
  • Put away your ideological prejudices!
    Jul 17 2024

    Put your prejudices away and help a common goal.

    That's the advice from Bob Ward, Policy Director at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment. He was my guest this week as we worked through the challenges facing the new Labour government.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • My take on Labour in power
    Jul 10 2024

    So it's happened, a super majority for Labour.

    After last week's election results what is the new government going to do for accelerating net zero? In this podcast Sumit Bose gives you his take on the opportunities and challenges Labour now has, to live up to its manifesto pledges.

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    19 m
  • Big Zero Briefing: Emissions are admissions
    Jun 26 2024

    Net Zero will be better for our health.

    That's why it matters so much, says Wendy Cheeseman, who heads up sustainability at Oxfordshire University Hospitals NHS Trust. Wendy who will be speaking next week at the Big Zero Show, explained why the NHS is so concerned about its own emissions and wider carbon, as she says it is a real marker for health.

    We discuss the pathway for reduction for such a large and vital organisation and how to balance what is needed by frontline medicine. Despite what you may think, medical staff who are obviously busy saving lives are also very conscious of the environment says Wendy, so how do you get the balance right?

    Find out next week, grab the last few tickets remaining here.

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    12 m
  • ‘Businesses want certainty from their energy providers’
    Jun 24 2024

    In a future net zero podcast, Anthony Ainsworth, Chief Operating Officer for npower Business Solutions told us that sustainability will help businesses grow

    We’re going to have to speed up the planning process to meet net zero targets.

    This is what Anthony Ainsworth, Chief Operating Officer, npower Business Solutions said in this episode of the future net zero podcast.

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    24 m
  • Big Zero Show Briefing: Start somewhere!
    Jun 19 2024

    In this podcast I talk about starting your sustainability journey and how sometimes just wanting to start is enough...

    Team up. And start.

    That's the way to get to net zero says Fitzoy Hutchinson, who is in charge of sustainability for the famous Celtic Manor Resort.

    In this brief chat we discuss the issue of supply chains and the challenges of getting emissions down if budgets are tight. Fitzroy has worked in the NHS and now in hospitality, where there are huge challenges and also expectations from their consumers be that patients, or tourists.

    He told me how he is trying not to punish his suppliers, rather encourage them to join the Celtic Manor pathway to net zero. We also discuss how to cut back without costing the earth for your organisation.

    When I ask Fitzroy his top tip for those trying to cut emissions, he responds adeptly: "What can you do? Do the best you can!"

    Come and hear more from Fitzroy when he speaks at the Big Zero Show on July 2nd.

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    9 m
  • A look back at the energy industry with Kenny and nick
    Jun 14 2024

    In this podcast, Kenny Hallet, Head of Sales Development and Nick Parr, Head of Major Business Commercial join the team at Future Net Zero to give a quick market update. They look back at the past few years to talk through the energy market and how we’ve got to where we are now!

    They discuss the landscape through covid, the war in Ukraine and an energy crisis to market stability and normality in 2024, touching on how as a business we managed daily spikes, changing consumer appetite for energy procurement and how we’ve diversified our product offering to strike a balance between risk and budget certainty.

    What happened with demand destruction as working from home became the norm, is the market evolving so that automation, better data, and flexible consumption become common place and is Kenny about to be replaced by AI!? Listen to find out…

    Podcast highlights:

    • Kenny has been in the energy industry for 20 years! We couldn’t have anticipated or prepared for the shocks of the last few years. The energy crisis took the market by surprise, it’s been a long recovery buts it’s raised the profile of energy.
    • Nick states customers and suppliers have had to understand what the risks are and how to get through these. We saw markets spike on a daily basis, which created a challenging environment for everyone.
    • Demand destruction has been significant, and we’ve learnt how to reduce our demand. With a milder winter, we’ve an abundance of storage!
    • Current landscape has been stable, so some customers have planned ahead and reforecast in line with usage.
    • Talking to your supplier is more important now than ever. We want to take the time to focus and understand people’s needs, some products are complicated, but we can offer reassurance and guidance.

    Get in touch:

    For further information on anything discussed in the podcast, or if you want to explore our products and get some guidance and support on which one is best for your business, get in touch with our team today.

    We’ve a comprehensive product line up to meet your procurement needs and a variety of renewable options to get you stared on the road to net zero.

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    23 m
  • Big Zero Briefing - Ecouraging supply chains
    Jun 12 2024

    You must take your supply chain with you if you want to get to net zero.

    That's what Matteo Deidda from Lloyds Banking Group told me as we discussed how we can take all businesses on the journey to net zero. Matteo will be speaking at our Pathway to Net Zero talks offering a synopsis of the Lloyds group's ambition to halve its supply chain emissions by the end of this decade.

    We discussed how it's important for larger companies not to persecute but encourage and help smaller suppliers who are not as aware of what they can do to reduce emissions.

    Listen to our short chat and remember to book one of the last free tickets remaining for the Big Zero Show.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Big Zero Briefing - Food for thought...literally
    Jun 5 2024

    The food we eat. You are what you eat. Eat well be well.

    So many phrases revolve around our fundamental need to shove something in our mouths but should there be a new phrase?

    Eat for the planet?

    In our Pathway to Net Zero sessions at the Big Zero Show, we will be exploring exactly that concept. I spoke to Tom Maidment from Hilton Foods, who will be speaking about the footprint of food used by your business and why it's often ignored by many of us, when looking at our emissions footprint.

    However, it can not only be sigificant but also something you can affect directly.

    Want to know more, listen in and come along on July 2nd.

    Más Menos
    12 m