
  • Friendships in Leadership - Chris Maxwell & Tracy Reynolds - Season 4, Episode 19
    Jul 4 2024

    Chris and Tracy usually interview guests. Through their episodes, they have enjoyed conversations with a variety of pastors, authors, leaders, professors, and friends. The importance of that last role—friends—is the emphasis Tracy and Chris bring to their audience in this podcast. They have known each other for almost two decades. They have worked together. They have faced storms, uncertainty, vulnerability, and changes. They have chosen to spend time together—in person, through texts, with meals, and in large groups. They have welcomed business meetings and friendship meetings. They have designed a healthy atmosphere. What is their hope? They desire those listening will choose to work hard to develop healthy, long-term relationships. While pains from past relationships can cause initial reluctance to become close friends with others, Tracy and Chris dare today’s leaders to seek help regarding those hurts while intentionally building healthy friendships. How are you doing with that? What should you do about it? Who should be beside you in this journey of life?

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    24 m
  • Interview with John R. Miles, Part 2 - Season 4, Episode 18
    Jun 27 2024

    In this episode of Next Step Leadership Podcast, Tracy Reynolds and Chris Maxwell continue their chat with John R. Miles. Author of the book and host of the podcast, Passion Struck, John knows much about when life faces change. He knows about uncertainty and redirection. He also knows about dreaming big and enduring hopes. His podcast brings many successful guests, each with a unique story and a mix of ideas. As he talks to Tracy and Chris, John tells how he has worked through setbacks and found ways to truly matter in life. John gives his definition for passion, describing the difference between purpose and passion. What is your why? What is the problem you hope to solve in your life and career? He believes the passion is that which motives and inspire you to do the why. He offers advice on overcoming obstacles and knowing true success as winning in your battle with yourself. Listen and ask yourself about your passion and purpose, about how behaviors influence our lives, and about what God wants you to learn from this conversation.


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    23 m
  • Interview with John R. Miles, Part 1 - Season 4, Episode 17
    Jun 20 2024

    Chris and Tracy continue enjoying helpful conversations with their guests in Next Step Leadership. Each podcast brings new thoughts and ideas. In this episode, they talk with John R. Miles. John tells his story—an interesting and diverse career from serving in the military, national security, management consultant, leading cyber security practice, private equity, and to his present career. John hopes to help people transform their lives. Through writing and leading, he is trying to help those who are thinking and feeling the way he previously thought and felt. His book is titled Passion Struck, and his podcast by that name is one of the top podcasts for today’s listeners. John hopes people hear the stories of success while realizing what he has leaned. Success isn’t just determined by wealth and job titles. He had many positions and possessions most people crave, but he knew there was more. Listen to his story and learn what matters most.


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    22 m
  • Interview with Dr. Jen Bennett, Part 2 - Season 4, Episode 16
    Jun 13 2024

    In their second conversation with author and professor Dr. Jen Bennet, Tracy and Chris believe all listeners will value greatly from her wisdom. Her years of serving in the academic world, her great advice on online ministry and marketing, her willingness to move geographically and accept change, and her battle with their house burning down are all narratives today's leaders need to here. Each change was difficult. But important. Each transition brought challenges. But also lessons.

    Readers often forget the great work God can do through our seasons of pain and questions. Are you in that season now? Are you receiving God’s peace even when so much seems to be going wrong?

    Listen to Jen. Women in ministry need to hear from her. All who face uncertainty need to hear from her. Every leader hoping to lead like Christ needs to learn from her. Her story and her areas of expertise bring the ideal information for us all.


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    24 m
  • Interview with Dr. Jen Bennett, Part 1 - Season 4, Episode 15
    Jun 6 2024

    Dr. Jen Bennett is this week's guest on Next Step Leadership Podcast. Tracy and Chris are excited for you to hear her wisdom.

    As an educator, writer, and speaker, Jen never imagined herself doing the work God has her doing. She's continued education and ministry, while serving business leaders for their online presence.

    Her book Be Worth Following and her podcast She Impacts Culture are perfect for these seasons of pressure and uncertainty. They offer guidelines in the areas of marketing and value.

    Jen believes work was not designed to be miserable. She contends joy and hope are key parts for entrepreneurs and business leaders. To develop successful online presence, people must first gain a better grasp of who they are. Her book provides key elements of online audiences and overall goals.

    Jen voices guidance on credibility and curiosity. She instructs leaders to be credible before trying to be influential.

    Become skilled in your areas. Appropriate curiosity can lead to influence which leads to leadership. Ask questions. Seek answers. And be ready to become a leader worth following.


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    24 m
  • Interview with Ann Byle, Part 2 - Season 4, Episode 14
    May 30 2024
    In this episode of Next Step Leadership, Tracy Reynolds and Chris Maxwell continue their conversation with author Ann Byle. Last week’s podcast caused listeners to smile as they thought about how a flock of hens can offer wisdom for today’s leaders. Ann continues this week by giving ideas from her years of experience and her latest book, Chicken Scratch: Lessons on Living Creatively from a Flock of Hens. Leaders need to communicate well in a variety of ways. As Ann offers funny but wise guidelines for writers, her wisdom fits all roles of leading. We are all creative in our own areas. The arts are keys to connecting to today’s flocks. Find your space. Find out what you love. Try something new and creative. Leading can include practical ways of writing, speaking, and communicating better than before. So, get ready to learn creative leadership from Ann Byle and her hens.


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    23 m
  • Interview with Ann Byle, Part 1 - Season 4, Episode 13
    May 23 2024

    Ann Byle offers a wonderful perspective in this week’s episode of Next Step Leadership. Chris and Tracy haven’t invited animals to their podcast, but Ann offers great wisdom from chickens. Her latest book, Chicken Scratch: Lessons on Living Creatively From a Flock of Hens, shows how Ann discovered that her chickens provide valuable insight and inspiration. Rarely do books or podcasts share intuition from a flock of hens, but it happens here. Writers, speakers, pastors, leaders, and those serving in any capacity can learn from Ann’s wisdom and creative thinking. Be ready to smile. Hear the invitation to lead creativity. Apply what you learn from Ann and her flock of hens.


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    22 m
  • Interview with Brenda Quinn, Part 2 - Season 4, Episode 12
    May 16 2024

    The Next Step Leadership podcast offers a variety of perspectives from many different speakers. Hosts Tracy Reynolds and Chris Maxwell hope to encourage each person who listens to continue their journey—and to guide many others with them. Brenda Quinn is their guest again this week. What she has learned through Richard Foster and other leaders has helped guide her through pain from the past. God’s ongoing healing through spiritual practices is not just her story—it is your story. Think about how you can follow Jesus for the long hall and guide others with you. Who is modeling for you the soul care life? Who are you modeling it for? Are you revealing a healthy life with God for yourself and for others to see? Set your eyes on Him and not on the things of the world. You are the hands and feet of Jesus.


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    22 m