
  • Roosters Don't Wear Ties: Bonus Episode
    Mar 13 2024

    Dust off your old toaster, grab some stale pastries out of the back of the pantry and scrape what's left of yesterday's coffee grounds together for a day-old, might-be-dangerous-might-be-fine, smorgasbord of warmed-over has-been, it's time for a bonus episode of...

    Morning Radio, TBD!

    This week, on the program!

    The Wall and The Fitz are back! And they've got thoughts! And opinions! About the landscape of modern media and the things and stuff happening therein!

    First! A heartfelt salute to Akira Toriyama, creator and visionary behind the cultural earthquake that is, was, and ever shall be Dragon Ball. Mr. Toriyama, you are missed, and your work was genius. Until the next go round, good sir.

    Also! Wendy's is DONE with Dave's Way. Now it's all about A.I.'s way! Specifically when it comes to the cost of your value meal! Think that baconator is gonna cost the same at noon as it does at 6AM?! Think again!

    And then, our main event!

    Rooster Teeth closes down! In another move that couldn't possibly be interpreted as anything other than David Zazlav B**t F***ing any and all public goodwill WB ever had, the once triumphant early internet creator studio is shuttered. Josh and Ryan get into the how's and why's of it all, and rest assured- it's a late stage capitalist hellscape discussion!

    All this and MORE on Morning Radio, TBD!

    Morning Radio, TBD is a Slyjack Media, LLC production

    Intro Music provided by Apple GarageBand Loops

    Like what you hear? Check out our other podcast, The CineMeh Podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon and Google podcasts.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Season 1 Finale
    Jan 23 2024

    Take a risk on that questionable crab dip, fry up some french toast sticks, and throw some extra cheese on the foccacia, it's time for a slightly late, brunch episode of Morning Radio, TBD!

    This week, on the program!

    Josh and Ryan call it quits! It's been a year's worth of yucks, shucks, and what the fucks, but it's time to put this little podcast in its cradle and let it get some sleep! That's right, we're done, this is the finale!

    .......FOR NOW!

    We're never truly gone and never truly done, and just because things don't allow us to put the time and focus into this show as we want to, doesn't mean it's going away completely. We promise to drop back into your earholes every once in a while with specials, marathons, bonus episodes and call backs. It's not over. It's just suspended.

    Like Ron DeSantis's political career.

    HA! Couldn't resist one last zinger!

    It's been a helluva year, and we're looking forward to bringing you more quality content on our other pod, but for now, it's the curtain call on Morning Radio. We appreciate all of our listeners and all the time you've spent with us this year. And we promise... when the time is right and you least expect it... the Morning will come again.

    Until next time, listeners.

    Morning Radio, TBD is a Slyjack Media, LLC production

    Intro Music provided by Apple GarageBand Loops

    Like what you hear? Check out our other podcast, The CineMeh Podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon and Google podcasts.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • It's Only the First 15 Minutes That Are Controversial
    Jan 8 2024

    Grab some Tylenol to banish your late New Years hangover, slam down some instant coffee since you STILL haven't gone grocery shopping, and turn the volume dial all the way to the top, because it's time for...

    Morning Radio, TBD!

    This week, on the program!

    Nikki Haley can't answer basic civics questions?! We investigate! Plus, how the conversation around the cause of the Civil War parallels to social issues we are struggling with TODAY! That's right: we're starting off the new year with EVERY political 3rd rail in existence!


    Josh LOVED Godzilla so much he wants to make it is whole personality! True?! You'll find out!


    Ryan HATED Tears of the Kingdom so much he wants to have it buried in a Nevada desert! Verifiable?! Listen in!

    All this and MORE.

    This week on Morning Radio, TBD.

    Morning Radio, TBD is a Slyjack Media, LLC production

    Intro Music provided by Apple GarageBand Loops

    Like what you hear? Check out our other podcast, The CineMeh Podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon and Google podcasts.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 5 m
  • Pop-Tarts. Energy Drinks. New Year.
    Jan 1 2024

    Rinse the pulp out of the bottom of your orange juice glass, replace what's left with just champagne, we've got no time for mimosas round here, we've only got time for Morning Radio, TBD!

    This week, on the program!

    START YOUR YEAR OFF WITH A BANG! AS IN BANG ENERGY DRINK! Josh and Ryan discuss the energy drink crisis and how Celcius is a slippery slope towards slamming Rockstar cans on your forehead in the middle of Fifth Avenue and declaring yourself God Emperor of the seventh dimension. It's a real problem.


    Pop Tarts. Delightful breakfast treat, or poorly veiled metaphor for ritualistic cannabilism? We discuss. You decide.


    Traffic. Is it actually getting worse, or is it all in our imaginations? Bidenomics can't solve money, but maybe JoeGo can solve our traffic issues.

    JoeGo is not an actual thing and should not be considered a conversation on real governmental policy.


    This week on Morning Radio, TBD

    Morning Radio, TBD is a Slyjack Media, LLC production

    Intro Music provided by Apple GarageBand Loops

    Like what you hear? Check out our other podcast, The CineMeh Podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon and Google podcasts.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
    Dec 18 2023

    Tip some rum into the eggnog and grab a few leftover cookies, it's the last episode before the holiday! Time for Morning Radio, TBD!

    This week, on the program!

    Josh and Ryan uncover a scandal in the news media! An article Ryan sent to Josh regarding the shady practices of ride share service, Uber, cutting into their driver's wages has mysteriously disappeared from Forbes! Did Forbes get paid off by Uber to pull the scathing article?! Did the fact that Uber has been taking money away from its drivers make their CEO feel a little sad in his billion dollar mansion?! We investigate!


    Corrections and follow ups! We've got 'em!


    Political ads! Just how manipulative are they?!

    All this and more, on this week's episode of Morning Radio, TBD!

    For links to the article in reference as preserved by Redditors, and to the Youtube videos we joke about, check below!



    Morning Radio, TBD is a Slyjack Media, LLC production

    Intro Music provided by Apple GarageBand Loops

    Like what you hear? Check out our other podcast, The CineMeh Podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon and Google podcasts.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m
  • Mariah Carey Should Skip The Intro
    Dec 11 2023

    Dust off that questionable leftover Chinese food from last Friday's movie night, shake up the orange juice and hope the smell isn't concerning, and scrape up the last of the instant coffee crystals, it's time for...

    Morning Radio, TBD!

    This week, on the program!

    Charity! It's the giving season, and this time of year everyone wants to help! But are your efforts going in the right direction? In a horrifying expose that we hope helps you, not demoralizes you, Ryan and Josh talk about the most effective ways to give back this season. Because there are LOTS of effective ways to do that! And we love that our listeners are so caring. You're doing great out there, folks, keep up the good work!


    George Santos has a cameo! Did Josh and Ryan ask him for a video?! Find out today!


    IS Mariah Carey actually Baba Yaga and "All I Want For Christmas is You" is actually a threat?! We investigate!

    All this and MORE! On this week's episode of Morning Radio, TBD!

    Morning Radio, TBD is a Slyjack Media, LLC production

    Intro Music provided by Apple GarageBand Loops

    Like what you hear? Check out our other podcast, The CineMeh Podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon and Google podcasts.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • The FCC Has Been Sending Us Letters
    Dec 4 2023

    Scrape the fruity pebble sludge from the bottom of your cereal bowl, pour another tall glass of chocolate milk, and watch your fingers on those pop-tarts: they're hot! It's time for Morning Radio, TBD!

    This week, on the program!

    TWITTER! Elon Musk is a screwball and all that, but should you ethically continue to use it? Further: is it actually doing your brain any real good?! We discuss so that you don't have to!


    What if the Ghostbusters fought Krampus?! Who would win? Get a red hot opinion take on this pressing matter this morning!


    Thanksgiving is OUT OF THE WAY and it's time to get on with more important matters... Boxing Day! But also: prelit Christmas trees. What are your thoughts?! Are they a blasphemy or a godsend?! We'll break down the real details for you!

    All this and MORE.

    This week on Morning Radio, TBD

    Morning Radio, TBD is a Slyjack Media, LLC production

    Intro Music provided by Apple GarageBand Loops

    Like what you hear? Check out our other podcast, The CineMeh Podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon and Google podcasts.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • Really Tiny Coffee Cups Are In
    Nov 20 2023

    Grab Friday night's Chinese food out of the back of the fridge, pour an ice-cold glass of milk that's, like, right on the cusp, and settle in! It's time for your favorite part of the week: Morning Radio, TBD!

    This week, on the program!

    Why has Ryan suddenly started eating eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, beans, tomatoes, potatoes and mushrooms for breakfast, all at the same time?! Cause he went to Europe and no he's officially insufferable about it! Wanna hear the full story?! Then tune in, now!

    Shakespeare's First Folio turns 400 this year!! And here at Morning Radio, we are celebrating! By debating whether he was really all that great, and talking about how, yeah, he really was pretty awesome.


    Ever seen a performance of a show dislocated from its setting and found it uniquely cringe-worthy?! Ryan has! And Josh thinks he's just being a big ol' baby about it!


    Whales! They're not ALL out to sink every boat on the planet it turns out! We've got the full scoop here!

    All this and MORE!

    On this week's episode of Morning Radio, TBD!

    Morning Radio, TBD is a Slyjack Media, LLC production

    Intro Music provided by Apple GarageBand Loops

    Like what you hear? Check out our other podcast, The CineMeh Podcast available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon and Google podcasts.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m