
  • Embracing the Tide: Navigating the Waters of Change Management
    Sep 10 2024

    Description: Dive into the murky waters of change management, where eerie whispers of progress mingle with the groans of resistance. In this chilling episode of "Monster in My Closet," join Anil Saxena and Morgan Hunter as they cast a ghostly light on the spectral divide between the theory and practice of organizational change.

    Topics to Explore:

    1. The Paradox of Change: Venture through the shadowy realm where businesses recognize the need for change yet tremble at the thought of its implementation.
    2. Leadership in Times of Change: Sail with captains who steer their ships through stormy transformations with courage and clear vision.
    3. Celebrating Wins and Learning from Losses: Unearth how acknowledging the specters of failures and the spirits of success can fortify a culture of resilience and adaptation.

    Summary: This episode plumbs the depths of why so many organizations falter in the fog of change despite clear skies of understanding its necessity. Our hosts dissect the psychology of resistance and navigate through strategies that enhance adaptability, enabling leaders not just to manage but to champion change for enduring triumph. Beware: this journey through the haunted halls of transformation demands courage, conviction, and a readiness to confront the ghostly unknown.

    Eerie Insights Include:

    • Why McKinsey reports a chilling 70% of change programs fail due to ghostly resistance and lack of management support.
    • The spectral tales of strategies gone awry and the lanterns of best practices that lead the way to success.


    • Learn how to communicate the haunting necessities of change without conjuring spirits of dissent.
    • Discover how to celebrate each eerie echo of success and whisper of setback to build a fortress of learning and endurance.

    Dare to Join Us? Step into the eerie silence where the faint heartbeat of change pulses waiting to be quickened. Visit Medusaas Podcasts for full show notes and more spine-tingling tales.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • What if You Were Wildly Successful?
    Aug 27 2024

    Venture into the eerie unknown where success looms like a specter in the night. In "What if You Were Wildly Successful?", join Anil and Morgan as they conjure the spirits of success and navigate the mysterious maze of excessive triumph. Beware the ghostly side-effects of your achievements whispering through the corridors of commerce!


    1. The Phantom of Overwhelming Success: What happens when success exceeds your wildest nightmares?
    2. Cursed Contingencies: How do you plan for the spooky surprises of sudden success?
    3. Omens of Overextension: What are the warning signs that your success is haunting you?

    Summary: In this episode, Anil and Morgan delve into the spectral world of being too successful. They explore the necessity of operationalizing repeatable tasks, analyzing haunting data, and hiring the right specters for the job. The duo discusses how to craft contingency plans that won’t vanish when you most need them and the importance of staying grounded when success tries to lift you into the unknown. From eerie warnings to ghostly guidance, they illuminate how to navigate the path of excessive success without losing your soul.


    • Operational Ghosts: Unearth the secrets to making repetitive tasks magically efficient.
    • Data Divination: Learn how to predict and manage the spirit of your success through data.
    • Necromancy of Networking: How hiring the right people can resurrect your business's potential.
    • Ectoplasmic Economics: Ensuring your financial foundations are as solid as a crypt.
    • Spectral Strategies: Developing contingency plans that anticipate the shadowy corners of success.
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • The DEI Divide
    Aug 27 2024

    Description: Dare to cross into the eerie expanse of "The DEI Divide," where the glowing façade of diversity programs casts long shadows over the workplace. Join us in the ghostly realm where promises hover like specters and the reality of inclusion chills the air. Will you brave the void to uncover what lurks in the hidden corners of corporate halls?


    1. Reality Check: Dive deep into the actual impact of DEI initiatives versus employee expectations and experiences.
    2. Barrier Breakdown: Explore the common obstacles that thwart effective DEI implementation.
    3. Success in the Shadows: Shine a light on best practices and uplifting success stories from the murky depths of DEI efforts.

    Summary: This episode of "Monster in My Closet," aptly titled "The DEI Divide," features hosts Anil Saxena and Morgan Hunter as they dissect the haunting disparities in DEI implementation. From the chilling effects of superficial measures to the inspiring tales of successful strategies, this discussion is a critical examination of how far we've come and how much further we need to go in achieving genuine inclusion. They'll discuss the necessity of turning passive programs into active drivers of change, ensuring accountability, and truly valoring diverse voices.

    Echoes from the Episode:

    • Quote of the Night: "If something's about to come out of your mouth and you're thinking, I don't know if I should say this or not, don't f****** say it."
    • Terrifying Takeaways: Real change needs more than just training; it demands actionable commitments and real-time application.
    • Spine-Chilling Statistics: Insights from the United Minds study revealing the stark contrasts between company efforts and employee perceptions of DEI.
    • Grim Reading: Suggested material that further explores the shadows of DEI, shedding light on effective strategies and common pitfalls.

    For full show notes, visit Medusaas.org Podcasts.

    Support Medusaas:

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    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Plan the Work, Work the Plan
    Aug 20 2024

    Venture into the eerie depths of strategic chaos with "Plan the Work, Work the Plan" on Monster in My Closet. In this episode, hosts Morgan Hunter and Anil Saxena guide you through the ghostly shadows of indecision and the chilling consequences of wandering aimlessly in your business endeavors.

    Key Topics:

    1. The Perils of No Plan: Discover why skipping strategic planning is a terrifying tale and one of the top reasons businesses vanish into thin air.
    2. Crafting the Map: Learn the arcane arts of developing and communicating a clear, cogent business strategy that doesn’t just react to the market but anticipates its twists and turns.
    3. Alignment of the Troops: Align your team’s efforts with organizational goals like a conductor with an orchestra, turning individual actions into symphonic success.

    In This Episode: Morgan and Anil dissect the haunting impact of poor planning and how a robust blueprint can rescue teams from the dark forest of business failure. They'll share spells for binding teams to shared goals and methods to continuously refine your strategies, ensuring your business not only survives but thrives in the haunted market landscape.

    Eerie Quotes:

    • "48% of organizations fail to meet at least half of their strategic targets, haunted by the specter of inadequate planning."
    • "What if I build a business plan and it tells me something I don't want to know?"

    Join us if you dare, as we illuminate the path to strategic mastery with real-life tales of strategy, spooky statistics, and spectral advice for steering clear of the strategic graveyard.

    Find full show notes and more spine-chilling insights at Medusaas.org.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Employee Recognition - Let Them Eat Cake!
    Aug 13 2024

    Dive into the eerie world of workplace recognition in "Employee Recognition - Let Them Eat Cake!" where the ghostly echoes of glory hogs and blame shifters haunt the corridors of corporate power. Join Anil Saxena and Morgan Hunter as they navigate the murky waters of acknowledgment and appreciation, unveiling how a simple 'thank you' can be a beacon of light in the shadows of office politics.


    1. The Transformative Power of "Thank You": Discover how genuine appreciation can supercharge employee engagement and productivity.
    2. The Haunting of Misplaced Blame: Explore the spine-chilling impact of taking undue credit and shifting blame within leadership roles.
    3. Cultivating a Culture of Shared Success: Learn strategies to foster a collaborative environment where success is a shared feast, not a solo endeavor.

    Episode Summary: This episode of "Monster in My Closet" delves into the chilling realities and supernatural potential of employee recognition. From the grave consequences of neglecting a simple 'thank you' to powerful strategies for building a culture of appreciation, Anil and Morgan dissect what truly makes or breaks the spirits of workers. They challenge leaders to rise above the horrors of ego and share the harvest of success.

    For full show notes, visit Medusaas.org/podcasts.

    Quote of the Episode: "I really want to believe that people are inherently good and if I work hard, I'm going to get proper credit. But that's just not been my reality."

    Unearth the secrets to a more engaged and productive team by embracing the simple, yet powerful act of recognition. Join us if you dare, to transform the workplace into a realm where everyone feels seen and valued!

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • What's yours is mine unless it sucks
    Aug 6 2024

    Venture into the eerie world of workplace credit thieves and blame-passing ghouls in our latest episode, "What's Mine is Yours... Unless It Sucks." Join us as we illuminate the murky corridors of accountability and recognition, shining a spotlight on those who hog it and the shadows they cast. Can we turn the office from a den of resentment into a hall of acclaim?


    1. The Spooky Side of Accountability: Unravel how proper recognition or the lack thereof can haunt team dynamics.
    2. Ghoulish Credit Grabbing: Beware the impact of leadership missteps that steal the limelight or shift blame onto unsuspecting souls.
    3. Cultivating a Coven of Shared Success: Conjure a culture where accolades are shared and mistakes are owned collectively.

    In This Episode: Monster wranglers Morgan Hunter and Anil Saxena dissect the chilling effects of not giving credit where it's due and the terror of blame-shifting in leadership roles. They'll guide you through the haunted halls of decision-making, where fear of confronting the truth meets the dread of perpetuating injustice. This discussion promises to cast a spell on how we view leadership and team dynamics in the workplace.

    Highlight Quote: "I really want to believe that people are inherently good and if I work hard, I'm going to get proper credit. But that's just not been my reality."

    Explore Full Show Notes and More: For a deeper dive into this ghostly discussion, check the full show notes and engage with more resources at Medusaas Podcasts.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Boundaries People Boundaries
    Jul 30 2024

    Dare to cross the eerie threshold where personal dramas clash with professional duties in this spine-tingling episode of "Monster in My Closet." Dive into the ghostly quandary of supporting employees through personal trials without turning your office into a house of horrors. Discover strategies to manage the chilling effects of personal issues on professional landscapes, and explore how the lack of boundaries can summon chaos in workplace dynamics.

    1. The Ripple Effect of Leadership Behavior on Organizational Culture: How leaders' personal lives and professional behaviors cast long shadows over workplace culture.
    2. Consequences on Employee Well-being and Operational Efficiency: Uncover the ghastly impacts of blurred lines between personal and professional lives on employees' well-being and the company’s bottom line.
    3. Strategies for Mitigation and Addressing Leadership Misconduct: Spellbinding tactics to banish the specters of misconduct and restore harmony within the ranks.

    Join Anil Saxena and Morgan as they navigate the haunted corridors of leadership challenges, discussing the profound impact of leadership behavior on organizational health and employee morale. They conjure up discussions on the importance of setting clear boundaries, maintaining professional standards, and the crucial role of HR in managing workplace specters. From eerie tales of leadership missteps to enlightening strategies for exorcising workplace demons, this episode is a cauldron of insights.

    Don’t miss out on the full specter of discussions and practical advice. Visit Medusaas.org Podcasts for complete show notes and more thrilling episodes. Tune in and learn how to keep your workplace from turning into a haunted mansion of professional horrors! See you in the closet!

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Nice Isn’t Enough
    Jul 23 2024

    Step into the shadowy corridors of "Nice Isn’t Enough," where the ghosts of congenial underperformers haunt the halls of productivity. In this spine-chilling episode of Monster in My Closet, hosts Anil Saxena and Morgan dissect the eerie consequences of retaining charming yet chilling underperformers. Navigate the haunted decision-making labyrinth: is it scarier to hold on, or let go?

    Topics to Shiver By:

    1. The Hidden Costs: Unveil the true terror of keeping underperformers who are nice but nibble away at your team’s success.
    2. Confronting the Comfortable: Master the art of delivering spine-tingling, effective performance conversations that awaken the undead.
    3. Ripple Effects of Fright: Explore how one underperformer can cast dark shadows over team dynamics, chilling the spines of your top talent.

    Ready to exorcise your management demons? Find full show notes and more chilling tales at Medusaas.org/podcasts if you dare!

    Más Menos
    26 m