
  • 030 How do you feel about SURPRISES?!
    Mar 26 2021

    Surprises teach us so much but are you ever really READY for them???

    One of the first things I have realized after hearing my dad had cancer was that you cannot possible plan everything out as much as you thought. You will never be fully prepared. I have faith in a God and his love for us. I believe in an afterlife that is so much more powerful and joyful than the life we are all in right now. That does NOT make surprises easy. The FOUNDATION that you build before the surprises come, help to see growth happen in the midst of hardship, pain, and grief.

    We create these "what if" stories. This post I wrote right after hearing my dads diagnosis and the mannyyyyy 2020 life surprises. This was just the beginning of growth in this season. 

    Can we start to expect the surprises we all get excited for again? Are you expecting surprises, are you expecting God to use you? Start looking for them. Start searching for them. Start believing they will happen. Some of those surprises that we dream are actually blessings that you just cant see yet.

    Come chat with me over on Instagram @Kelleyfit4freedom. I am ALWAYS just a message away if you want to talk it out my friend.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • 029 Learning from breakups and transitioning to the single life
    Feb 17 2021
    People will ask me, how do you just go with life’s twists and turns without slowing down? With every turn comes momentum. It pushes you to grow in new ways especially when it comes to relationships and human connection. You can learn from every single relationship you are in. I have been in abusive ones, toxic ones, really strong ones, fun ones, and they have all taught me something different. How can we transition from these hard turns into the single life? 

    So in a season of singleness, what is the mindset I take on?
    • I am free, I don’t have to ask for permission to do anything. Independence is my favorite word. 
    • I get to feel lonely. Trust me, its HARD. As soon as negative thoughts start to creep in you have to sort them. Some of the most common...
      • "What if I stayed with him/her, THEN I could have kids right now and a house and my dream job."
      • "What am I doing wrong, why does no one like me?"
        • Are you loving and respecting yourself the way you want someone to love and care for you? That's step one. Check out this episode all about body image and self-worth
        • Step two, are you looking at a checklist for your man to follow?
      • "Should I just settle?" Nope. 
    • I get to be gitty and excited and dream of the relationship I will have in the future when I am ready, when my heart is ready and when he is ready. Maybe that's next week maybe that's in 5 years. Who. Knows. I don’t and I am ok with that.

    The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** by Mark Manson

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • 028 [PEP TALK TIME] What to do when you feel lost?!
    Jan 14 2021

    A little bit of everything in this pep talk and tactical tips. Get ready for the tough love...

    When you get lost in the woods, do you just sit down and say screw it hoping for your car to just show up spontaneously before sunset? Didn't think so. Why do we act like this in life? We sit and HOPE for change to happen and THAT is when we feel "lost."

    Now, instead of just trying to sprint in any direction. Lets sit on it, look at the map and wait 24 hours to process whats next. This next step is a SINGLE step, not 25 steps. Movement builds momentum and that is when the motivation appears. Just move. The path with be discovered along the way.

    Sit and think. What are my options? What looks the most realistic? What looks like the most scenic? It may not be the most direct path.
    It will not always look glamorous. 
    It WILL be worth it.

    Hand lotion candles Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MoreThanMotivationCo

    Lets hangout over on Instagram: Kelleyfit4freedom

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • 027 New years VISION not resolution - Lets talk about a BIG 2021 vision
    Dec 31 2020

    First, reflection 2020 before you close those doors.

    1. What were your 3 greatest wins in 2020
    2. What were 5 lessons you want to take into 2021
    3. What are 3 things you could have done better in 2020 that you may or may not focus on in the coming year.
    4. What are 3 habits you want to leave behind in 2020?


    Second, create a vision to see come to fruition in 2021 and many years to follow. A few things to think about when doing this.

    - This is YOUR vision not pintrest's or your boyfriends/husbands/moms/friends
    - Have your why as a foundation during this process
    - Dont skim the surface. Make some of these really uncomfortable
    - Make sure to combine, professional, personal, financial, phyical, etc.
    - Pin point dates when possible/reasonable


    POST this vision board for you to see every single day!

    Instagram: Kelleyfit4freedom

    Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MorethanMotivationCo

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • 026: Being a female in a male dominated arena
    Dec 16 2020

    Being a female in a male dominated area comes with obstacles. In today's episode we talk about how to navigate these obstacles with a positive mindset. These are just a few of the lessons I have learned while participating in male dominated  sports, career fields, college programs, and friend groups. 

    1. Know that there WILL be differences, you will be judged, pushed buck, & challenged.

    2.  Don’t use being a female to your advantage unless you want others to use you being a female to your disadvantage.

    3. Remember that not all your coworkers who are men look down to you.

    4. You will NEED atleast one female friend to talk about emotions, frustrations, and actually connect. MEN DO NOT WANT TO but that does not mean that you have to hold everything in. 


    "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • 024: [Interview] How to slow down, find gratitude, and manage stress with Jale Talbert
    Dec 7 2020

    In this conversation Jale shares with us what God has taught her in this season of life. She is a Christ believer, a wife, fur mama, and nanny. She breaks down this chat into three areas of life which can be difficult to navigate in hard seasons especially the holidays.

    1. Slowing down

    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry - John Mark Comer

    “Infinite desire - finite soul = restlessness” 

    2. Identifying gratitude

    Take time each day to reflect and write down 3 things you’re grateful for.

    Want a FREE gratitude journal template? Click here for one I made with YOU in mind!

    3. Managing stress/anxiety

    Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World - Max Lucado

    "The presence of anxiety is unavoidable, but the prison of anxiety is optional"


    You can find Jale on Instagram @JaleTalbert

    You can find me, Corinne Kelley on Instagram @kelleyfit4freedom

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • 025: Feeling SHAME & GUILT for what you ate this weekend?!
    Nov 30 2020
    It's easy to feel guilt and shame after a holiday weekend when we are off our normal routines, eating habits, and workout schedule.   You don’t need to toss left overs or desserts and "restart Monday morning". WHAT?! Shocked? Ya, I was too when I  realize this last year. You can enjoy the sweets still this week and not feel like trash.   
    1. You don't need to do it all at once, it does not have to be all or nothing this holiday season
      1. When you eliminate everything, this is when binges happen on the weekend and during the holiday celebrations
      1. Water
      2. Going for walks
      3. Veggies first
    2. Focus on the basics
      1. How?! Remember and know your why. Treat your body like a temple, a canvas, a precious gift
    3. Reframe your journey's definition

    Looking for a FREE JOURNAL to write your gratitudes, affirmations, and vision every morning? Click here

    Come hangout with me on Instagram @kelleyfit4freedomI would love to know what hit home with you in today's conversation my friend!

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • 023: [Interview] Running a 50 Mile Ultra Marathon with Kate Shros
    Nov 23 2020

    Today's conversation was filled with so much energy because this powerhouse of a woman has ran multiple marathons and ultras with a smile on her face throughout the process. She says her story and reason behind each race was different.

    First of all, what does it even mean to be a "runner?" This is the first question that Kate answers for us. You may not think you look like a runner or are capable of becoming one but until you start to try and find your why, you cannot say you "can't" or "won't" be a runner.

    My question was what does it look like to run a 50 mile race?! Kate blows my mind with her response because it was NOT what you would expect. You may think training for 50 miles would look boring and dreadful. That is NOT her response!

    Kate ends our chat explaining how she wants to be the woman in the nursing home doing pushups. MY KIND OF GAL! LETS GOOOO!

    You can find Kate on IG @kateshros or on her podcast Be Bright 

    Más Menos
    37 m