
  • Narcissism and Co-parenting: Understanding and Identifying Narcissism
    Jun 10 2024

    Deep dive into a topic that hits close to home for so many—narcissism in co-parenting. Over the next three episodes, we're unpacking the complexities of co-parenting with a narcissist and how to get through it!

    In this week's episode, we explore how to identify narcissism, which is the first step in disentangling yourself from the emotional web of co-parenting with a narcissist. If this is your reality, know you are not alone, I get messages daily from mums, sharing their struggles and seeking advice.

    Remember, knowledge is power. This episode is all about equipping you with the insights you need to navigate this dynamic so you and your children can thrive. 🌟

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • The Step-By-Step, Science Backed Guide, To Making Sure Your Child Thrives During Your Divorce And Whilst Growing Up With Separated Parents
    Jan 14 2024

    🌈 A Guide to Your Child Thriving After Separation

    Hannah talks about her science-based model of well-being for children as they go through their parents separation and grow up with separated parents.

    She has never give this profound guide away as free content, so be sure to listen through and download the free PDF! The guide breaks down your child's:

    🔍 Physiological Needs: The most basic need your children have and what it means!

    💖 Secure Attachments: Establishing a profound sense of safety and love that becomes the bedrock for your child's mental health and development.

    🌟 Certainty and Predictability: Explore the critical role of certainty and predictability in your child's life.

    🎗️ Control and Autonomy: This is where your child gains a sense of empowerment in navigating changes.

    🤝 Interconnectedness: Uncover the importance of interconnectedness, what this means and why it is important to your child's mental health.

    🌟 Self-Esteem Summit: At the pinnacle of the pyramid lies self-esteem. Learn how, with each level of well-being addressed, your child's self-esteem flourishes, allowing them to embrace life's experiences with confidence and resilience.

    📚 Free PDF Guide: Elevate your understanding with Hannah's comprehensive guide, offering a step-by-step roadmap to implement the Wellbeing Pyramid in your child's life. Download the guide here - Link to Guide Here

    This episode encapsulates the essence of empowering your child not merely to survive separation but to soar to new heights of emotional well-being. Don't miss out on this transformative guide; download your copy today. 🚀

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Waking Up Without Your Children As A Separated Mum - How To Cope When Coparenting And Your Children Aren't With You
    Jan 10 2024

    In today's episode, Hannah delves into the emotional reality of your children not being with you all of the time when you are co-parenting. As a separated mum, she shares the profound impact of those empty nights and the struggle of adjusting to a reality different from the envisioned one she had of what motherhood would look like. Here is what she covers:

    💔 The Deep Emotional Impact Of Her Children Not Being There

    🛠️ Constructive Coping Techniques

    🌈 Thriving Beyond Motherhood

    📚 Free PDF Guide: Explore Hannah's comprehensive guide to the grief process, providing valuable insights and tools to navigate the emotional complexities of co-parenting and loss of time with your children. Link to Guide Here.

    If you've ever felt the weight of an empty home during co-parenting, this episode is a compassionate guide to help you navigate the emotions and transform this challenging experience into an opportunity for personal growth. 🌟

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Four Crucial Things Every Mum Needs To Know About Supporting Their Children Through Their Divorce
    Dec 31 2023

    Hannah unveils four crucial insights every mum needs to navigate the complexities of divorce and parental separation.

    🔍 Understanding Secure Attachment: Learn how to assure your child that your bond with them remains unbreakable, fostering a sense of security that is vital for their well-being.

    💔 Embracing Grief: Acknowledge and support your child's natural feelings of grief, providing comfort and guidance as they navigate the complex emotions surrounding their parents separation.

    🤝 Empowering Control: Discover strategies to help your child regain a sense of control amidst the changes, involving them in decisions, no matter how small, to bolster their mental health.

    🗣 Open Dialogues: Understand the ongoing nature of a child's comprehension of separation, and learn the importance of maintaining an open dialogue to address their questions and concerns throughout their childhood.

    📚 Free Guide for Mums:

    The 7 step guide to helping your child cope with your divorce/separation: Link to Guide Here

    Join Hannah in empowering your parenting journey amidst separation. Download the guide and embrace the tools to support your child's emotional well-being. 🌟

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • How To Support Your Child When They Don't Want To Go To Their Other Parents House
    Dec 24 2023

    🚀 Empowering Transitions: Helping Your Child Move Between Homes

    In this insightful episode, host Hannah addresses a common challenge faced by separated parents: children struggling with transitions between homes. Drawing from her personal experience and extensive research in psychology and brain development, Hannah unveils a powerful six-step framework designed to support both you and your child through these difficult moments.

    👂 Listen and Understand

    🌟 Empathetic Explanations

    🤝 Teamwork for Transition

    👋 Saying Goodbye with Certainty

    🔄 Consistency is Key

    🌈 Reflecting and Planning Together

    📚 Free Guide to Support You To Support Your Child:

    Link to Guide Here


    Más Menos
    12 m
  • The Heart-Break Of Not Having My Children With Me Over Christmas - Coparenting Realities And How To Get Through
    Dec 5 2023

    🎄 Navigating Christmas When Your Children Are With Their Other Parent

    Join host Hannah as she reflects on the magic of spending Christmas with her children and the heart-break she will feel in not having them with her this Christmas Day. Hannah will dive into:

    🌟 Embracing the Quiet: Coping with Absence on Christmas

    💔 Acknowledging Sadness: A Compassionate Approach To Not Having Your Children With You

    🌈 Finding A Path to Healing & Coping When Your Children Aren't With You

    🤝 A Heartfelt Message: You're Not Alone

    To those resonating with this emotional journey, Hannah gets it! As a separated mum herself, she acknowledges the complexities of these moments. A heartfelt reminder: you are seen, you are felt, and you've got this.🌟

    Link to the 7-step guide to helping your child cope with divorce/separation: Link to Guide Here

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • How To Make Your Child Feel Emotionally Secure During Your Divorce And Whilst Growing Up With Separated Parents
    Dec 5 2023

    This episode delves into a profound message inspired by a heartfelt letter I recieved from a fellow seprarted mum, who is navigating the challenges of separation, and facing the fears and dreams many of us share.

    In this episode:

    💖 A Mother's Heart: Capturing the struggle, heartache, and unwavering hope we have for our children, in the midst of separation.

    🤝 The Greatest Gift to Your Child: Explore the transformative power of helping your child understand their attachment to you amidst divorce. Discover why it's one of the most significant gifts you can offer for their mental health and well-being.

    🔗 Attachment Security: Delve into the importance of conveying to your child that their attachment to you is unwavering, unbreakable.

    🌱 Building Mental Health Resilience: Understand how creating a sense of security in your child's attachment is a cornerstone for their mental health resilience during and after divorce.

    This episode is a beacon of guidance for all mothers seeking to empower their children, assuring them of the enduring nature of your love. Tune in, gain insights, and take the next step in nurturing unbreakable bonds with your child.

    Your child's secure attachment begins here. Catch you next week for more empowering discussions! 🌟

    Link to the 7-step guide to helping your child cope with divorce/separation: Link to Guide Here

    Más Menos
    7 m