
  • Ending friendships, creating new ones and how to navigate the changes in adult friendships |EP 109
    Mar 26 2024
    Does anyone ever really talk about how hard friendships can be? And why losing them can feel just as hard as a romantic break-up? In today's episode, Amira shares how to navigate and communicate through your changing friendships, why every friendship isn't for life and when your expectations might be misaligned. We tend to have rigid pre-conceived ideas of what friendships should look like but maybe it's time to break these myths so you can build healthy connections that light you up. Amira shares her experience with her friendships and why she's focusing on nurturing hers this year. Grab your headphones and join us for an insightful and relatable conversation that might change how you view the friendships in your life. Click the link in the bio and listen to your go-to podcast for valuable insights on communication and relationships.
    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Your workplace survival guide; how to handle challenging conversations & imposter syndrome | Ep 107
    Mar 19 2024
    In honour of International Women's Day earlier this month, how to show up confidently at work and speak up professionally, Amira's bringing you a medley of topics to equip you with the conversational skills you need. Think of this as your 101 work survival guide. She takes you on a deep dive through imposter syndrome and reminds you why it might not be the worst thing that's happened to you. And if you're not just struggling with self-doubt but you're wanting to ask for that pay rise, disagree with your boss professionally and walk into a hard conversation with the tools to do just that, Amira's going to be sharing her secrets to help you do exactly that. Click the link below to sign up for The Communication Expert’s newsletter where you can join us for weekly conversations, be the first to hear the latest updates & receive tips to level up your relationships to keep growing: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/60b89a03c06f963776d906ef
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    40 m
  • Trading Corporate Hustle For Bikini Business w/ Toco Founders | EP 106
    Mar 12 2024
    Charlotte and Olivia launched Toco in 2017 after feeling frustrated by the lack of options when it came to finding high-quality, 'cheeky' swimwear in the UK market. Having been spoilt for choice throughout their late teens and early 20s with vibrant, bold and flattering cuts bought in their Mum's home country of Trinidad, they decided to solve their problem and set to designing their first bikini set. After a lucky feature in The Daily Mail, their first collection sold out in 3 months. Lots of hand-written thank you notes and late-night packing sessions later (all whilst moonlighting alongside their full-time jobs as auditors and mums to 5 children between them), the sisters grew the business to a point where they were able to leave their corporate jobs and grow Toco full time. With year-on-year growth doubling and a 40% repeat customer base, what was once a 'cult' brand with a die-hard fan base, Toco is now on track to becoming one of the fastest-growing independent swimwear brands in the UK this year. Whether you're a business owner or not, you're going to leave today's episode with some gems. These co-founders share why it's possible to start a business and how they learnt to shut out the dismissive comments when people can't see your vision. They talk about the importance of putting your energy into the growth-focused tasks in the business, delegating and the lessons they wished they'd learnt sooner. From parenthood to doubling down on your finances, hearing their journey from accountants to business owners is powerful. It's the sisters & co-founders first podcast episode so please show them the love they so truly deserve. In this episode, Charlotte, Olivia and Amira discuss: What the early days of running a business looked like How a quickly drafted press release led to their PR break The way they navigated the negativity around leaving a 'secure' corporate career Where the inspiration for Toco came from Their risk-adverse approach and why your financials are crucial Learning from the challenges within the business The power of delegating your non-growth tasks How to ask out a potential mentor What to expect from the new season of Toco in 2024 Toco's Links: Instagram www.instagram.com/tocoswim Website www.tocoswim.com Follow me: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the_communicationexpert/ LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/amiramansour/
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    1 h y 14 m
  • The art of planning and prioritising to maximise your productivity | EP 105
    Mar 5 2024
    This is a highly requested episode and one of the questions Amira gets asked the most is how she fits so much into her day. Whilst she is an organisation queen she shares her system and how this could work for you. In today’s episode she’s breaking it down into 3 sections so you know exactly what you’re prioritising and why, how to plan in a way that works for you and what works on a month to month basis. This is your deep dive into making your time work for you. We all work differently and it’s about creating your bespoke method that works for you. Click the link below to sign up to The Communication Expert’s newsletter where you can join us for weekly conversations, be the first to hear the latest updates & receive tips to level up your relationships to keep growing: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/60b89a03c06f963776d906ef
    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Getting Real with Daisy Morris: The ride from social anxiety to TedX speaker | Ep 104
    Feb 27 2024
    Amira sits down with Daisy Morris, a social media strategist and founder of social media consultancy and online community, The Selfhood. She is also a TEDx speaker and author of Community Is Your Currency, a book which has been dubbed as ‘the social media bible’ by Refinery29. Clients and collaborators of Daisy range from tech companies such as Microsoft and Adobe, to mental health organisations such as Mind and The Selfspace. Daisy is on a mission to make URL feel as human as IRL and has a community first approach to her work. Daisy takes us through her journey from social anxiety to now hosting regular workshops as a speaker. She opens up about her experience with self-doubt, and imposter syndrome, and how she teaches people the method to microdosing their confidence. Our conversation explores the importance of self-love, embracing alone time, and recognising why we might be avoiding our own company. Catch the insightful discussion about the shift from hustle culture to slow living and the advocacy for creating content from a place of love and joy. We hope you leave this episode feeling inspired and knowing you're not alone. In this episode Daisy and Amira discuss: The power of taking a timeout, healing and how to be alone The shift from hustle culture to comfort creators How to make new friendships and connections Her 3 step framework to microdosing your confidence Her practica coping mechanisms for social anxiety Navigating a panic attack before her TedX talk Daisy's Links: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the_self_hood/ Website https://www.theselfhood.com/ TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@the_self_hood Follow me: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the_communicationexpert/ LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/amiramansour/ 06:17 Mix things up for inspiration and creativity. 12:46 Constantly creating and adding value to others. 22:08 Focus on creating meaningful content, not quantity. 35:32 From feeling lonely to finding myself, exploring new experiences. 38:21 Prepare with purpose, stay open, people are kind. 45:24 Embrace vulnerability, find inspiration, and be kind. 48:50 Conquering fear of public speaking and anxiety. 55:32 Boost confidence with small actions and affirmations. 58:33 Success takes time and authenticity really matters. 01:04:37 Totally obsessed with Dr. Joe Dispenza's mind-blowing insights.
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    1 h y 7 m
  • Empower your inner dialogue & achieve a healthier you | Ep 103
    Feb 20 2024
    One of the most important relationships you’ll ever have is the one with yourself. And a huge way to improve and harness this is controlling your negative self-talk, the unhelpful stories you’re repeating and challenging your beliefs. Especially if you’ve got some big goals you want to achieve this year. This is a subject Amira passionately loves to talk about. In the next 30 minutes you’ll identify how your negative self-talk shows up, how to combat the hard wiring of your brain’s default to negative thought patterns and an understanding of how badly it’s affecting your goals. You’ll walk away with the 3 C’s to reframe and retrain your brain, questions to challenge your beliefs and examples of where you might be compromising your needs or struggling to advocate for yourself. Click subscribe, leave a comment and share this episode with a friend who’s working on changing their negative self-talk into a more helpful one this year. Click the link below to sign up to The Communication Expert’s newsletter where you can join us for weekly conversations, be the first to hear the latest updates & receive tips to level up your relationships to keep growing: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/60b89a03c06f963776d906ef
    Más Menos
    33 m
  • From childhood wounds to friendship bonds: navigating your healing journey w/ Tasha Bailey | Ep 102
    Feb 13 2024
    Tasha is a qualified psychotherapist, award winning content creator and author of Real Talk. She’s on a mission to destigmatise therapy, make mental health and wellness talk feel relevant and inclusive. Being a black British second-generation immigrant, plus-size woman in the therapeutic field is a rare but important perspective to bring in for systematic change. Her hope is to influence positive innovation in the world of mental wellness. Today’s episode is going to take you on your own healing journey, as you take a deep dive into your childhood relationships from parents, to teachers and friendships. We talk about friendships, the heaviness when they don’t work and how to navigate your world as they change and you heal. Tasha makes this episode vibrant, practical and shares her analogies that’ll make us think honestly about our own relationships. And I promise you, you’ll walk away with your own toolbox for your healing journey. In this episode Tasha and Amira discuss: Understand the role our childhood plays in adulthood Identifying the subliminal messages you’ve absorbed growing up Finding your hidden messages and how they’re limiting you The role culture plays in your healing journey The unspoken truth of friendships Navigating changing friendships as you’re on your healing journey Getting specific about the people you’re bringing along with you The impact of growing up in the 90s How to communicate with your parents Breaking down what sitting with your emotions really means The dynamic of sibling relationships within your family Why self-boundaries might be you’re missing key How to create play with your inner child Tasha’s Links: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/realtalk.therapist/ Website https://www.realtalktherapist.co.uk/ Buy Tasha’s book here https://www.amazon.com/Real-Talk-Lessons-Therapy-Self-Love-ebook/dp/B0BGXKR5T2 Follow me: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the_communicationexpert/ LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/amiramansour/
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    1 h y 3 m
  • How to unlock the power of self-love | Ep 101
    Feb 6 2024
    You know that romantic love is that type of love that can have you in your feelings. But it’s not the only type of love we should be looking for if we’re hoping for a life filled with happiness, healthy relationships and a career we love. It’s self-love. It’s something that feels like an airy concept, leaving many of us feeling at a loss of how to actually, practically apply this to our life, regardless of your gender or relationship status. So before you cringe and turn this episode off, press play to hear exactly why this might be the missing piece of the puzzle for you. If you’re feeling that you overgive in your relationships, are an expert at beating yourself up or have no idea how to put your needs first, for fear you’ll come across as being selfish, you’ll learn the steps to change it in today’s episode. If you’re overworking, settling in a relationship, being hard on yourself or feel like you’re thriving in your career but not in your love life, this is your sign to focus on giving yourself the love you need. And yes, I’m going to guide you through this in a bitesize, practical way in this month’s 7 day challenge. Join the self-love challenge, starting Monday 12th February, where you’ll receive daily emails straight to your inbox, with 1 tip to help you foster self-love habits to last a lifetime. Click here to join: https://thecommunicationexpert.myflodesk.com/your7dayself-lovechallenge Here’s your journal questions Amira shares in today’s episode: What’s 1 thing you’re doing for yourself today? What are the parts of yourself that you hide from the world? How do you show yourself gratitude? What are you celebrating about yourself? Links to previous episodes Amira references: Ep 1 - Drop your labels - https://open.spotify.com/episode/43ZlMtbkqqFGcUCyulGyhe?si=7edaea9a353d4965 Ep 101 - Mastering your self-talk for a healthier you - https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Jt4jZ9AvfWn04mAcMxj13?si=7m5m9cG6Qk2mGW87P3EZ1Q Click the link below to sign up to The Communication Expert’s newsletter where you can join us for weekly conversations, be the first to hear the latest updates & receive tips to level up your relationships to keep growing: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/60b89a03c06f963776d906ef
    Más Menos
    39 m