
  • Jonah’s Story is More Than a Fish Tale
    Jun 6 2024

    Join us on this episode of My Strange Bible as we dive deep into Jonah Chapter 2. Steve and Alex discuss Jonah's introspective prayer while in the belly of the fish, highlighting themes of God's faithfulness and second chances. They explore the complexities of Jonah's lack of repentance, the concept of Sheol, and the broader implications of the chaos dragon motif throughout scripture. Tune in for an insightful conversation linking Jonah's experience to the teachings and actions of Jesus. Don't miss the fascinating discussion on whether Jonah's story is literal or parabolic. Subscribe and stay tuned for more episodes as we continue our journey through the Book of Jonah.

    00:00 Introduction and Greetings
    01:01 Jonah's Prayer in the Belly of the Fish
    03:18 Analyzing Jonah's Lack of Repentance
    04:53 Yahweh's Response and Second Chances
    06:43 The Chaos Monster Theme in Scripture
    09:33 Debating Jonah's State: Alive or Dead?
    13:04 Miraculous Nature of Jonah's Survival
    21:22 Concluding Thoughts and Next Steps

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Satire and Sovereignty: Jonah Chapter 1 Explained
    May 30 2024

    Join us in this exciting episode of My Strange Bible as we delve into Jonah Chapter 1. Our hosts explore the comedic elements and deep theological insights of Jonah's initial defiance of God’s command to go to Nineveh. They analyze the satire in the narrative, the protagonist's futile attempts to flee from God's presence, and the extraordinary storm that ensues. The discussion also touches on the concept of the chaos dragon and the historical context of the Assyrians. Stay tuned for a fascinating breakdown that brings both humor and profound reflection on God’s nature and purpose. Don’t forget to check out our previous episode for an introduction to the book of Jonah, and subscribe to join our next deep dive!

    00:00 Introduction and Overview of Jonah
    00:04 Diving Into Jonah Chapter 1: Satire and Disobedience
    01:28 Jonah's Flight to Tarshish: A Deep Dive
    05:27 Exploring Jonah's Denial and the Assyrian Threat
    13:17 Jonah's Disorientation and the Storm at Sea
    18:04 The Casting of Lots and Jonah's Confession
    21:27 Jonah's Sacrifice and the Great Fish
    31:29 Reflections on Jonah's Journey and God's Sovereignty

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Jonah and the Whale: The Untold Story
    May 23 2024

    Ever wondered if the story of Jonah and the whale is more than just a Sunday school tale? Join us on "My Strange Bible" as we dive into the book of Jonah like never before! From misconceptions to fascinating scholarly insights, we’re peeling back the layers of this ancient text.

    In this episode, we explore Jonah’s ironic journey, his short yet powerful sermon, and the unexpected repentance of Nineveh, including its livestock! Discover how satire in Jonah critiques real social and cultural practices and challenges us to look inward.

    00:00 Unveiling the True Story of Jonah: An Intriguing Introduction
    01:35 Setting the Stage: A Fresh Look at Jonah's Tale
    03:54 Revisiting Childhood Narratives: A Deeper Dive into Jonah
    13:29 Exploring Jonah's Realities: Questions and Scholarly Insights
    17:55 Jonah's Satirical Journey: Unpacking the Layers
    24:40 The Heart of Jonah's Message: Reflections and Revelations
    36:52 Wrapping Up: The Timeless Lessons of Jonah

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • The TRUTH About the Biblical Flood
    May 16 2024

    Join us on this episode of "My Strange Bible," as we delve into the perplexing question: why did God destroy the world with a flood? We explore various perspectives on this ancient narrative, from theological implications to scientific evidence.

    00:00 Back to Basics and Personal Beliefs
    20:56 Engaging with Different Views on the Global Flood
    22:49 Exploring the Complexity of God's Emotions
    24:42 Theological Perspectives on God's Regret and Emotion
    27:31 Genesis 6 Controversy and Interpretations
    27:58 The Fallen Angel View and Its Implications
    32:29 Connecting Ancient Texts and Theological Insights
    41:27 The Flood Narrative: Judgment and Salvation
    44:35 Wrapping Up: The Salvation Theme and Final Thoughts

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • The weird story of the fish and the gold coin
    May 9 2024

    Join us for a deep dive into a brief but fascinating passage from the Gospel of Matthew. In this episode, we explore Jesus' interaction with Peter regarding temple taxes, leading to a miraculous moment involving a fish and a gold coin. Through our discussion, we uncover layers of meaning behind this seemingly odd event, revealing profound insights into Jesus' divinity, humility, and mastery as a teacher.

    00:00​ Introduction
    01:12​ Setting the Scene: Jesus and Temple Taxes
    03:45​ Humor and Teaching Style of Jesus
    06:28​ Jesus' Unique Approach to Questioning
    08:50​ Literary Design vs. Literal Interpretation
    11:15​ The Significance of the Coin and Fish
    15:45​ Divine Confirmation of Jesus' Claim
    19:30​ The Miraculous Nature of the Event
    23:10​ Jesus' Control Over the Natural World
    27:40​ The Lesson of Humility for Peter and the Disciples
    31:18​ Jesus' Ability to Teach Multifaceted Lessons
    34:50​ Closing Thoughts and Invitation to Share

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • The Bible: Literal, or Literary?
    May 2 2024

    Most people aren't sure how to read the Bible. Should it be taken literally? Metaphorally? Some other way? Using specific examples, hosts Alex and Steve dymystify Bible interpretation and talk through some practical tools to discover the meaning of any given text.

    00:00 : Introduction and greetings.
    03:00 : Discussing reading the Bible as fiction or nonfiction.
    06:30 : Understanding the literary approach to the Bible.
    09:30 : Importance of seeing the Bible's deep themes.
    12:45 : Perspectives on interpreting the Bible.
    16:00 : Clarifying literal vs. literary interpretation.
    19:30 : Exploring hidden truths in Scripture.
    21:30 : Example: Ancient Jewish interpretations of Isaiah 53.
    25:30 : Example: Literary design of Jonah.
    28:45 : Understanding the debate on literal vs. literary.
    33:00 : Challenges in interpretation: truth, devices, inerrancy.
    37:45 : Guidance for interpretation: case by case.
    38:15 : Applying literary vs. literal to Scripture.
    45:30 : Example: Exodus 14 and 15, Judges 4 and 5. Wrapping up.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • This Bible story isn’t what you think
    Apr 25 2024

    Dive deep into the strange and intriguing story of talking donkeys in the Bible with Steve and Alex on this week's episode of My Strange Bible! From Balak's request for curses to Balaam's unexpected encounters with God, this tale is full of twists and turns.

    0:00 - Intro: Catching up and the allure of talking donkeys
    4:23 - Setting the scene: The wilderness wanderings and Balak's dilemma
    10:17 - Unraveling Balaam's character: Diviner or follower of Yahweh?
    18:45 - The perplexing encounters with God: Balak's request and Yahweh's response
    27:56 - God's anger: Deciphering the mystery behind divine disapproval
    35:20 - Conclusion: Reflecting on the lessons and complexities of the story

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Why did people live so long in the beginning of the Bible?
    Apr 4 2024

    In this episode, we dive into the long lifespans recorded in the early chapters of Genesis, where figures are noted to have lived for several hundred years. The hosts, Steve and Alex, discuss the plausibility and implications of these long ages from various perspectives, including biblical interpretation, scientific analysis, and archaeological evidence. They address common questions and challenges related to the ages of patriarchs like Methuselah and explore theories surrounding ancient human lifespans, including genetic diversity and environmental factors before and after the biblical Flood. The conversation also touches on the implications of taking the Biblical text seriously and the importance of consistency in scriptural interpretation. Through examining internal biblical evidence and external scientific considerations, they offer insights into how these ancient ages could be understood in the context of faith, history, and science.

    00:00 Exploring the Longevity of Biblical Figures
    00:46 The Curiosity of Methuselah's Age and Its Impact
    02:49 Interpreting Biblical Texts: Literal Ages or Symbolic Numbers?
    05:51 Historical Evidence and the Debate on Ancient Lifespans
    07:26 The Significance of Genealogies in Understanding Biblical Ages
    26:09 The Role of Moses in Documenting Genesis and Theories on Its Authorship
    28:53 Exploring Biblical Genealogies and Creationist Views
    30:22 Debating the Age of Earth and Human Longevity
    33:59 Addressing the Genetic Bottleneck and Human Lifespan Decline
    40:37 Evaluating Canopy Theory and Old Earth Creationism
    52:41 Consistency in Creationism and Biblical Interpretation
    54:24 Concluding Thoughts on Creationism and Faith

    Más Menos
    57 m