
  • What The Heck Is Underneath My Tree: Responding to Gifts You Don't Like
    Dec 23 2022

    Special holiday episode is here and i'm talking about how respond when you receive a gift that you're less than thrilled about. 

    I've had my share of getting presents that I knew I would never use and was terrible at being humble about it. But I did some serious self-reflection the Christmas that my brother kinda hated the gift that I got him. So I'm sharing responses that I wish I had used in the past to gifts that I was SO ready to return to sender so that I could still show gratitude to the giver. 

    Thanks so much for listening and for coming along on this crazy ride in 2022 with me. There's more to come in 2023 so subscribe to be notified when new episodes come out! Happy Holidays!

    Connect with Courtney: @nowcallingcourtney


    Now Calling Courtney is a Swiftly Media LLC. production. Copywrite 2022. 

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    19 m
  • Episode 11: You Don't Know What I Did Last Summer So I'm Telling You + What's Coming Next for Season 2
    Nov 4 2022

    I ghosted you but unlike all those guys on Hinge, I'm back and ready to recommit for another season. :) 

    This is the overdue update on what happened to me over the Summer and what I've been up to the last three months. It's been the worst Summer of my life and when I tell you why you'll get it. 

    ALSO: I decided the direction this podcast is taking for season 2, so get ready for those friend facetime sessions biweekly. 

    New Episodes are to come every other Friday. 

    Thanks for sticking around. I missed you. 

    Connect with me on Instagram: @nowcallingcourtney

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    19 m
  • Episode 10. What Its's Like Living at Home With Your Parents and What I've Learned
    Jul 30 2022

    Today’s topic of family and living at home with my parents is requiring me to get real and get reflective about my own issues and problems. And that’s because this is wayyyy harder for me to be personal about and share.

    When my family makes up so much of my life and I care about what my parent's think even though I want to be independent, there's some tension there. And though it hard, we're exploring that today

    So I’m going to share the tea about what it’s been like living at home with my parents at the age of 38: and spoiler alert, many of my current insecurities are connected to this because I talk about the things I can do better. 

    As always, thank you for being here, and for walking with me through this journey to enjoying this season. Have questions or feedback?

    Email: nowcallingcourtney@gmail.com

    IG: @nowcallingcourtney

    Now Calling Courtney is a Swiftly Media LLC. production.

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    29 m
  • Episode 9. Comfy Girl Summer and Body Acceptance
    Jul 15 2022

    For the first time, I'm not thinking about having a cute girl summer: It's all about being comfy, with my clothes and with my body. 

    As a plus size woman, I have had a life long struggle with accepting my size: but an incident my freshman year in college impacted how much insecurity I carried with me about how others, especially men saw me. But I had a breakthrough this year where I stopped being overly conscious of how others saw me and started wearing what I wanted and finding my confidence in other ways. 

    In this episode, I share how I made peace with my big bones and give you some suggestions for getting more comfortable with your own body and even showing it gratitude. 

    As always, thank you for being here, and for walking with me through this journey to enjoying this season. Have questions or feedback? 

    Email: nowcallingcourtney@gmail.com

    IG: @nowcallingcourtney

    Now Calling Courtney is a Swiftly Media LLC. production. 

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  • Episode 8. The 2022 Summer Bucketlist
    Jul 1 2022

    What time is it? SUMMERTIME IS FINALLY HERE.

    And so is my 2022 Summer bucket list! The bucket list is a list of the things that my and my friends will be prioritizing this summer so that when we look back on May, June, July, August, and a bit of September we know what we did. It's a great way to plan if you 1) hate wasting time and 2) need to plan your social calendar so you can pace yourself to socialize and have your alone time. 

    The summer bucket list starts in May and concludes the weekend of Labor Day in September: 

    Some of our big items: Disneyland, Memorial Day potluck, July 4th bbq, karaoke, beach bonfire, and San Diego Taco run. 

    Listen in for some guidelines for planning your own bucket list and ideas for you and your squad. 

    Follow me on Instagram to see the photos and videos as we make our way through the list.


    Have a question for me to answer about the tumultuous 20's or ideas for your Summer? Send me a DM on my Instagram, @nowcallingcourtney, or email me at nowcallingcourtney@gmail.com

    Follow and subscribe for new episodes that come out on Fridays!

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    16 m
  • Episode 7. Dealing with Change Even if You Don't Do Well with Change
    Jun 25 2022

    Making peace with change is one of the most challenging things in life, but it's also one constant in life: things are never the same for long. So how do you are like me and you like security, and hate the unknown? I have four phases that I go through and I'm sharing my mindset in each of them when I moved back home to Los Angeles after living in the Bay Area for 9 years. 

    ✨ Grieve 

    ✨ Gratitude 

    ✨ Give Yourself Time

    ✨ Go Forward

    Whether you are going through a good change in life like a promotion/new job or a challenging one like moving away or losing someone, this might help you even explain to someone else what you're going through: 


    Have a question for me to answer about the tumultuous 20's or moving to a new city? Send me a DM on my Instagram, @nowcallingcourtney, or email me at nowcallingcourtney@gmail.com

    Follow and subscribe for new episodes that come out on Fridays!

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    19 m
  • Episode 6. Things to Not Say to Your Single Friends and What to Ask Instead
    Jun 10 2022

    Though we were all once single, it seems like some people forget what it was like when they talk to people still in that season of life and there are questions I've heard so many times over the years that are discouraging and stall the conversation because I don't know how to respond to questions about my love life, social life, and assumptions about my future.  

    This episode tackles 5 of the ones I've heard the most and reframes how to approach the conversation with questions and feedback that is more positive and encourages openness on both ends. 


    Have a question for me to answer about making friends or being a good one? Send me a DM on my Instagram, @nowcallingcourtney or email me at nowcallingcourtney@gmail.com

    Follow and subscribe for new episodes that come out on Fridays!

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    22 m
  • Episode 5: 10 Movie Comfort Watches When You Need to Cheer Up or Take a Break
    Jun 3 2022

    I'm back after taking a week away to recharge, process, and gather my thoughts and have ranked my-go shows and movies that I watch when I've been having a hard time. 

    Listen in to hear why these heart-warmers made it into the top 10 of the rom-coms, musicals, and comedies that bring me comfort when I turn to them to take a break from real life.


    Have a question for me to answer or want to share your favorite comfort watch? Send me a DM on my Instagram, @nowcallingcourtney or email me at nowcallingcourtney@gmail.com

    Follow and subscribe for new episodes that come out on Fridays!

    Más Menos
    26 m