
  • The Power Gifts Part Two
    Jul 28 2024
    "Get in the game" Power Gifts (part 2) Are you up for some more (as we referred to it last week) "weird stuff"? Do you believe that the prophecy of Joel and of Pentecost is being fulfilled in our day and generation? Do you believe that miracles can happen in 2024... not just theoretically, but that miracles could happen at NAC... even at any given moment? Do you have the kind of faith that truly believes - in our day - God can do increasingly more than we can even ask or IMAGINE, according to His POWER at work within US! Come join us this Sunday as we unpack three more spiritual gifts that YOU might possibly have. Off the sidelines and into the game!
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  • The Power Gifts
    Jul 21 2024
    Power Gifts Lately, have you heard people speak colloquially of someone's "superpower"? As in, "that's Jenny's superpower... staying calm in a crisis". It can even be used as a bit of a back-handed compliment; "That's just like Tony. His superpower is to turn the centre of attention back to him" What if I told you the Holy Spirit may, at times, give you real supernatural giftings? Things that can only be explained as an act of God. We are now getting into areas of this series that might make some uncomfortable or suspicious, and granted not all of these "Power Gifts" are necessarily dazzling or sensational, but each of them are used by God to demonstrate the power, presence, and reality of God. Off the sidelines and into the game!
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  • The Word Gifts Part Two
    Jul 14 2024
    "Get in the game" Part 2 of the "WORD" Gifts Somebody asked me (Jonathan) at our Alliance General Assembly this week what my favourite thing about being a pastor is. I thought for a second - and I realize the spiritual gifts series is kind of “on the brain” - but what I said is spiritual gifts have got to be in the top three. I love seeing people discover the unique way God has wired and gifted them, and the joy that comes with putting that calling to kingdom work. At the General Assembly, there was even a session with a panel discussing the great need for equipping the next generation, and not putting them on the sidelines in terms of meaningful Christian service. I thought “Pastors Kris and Glenn should be on that panel. They do it as well as anybody”. Come join us this Sunday as we unpack three more spiritual gifts that YOU might possibly have. Off the sidelines and into the game!
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  • Get in the Game - Part 3: The Word Gifts
    Jul 7 2024
    "There are two great moments in a person's life: the moment you were born and the moment you realize why you were born." —Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwel For the purposes of this series, you'll remember we've divided up the Spiritual Gifts into 3 categories. If the LOVE gifts (which we talked about last week) are more about the DOING, then the WORD gifts are more about the SAYING. Not just in terms of public giftings (preaching etc). Often these WORD gifts are happening in one-on-one relationships. In short, the WORD gifts clarify the nature, action and purposes of God. May this be another small step in helping you discover your position on "Team Jesus"
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  • Get in the Game - Part 2: The love gifts
    Jun 30 2024
    The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet. - Frederick Buechner As we said, all-y'all have been blessed through the Holy Spirit with unique spiritual gifts. For the purposes of this series, we've divided them up into 3 categories. This Sunday we start with the LOVE GIFTS These are the wonderful and necessary gifts in the Church that allow believers to express their love for God and for others in practical and sometimes overlooked ways. They are supportive gifts in the sense that they often build up what God is doing through leadership or more public gifts. Is that brief description already making your heart beat fast? You might be ready to get in the game!
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  • Get in the Game - Part 1: Spiritual Gifts
    Jun 23 2024
    A New Summer Series! It is not the critic who counts; not the one who points out how the strong one stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the one who is actually in the arena. - Theodore Rosevelt There will always be those who sit on the sidelines. Those who fancy themselves as armchair quarterbacks. They offer critiques or appreciation but they are ultimately spectators. They are missing this joy of actually "getting in the game" This summer we're excited to see YOU discover the unique ways God has gifted and wired you. Every Christ-follower has been given one or more spiritual gifts that enable them to be real difference-makers in the Church and even the world. The thing is though, you gotta USE the gift you've been given. Not everyone can be the quarterback but EVERYONE has a vital role to play on "Team Jesus" It's time to get in the game!
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  • One Hit Wonders - Part 5: Jude
    Jun 16 2024
    Hey Jude! Here we are with ANOTHER letter that seems to be addressing yet another messed-up Church. In fact it seems A LOT of the New Testament is responding to messed-up churches... It makes you wonder if the whole enterprise is worth the effort, or if it should be abandoned (as many people that you probably know have decided). But in fact, that's WHY so much ink in the Bible is given to maintaining a healthy church. It's just that important! It's Jesus' plans for changing the world and He doesn't need a backup plan. Jude tells us to CONTEND for the truth... to FIGHT for a healthy church... to even get TOUGH with those who sneak in and try to dismantle what God has built. It's a fight worth having.
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  • One Hit Wonders - Part 4: 3rd John
    Jun 9 2024
    Walking in the Truth John continues to lay out the three things that form the core of the identity of a true believer, obedience-truth-love, in his third letter to his friend Gaius. In the midst of a culture hostile to the early Christian churches, John stresses over and over how important it is for followers of Jesus to know and walk out the Truth. He compares and contrasts the behaviour of those who live out the truth and those who do not. He also speaks to some troubles in the church in his day that are still relevant today.
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