
  • 06.23.34 - Mark XII - Sowing Light and Life
    Jun 24 2024

    You have been entrusted with light and life. Listen closely to Jesus and His life-giving news of His kingdom, then share it: the news itself and the mercy you’ve been shown. God will do His part when you do yours, and together (you and the Spirit) will have an amazing impact that far outweighs the sum of your efforts. Mark 4:21-34

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    28 m
  • 06.16.24 - The Father of All Who Believe: Abraham
    Jun 17 2024

    Since today is Father’s Day, we are paid a visit by Abraham, the most important human father of all time, who tells us his story. (Hebrews 10:36 - 11:19) “The father of many nations” has many lessons from which to learn, the chief one being one of faith. God’s call to Abram is incomplete, to be generous. In spite of having very limited information, Abram trusts God’s promise and answers His call. As Abram’s journey continues, his faith (and obedience) increases in the face of circumstances that are less than promising. We are called to a similar trusting faith in God, even when we don’t fully understand our circumstances or His present call. Like Abram - now Abraham - shows us, we are to do what we do know God is calling us to, and to be faithful as He reveals Himself and His will to us further along the way. Happy Father’s Day!

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    31 m
  • 06.09.24 - Mark XI - Stronger than Strong
    Jun 10 2024

    As we resume our journey through the Gospel of Mark (3:20-35), we come upon two intertwined stories that seem unrelated: the account of Jesus’ family’s concern for his sanity, and Jesus’ refutation of the scribes’ hypothesis that Jesus is casting out demons because He has demonic power itself. At the core of both stories, though, is Jesus’ identity: Who Jesus is. In the course of His brief exchange with the scribes and the crowd, he shares three very brief parables that speak against division but also point to His power that instead of coming from the dark side, binds and overcomes it. His power is ours. His identity is ours. His call to be agents of reconciliation, healing and deliverance - to follow Him in His footsteps - make us full brothers and sisters of the King.

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    35 m
  • 06.02.24 - Testimony Sunday
    Jun 3 2024

    Julie Nast shares her testimony about Jesus in her life.

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    34 m
  • 05.26.24 - Mark X - Twelve Ordinary Men
    May 28 2024

    After celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost last week, we return to our journey through the Gospel of Mark in Mark 3:7-19. The Kingdom of God continues to break in through Jesus and His healing, and crowds have begun to follow him. So many people are pressing in on Him that He teaches from a boat near the shore. From the crowd of followers, Jesus chooses 12 of them to fill special roles in the new Kingdom: the Apostles. Among them is the quartet of fisherman He called at the beginning, and the rest seem to be as unremarkable in their background and ability. Over the course of their close walk with Jesus, however, they are made to be better vessels, and once His Spirit is poured out upon them on Pentecost, they are brave, emboldened, articulate, fearless healers and preachers of the Gospel themselves. The ruling authorities even note the apostles’ remarkable abilities, each of them unschooled and humble, and remark that these simple men had spent time with Jesus. We are called to the same journey and are transformed, empowered, healed, and compelled by the same Spirit!

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    39 m
  • 05.19.24 - Pentecost - Where the Spirit of the Lord Is...
    May 20 2024

    On Sunday, we celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. So much changes in the universe that day, the prophet Joel uses extreme language about shifts in reality that point to God’s presence within and use of all people regardless of gender, race, age, or station. The scriptures use several metaphors in describing the Spirit to help us wrap our minds and hearts around the multiple layers of His presence, power, perspective, and our partnership with Him. He uses us long before we are perfect, and when we look back on our journeys with Him, we can be amazed at all He has done in us and through us!

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    35 m
  • 05.12.24 - Mothers' Day - Eve, Ruth, and Mary
    May 20 2024

    In our Mothers' Day worship service, we explore themes from Proverbs 31:25-31 and then hear narratives of Eve, Ruth, and Mary the mother of Jesus through the voices of Oakhaven sisters.

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    39 m
  • 05.05.24 - Running with Perseverance: Harbor 2024
    May 6 2024

    The book of Hebrews begins with an “ocular feast” depicting Jesus in all His glory. It ends with a call to remember that we are called to the throne of the living God. In between are messages of encouragement and perseverance in the face of persecution and struggle. Larry shares highlights from this past week’s Harbor conference at the Pepperdine Bible Lectures.

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    31 m