
  • 239: Summer Sanity: Tami Hackbarth on Fair Play Strategies and Self-Care Tips for a Harmonious Family Life
    Jul 16 2024

    In this episode, we dive deep into the secrets of a balanced, harmonious family life with our special guest, Tami Hackbarth. Tami introduces us to the Fair Play method, inspired by Eve Rodsky's transformative book "Fair Play," offering practical strategies to manage household duties equitably and ease the mental load, especially during the chaotic summer months.

    Join us as Tami shares her powerful journey from burnout to well-being through guilt-free self-care practices like regular exercise, meditation, and setting healthy boundaries. Learn how these changes not only improved her personal well-being but also had a profound impact on her professional life and those around her. Explore the dynamics of implementing the Fair Play method within relationships and family structures through Tami’s real-life examples, from managing summer activities to everyday chores.

    In this episode, you will hear:

    • Importance of equitable distribution of household duties.

    • Strategies to manage household logistics for a balanced environment.

    • Setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing self-care.

    • The concept of domestic labor and its unequal distribution.

    • Encouraging partners to take initiative in household management.

    • Dividing tasks and involving children in decision-making.

    • Open communication about household responsibilities.

    This episode is brought to you by Fertile Imagination: A Guide For Stretching Every Mom’s Superpower For Maximum Impact – My book is now available on Amazon in its paperback version and Kindle format. Grab a free chapter on www.fertileideas.com.

    DM me on Instagram @melissallarena just type the word FERTILE and I’ll share the link if that’s easier to get to fertileideas.com for all the details you need to celebrate your own Fertile Imagination! Here’s that link: https://www.instagram.com/melissallarena/

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    51 m
  • 238: Turning Networking Woes into Wins This Summer: A Step-by-Step Guide for Mom Founders
    Jul 9 2024
    How to network with confidence for mom founders..... ever been disappointed in yourself that you missed an opportunity to talk to someone you admire or to put yourself out there and introduce yourself to a major investor or prospective client? If you said yes, then this is the episode for you! Come this fall, are you going to be ready to do this with confidence, or are you at risk of disappointing yourself because you didn't feel ready or didn't do everything you could when you had the opportunity? If you do not want to feel in-ept as a former client told me, she originally felt then this is the episode for you! I had cold feet myself when I first saw Shelly Lazarus and Beth Comstock however... I knew what to do once I was in front of GaryVee. I rehearsed my stories, questions, and asked. There was prework, follow-through, and strategy. No PR team, no big following, no former c-suite position. I knew how to work with my impostor syndrome. What was different? What did I do that produced different results in me? How did I build my own confidence to have the guts to perform when the time came? How do you get your podcast guests? This is the number one question I’m asked by podcasters who know how hard it is to land a guest like GaryVee, much less as your tenth guest! The second question I get often came most recently from a client in the fitness industry who asked: how did you have the confidence to interview GaryVee? My answer to both is my three-step method. In this episode, you will hear: Importance of shifting from transactional to genuine connections. How genuine connections lead to more meaningful and lasting relationships. Understanding your goals and the value you bring to the table. Building relationships based on genuine interest and mutual benefit. Research and rehearsal to build confidence. My Imagination to Impact to Income Method ™ gives me a reliable process to identify who to talk to, where to find them, and what to do once we connect. It helped my client like yourself go from feeling intimidated to talking to people like GaryVee, Beth Comstock, Suzy Batiz, Zibby Owens to saying hi to them and pitching your ideas without hesitation. The method is your step-by-step solution to networking anxiety. When you join now as a member of the five mom founders this summer I will be offering an exclusive one-on-one session role-playing their biggest encounter! I’ll look for their elevator pitch, see if their stories would resonate with their contact, and even help them with their delivery! You want to look confident around confident people. This unexpected approach to networking will change your life just like it has for this doting parent in North Carolina “At the core of it, for me, it was about re-building and projecting confidence. I doubted myself. This program was critical to re-build my confidence and realize that I was not doing the right things to stand out. With this confidence, rejection has not been an issue, and now I am looking at opportunities without any hesitation. Melissa knows how to motivate people to make those things happen. I will continue building my brand and networking. This new habit will allow me to continue growing and reaching my potential.” -J. Hernandez, Artificial Intelligence at Sales Factory Inside of Fertile Imagination to Networking Success you get access to: • 9 weeks of live networking coaching and community • Value-packed on demand curriculum on everything from navigating impostor syndrome to who to network with, how to find them, what to say, and on planning your fall and winter 2024 networking calendar focused on your business growth goal. • 3 hours/ weekly investment this summer (2 whenever or wherever you wish) to hit the ground running in the fall and feel ahead for a change • Lifetime access to tools and resources built for mom founders including meditations and unexpected ways to let go of mom guilt and overwhelm • Exclusive opportunity for the first five mom founder participants including a multimedia podcast guest feature, two private bonus sessions, and a 30% discounted investment Special extras: Daily Wins Workbook, Impostor Syndrome Journaling, and Networking Email Templates and More! I’m also offering an exclusive bonus for the first five mom founders only which is a guide on how to boost your productivity as a solopreneur and/or delegate or farm out things in your business so you can easily fit this into your summer calendar. Click HERE to schedule a 30-minute call with me to learn more about Fertile Imagination to Networking Success for Mom Founders and jump in on this exclusive summer offer for the first five mom founders. Join this cohort now and get your productivity bonus and your free role-playing private session when you are in. Class starts very soon and will be capped this summer to only 5 mom founders. About Melissa Llarena I’m a bestselling author (...
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    22 m
  • 237: Mastering Entrepreneurship and Motherhood: Leadership, Resilience, and Imagination with Randi Rubenstein
    Jul 2 2024
    In this episode, we delve into the intricate dance of balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood, especially when raising a strong-willed child. Join us as Randi Rubenstein, parent coach, author, and founder of Mastermind Parenting, shares insights on maintaining structure, accountability, and firm yet loving boundaries. Discover how the principles of pack leadership can transform your parenting approach and draw parallels between the challenges of managing a business and raising resilient children. Embark on the emotional journey of entrepreneurial motherhood, from the lows of failed launches to the highs of tangible success. Reflect on how jealousy can serve as a catalyst for uncovering hidden dreams and transforming envy into motivation and actionable steps. Tune in for expert advice on navigating turbulent times with resilience and grace, and learn how to move beyond talking about change to actually taking action for personal and professional growth. Whether you're dealing with a strong-willed child or running a business during challenging times, this episode offers the mindset, methods, and tools to thrive. In this episode, you will hear: Challenges of juggling business responsibilities while raising children. Parallels between managing a business during turbulent times and raising resilient children. How mom founders can leverage their superpower of imagination to dream bigger. The dynamic relationship between working moms and stay-at-home moms. Identity shift and emotional challenges that come with leaving a secure job to start a business Self-reflection and turning envy into motivation and actionable steps toward goals. Emotional regulation and leadership in both parenting and business contexts. Necessity of mental preparation, accountability, and setting clear boundaries. Quotes, that can change your perspective: “What if you have a strong-willed kid and then you have another kid or multiple other kids? How are you supposed to get a handle on this? I would say it's the exact same thing, you know. The accountability piece and learning how to have that structure and have those boundaries into and to say what's okay with you as the pack leader.” “A lot of women who are working many, many hours are still the ones responsible for what are we going to eat this week and what about those school forms and we need to go through your closet. You look like you're waiting for a flood.” “You get out what you put into something, but it's doing the reps of whatever it is that you learned, you know, in business or in personal and holding yourself accountable for, okay, I made the investment. You could make the investment or you could have made the investment a decade ago, but you're so capable of still implementing what you learned.” This episode is brought to you by Fertile Imagination to Networking Success, my 9-week group coaching program for visionary mom founders who have decided they are going to become power strategic networkers because they do not want to miss out on one more opportunity for maximum business growth! A program for a founder who wants a step-by-step process that works. My approach which I have used over and over and helped my client use too is called the Imagination to Impact and Income Method ™ and it will help you connect with the right people, lead the right conversations, and swing open the right doors to success. If you want to learn more, then schedule a free call on www.melissallarena.com/sessions today. DM me on Instagram @melissallarena just type the word SESSION and I’ll share the link if that’s easier to see my calendar availability for this free call where you will get all the details you’ll need to know if this program is the perfect fit for you and to hear about the extra bonuses available only this summer to the first mom founders who join. Here’s that link: https://www.instagram.com/melissallarena/ About Randi Rubenstein Randi Rubenstein is a renowned parent coach, author, and the visionary founder of Mastermind Parenting. With a deep-seated passion for helping parents navigate the complex journey of raising strong-willed children, Randy has become a trusted voice in the parenting community. Her expertise lies in teaching parents how to implement structure, accountability, and firm yet loving boundaries, all while fostering a nurturing and growth-oriented family environment. Randi's approach is rooted in the principles of pack leadership, emphasizing the importance of consistency, personal growth, and accountability without resorting to permissive or punitive methods. Her work rejects shame, blame, and spanking, focusing instead on a balanced strategy that combines firmness with love. This philosophy not only helps parents manage their households effectively but also draws insightful parallels to the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the business world. SHARE this episode and discover strategies to ...
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    1 h y 23 m
  • 236: Feel the Pressure When Attending Networking Events? Anticipating Some This Fall?
    Jun 25 2024
    You've joined so many associations, networking associations, maybe even membership groups, you've attended conferences, you experienced networking, quote-unquote, societies, tried happy hours, gone to Toastmasters. So why is it that just the thought about going to networking events is still scary? Here's something that I've realized. It's because there's something missing. There's something missing from your strategy, and in this episode, I want to share with you exactly what that is. Now, if you're like a lot of my clients, usually you might be in a relationship, for example, where your partner is really good at schmoozing. They are great at going to events, connecting the dots, connecting people, and you might be a little jealous of that. The simple fact that it comes so naturally to them, but maybe not to you. Yet as a business owner, you might also realize that whether it comes naturally to you or not, it is so important and critical to your business growth. And this might be exactly what you want to work on and be ready to do and execute upon by this fall. So listen up. Here's the thing. This is how you know that you're not yet prepared to take full advantage of all of these things that I just mentioned. Again, those events that are coming up, those membership opportunities, those associations that you want to be a part of. This is how you know that you're not really ready and not really going to extract the real value of connecting with people who could accelerate your business. This is how do you still feel like networking is transactional? Have you felt that maybe networking is sleazy? Or do you just feel like there's a lot of pressure? A lot of pressure when you think about going to networking events. Because if that is where you are right now, then that's not the actual problem. The fact that a networking event is a sleazy place or it's a place of only transactions. That's not the real issue. Going to these events, it's not like exposure therapy that the more you go to them, the better off you'll feel. Chances are you'll still feel nervous before going to them if you don't yet have a solid strategy. Okay. Let's talk about this strategy. So the solid strategy that you need in order to no longer feel scared or nervous about attending events has to include these things. This strategy must help you prepare. Before going to events so that this way, when you're at the events, people already know you, this strategy also has to help you feel more confident and be more approachable and armed with topics related to small talk that don't feel random or pointless like the weather. This strategy that I'm talking about also needs to arm you with knowing exactly when and how to follow up without feeling like you're pestering people. So let me share with you a little bit about my strategy, a little bit about my method. It is called the imagination to impact to income method, and it solves for everything that I just listed out. Imagine this, imagine going to a networking event and already knowing who's going to be there, what stories you're going to share and how you're going to show up in addition to even how you're going to dress. What if having that pre-thought out and already curated is what it actually takes to no longer have to feel nervous or hesitant or unsure, or like there's a lot of pressure when you attend a networking event, a networking event that you may have already paid for, right? So those conferences that you have to fly to and then figure out the logistics for the kids that you leave behind. Like, what if you had this method that could help you really, I mean, just like own the room and feel completely like you belonged in the room as the leader of your business. That is what my method helps you do. This method, the imagination to impact income method, that's the centerpiece of my group coaching program for mom founders. And if this episode resonates then let’s connect: https://www.instagram.com/melissallarena/ The program is called fertile imagination to networking success, and we could absolutely have a conversation this week. So that this way you have a really clear understanding for how this program can help you completely set yourself up for success come the fall. Once you have these events to attend, once you have these opportunities that you should be emotionally ready for. And literally ready for, as in like already predetermined on your calendar right now. All of this is covered during the group coaching program with me, during which time you and I and a group of five mom founders will figure this out in time for the fall. This episode is brought to you by the "Fertile Imagination for Networking Success" Program Are you tired of attending networking events only to feel overwhelmed and underprepared? Do you crave meaningful connections but struggle to navigate the networking landscape effectively? It's time to revolutionize your approach to networking with our exclusive program ...
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    16 m
  • 235: This Austin-Based Community Builder Will Teach You How to Make Mom Friends
    Jun 18 2024
    Do you wish you had mom friends who would push you, who would get you out of a rut? Do you feel like you don't have a community that you belong in? I know this pops up oftentimes during the summer season. And so I wanted this conversation to soothe your soul and give you a chance to change that. Let’s connect if this resonates with you: https://www.instagram.com/melissallarena/ Do you ever feel lonely? I can relate. As a mom in those early days, the feeling of loneliness was all too familiar. I remember nursing my son, waiting for my husband to get home, and feeling the weight of solitude. Similarly, when I launched my business, I found myself at my kitchen table grappling with business challenges without a sounding board. Loneliness is not uncommon for moms or entrepreneurs, but it has certainly been amplified by the pandemic. However, amidst these challenges, we now have the option to connect online. That's why today's conversation is so important. Allow me to introduce you to Cherie Werner, a proud Austinite for 35 years and the founder and CEO of Fiesta, an inclusive startup community. Cherie brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to fostering success and connections. I'm thrilled to host this conversation because I believe connecting with others who share similar experiences or have advanced perspectives in motherhood or entrepreneurship is crucial for success. So, enjoy the conversation with Cherie and notice her “fertile imagination”, a guide for maximizing every mom's superpower for maximum impact. That's the title of my book, by the way. Cherie exemplifies this imagination by creating unique connections and community, especially when she decided to homeschool her daughters. You'll hear how she achieved this, involving dads, kids, and families in a vibrant community. It's a testament to what's possible when you awaken and stretch your imagination, a process I detail in my book, which you can find at www.fertileideas.com. Also noteworthy is that this episode is brought to you by: From Contact to Connection: The Mompreneur’s Go-First Networking & Follow Up Playbook: https://witty-thinker-2643.ck.page/21e52edb87 Download my step by step networking and follow-up process, as well as out-of-the-box proven ways to build relationships with the busiest of influencers, prospective podcast guests, and mentors! WARNING: this is for ambitious AF moms with growing businesses. AND BONUS: 30-second elevator pitch template included! The free playbook helps you: -Write an elevator pitch that will be memorable and distinguish you from everyone else. -Improve your networking skills, especially if you’re a mom founder who can’t go out and leave it to chance that she’ll meet the business investor, mentor, or partner of her dreams. -Learn how to become a better networker without feeling like a fish out of water. -Write your emails to introduce yourself to strangers without overthinking how to begin an email or how to prove in the email that speaking with you will be worth their time. -Push beyond the fear that often holds you back, thinking “Oh, I can’t do that” or “Who am I to approach that person?” -Think strategically about your outreach goals by considering why you want to talk to specific people, along with what you need to know so you don’t get caught out there feeling like a deer in headlights without the right words to say. -Think ahead about how you intend to make it worth their time and how you can use your platform to feature them as an expert, among other things. -Calm your networking jitters beforehand by guiding you on how to research the event and its attendees before heading out. -Gain fresh ideas for follow-ups that will feel good to you and the recipient, instead of just emailing the person over and over again. -Use a timeframe to conduct your networking or outreach efforts so they become a habit. -And includes email templates galore! Official bio for Cherie I'm Cherie Werner—a native Texan and a proud Austinite for 35 years. As the Founder and (CEO) Chief Empowerment Officer of FIESTA, an inclusive startup community, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to fostering success and connections. With 38 years of marriage to Jon Werner and our three daughters as my top priorities, my journey in mentoring began in college. It evolved into a rich history of community building, exemplified by the growth of the Austin WholeHearted Home School community (1995-2001). Collaborating on startup ventures like Bones in Motion (2001-2008) and KOYA Innovations (2018-2023) has equipped me with unique insights and empathy into the founder's journey. At FIESTA, we've hosted over 50 events, welcoming 7,000+ attendees since July 2021, and achieved a remarkable 65% growth in 2023 and 2022. As a certified life coach, I am dedicated to creating a dynamic environment where entrepreneurs can thrive, forge meaningful relationships, be seen, and succeed. I am excited to ...
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    47 m
  • 234: Need Outside Motivation for Your Business Growth This Summer
    Jun 11 2024
    Struggling to stay motivated and keep your business on track during the summer? Discover how you can transform these months into a powerhouse of productivity and growth. Join us as we dive into actionable strategies tailored for mom founders, ensuring you hit the ground running this fall. Don't let another summer slip by—tune in now to learn how to leverage this time for maximum business impact. Let’s connect if this resonates with you: https://www.instagram.com/melissallarena/ And if this opportunity is what you need this summer then… Join My Exclusive Summer Group Coaching Program for Mom Founders This summer, I'm inviting five dedicated mom founders to join me in my exclusive group coaching program, Fertile Imagination to Networking Success. This program is designed to help you develop a clear, actionable plan to grow your business. You’ll know exactly what to do and how to do it, ensuring you’re on the right track for success. What's Unique About This Opportunity? Only the first five mom founders who join me will get access to an incredible range of bonuses, making this a truly exclusive and transformative experience. Exclusive Bonuses for the First Five Enrollees: Private Session 1 for Implementation: A 45-minute session where we’ll develop a ready-to-go networking strategy for the fall. You won't feel lonely in this; we'll work side by side to plan and execute your strategy. Private Session 2 for Elevator Pitch: Overcome nerves and anxiety with a private session focused on perfecting your elevator pitch and confidently introducing yourself to new contacts. 30% Discount: For the first five mom founders, a special discount on the program fee. Productivity Resource Guide: Tools to help you take tasks off your plate, allowing you to focus more on valuable networking activities. Podcast Guest Spot: Be a guest on my podcast, you’ll be in great company given awesome my prior guests like Gary Vaynerchuk, Beth Comstock, and Suzy Batiz. This will instantly boost your credibility and visibility. Program Details Fertile Imagination to Networking Success is a comprehensive nine-week program that requires just three hours per week, two of which can be accessed on demand. Here’s what you get: Live Networking, Coaching, and Community: Nine weeks of live sessions focused on building a supportive community and providing actionable networking strategies. Value-Packed On-Demand Curriculum: Topics include overcoming imposter syndrome, identifying and connecting with key contacts, and planning your fall and winter 2024 networking calendar. Lifetime Access: Access to my proven Imagination to Impact to Income method, tools for seamless networking, and resources tailored specifically for mom founders. Specialized Tools and Resources: Including meditations and strategies to manage mom guilt and overwhelm, ensuring you stay focused and motivated. Why This Program is Perfect for Mom Founders As a mom founder myself, I understand the unique challenges you face. This program is designed to fit into your busy life, providing practical, executable steps to ensure you’re ready to hit the ground running come fall. Success Stories Hear from one of my former clients, Lily Ibarra, CFO of a Fortune 500 financial services firm: "With Melissa, people will find an open forum to air their concerns and receive very clear guidance on how to prepare themselves with confidence. Know that her method really works." How to Join Ready to take your business to the next level? Here's how to get started: Visit melissallarena.com/sessions Fill out the application to ensure it’s the right fit. Schedule a conversation with me this month to secure your spot. Remember, only the first five mom founders will receive the exclusive bonuses, including the 30% discount, productivity resource, two private sessions, and the podcast guest spot. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow your business and make meaningful connections. Visit www.melissallarena.com/sessions and apply now! Thank you, and I look forward to helping you achieve your business goals this summer. Until next Tuesday, check the show notes for more details and links to sign up.
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    18 m
  • 233: FOMO: Working Moms vs. SAHMs - Insights from Sharon Macey, Host of the Mom to More™ Podcast
    Jun 4 2024
    In this enlightening episode, we delve into the unique perspectives of stay-at-home moms (SAHMs) and working moms. Our special guest, Sharon Macey, host of the Mom to More™ podcast, shares her journey from being a SAHM for 20 years to reinventing herself professionally. This conversation offers working moms a chance to understand the other side of the coin and see that no matter the path chosen, there's no missing out or falling behind. This episode is perfect for you if you wish to uncover the profound wisdom that moms—both working and stay-at-home—can impart to each other to enrich their motherhood experiences. Do you want to ask me or this week's guest a question? Send in your question today: https://www.instagram.com/melissallarena/ Key Points: Understanding Different Mom Experiences: Gain insights into the stay-at-home mom experience from Sharon Macey. Learn how SAHMs navigate daily challenges and find fulfillment, providing a broader perspective that can enhance your own parenting journey. No Right or Wrong Path: Discover how both SAHMs and working moms face unique but equally valid challenges and rewards. Sharon’s story highlights that choosing either path is about finding what works best for you and your family, without fear of missing out or being left behind. Shared Wisdom for a Balanced Summer: Learn practical tips from Sharon on how to make the most of your summer with your kids. Whether you're a working mom or considering a shift, this conversation provides strategies for balancing enriching activities for your children with personal growth and career aspirations. Actionable Takeaways: Embrace a new perspective by understanding the experiences of stay-at-home moms.Find reassurance in knowing that whether you work or stay home, you're making the right choice for your family.Implement shared tips to create a summer that is fulfilling and productive for both you and your kids. Join us for this insightful conversation with Sharon Macey, and discover how understanding different mom experiences can enrich your own parenting journey and help you make the most of your mom summer. Listen now and gain a fresh perspective on motherhood! Official bio: Sharon Macey is a content creator, blogger, speaker and host of the Mom to MORE podcast. A real "mother of reinvention", Sharon created Mom To MORE™, a podcast and community for women rediscovering themselves beyond motherhood. Sharon enjoyed a successful career as an award-winning copywriter and marketer before proudly embracing the role of stay-at-home-mom. During the years of raising her 3 kids, she realized while doing all of the expected mom things, she had developed a wealth of skills that served as the foundation for her own personal reinvention. Sharon knows that moms of any age can use their talents, wisdom and unique gifts to create their empowering and fulfilling next chapters in life. Sharon holds a BA in advertising from the University of Texas at Austin and a Digital Marketing Strategies certification from the Kellogg School of Management. She competes in Latin ballroom dance and lives the empty-nest life in Connecticut with her husband and comedic dog, Comet. In this episode, I shared a resource you can use today to initiate conversations with anyone! Grab it this week and let me help you take the first step to building a powerful network that can help you grow your business (and even connect with other moms too). Links: Podcast: https://apple.co/46XAhPB Website: https://www.momtomore.com/ From Contact to Connection: The Mompreneur's Go-First Networking & Follow Up Playbook Download my step by step networking and follow-up process, as well as out-of-the-box proven ways to build relationships with the busiest of influencers, prospective podcast guests, and mentors! WARNING: this is for ambitious AF moms with growing businesses. AND BONUS: 30-second elevator pitch template included! The free playbook helps you: -Write an elevator pitch that will be memorable and distinguish you from everyone else. -Improve your networking skills, especially if you're a mom founder who can't go out and leave it to chance that she’ll meet the business investor, mentor, or partner of her dreams. -Learn how to become a better networker without feeling like a fish out of water. -Write your emails to introduce yourself to strangers without overthinking how to begin an email or how to prove in the email that speaking with you will be worth their time. -Push beyond the fear that often holds you back, thinking "Oh, I can’t do that" or "Who am I to approach that person?" -Think strategically about your outreach goals by considering why you want to talk to specific people, along with what you need to know so you don’t get caught out there feeling like a deer in headlights without the right words to say. -Think ahead about how you intend to make it worth their time and how you can use your platform to feature them as an expert, among other things....
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    42 m
  • 232: I said I would spend more time with my kids this summer
    May 28 2024
    In this episode, I'm here to help you tackle the challenge many mom entrepreneurs face: balancing business growth with family time during the summer break. I'll share practical strategies to maintain momentum in your business while spending quality time with your kids. Drawing from my experience and my signature three-step method, you'll learn actionable advice on leveraging the summer months to refine your company vision, boost energy levels, and enhance storytelling skills. By involving your children in these activities, you not only strengthen your bond but also tap into their imaginative perspectives. Together, let's ensure you feel empowered and supported as you navigate your entrepreneurial journey. Today's episode is my answer to this listener question below. Q&A: It's time for growth in my business. This fall I plan to hit the ground running. I know I will have to network more to take my business to the next level but I feel rusty and fear coming across as inept. What are some things I can focus on this summer while respecting that I also said I want to spend more time with my kids during this break? Do you have a question? Send in your mom founder question today: https://www.instagram.com/melissallarena/ Key Points: Summer Challenges for Mom Entrepreneurs: Balancing business growth with family time during the summer break can be tough, but I'm here to help you navigate it.The Imagination to Impact to Income Method: Let's dive into my three-step method tailored for mom entrepreneurs: accessing a fertile imagination, making impactful decisions, and creating pathways to income.Practical Strategies for Summer Success: Revamp Your Company Vision: Involve your kids in reimagining your company vision, leveraging their fresh perspectives and creativity.Boost Energy Levels: Focus on essential self-care practices like nutrition, movement, and emotional well-being to increase productivity and capacity.Enhance Storytelling Skills: Practice storytelling with your kids to refine your communication and articulate your business narrative effectively. Networking and Confidence Building: These summer activities contribute to enhancing your networking skills and boosting confidence in business interactions.Opportunity for Growth: Consider joining my group coaching program, "Fertile Imagination to Networking Success for Mom Founders," where you'll find support, mentorship, and a community of like-minded mom entrepreneurs like yourself. As you navigate the summer months, seize the opportunity to invest in your personal and professional growth. By implementing these strategies and participating in my coaching program, you'll be equipped to tackle the challenges of entrepreneurship with confidence and purpose, achieving success while cherishing precious family moments. This episode is brought to you by the Fertile Imagination to Networking Success for Mom Founders Program: A LIVE 9-week group coaching masterclass to fast-track making connections with the right people to take your business to the next level. What's included in this program: 9 weeks of live networking coaching and communityValue-packed on demand curriculum on everything from navigating impostor syndrome to who to network with, how to find them, what to say, and on planning your fall and winter 2024 networking calendar focused on your business growth goal.3 hours/ weekly investment this summer (2 whenever or wherever you wish) to hit the ground running in the fall and feel ahead for a changeLifetime access to tools and resources built for mom founders including meditations and unexpected ways to let go of mom guilt and overwhelmExclusive opportunity for the first five mom founder participants including a multimedia podcast guest feature, two private bonus sessions, and a 30% discounted investment Special extras: Daily Wins Workbook, Impostor Syndrome Journaling, and Networking Email Templates and More I’m also offering exclusive bonuses for the first five mom founders only which is a guide on how to boost your productivity as a solopreneur so you can easily fit this into your summer calendar, two private one-on-one (to implement networking outreach, to role-play your elevator pitch), and a 30% discount. Where do you want to be 9-weeks from now? There are two options you can feel excited, intentional, and prepared to hit the ground running in the fall ready to pitch, connect, or partner with absolutely anyone who can help your business skyrocket into next year or you can play smaller, stay stuck in the same day-to-day monotony of business hiding from the people and places where the better opportunities can be created? You are bold. You are the type of founder who will do anything for your clients! It’s time to do this for yourself! Treat yourself the same you have committed to treat others. Go for option 1. Bold you! Believe in yourself as much as you believe in others! Imagine if you believed in yourself as much as you believed in your kids! ...
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    54 m