Pentacles

    This card is saying this will be a month of work. Some people have a bad connection with the work, so instead I want to say this month there will be a long of energy exchanging going on! This card reminds you that procrastination is something that has help you back in the past. Ask yourself how will you move through the procrastination that keeps you from moving forward in a timely fashion? 

    The energy that you put into this month will be worth your time and effect. Remember to recharge your energy daily. 

    What are ways you recharge after a long day?

    2nd card: What actions do you need to take this month?

    6 of Swords

    This card is saying this month the actions that you take will be centered around making difficult choices. It is important that you get clear on your desires and make sure whatever choices you make align with the vision you have for yourself and trust yourself. Even if you realize in the future that there were better choices to make, forgive yourself and learn from the experience.

    3rd card: What area of your life should you direct some forgiveness towards?

    7 of cups

    This card is saying this month focus on forgiving yourself for sometimes being a little out of touch with reality. You may enjoy having your head in the clouds, I know I do but it is important to come back to earth! This is where life happens! 

    4th card: What message do you need to hear going into May?

    Ten of Swords

    This card is saying everything is fine even if at the end of the month there is unfinished business, projects in process and nothing seems complete. Everything is perfect even though that might be hard to understand. This card also reminds you that you are perfect. 

    Do you believe you're perfect?

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • Episode 35- Awakening your Inner Child
    Mar 17 2021


    The power behind being a witch is knowing yourself and being aware of your power and the connection with  All there is. Do you know who you are? Not who you pretend to be when people are watching, but who you really are when you're all alone! Today's lesson is about embracing your true authentic self and awakening your inner child!  

    What is shadow work?

    As we have discussed in previous podcasts, shadow work is the process of uncovering those hidden parts of you. The parts that you might be ashamed of, the parts of you that you think others may not accept, and even the parts that you forgot were within you! We are like an onion with layers and layers of our identity and it's important to embrace all of you! 

    So as we begin, I ask that you surrender to the experience, surround yourself with compassion and love, and get ready for this journey within yourself! This is a judgment-free zone, and that includes judging yourself! 

    “You’ll never know who you are unless you shed who you pretend to be.” 

    Vironika Tugaleva

    Your authentic self is your true self, the self that is free of limitations, free of social norms holds. It is the side of you that is joyful and happy, wild and free. Being true to who you are takes courage because it can cause fear to go against the norm. Being your authentic self causes you to stand out instead of fit in. We are people who crave and strive in social setting and because of that, we fear judgment or abandonment. 

    So let's start by meeting your true authentic self. Start by asking yourself, "what brings me joy? For some people their most joy and happiness they experienced was as a child, if that’s the case with you, dive deeper and ask yourself what about that experience made you so happy? Who was around? Where were you at? All of these questions will help you become aware of yourself a little deeper.

    Fully embracing your authentic self is a process, it's not a race but a marathon that begins with one step at a time. Start small, I'm going to give you 10 practices you can incorporate into your everyday life:

    1. Stop seeking the approval of other people. 
    2. Know your values and set your boundaries accordingly.
    3. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. 
    4.  Have compassion for yourself. Stop the negative self-talk.
    5. Journal for self-awareness
    6. Take a step outside of your comfort zone. Make a new friend ( you're never too old to make a new friend), join a training or class you can even do this via zoom. 
    7. Assume the best, and use the worst as a learning opportunity
    8. Stop comparisons! 
    9. Value your opinion the most!
    10. Find time weekly to embrace the child within you!

    Awaken your inner child

    Part of getting to know your authentic self is to awaken your inner child. Everyone has an inner child, some people's inner child is hidden due to trauma, but it's within and yarning for love, acknowledgment, and fun!  It's about returning to a playful state! Life is meant to be enjoyed!

    “Everything seemed possible when I looked through the eyes of a child. 

    And every once in a while; I remember, 

    I still have the chance to be that wild.” 

    Nikki Rowe


    Get out and Explore the world, your neighborhood, your state, anything to break you away from the hustle and bustle of adult life. Stay curious 

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    51 m