
  • Why Do Crickets Sing at Night?
    Dec 8 2023
    Crickets are small insects that live in grass and bushes. During the day, crickets hide in the grass to avoid predators. But when night falls, crickets come out of their hiding places and start singing
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    5 m
  • The Tenca Bird and the Snow
    Dec 8 2023
    A story about a bird that lives in a hawthorn tree during the winter season. One day, the bird’s leg breaks and its nest is destroyed.
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    4 m
  • The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
    Dec 8 2023
    This is a popular fable that teaches children the importance of being content with what they have. The story is about two mice, one who lives in the city and the other who lives in the countryside. The city mouse invites the country mouse to visit him and shows him all the luxuries of city life. However, the country mouse finds the city life too dangerous and uncomfortable, and decides to return to his simple life in the countryside.

    The moral of the story is that it’s better to be happy with what you have than to risk everything for something that might not be worth it.
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    4 m
  • The Ugly Duckling
    Dec 8 2023
    Once upon a time, there was a mother duck who hatched six ducklings. However, one of the eggs was much larger than the others and took longer to hatch. When it finally did, the mother duck was surprised to see that the duckling was very different from the others. It was much larger and had gray feathers instead of yellow. The other ducklings teased and bullied the gray duckling because it looked different.

    Feeling sad and alone, the gray duckling ran away from the farmyard and went on a journey to find a place where it belonged. Along the way, it met many different animals, but none of them wanted to be friends with the gray duckling because of its appearance. Eventually, the gray duckling grew up and turned into a beautiful swan. When it saw its reflection in the water, it realized that it was never an ugly duckling, but a beautiful swan all along.

    This story teaches us that we should never judge someone based on their appearance, and that everyone has their own unique beauty. I hope you enjoyed this summary! 🦢
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    3 m
  • The Three Little Pigs
    Dec 8 2023
    Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who left their home to build their own houses. The first little pig built his house out of straw, the second little pig built his house out of sticks, and the third little pig built his house out of bricks. A big bad wolf came and blew down the houses of the first two pigs, but he couldn’t blow down the house of the third pig. The wolf tried to trick the third pig by pretending to be a friendly animal, but the pig was too smart and didn’t let him in. The wolf eventually gave up and went away.

    The story of The Three Little Pigs teaches us to be resourceful and smart. It’s important to work hard and build things that are strong and sturdy. We should also be careful of strangers and not let them into our homes.
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    5 m
  • Little Red Riding Hood
    Dec 8 2023
    Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood. She loved to wear a red cape with a hood, which is why everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her mother asked her to take some food to her grandmother, who lived in a house in the woods. Little Red Riding Hood set out on her journey, but she was warned by her mother not to talk to strangers or leave the path.

    As she walked through the woods, she met a wolf who asked her where she was going. Little Red Riding Hood told him that she was going to her grandmother’s house. The wolf suggested that she pick some flowers for her grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood agreed. While she was picking flowers, the wolf ran ahead to her grandmother’s house and ate her up. When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandmother’s house, the wolf disguised himself as her grandmother and ate her up too.

    The story of Little Red Riding Hood teaches us to be careful when talking to strangers and to always stay on the path. It’s important to listen to our parents and to be aware of our surroundings.
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    5 m