
  • I'm👩‍🦱 The Hottest🥵 Girl At School But No One Will Date Me!?| Please🙏Share This Story🎧|My Daily Animated Life Stories
    Aug 23 2023
    Today’s Shoutout 🗣 goes to Marie from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿.. She loves My Daily Animated Life Stories so much 💝.. She listens to them everyday to complete her day.. She also recommend our stories to her friends 👫... Thanks Marie we love you so much ❤️🥰 and all our fans out there ❤️🥰To get a shoutout Send us a mail to our email address mydailyanimatedlifestoriesorg@gmail.com with your name, and where you from?? And why you love our stories and how it has helped you 🥰?? ......To get one ☝️ We love y’all.. To be part of this Amazing family make sure you share and rate the showPlease Lovers take a sec to rate this show 5 stars and follow this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, and so on.. and don’t forget to share this stories with your family to enjoy 😉!!!!My name is Gia, I’m sixteen years old and I’m probably the most beautiful girl you will ever meet in your life. For this reason, I’m extremely popular at school. Everyone has heard of me and everyone wants to be my friend. My teachers literally worship the ground I walk on and the principal lets me get away with practically anything. But school is just a small part of my life considering that I’m already one of the most popular models in my state. I have over two hundred thousand followers on Instagram – a huge fan base if you ask me. I work part time for a modeling company that sends me to different countries to model. I’ve flown first class more times than an ordinary person can hope to fly economy!The best part about this job is the free stuff! I get designer clothes, shoes, bags, perfumes, accessories, you name it! All I have to do is walk around with my awesome stuff and continue being breathtakingly beautiful. It probably seems like I have the perfect life right?Wrong! There is something about me that I rarely discuss with anyone because it makes me feel bad about myself. I have never gone on a date! In fact, I’ve never even had a boyfriend. Guys pretend that they like me, they talk to me and then they suddenly disappear, leaving me confused and heartbroken. Even the nerdiest girl at school has a boyfriend and well, I’m just here.It doesn’t make any sense at all. I should have guys fighting to decide who will get to take me out. But instead, I spend my weekends and evenings alone in my room, avoiding my mom and ugly older sister (when I’m not travelling that is).Last year I almost went out with a guy called Drake. He’s a senior at my school and he’s like the male equivalent of me – totally gorgeous. I’d get butterflies if I thought he was in the room next door. One day he just walked up to me while I was studying in the library.“You’re too beautiful you know. Are you sure you’re from this planet?” he said.I giggled like a total idiot.“Well I could say the same about you.” I replied. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while but I was sort of afraid. Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.“No.” I replied.“Oh great! Umm, I mean, okay. You seem like the kind of girl who has many guys to choose from. So I didn’t think I stood a chance. Could I have your number?”I thought this was finally my chance! I gave him my number without thinking twice. That night and for many nights after, we stayed up until two in the morning talking to each other. We got to know each other really well. He was so funny and charming but I was sad that I only got to see him at school. I wanted to experience my first date, and even more, my first kiss! But that was not about to happen. One day, Drake just stopped replying to my messages. When I saw him at school he would pretend he didn’t see me and walk the other way. I tried to ask him what was wrong but he refused to talk to me. This was my first real heartbreak. Imagine having your first heartbreak before your first date. Pathetic right?
    Más Menos
    12 m
  • My👩‍🦱 boyfriend👨‍🦱left me to die in the woods| Please Share This Story 🎧| My Daily Animated Life Stories
    Aug 23 2023
    Please Lovers take a sec to rate this show 5 stars and follow this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, and so on.. and don’t forget to share this stories with your family to enjoy 😉!!!!My boyfriend Dave was my entire universe. My best friend Karenintroduced us two years ago. I was sitting alone in the school’s cafeteriawhen she suddenly came up to me and said “Hey, meet my friend Dave! Ithink you’ll really like each other!” After that, we began talking and quicklyfell in love. We were so ridiculously compatible! We liked all the samethings and we even finished each other’s sentences. We spent every singleday together and after a short while, even our families became friends. Wewere completely inseparable and things got serious pretty quickly. I was soin love that I planned out my entire future with Dave. After I finished highschool, I’d go to a film school in our area so that I could be close to him.After that, we’d move in together, get married and start a family.I wanted us to have a happy life so I was very serious about my film career.One week, I was in the middle of a sci-fi end of semester project. This onewas big and it would be part of my portfolio for entering film school.Suddenly, I felt a strange pain in my stomach.“Ouch!” I said loudly even though no one could hear me. I left my desk anddecided to take a short nap hoping that when I woke up the pain wouldhave gone away. Well, there was no such luck. I woke up and not only wasI still in pain, I also started throwing up! What was happening? At thatsecond, my phone rang. It was my best friend Karen.“Ugh. Karen, I feel awful.” I said.“Well, hello to you too! What’s wrong?” she asked.“I have a terrible stomach ache. I tried to sleep it off but now it’s worse andI’m throwing up.” I answered.“Did you eat anything bad?” she asked.“Uh.. no.” I replied.“Oh my God! Have you considered that you could be pregnant?” shegasped.“No! Dave always uses protection. There is no way!” I replied.“Those aren’t one hundred percent secure. I think you should take apregnancy test.” she said.“No Karen. I cannot be pregnant.” I said and I hung up.Although she was my best friend, I found her quite annoying most of thetime. She always felt that she was right. I crawled back into my bed, curledup into a ball while hugging my pillow and fell asleep.“Amelia! Amelia!” I woke up to Karen’s annoying and deafening shouting.“What are you doing here?” I asked.“I brought you a pregnancy test. Don’t worry, I told your mom I’m onlydropping off a book. Go take it right now!” she said.“I told you I can’t be pregnant! Ugh you’re so annoying! Since you’re hereI’ll just take it anyway.” I replied.“Leave it on the counter when you’re done. It takes a while before the linesshow up.” she said.I trusted her because I had never taken a pregnancy test before.I followed Karen’s instructions. Luckily, I had my own bathroom so myparents would not walk in and have the shock of their lives.
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • The Police👨‍✈️Think I👨‍🦱 Made My Brother Disappear, I Did| Please Share This Story🎧 | My Daily Animated Life Stories
    Aug 23 2023
    Please Lovers take a sec to rate this show 5 stars and follow this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, and so on.. and don’t forget to share this stories with your family to enjoy 😉!!!!My phone rang as I was fixing breakfast for my younger brother Eli. I poured themilk in a bowl and put in some cereal and passed it to him on the table. Then Irushed to see what the ring was about and saw that there was a text messagenotification. It was from my crush. I started getting butterflies as just the othernight I had texted her if she would go to the park with me after school. Nervous, Iunlocked my phone and opened the text, it read,“Sure Shane, meet me after school is over.”I couldn’t believe it and jumped with excitement. My crush of two years finallyagreed to go out with me. But my excitement didn’t last for long. I went to mymom's and dad’s room to talk and saw that they were still sleeping. I knew thatthey had been partying all night and came home late. Still, I had to talk so I wokemy mom up.“Mom, can you pick up Eli today?” I said.“Shane, you know we have something important and we cannot,” she replied. But Iknew that there was nothing important, they were just going for another one oftheir parties.“Maybe we can get a babysitter, I want to hang out with my friends after school,” Isaid again.“Why waste money on a sitter when you are here? He’s your younger brother,friends are not even important. Now let me sleep,” she said and went back to sleep.I was so disappointed. My parents had always been that way. They had put all theresponsibility of Eli on me while they were out partying and having fun. And atfirst, I even enjoyed taking care of him and being a big brother but I soon realizedthat I was missing so much of my teenage years while doing so, especially whenmy grandparents moved to another city.My mom and dad were never responsible for being parents even when they hadme. They used to leave me with my grandparents all the time. My grandparentswere great and they loved me a lot and Eli too. But when I was 11 and Eli was 4my parents and grandparents had a big argument. They wanted my parents to bemore responsible for us and bring change in their lifestyle so they left for anothercity.Even then my parents didn’t change and I was left alone with the responsibility ofmy brother.I had to wake him up in the morning and get him dressed. Then I had to fixbreakfast for him and walk him to school. After that, I would barely make it to myown school on time. And then I had to go pick him after school, take him homeand help with his assignments and get him his dinner then put him to bed. I wasdoing a lot of work for a 16-year-old.I loved my brother a lot but I was not even getting a break to live my own life. So Imade up my mind that I had to do something about it once and for all.
    Más Menos
    10 m
  • TIKTOK RUINED MY👩‍🦱 LIFE | Please🙏 Share This Story🎧 | My Daily Animated Life Stories
    Aug 21 2023
    Today’s Shoutout goes to Joan Ji from Canada 🇨🇦 She loves my Daily Animated life Stories so much .. she even listens to them whenever doing chores and she believes our stories are pure entertainment and urge you guys to always listen to this stories🥰🥰 We love you Joan..... To get a shoutout Send us a mail to our email address mydailyanimatedlifestoriesorg@gmail.com with your name, and where you from?? And why you love our stories and how it has helped you 🥰?? ......To get one ☝️ We love y’all.. To be part of this Amazing family make sure you share and rate the show
    Please Lovers take a sec to rate this show 5 stars and follow this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, and so on.. and don’t forget to share this stories with your family to enjoy 😉!!!!

    Lizzy! Don’t forget to feed the puppy!” shouted my grandma from across the house.

    “I won’t, grandma!” I replied.

    I loved my grandma. We lived together since I was very little. I had no idea where my parents were and I appreciated that my grandma had taken care of me. It was just the two of us for as long as I could remember – and now we had a cute little addition – a puppy named Max!

    As a teenager I always found it difficult to have a normal life. I had too many responsibilities because my grandma was quite old. At times, it was almost like I was the adult and she was the child! Sometimes I wanted to go out to have fun but I couldn’t. I had to stay home to take care of her.

    In addition to all my responsibilities we were sort of poor. I couldn’t manage a part-time job so we survived on my grandma’s pension which wasn’t a lot. We never starved but we could only afford the basics. I felt envious of other people a lot of the time – especially at school. Most of the kids in my neighborhood came from wealthy families. Some of my classmates already had their own cars while I had to walk to school. I couldn’t even afford a bicycle.

    This all meant that I was quite unpopular at school. I had a few average friends and that was it. My clothes weren’t as amazing as the popular girls’ and I had no money to spend on make-up. Boys never noticed me because I was so plain. I always imagined what it would be like to be rich and popular – to have everyone wishing they could hang out with me!

    One day I was sitting on a bench outside watching a bunch of boys slobber over Jennifer, the most popular girl at our school. My friend Leeann suddenly jumped into the seat next to mine and almost pushed me off with excitement.

    “Hey Lizzie! Have you heard of this new app? It’s so cool!” she exclaimed while showing me her phone.

    “Gosh Leeann. Calm down. What is it?” I replied.

    “Tik Tok! I spent hours on it last night. I barely got any sleep. Look at this funny guy.” she laughed while showing me a video of a guy with blue hair pretending to be a whale.

    I laughed too because it was actually pretty funny.

    “There are dance challenges too! Look!” she said.

    “Wow.” I thought. “This is awesome!”

    This was the first time I ever experienced Tik Tok. We spent hours just browsing through dance videos, jokes and pranks. I hadn’t felt that happy in a while because it really helped me to forget about my miserable life.

    That afternoon when I got home, the first thing I did was download Tik Tok. I spent the entire night browsing through videos. I completely forgot about my homework or any chores that I had to do. I didn’t even speak to my grandma!

    After at least six hours of just mindlessly browsing videos, I got a brilliant idea! Maybe I could make videos too! Could Tik Tok put me on the path towards popularity? I could see it already. Boys fainting at my feet and everyone wanting to be my friend. I had to make it work! I decided I’d get started the next day. It would be Saturday so I’d have lots of time to plan and experiment.

    First I needed a partial makeover. I used a few dollars I had saved to buy a cheap cute outfit and some eyeshadow.

    I found a proper location in my house and set up my phone to take a video. I decided to do a short dance. When I finally got it right, I uploaded it and waited for my millions of likes and followers. I kept staring at my phone waiting for someone to react but no one did. I decided to do something else to distract myself.
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • My👨‍🦱 Dad Is Dating My Ex Girlfriend | Please🙏 Share This Story🎧 | My Daily Animated Life Stories
    Aug 21 2023
    Please Lovers take a sec to rate this show 5 stars and follow this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, and so on.. and don’t forget to share this stories with your family to enjoy 😉!!!!The most amazing year of my life, my first year of college, was over! I had so much fun and the new level of independence I experienced was exhilarating. I spent half of my life in the library and the other half getting drunk with friends my parents would never approve of.It was finally time to go back to my stable, loving home for the summer. I had mixed feelings about this. Of course I missed my family but going back home meant ‘rules’ and ‘structure’ and I had grown unaccustomed to those. I came from a very traditional family. My parents had been married for over thirty years and they were very proud that they were able to raise two very exceptional children. One was me of course, and my brother was finishing his PhD at an Ivy League college. They were always boasting to their friends. My mom had even written a book on how to maintain a perfect family.When I arrived at the airport they were there waiting for me. We went home, had lunch and I went to unpack my things in my room which hadn’t changed at all. I turned on my laptop and sent a message to my old friends letting them know I was back. We decided to hang out that night. I took a nap, got dressed and was nearly out the door when“Young man, where do you think you’re going?” my mom said.“I’m going to hang out with the guys.” I replied suddenly wondering if I still had to ask for permission for those things.“Will there be any girls there? You know how I feel about that.” My dad added.“Dad! I’m in college! So what if there are girls? Don’t you want grandkids someday?” I replied.“Just be home by ten okay?” my mom replied.“Great. I have a curfew again.” I said sarcastically while giving her a quick nod.It was exciting meeting all my old friends again. Everyone had different stories about what their colleges were like.I hung out with them almost every day. We lived near the sea so we’d often go surfing then we’d spend the rest of the day at the beach. One afternoon, I was trying to get the attention of a cute lifeguard when I saw my ex-girlfriend walk by.“Christina?” I said as I tapped her on the shoulder.“Hi Lucas.” she said while rolling her eyes.“I guess you still haven’t forgiven me huh? Well, I still have the same number if you want to talk.” I said.“So do I.” she replied and walked off.Christina was my high school sweetheart but we had to break up before I left for college. She didn’t want to, but I didn’t think I could handle a long distance relationship – especially with all the changes that would take place in my life. I wanted a clean slate – but I still liked her very much and hoped that things could work out someday. She cried and cried, and I felt terrible. She sent me messages while I was away but I ignored most of them.I met many girls at college but none of them were quite like her and I always had regrets. What if a long distance relationship could work out after all?And then I saw her there and thought “Yes, it must work out. She’s the one!”“Hey loser, stop daydreaming.” my pal Brad said while punching my arm.“You’re gonna have to get over her. There are many hot girls to date here. In fact, come meet my friend Danielle!” he continued.I went to meet his friend and we spoke a bit. She was funny and beautiful so I asked her out. I dated her, her friends, and whoever would go out with me. But I always continued to feel that I needed to make things right with Christina.Late one night, I was sitting in my room filled with regrets when I decided to give her a call.
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • I👩‍🦱 stayed the same age for 20 years| Please Share This Story | My Daily Animated Life Stories
    Aug 20 2023
    Today’s Shoutout goes to Mya Hess From Switzerland 🇨🇭 She loves my Daily Amazing life Stories so much .. And she also has her own podcast.. Young Fan being creative🥰🥰 We love you Mya.. To get a shoutout Send us a mail to our email address mydailyanimatedlifestoriesorg@gmail.com with your name, and where you from?? And why you love our stories and how it has helped you 🥰?? ......To get one ☝️ We love y’all.. To be part of this Amazing family make sure you share and rate the show
    Please Lovers take a sec to rate this show 5 stars and follow this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, and so on.. and don’t forget to share this stories with your family to enjoy 😉!!!!

    I lived up north, where the temperatures were below freezing and the sun was a rare sight. I used to love ice-skating, and I would always go down to the frozen lake near my house. I've been skating on that lake ever since I could remember. Literally. From what my mom told me, even as a fetus I was skating on the ice. When she was pregnant she was skating. When I was a day old she skated with me in her arms. When I was 3 months old I was already playing on the ice. Right until the age of 17, I was skating.

    That is, until the incident. The incident that cost me 20 years of my life. But we'll get onto that later.

    When I was around 12-years-old, I entered an ice-skating competition in my local town. I won first place. Admittedly, there were only five other contestants, and some of them could barely stand on the ice, but still! I had won! From that point on, I ice skated competitively.

    My mom loved that I was ice skating. She used to ice skate a lot as a kid, but she had an accident that prevented her from competing competitively. She used to come watch me ice skate on the frozen lake, a smile always on her face.

    My dad wasn't as supportive. He wasn't really into ice skating. He thought of it as a mere hobby, not a sport. Instead, he had a huge devotion to football. Even though there were hardly any games around our location, he followed football teams avidly - he almost worshipped them. So did my brother Will. He and my dad would sit in front of the TV, yelling as some ball was tossed and some guy was tackled. Personally, I didn't really see the fun in it.

    Maybe that's why me and my dad were never really that close. You see, Will was always his favorite. I think sometimes my dad even forgot he had a daughter. My brother revelled in it, too. He never wasted a second from telling me about the things he did with dad, what fun they had on the trip together. But fine, whatever, who cared if dad didn't love me? I had my mom who loved me.

    That was how it was in our family. My mom loved me; my dad loved Will. And Will and I were always competing; always fighting. I remember one time we were at a festival - we were only young, barely in our teens yet - and my dad had come back with two ice-creams. Except, one had chocolate, and the other had strawberry. My dad handed me the strawberry and Will the chocolate. Of course he did. Didn't my dad know strawberry was the one flavor I absolutely hated? But no, of course he didn't. I told my brother to give me his chocolate, since he was fine with both flavors. But he wouldn't give it! So I started screaming, and I tried to get it from him, then we both started fighting each other, and alas, both ice-creams fell to the ground.

    My dad got so mad at me. What about Will? But Will got away freely, whilst I had to suffer a scolding from my dad. That was how it was with us. Except, you would think with my mom then I would get the special treatment. But my mom was all about fairness, so she would treat both of us fairly. I suppose I loved her even more for that, but still - Will got double the love!
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • A Crazy Story of How a Singer Falls in Love with an Anti-fan | Please Share This Story | My Daily Animated Life Stories
    Aug 19 2023
    Massive giveaway is still on!!!!!! To participate check other episodes descriptions of our stories.... Thanks for sharing our stories 🥰❤️🙏And Also Please Lovers take a sec to rate this show 5 stars and follow this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, and so on.. and don’t forget to share this stories with your family to enjoy 😉!!!!Please Lovers take a sec to rate this show 5 stars and follow this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, and so on.. and don’t forget to share this stories with your family to enjoy 😉!!!!🔥Thank you for the support on My Daily Animated Life Stories Podcast. We really appreciate it! Continue showing your great support by sharing these stories🔥Thank you everyone ❤️Please kindly share this podcast to Any of your social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram by clicking the share Button🙏💕..............Thinking 🤔 of Engaging with Q&A click this link below 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇https://www.spreaker.com/show/........ ......... If you are new here and you want to join the My Daily Animated Life Stories Family 🙏 where you get best of Animated podcast and Stories that make you happy 😁😊😊 please don't forget to Share review and rate this show 5 ⭐✨ stars 🤩........................For Business enquires ::mydailyanimatedlifestoriesorg@gmail.com...............Also follow/subscribe to this podcast to get notified when a new episode is up, also share, rate and review this podcast have a nice day/Night 🌉😁................Make sure you Download this episode and Rate this show on Spotify and Apple podcasts with the link below the end of the episode description to like this episode and comment on our website click this link 🖇️ and hit the love botton and scroll to the end you will see comment do so with this link below 👇👇👇👇https://www.spreaker.com/user/... /> ...................To know about this podcast and click this link 🔗🖇️🖇️ below 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇https://www.spreaker.com/user/... /> To follow and comment and also Rate this show 5 ⭐🌟✨ stars click our Spotify link 🔗🖇️ below 👇👇👇👇👇https://open.spotify.com/show/....
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • I👩‍🦱 Didn't Know Humans Exist | Please🙏 Share This Story🎧| My Daily Animated Life Stories
    Aug 17 2023
    Congratulations 🎊 to Kiara from Brazil 🇧🇷 on wining an IPhone 13 from our sponsors.... We are happy for her 👩‍🦱🥰❤️.. ( her exact words were.... I love My Daily Animated Life Stories so much i listen to them everyday and anytime to make me feel better and feel that am not alone.. i have the whole My My Daily Animated Life Stories family with me even if I am an Ophan...) ( i would urge you guys to stick to your dream song and chase what’s you love no matter your background.. from Kiara❤️) Massive giveaway is still on!!!!!! To participate check other episodes descriptions of our stories.... Thanks for sharing our stories 🥰❤️🙏And Also Please Lovers take a sec to rate this show 5 stars and follow this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, and so on.. and don’t forget to share this stories with your family to enjoy 😉!!!!Please Lovers take a sec to rate this show 5 stars and follow this podcast on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast, and so on.. and don’t forget to share this stories with your family to enjoy 😉!!!!🔥Thank you for the support on My Daily Animated Life Stories Podcast. We really appreciate it! Continue showing your great support by sharing these stories🔥Thank you everyone ❤️Please kindly share this podcast to Any of your social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram by clicking the share Button🙏💕..............Thinking 🤔 of Engaging with Q&A click this link below 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇https://www.spreaker.com/show/........ ......... If you are new here and you want to join the My Daily Animated Life Stories Family 🙏 where you get best of Animated podcast and Stories that make you happy 😁😊😊 please don't forget to Share review and rate this show 5 ⭐✨ stars 🤩........................For Business enquires ::mydailyanimatedlifestoriesorg@gmail.com...............Also follow/subscribe to this podcast to get notified when a new episode is up, also share, rate and review this podcast have a nice day/Night 🌉😁................Make sure you Download this episode and Rate this show on Spotify and Apple podcasts with the link below the end of the episode description to like this episode and comment on our website click this link 🖇️ and hit the love botton and scroll to the end you will see comment do so with this link below 👇👇👇👇https://www.spreaker.com/user/... /> ...................To know about this podcast and click this link 🔗🖇️🖇️ below 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇https://www.spreaker.com/user/... /> To follow and comment and also Rate this show 5 ⭐🌟✨ stars click our Spotify link 🔗🖇️ below 👇👇👇👇👇https://open.spotify.com/show/....
    Más Menos
    16 m