
  • The Cause of War | #67
    Jul 16 2024

    Why does a good God allow wars? Discover the profound insights we uncover in this thought-provoking episode of More Faith, More Life. We challenge the notion of a preordained world, emphasizing the power of human choice and free will. Drawing from the book of James and the Garden of Eden, we unpack how unmet desires and poor decisions lead to conflicts both globally and in our personal lives. This episode is a deep dive into understanding that our choices have real consequences, and we explore the importance of prayer and wise decision-making in navigating life's challenges.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Choice and Free Will: God allows humans to make their own choices, which can lead to harmony or conflict.
    • Biblical Explanation of Wars: Wars and conflicts arise from unmet desires and internal dissatisfaction, as explained in the book of James.
    • Role of Prayer and Action: Prayer and godly choices can significantly alter circumstances and bring about positive changes.
    • Sowing and Reaping Principle: By sowing positive actions like love, generosity, and service, one can expect to reap similar rewards.
    • God's Presence as a Solution: Experiencing and dwelling in God's presence can transform lives and provide clarity and peace.

    Looking for more? Join our More Faith More Life community: https://morefaithmorelife.com

    About the host: Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, My Absurd Religion, and If You Only Knew.

    More resources by Steve Gray >> https://www.stevegrayministries.com/category/all-products

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Emancipation of America | #66
    Jul 9 2024

    What if the freedoms you cherish are the very chains that bind you? Join us on More Faith, More Life as we tackle the paradox of losing liberties in the name of freedom. In this gripping episode, we unravel how the mirage of lawlessness seduces society, only to lead it into the abyss of destruction and bondage. From the Roaring Twenties to the horrors of Nazi Germany, we draw historical parallels to underline the real cost of misguided freedoms. We also examine contemporary issues in America, spotlighting how true liberty demands responsibility and the unwavering protection of everyone's rights.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The Illusion of Freedom: Steve explains how the pursuit of unrestricted freedom often leads to lawlessness, which paradoxically results in the loss of freedom.
    • Historical Parallels: He draws comparisons between the moral and financial excesses of the 1920s leading to the Great Depression and today's societal trends.
    • Contemporary Issues: The podcast addresses current events such as increased crime rates, the debate over freedom of speech, and the impact of cancel culture.
    • Freedom and Faith: Emphasizing the role of faith and integrity, Steve calls for a revival that respects both individual freedoms and societal laws.
    • Balancing Freedoms: He discusses the need for a balanced approach to freedom that doesn't infringe on the rights of others, using the abortion debate as a case study.

    Looking for more? Join our More Faith More Life community: https://morefaithmorelife.com

    About the host: Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, My Absurd Religion, and If You Only Knew.

    More resources by Steve Gray >> https://www.stevegrayministries.com/category/all-products

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Running With Horses | #65
    Jul 2 2024

    Is our world on the brink of turmoil, and more importantly, are we spiritually ready to face it? Join us as we explore the growing anger and frustration in society and the critical need for spiritual and mental preparedness. Drawing inspiration from the biblical story of Jeremiah and his prophetic call to "run with horses," we reflect on the rich Christian history of our nation and the consequences of moving away from our faith. We'll also delve into significant global political issues, such as economic instability and international tensions, and discuss how spiritual readiness and faith are essential for navigating these tumultuous times.

    Key Takeaways:

    • ·Spiritual Preparation: Emphasizing the need for individuals and communities to strengthen their spiritual foundations to withstand imminent life storms.
    • ·Current Societal Turmoil: Addressing the widespread frustration and anger in society and urging a return to faith and religious roots.
    • Jeremiah’s Prophecy: Using the metaphor of Jeremiah’s foot race vs. horse race to highlight the increasing challenges and the need for greater resilience.
    • Economic and Political Challenges: Discussing potential crises such as economic downturns, cyber wars, and international conflicts, and the spiritual readiness required to face them.
    • Call for Revival: Advocating for a collective shift toward a more profound spiritual revival to invoke God’s grace, mercy, and strength in turbulent times.

    Looking for more? Join our More Faith More Life community: https://morefaithmorelife.com

    About the host: Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, My Absurd Religion, and If You Only Knew.

    More resources by Steve Gray >> https://www.stevegrayministries.com/category/all-products

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Our Current War | #64
    Jun 25 2024

    We are already in the midst of a war, but it's not what you think. This conflict is spiritual, emotional, and political, tearing apart our world in unexpected ways. In this episode, we tackle the aftermath of the pandemic, which has left so many feeling trapped and enraged, fueling these unseen battles. We'll reveal how one can find true contentment and a richer life by understanding these issues through a spiritual lens. Furthermore, we critique how religious teachings have shifted towards self-centered messages and stress the necessity of true spiritual guidance to navigate these turbulent times.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The world is already embroiled in a spiritual and emotional war exacerbated by the pandemic's aftereffects.
    • Genuine change and resolution of societal conflicts can only come from a spiritual awakening within the church.
    • The church's role is to foster spiritual transformation, not merely provide therapeutic comfort.
    • Political and social solutions alone are insufficient for resolving the core issues of anger and discontent.
    • Personal and collective revival in faith communities is imperative for creating lasting peace and genuine change.

    Looking for more? Join our More Faith More Life community: https://morefaithmorelife.com

    About the host: Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, My Absurd Religion, and If You Only Knew.

    More resources by Steve Gray >> https://www.stevegrayministries.com/category/all-products

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Saving America: The Call for Genuine Faith | #63
    Jun 18 2024

    Is America on the brink of a preventable disaster? Discover how a shift in faith and true spiritual transformation could be the key to averting an impending flood of troubles. On today's episode of More Faith, More Life, we address the rising tide of adversity facing our nation and question whether soothing church messages are enough to prepare us for real challenges. We delve into the stark parallels between the struggles of believers and non-believers, urging a sincere return to God's way as the crucial solution for the survival and prosperity of our nation.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Historical Precedent: Pastor Steve uses biblical stories like Noah's Ark and Jonah to illustrate that impending dangers can be avoided through faith and obedience to God's messages.
    • Urgent Call to Action: There is a pressing need for churches and pastors to shift from giving comfort to fostering preparedness among congregants.
    • Revival for Prevention: A collective spiritual revival is vital to preventing a flood of evil and disaster that could profoundly impact the nation and the world.
    • Personal Responsibility: Listeners are encouraged to seek personal and family spiritual safety through faith and practices aligning with God's will.
    • Faith as Empowerment: Emphasizing that more faith leads to a better life, Pastor Steve insists on turning to God wholeheartedly to avert potential crises.

    Looking for more? Join our More Faith More Life community: https://morefaithmorelife.com

    About the host: Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, My Absurd Religion, and If You Only Knew.

    More resources by Steve Gray >> https://www.stevegrayministries.com/category/all-products

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Revive Our Nation | #62
    Jun 11 2024

    Can a nation's spiritual foundation be renewed in times of political and societal discord? We explore this pressing question and more in our latest episode. Inspired by the guide "If You Only Knew: A Guide to the Clueless Generation," we discuss how true transformation comes not from legislation but from a change of heart, driven by Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Spiritual leaders hold the key to uniting hearts and minds, setting the stage for a better future. Join us as we consider the pivotal role they play in fostering national renewal through spiritual enlightenment.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The critical need for spiritual and national renewal to save the nation from current and future challenges.
    • The distinction between spiritual transformation and political legislation, emphasizing the former for true change.
    • The role of spiritual leaders in fostering a revival that can unify and transform the nation.
    • Awareness of the current emotional and spiritual state of the nation and the potential consequences of not addressing these issues.
    • Encouragement for individuals to embrace personal transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit to build a stronger, more resilient community.

    Looking for more? Join our More Faith More Life community: https://morefaithmorelife.com

    About the host: Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, My Absurd Religion, and If You Only Knew.

    More resources by Steve Gray >> https://www.stevegrayministries.com/category/all-products

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Trick or Tithe? | # 61
    Jun 4 2024

    What if everything you thought you knew about tithing was incorrect? Today, we tackle the often misunderstood and controversial topic of New Testament tithing, inspired by a recent exchange with a vocal critic. Discover why only a small percentage of church goers tithe and uncover the common misconceptions surrounding this practice. By examining Jesus' response to paying taxes to Caesar, we reveal deeper meanings and challenge you to reflect on what in your life belongs to God. This episode will shed light on why practicing tithing is crucial for believers today and clear up the confusion surrounding New Testament teachings on giving.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Jesus' Command on Tithing: Jesus' admonition to "give to God what belongs to God" is explored in depth, emphasizing financial giving as a part of this directive.
    • Old vs. New Testament Tithing: While Old Testament tithing was mandatory under the law, Steve Gray explains how New Testament tithing operates under grace and is still relevant today.
    • Melchizedek and Jesus: The episode elaborates on the priesthood of Melchizedek and how Jesus, as a priest in this order, signifies the continuation of tithing practices for modern believers.
    • Hebrews Chapter 7: Gray highlights this scripture to underscore the concept of tithing to the eternal priest, Jesus, comparing it to the practices of the Old Testament.
    • Misconceptions and Financial Blessings: Common misconceptions about tithing, such as the belief that churches are merely seeking financial gain, are addressed, with Gray stressing the spiritual and financial blessings inherent in faithful tithing.

    Looking for more? Join our More Faith More Life community: https://morefaithmorelife.com

    About the host: Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, My Absurd Religion, and If You Only Knew.

    More resources by Steve Gray >> https://www.stevegrayministries.com/category/all-products

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • The Modern Shrewd Manager | #60
    May 28 2024

    Ever wondered why Jesus would praise a dishonest manager? Hold onto your seats as we unravel the perplexing parable of the shrewd manager in Luke 16. Join us as we dissect the cunning strategies of a fired manager who cleverly reduces debts to secure his future, not for his dishonesty but for his astuteness. We'll dive into the deeper spiritual insights, highlighting how being proactive and resourceful is crucial for advancing God's kingdom. Prepare to challenge your understanding of this often-misinterpreted story and discover how it calls us to be shrewd and thoughtful in our spiritual lives.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The parable of the shrewd manager is often misunderstood as commending dishonesty, but its true message is about the importance of being proactive and making shrewd decisions in light of spiritual conviction.
    • Jesus' teaching in this parable focuses on the cleverness of worldly individuals compared to those in the kingdom of God, highlighting a lack of shrewdness amongst the latter.
    • The essence of the parable is to prompt action—rather than doing nothing when confronted with one's shortcomings, one should be motivated to make impactful changes.
    • Gray encourages listeners to apply the lesson of the parable in their spiritual lives, aiming to win favor with God and act faithfully with the things of God.

    Looking for more? Join our More Faith More Life community: https://morefaithmorelife.com

    About the host: Steve Gray is the founding and senior pastor of Revive Church KC. He has been in the full time ministry for over 40 years and was launched into national and international recognition in the late 1990’s as the leader of the historic Smithton Outpouring, and again in 2009 when he lead the Kansas City Revival which was televised nationally on the Daystar television network. Steve is also a veteran musician, songwriter, recording artist and published author. His books include When The Kingdom Comes, Follow The Fire, My Absurd Religion, and If You Only Knew.

    More resources by Steve Gray >> https://www.stevegrayministries.com/category/all-products

    Más Menos
    22 m