
  • Casino Royale: The Working Man's James Bond
    Nov 21 2023

    *taps mic*

    Is anyone still out there?

    Oh good! If you're still here, we are incredibly grateful, its been a while. To make some kind of triumphant return I (Jon) have brought you some hot takes, sadly unaccompanied by Mikey. However, to make up for Mikey's absence we have a special, long-time listener, my eldest brother, Sam Andrews. We have a rip-roaring good time discussing the British spy phenomenon James Bond in the 2006 smash hit, Casino Royale. It's a fun conversation between brothers about a shared love of a classic franchise and we really enjoyed making it for you guys. Enjoy.

    Más Menos
    2 h y 12 m
  • The Dark Knight: Chaos and Order
    Aug 29 2023

    We are back ladies and gents (but our analytics tell us mostly gents, so each lady gets a more concentrated greeting from us) Don't thank us too much for this reappearance, like Batman we have spent the better part of our days fighting crime so a small break to sit around the mic was in order. This week we watched what is arguably Christopher Nolan's best film, The Dark Knight (cue Hans Zimmer's immortal theme). Ever since Matt Reeves "The Batman" people have gone around saying "It's the best Batman ever" and I heartily disagree. Those smooth-brain people have let recency bias goad them into forgetting that the main reason we have had 4000 superhero movies since 2008 is because Christopher Nolan delivered this cinematic marvel. I won't belabor the point, it's a stupendous movie even without nostalgia, go watch it ASAP. But before you do that... Enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 27 m
  • Batman Begins: Batman - Christian Nationalist???
    Jul 17 2023

    Ladies and Gentlemen, the boys are back in town. or at least, we're back on the pod. It has been a hectic few months but we are back in the saddle to bring you people that sweet sweet podcast content. This week is the start of the dark and twisty superhero craze, Batman Begins. Arguably the greatest origin story movie in movies, Christopher Nolan brings the heat, and Christian Bale brings The Bat. It's well-directed and fantastically written (having more jokes than you remember, and they are actually funny) and man does Michael Caine make Alfred his role singularly. Go watch it, it's a fun bat-romp. Enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1: Misfits Unite!
    May 15 2023

    Back again to the Marvel well, but this time it's a good'n. Mikey and I watched Guardians of the Galaxy vol.1; one of Marvel's most beloved films due to its unique characters and outlandish settings. This seemingly lighthearted jaunt through the galaxy hits on many of the deepest and most impactful human themes, all while packaging them in fun and lovable outcasts. It's got the legs to get you through its surprisingly speedy 2-hour runtime and the characters have the winsomeness to carry multiple movies and make pallets of cash over almost 10 years. We both really enjoyed this movie and if you happen to be one of the few human beings on earth who hasn't seen it we think you will too. Enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 22 m
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark: Archetype of Action/Adventure
    May 9 2023

    He's Back!!! Mikey has returned and is back for a rip-roaring classic Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark! Jon loves it, but Mikey is okay with it. I'll pose it to the listener... Do you like action? Do you like adventure? How about a dashing adventurer and his beautiful sidekick working to stop the nazis in 1936? If you answered yes to any of these questions then Raiders is the movie for you! Check it out if you're a part of the uncultured people who haven't laid eyes on this cinematic classic. Enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
    May 2 2023

    Back again with Mikey, Jon is joined by yet another distinguished guest, Mr Blake Patton, to discuss the first animated feature on the Pod, Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. We had a great conversation discussing the well crafted animation and the deeply felt themes of belonging and purpose, all while enjoy the animated comic book aesthetic and wacky sight gags. This movie is full of heart and humor while not letting the more serious moments get entirely swept over byt he comedy. It's a film that does multiverse well and doesnt seem to fall into the trappings of the other movies and shows that try to take it on. Its a good ol time, Enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 57 m
  • The Matrix: Down the Rabbit Hole
    Apr 24 2023

    Prepare yourselves to come down the rabbit hole.... The Wheel of Movies picked The Matrix. Jon has been temporarily abadoned by Mikey and is joined by distinguished guests Derek Gahman and returning guest Jospeh Bulsa. The guys talk all things allegory, imagery and the iconic clothing of the seminal postapocalytpic cautionary tale on artificial intelligence. Its a rip-roaring good time. The capable hands that created this movie were able to inject enough and action and intrigue to keep this "intro to philosophy" lecture riveting. Its a face-paced blast. Let the questions that this movie raises rattle around in your head for a while and mess with your preconcieved ideas of the world. Enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 50 m
  • Mad Max: Fury Road - A Lovely Day
    Apr 17 2023

    The Wheel spoke last week... and it said we must watch Mad Max: Fury Road. From George Miller, the revolutionary mind behind Babe, Babe 2: Pig in the City and the Happy Feet Duology, comes the mad cap fever dream of an apocalyptic wasteland and those who are (un)lucky enough to have to fight for survival in it. It's a high-octane thrill ride that handles the complexities of men's and women's dynamics in a story and method that most people wouldn't have expected. MMFR also swept up at the 2015 Oscars, much to many people's chagrin. It's a wild ride, it's all gas no brakes from start to finish. Enjoy.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 36 m