
  • Acts Series #57 -- Acts 22 -- "What's in your box?"
    Jun 28 2024

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    Bob Buford talks about one of the most significant questions anyone ever asked him. The question was, "What's in your box?" It was a question asked in the midst of some life-coaching and the purpose of the question was to bring about a discussion of the central purpose of Bob's life. The consultant finally said to him, "Bob, you have to be real clear on this, real clear on the central purpose of your life. I've talked with you long enough to know that it's one of two things: It's either money or it's Jesus." And then he asked him, "What's in the box?"

    The story God has prepared for us will not be written if we don't put Jesus in our box. What's in your box?

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    21 m
  • Acts Series #56 -- Acts 21:1-36 -- "Living for the gain?"
    Jun 27 2024

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    I think every Christian in America should be required to memorize Philippians 1:21. This was Paul’s dream, "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." That's the creed he lived by. "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Is that our creed? For most of us, who have the label American Christian, Paul's words are close to our dream/creed. We've just inter-changed two words.

    We may not say it this way, but isn't it the way we live? "For me to live is gain and to die is Christ." Honestly, isn't that closer to how we live, how I live? I'm not saying anything that doesn't convict me. These words from Paul rock my world. Ask yourself, like I've asked myself, "Can I say, for me to live is Christ and to die is gain?" Or do I live for the gain now and hope in Christ for my death?

    Am I living for Christ or living for the gain?

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    21 m
  • Acts Series #55 -- Acts 20:17-24 -- "What is your six-word story?"
    Jun 26 2024

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    If you had to summarize your life in six words, what would they be? How would you describe your life in six words? "Penn State wins again. Heart full." "If I don't graduate, I'll die." "I am seeking comfort and control." The challenge of the six-words is that it causes us to focus on what matters most, to capture briefly something of true significance. It really forces us to ask other questions, like, "Why Am I Here?" "What is life's greatest aim?" "What counts?"

    Paul's answer is given in Acts 20:24 and I think it might simply be... "I want my life to count." What is your six-word story?

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    21 m
  • Acts Series #54 -- Acts 20:13-38 -- "It's not too late to finish well!"
    Jun 25 2024

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    What does it take to finish well? Or let me make that even more specific, what does it take for a follower of Jesus, a Jesus-apprentice to finish well? Because I think in order to finish well, we need to have some sense of who is determining the finish line, our course. Who is writing our story? For Paul that goes all the way back to his experience on the Damascus road? It goes all the way back to the words God spoke to Ananias about Paul. What did God say to Ananias about Paul?

    God said, "Go, for Paul is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before gentiles, kings and the children of Israel." He is my chosen vessel. Paul believed that. It shaped his life and motivated him to finish well. And you know what? If you are a Jesus-follower, you are chosen too!

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    19 m
  • Acts Series #53 -- Acts 20:1-12 -- "Do you have time for a word of encouragement?"
    Jun 24 2024

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    The time comes when we all need a word of encouragement. And isn't that what church is all about. Paul says that the church is God's fields and we are partners in the Harvest, that the church is God's building and we are partners in it's construction...none of us stand alone. And one of the best things we can do together...is to encourage one another!

    In fact, if you are here today, it is because...someone planted a seed, a seed of kindness, a seed of encouragement. Someone watered your heart, in a time when your heart was dry or barren, when it seemed like there was no hope, someone reached out with an arm your shoulders and encouraged you. Someone spoke into your heart. They said, "I see something in you. I believe in you. God loves you." They encouraged you.

    Never believe you don't have time for a word of encouragement, because the value gained could be off the charts good!

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    20 m
  • Acts Series #52 -- Acts 19:10-41 -- "God doesn't just love you...He likes you!"
    Jun 21 2024

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    Somewhere along the journey every heart ablaze for God, begins with a growing heart-conviction that God actually wants to be with us. This is his great promise. I will be
    with you. I want to be with you. But somewhere along the way, we gain this idea that God is love so God has to love us. He has to love us because he's God. But we aren't so sure He likes us...not so sure He wants to be with us.

    But you see there is something about love that always desires to be with... The Bible is not primarily a guidebook left behind by God for those who might want to make the trip up to Him. The Bible is a storybook telling us about this God who came down to us. He not only loves you, He likes you! He wants to be with you!

    And if you've been gone, He simply says, "C'mon back!"

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    22 m
  • Acts Series #51 -- Acts 19:1-11 -- "It's time to breathe again!"
    Jun 20 2024

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    The Word of God is vital to spiritual life, but it's not enough. It's necessary but not sufficient. There's more. When we go through bone-drying, hope draining times, we need more than knowledge about God. We desperately need the Spirit, the breath of God. In Ezekiel 37, God says I'll put my breath into you. The word for breath is the Hebrew word, Ruach. It's the same word translated as Spirit. The breath of God is the Spirit of God. So Ezekiel called out to the Spirit, and the Spirit entered them and they came to life. They began to breathe.

    Do you understand? If you ever go through a dry bone time...and you get to the point where you're wondering if there's any hope; as long as God has breath, there's always hope! It's time to breathe again!

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    22 m
  • Acts Series #50 -- Acts 18 -- Someone was there for you... Who is on your team?
    Jun 19 2024

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    Acts 18 is full of names, the names of people whom Paul built into...and who were on his team. Paul says that the church is God's fields and we are partners in the Harvest, that the church is God's building and we are partners in it's construction. None of us stand alone. If you are here today, it is because someone planted a seed, someone watered your heart, someone laid a foundation. Someone built into your life. They gave you their time. They taught you about Jesus. They prayed and wouldn't quite praying for you. They were there when you needed them.

    Who are the people who built into you? Who are the people you are building into? What list of names comes to your mind? Maybe you should take a moment and tell God thank you for your list!

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    22 m