
  • Tue Jul 16th, '24 - Daily Weather for New York
    Jul 16 2024
    Good morning! Happy Tuesday! This is your weather for July 16th, 2024, for the Big Apple, New York City. Let's dive right into it. - Morning temperature around 77 degrees - Humidity at 41%, mostly clear skies with 4% cloudiness - Expect around half an inch of heavy rain, so grab an umbrella - Temperatures will climb to a hot 96 degrees in the afternoon - Gusty west winds at 5 mph, gusting up to 10 mph - Rain continues heavily, ideal for indoor activities - Evening temperature around 94 degrees, with rain tapering off - Night temperature drops to a warm 79 degrees, wet sidewalks likely Catch you tomorrow, and have a fantastic day in the city that never sleeps!
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  • Mon Jul 15th, '24 - Daily Weather for New York
    Jul 15 2024
    Good morning, New York! It's Monday, July 15th, 2024, and I'm here to help you kick off your day with a friendly weather update. - Morning temperature at a warm 78 degrees - Light rain with over one inch; mostly clear skies at 16% cloudiness - Daytime high of 96 degrees; stay hydrated and find air conditioning - Humidity at 38%; light west breeze at 8 mph, gusts up to 15 mph - Evening temperature around 94 degrees; pleasant for after-work activities, potential light shower - Nighttime low at 78 degrees; warm and humid evening, great for a late-night stroll Have a fantastic day and tune in again tomorrow for more updates.
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  • Sun Jul 14th, '24 - Daily Weather for New York
    Jul 14 2024
    Hey there! Happy Sunday! This is your weather for Sunday, July 14th, 2024, for the Big Apple, New York City. - Morning: 76 degrees with light rain, mostly clear skies, and some clouds - Daytime: High of 91 degrees, light rain showers (0.2 inches), 43% humidity - Evening: Cooling to 83 degrees, gentle south wind at 5 mph, gusts up to 8 mph - Night: Pleasant 79 degrees, mostly clear skies Have a fantastic day and tune in again tomorrow for more updates.
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  • Sat Jul 13th, '24 - Daily Weather for New York
    Jul 13 2024
    Good morning and happy Saturday! This is your weather for Saturday, July 13th, 2024, for the one and only New York City. - Morning starts at 74 degrees with 65% humidity - Moderate rain and 83% cloud cover - Daytime high reaching 86 degrees with rain, about 0.4 inches expected - Evening temperature remains warm at 81 degrees, rain tapers off - Winds from south-southeast at 6 mph, gusts up to 10 mph - Nighttime drops slightly to 79 degrees, light rain continues New York is always bustling with things to do, rain or shine! Thanks for tuning in today! Catch you tomorrow!
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  • Fri Jul 12th, '24 - Daily Weather for New York
    Jul 12 2024
    Good morning! It's Friday, July 12th, 2024, and here's your weather for New York City. - Early morning temperature around 77 degrees with 77% humidity - Partly cloudy with moderate rain, so don't forget your umbrella - Daytime high of around 83 degrees with southwest wind at 5 mph, gusts up to 8 mph - Moderate rain continues through the day; ideal for a Central Park walk with an umbrella - Evening temperature drops to around 78 degrees, rain persists - Night temperature around 76 degrees with gentle wind and continuing rain - About just under an inch of rain expected today Have a fantastic Friday, and I'll catch you tomorrow!
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  • Thu Jul 11th, '24 - Daily Weather for New York
    Jul 11 2024
    Good morning! This is your weather for Thursday, July 11th, 2024, in the bustling city of New York. Grab your umbrella because it's looking like a rainy one. - Morning temperature around 76 degrees with light rain - Daytime high of 79 degrees, continued rain, and 59% humidity - Evening temperatures rise to 83 degrees, rain persists - Night temperatures steady at 79 degrees, light rainfall continues - Winds from the south-southeast at 6 mph, gusts up to 13 mph - Mostly cloudy with 97% cloud cover - Expecting around one tenth of an inch of rain Have a great day and check in tomorrow for your next weather update!
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  • Wed Jul 10th, '24 - Daily Weather for New York
    Jul 10 2024
    Good morning! It's a beautiful Wednesday, July 10th, 2024, here in New York City. I hope you're ready to start your day off right with your personal weather update. - Morning temperature around 77 degrees - 90% cloudiness with moderate rain throughout the day (around two-thirds of an inch) - Daytime high of 86 degrees with 65% humidity - Winds from the south-southeast at 10 mph, gusts up to 14 mph - Evening cool down to around 82 degrees, rain persists - Night temperature dropping to around 78 degrees with easing rain Have a fantastic day, stay dry, and see you tomorrow!
    Más Menos
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  • Tue Jul 9th, '24 - Daily Weather for New York
    Jul 9 2024
    Hey there! Good morning and welcome. This is your weather for Tuesday, July 9th, 2024, in the always bustling New York City. - Morning: Temp around 78 degrees, rainy, full cloud cover - Afternoon: Warming up to 87 degrees, moderate rain (~1.75 inches), 55% humidity - Evening: Temp around 78 degrees, continued rain, breezy with south-southeast wind at 7 mph and gusts up to 10 mph - Night: Temp dipping to 76 degrees, rain persists, 100% cloud cover Have a great day, and stay dry out there! Tune in again tomorrow for more updates.
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