
  • Podcast #22: I Will If YOU Will!
    Aug 29 2016

    Welcome back to OR welcome if you’re a first-timer to the Monday Motivation podcast! This IS Sandi Ballard, founder of Growing Forward Success Coaching and master of detecting excuses! If ping pong was a game of slapping back excuses at clients, I WOULD win the Olympics! HA! How are things going? Really? Over the last few weeks, I have challenged you to step out of your comfort zone and try something NEW. Do something differently. Get off your ass and climb out of your rut and DO. SOMETHING.

    Yes, I’m wearing my pointy shoes right now and my whip is within arms reach! I’m clearly in a MOOD and it stems from fielding excuses all year. Having clients fall out of routine and make excuses to get back-on-track. What’s the challenge? I get frustrated when, and my Mentor has told me many times, “You can’t want it more than them”, but when clients back off or continue to throw excuses at me instead of seeing what I see in them. Seeing how amazing it is and what MORE they can have.

    So last week I asked you to step out of your comfort zone and I had this voice in my head (I know I have lots of them) but this one I could hear a client say, I don’t want to do this by myself. Sigh**** I will only do this if someone comes with me. Ok, I get it, doing things alone can sometimes be scary, then I also appreciate the saying “Misery Loves Company”. Remember when you were a kid – and you got in trouble and your parents asked you why you did something? And your response was “because Jimmy did it”? haha…….. and what did your parents ask you?  Yes…So if Jimmy jumped off a bridge would you jump too? Hahaha. Yeah. Well guess what – there are many of you adults out there that are still pulling that “I’ll do it if you do it” card.

    I’m not saying it’s wrong all the time, but there clearly are times when that’s just another bullshit excuse! I agree sometimes going with a friend or colleague to an event is more fun than going it alone, but make sure you understand the WHY behind NOT doing it alone. Is this person in your “comfort zone”? What happens when you have to take that BIG GIANT F-ING STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE and NO ONE CAN BE YOUR SIDEKICK? NO ONE can go to that networking event with you? No one can workout with you? No one can come over and play? What will you do? Reel back into your comfort zone and not go? You KNOW this can potentially help your business, career, life in general…but you just can’t go it alone?

    Listen in for more on this topic. Comment here or email me SBallard@GrowingForward.biz with what you are willing to finally do alone for your own personal and/or professional growth!

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Podcast #23: Change SUCKS!
    Sep 5 2016

    Hidy Ho fellow listeners! I appreciate you logging on here and listening to your weekly Monday Motivation or more of a challenge as it’s becoming!  

    Let me ask you – do you complain but refuse to make changes? Whether it’s your thoughts, how you do something, WHEN you do something or perhaps personal behavior? Has the WHY behind that changed?  Perhaps the WHY isn’t the problem it’s the HOW. Perhaps you don’t understand or believe IN the WHY behind what you are doing, or the need for change.

    CHANGE IS INEVITABLE. So why do so many resist? Why do people HATE CHANGE so much?

    The last few weeks I’ve talked about getting uncomfortable. Stepping OUT OF your comfort zone – doing something new. Going it alone. Trying something for the 1st time or in a new, or different way. I know, I know I KNOW it can be hard, scary, uncertainty sets in – you don’t know or OH HOLY LORD CONTROL THE OUTCOME, so you put the guards up and GUESS WHAT? You don’t do it. Worse yet, you do nothing. Podcast #13 – what is the definition of insanity??  You don’t want to change anything yet you still EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS!

    Well welcome to life people! I learned years ago to take my hands off the wheel and enjoy the ride! Yes, I still want things MY way, but when something doesn’t happen the way I WANTED OR EXPECTED it to happen, do I just give up, throw a fit (as I’ve seen people do)? HELL NO! I look at what’s going on. THE WHY behind it. I may not like having to change something, but I realize I can’t argue with the giant joystick in the sky!! I have to sit down and really look at everything – every aspect of what I am doing, how I am doing it, and WHY!

    THEN, I take a deep breath – perhaps have a glass of wine and pull up my bootstraps and make adjustments! Sometimes that even means walking away from an idea, a client, a goal – hmmmmm, usually not a goal. More like delaying a goal or shelving it until the timing is better, funding is better, I know more or align with someone who shares the same vision.

    Listen in this week as I discuss more about how to not change a goal, change the plan or the process!! And, as this week’s quote says, DON’T EXPECT TO SEE A CHANGE IF YOU DON’T MAKE ONE.

    AND the comment here, or email me at SBallard@GrowingForward.biz and tell me what you are willing to change!

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Podcast #24: I know. I KNOW. I KNOW...
    Sep 12 2016

    Hello again listeners! All 6 of ya! HA! It’s that day of the week again, the one you have all chosen to change your attitude about and use it as a launching pad for an awesome week, right? NO? Did I hear you say NO? Well, then you should rewind your attitude a bit and focus on what WILL go well today and how you can kick this week in the ass?! Starting RIGHT NOW!

    Oh, and if you are listening on a different day, then reflect on how Monday went, how the week has gone so far or “went” if you’re listening on the weekend and reset your mind on the NEXT week Ok?

    So how are things going? Have you stepped out of your comfort zone even MORE? Have you made any changes in your habits, your life, your processes? Even little ones? And it’s not because you HAVE to, it should be because you want to. You WANT MORE and especially if things are going as you wanted them to…you sort of NEED TO make changes so you can get different results. And stepping out of your comfort zone usually is a way to make changes. Whether it’s personally or professionally, changes do come along whether you accept the changes or not. Taking time to understand your WHY – the why behind the change vs just changing is key as well.

    And oh, now I hear you say “Sandi I know. I know. I know what I need to do, BUT…..

    STOP RIGHT FRIGGN THERE! But what? What’s stopping you? What’s keeping you from “doing whatever it is that you KNOW YOU NEED TO DO?

    I was recently at Starbucks sitting outside working and heard two women talking. And one said that exact thing to the other. I know. I know. I know what I need to do but.

    Listen in to hear more about how to STOP saying you know what you need to do, and START doing it! And then comment here, or email me at SBAllard@GrowingForward.biz and tell me what you WILL STOP doing and why!

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Podcast #25: Ya Just Gotta Believe!
    Sep 19 2016

    Hey everyone! Sandi here again to dole out another dose of Monday Motivation. Or your weekly challenge, however you choose to view it!

    What is it that you want or need? Last weeks podcast was about you knowing what you NEED to do… BUT. But something. There was something standing between success and what you KNOW you need to do.

    So what did you figure out? What is it that you KNOW you NEED to do? AND did you figure out what that “BUT” was? If not, what did you do? Nothing? Anything?

    Well, what is it that you NEED or WANT that can help you? You need to get from point A to Z but you can’t until you figure it out, right? Yes, I said A-Z vs. A-B. A-B would be easy wouldn’t it? Would be nice for things to always be that easy. We all want the fastest, cheapest, way and unfortunately that’s usually not reality. In a PERFECT world….oooooh all you perfectionists just perked up didn’t you? You heard the magic word PERFECT haha. So, in a perfect world A–B would exist, we also wouldn’t have fear, avoidance, and that ever-so-common perfectionist trap. That would be nice wouldn't it?  Again, that is a rare occurance. And perfectionists, would it be good enough?

    After all, isn’t life about the journey? Listen to this week's podcast for more about why you should believe in yourself, your abilities.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Podcast #26: Stop to Smell the Roses
    Sep 26 2016

    HELLO there! I know, I could sense it, you were just watching and waiting on pins and needles for the new podcast, the latest Monday Motivation weren’t you?! Well, I do appreciate you listening and would REALLY appreciate it if you would share the podcast via your social media! The more listeners, the better, eh?!

    Last week was about finding out what you NEED that can help you and honestly that BELIEF – believing in yourself is really the main thing! BELIEF IS POWER and can be the driving force behind achieving whatever it is that you want! Do you BELIEVE in yourself? Many people believe in OTHERS. We’re always better at helping others than ourselves. Why is that? Why don’t we believe in ourselves as much as or MORE than we do others? How do we put OURSELVES first?

    Have you stopped long enough to think about that? To think about how you can put yourself first? Do you know how to do that? Do you appreciate all that you have? And that you have accomplished? Many times we just focus on what we DON’T HAVE. HAVEN’T DONE and maybe feel like we CAN’T DO.

    Do you STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES? I used to literally! When I would walk in the grocery store, I would stop and smell the roses. Sometimes other flowers that I liked as well, especially if some of the roses weren’t very fragrant that day! I had it in my mind to do that, and it would seriously put me in a different state of mind! Clearly it has something to do with smell and brain connection, but I’m not going into that! Haha. I am just realizing I LOOK at the flowers now, but tend to stop and look at the sushi being made fresh yet I have not stopped to smell the roses in a VERY long time! Hmmmmm, I think I will take my own advice the next time. BUT…this wasn’t meant to be so literal. Haha – Do you stop to look around and notice. Do you stop to APPRECIATE all that you have. All that you’ve done NO matter how small?

    Listen in for more about how and why you should take the time to appreciate what you have.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Podcast #27: I'd Rather Die Trying!
    Oct 3 2016

    Welcome back! Are you ready for this week’s Monday Motivation? I sure hope so. It’s been rainy and getting colder here in Indy AND darker, so I know I’ve needed a bit more motivation lately to get me going. Plus, it’s the last quarter. Yup, whether you like it or not, it’s here.

    Last week’s podcast was about stopping to smell the roses. Pausing long enough to think about your accomplishments and give yourself some credit. No matter how small, as sometimes that’s all you need – that one tiny step – to generate movement and momentum and get back on-track and build your confidence!

    And with it being the last 3 months – 90 – friggn days until the end of the year, this is a GREAT time to do just that …. Pause. Reflect. Give yourself credit. Or truly notice what is and is NOT working. What you’ve achieved and what you haven’t. Where you are in regard to your goals.

    What adjustments can you make? Did you stop checking your progress throughout the year? Did you even write your goals down or create a plan to achieve? Did you change your habits? Did you just give up? Wouldn’t you rather die trying rather than lay down and accept defeat? At least you’ll be closer than where you are today (or perhaps even get back on-track AND achieve them!) It’s amazing how sometimes with just a few tweaks, a little mindshift can get things rolling. And to make sure your goals were realistic and truly YOUR goals!

    Listen to this weeks podcast and then tell me what you'd rather take a final big push at versus stopping and trying to start... AGAIN.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Podcast #28: Becoming An Expert
    Oct 10 2016

    Well….welcome back and thank you for listening to this week’s podcast. Last week was about how to “finish the year strong”. We ARE in the last quarter, the final 82 or so days of the year – depending on when you are listening to this (or listening AGAIN!) What did you decide that you could do during the end of the year, the SLOOOOW time to finish strong? To reacquaint yourself with clients, friends, staff… REALITY?!

    This week's podcast is focused on figuring out how to become or be viewed-as an expert in your field. Think about what are you good at? Determining this can also help you achieve your goals. It can help you make adjustments and FINISH THE YEAR STRONG! If you hone in on your expertise, it can help melt away all the shit you think you’re NOT good at!

    We all talk about what we SUCK at. Mainly I think because people think if we talk about what we’re GOOD at – we’re bragging! I honestly think that is only when jealousy is involved. Envy. But envy doesn’t have to be bad. It can be a motivator. However, we all have to remember that we aren’t equal! SORRY! I’m not good at many things. I do come across people who ARE good at things I want to be good at and say “I wish I was that fast or that smart or…...”, but I also know that I am strong suited in things other people aren’t. And, after years of working at it, after about 2 years of focusing on my goals, I am FINALLY becoming viewed as an expert in my field.

    What about YOU? What are you good at? Listen to this week's podcast for more on this subject. And tell me, what you think you're good at, and how you can showcase your talents to finish the year strong!

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Podcast #29: The Clock Is Ticking
    Oct 17 2016

    Hello everyone! Yes, it is Monday again and I do hope by now after listening to all of my podcasts (29 weeks of them) that you have a better attitude about Monday’s! Thank you for coming back, yet again, for your weekly dose of Monday Motivation. I had a great birthday week and yesterday after my run I thought about how I felt at 47. All of a sudden, I was like “CRAP that’s awfully close to 50?!” AM I SUPPOSED to be out running 7 miles or more? How should I be FEELING? I’ve actually had people say “at your age should you”? WHAT THE “F” does that mean? Haha. If you rock it – DO IT! So, after the wrinkle cream and toner went on my face I gave myself a good look – I thought about how my body felt and I thought – I feel better than I did in my 30’s! I’ve done more. I’ve achieved more. I HAVE MORE, including my health! I’ve been gluten free for 7 and only started running 8 years ago, after my broken leg healed.

    We all realize we are on “borrowed time”, and that’s not very exciting or MOTIVATING to think about is it? But it’s what we DO with the time that matters isn’t it?

    Last week I wanted to get you thinking about and to tell me “what you are good at”. What makes you an expert in your field. Did you figure it out? Or maybe you’re still thinking about it. Well, keep thinking…clearly you have time on your side! Haha.  I’m an expert at getting people to go for it! To step off the CRAZY TRAIN, the hamster wheel of life, even out of their comfort zone to achieve their goals .. their success. Now, it doesn’t always happen at the speed I would like, but I have to remember it’s not my journey, my demons or my fear that I’m working through and everyone has a different pace. I just get so excited with the potential I see in people, that I want everyone to GO GO GOOOOOO! HAHA.

    Listen to this weeks podcast to hear about a conversation I had with a client whose reply about his birthday wasn't as positive an experience as mine. 

    So his birthday, him being a year older is now his motivation to figure his shit out and get moving! So we talked thru his goals and brainstormed ways to get there. We devised a plan, action steps and who can help him.

    With this client, he knows what he’s great at, it was just the HOW that was creating a block. And the WHO could help. The FEAR kicked in with his recent birthday, but he is using the fear as a motivator vs. a road block.

    Más Menos
    8 m