
  • Secret Service Director in the Hot Seat- Suspicion, Intrigue, and Stonewalling Leads to Resignation
    Jul 24 2024

    Secret Service Director in the Hot Seat- Suspicion, Intrigue, and Stonewalling Leads to Resignation

    The Crisis of Our Times

    THESE are the times that try men's souls... The last eleven days have seen tumultuous events in our nation with the assassination attempt on President Trump, a worldwide IT disruption, and our current President withdrawing his candidacy from the Presidential race, and then was not seen in public for six days. In this broadcast we cover the Congressional hearings of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle. Congresswoman Taylor Greene asked the Director if there was a stand-down order, was there a conspiracy to kill President Trump? The grilling from Congress yesterday from both Republicans and Democrats forced the issue, and Director Kimberly Chaetle resigned today. But as Marjorie Taylor Greene stated, "Her resignation isn't the end of this failure. Chaetle and Mayorkas will face accountability for actions, including possible criminal investigations. I won't let this go unanswered."

    Here is the quote by Thomas Paine

    THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. - by Thomas Paine December 23, 1776

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    29 m
  • President Trump survives assassination attempt in Pennsylvania and tells his supporters to continue the fight!
    Jul 14 2024

    President Trump survives assassination attempt in Pennsylvania and tells his supporters to continue the fight!

    Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand united, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined , and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin. DJT

    OCA/CAA Statement -

    On Saturday at a rally in Pennsylvania, President Trump miraculously survived an assassination attempt by a long-rifle shooter on a roof near the event. So close was the bullet that it pierced the President's ear. Secret Service converged on the President, protecting him from any additional rounds that were being shot. Tragically, three spectators at the rally were struck by some of the bullets. Two are in critical condition, and one is confirmed deceased. FOX News, along with some of the national media are covering the tragic event. Thankfully, President Trump has survived the shooting and is in good spirits. He expresses his appreciation to the security detail and his condolences to those who were tragically affected by today's shooting. The FBI has announced that they will take the lead on the investigation. Members of Congress are calling for hearings and for members of the Secret Service agency to appear before Congress to explain the security breach. Republicans from across the country are travelling to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the National Republican Convention where President Trump is expected to accept his party's nomination for President and to announce his Vice-Presidential running mate. We urge all our our member contacts throughout Ohio to pray fervently for our nation. Pray for President Trump and all candidates running for office. Senator J.D. Vance made the following statement concerning the vitriol reckless political speech that is fomenting hostilities against President Trump and his supporters.

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    30 m
  • Will Joe last the term? Will the RNC keep the pro-life platform? Turning Ohio blue? This weekend edition of NIF
    Jul 6 2024

    Will Joe last the term? Will the RNC keep the pro-life platform? Turning Ohio blue?

    On this weekend special edition of News in Focus, we cover the growing pressure on Joe Biden to drop out of the race and possibly to resign due to health reasons. The pressure is coming from the Democrats. Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has a report. Ohio was facing two ballot issues this fall. With the failure of the minimum wage increase effort, it will now be one issue, a monster new redistricting plan from the political left. They are out to turn Ohio blue. Finally, we cover the RNC platform committee attempt to change the pro-life language in the platform. Pressure is coming from pro-life groups across America for them not to do that. Here is a link that you can use to send your message to the RNC platform committee.

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    29 m
  • On this week’s News In Focus, we interview Orlando Sonza, Republican Candidate for Ohio's 1st Congressional District.
    Jul 2 2024

    On this week’s News In Focus, we interview Orlando Sonza, Republican Candidate for Ohio's 1st Congressional District. Orlando Sonza states this about his campaign for the 1st. Congressional District: "My strong commitment to public service, dedication to protecting life—from the unborn to the elderly—and support of our God-given Constitutional rights has not only been a career path but a way of life. It is a value that I instill in my four children and one that I hope to inspire in others. It has also led me to take the next step in my journey by running for U.S. Congress. I believe that my experiences as a former military officer, business professional, and lawyer have prepared me to be an effective legislative leader. I am committed to working tirelessly to represent the needs and interests of the Ohioans of the First Congressional District, and to fight for policies that will make a positive difference in their lives."

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  • Mini lame duck session this week at the Ohio Statehouse- Things are finally moving
    Jun 25 2024

    Mini lame duck session this week at the Ohio Statehouse- Things are finally moving.

    Earlier this month, Governor DeWine took the unusual step of calling for a special session of the Ohio General Assembly. Frustrated by the inactivity of the current House and Senate, the Governor called for the two houses to come together in a special session. The last special session was called in 2004 by Governor Taft twenty years ago. The Ohio Christian Alliance also had made a public statement about the inactivity of the General Assembly. In the past few weeks, committees in both the Ohio House and Ohio Senate have been on the move. And now, before the June 30th deadline, both houses are prepared for a flurry of bills to pass tomorrow, including the Capital Budget. It remains to be seen what other bills will pass. Here to discuss it is Greg Lawson, Research Fellow at the Buckeye Institute.

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  • Stalemate at the Ohio Statehouse.
    May 30 2024

    Stalemate at the Ohio Statehouse.

    There continues to be a stalemate at the Ohio Statehouse. Legislation is bottled up in committee and not coming to the floor for a vote. Ohioans voted for a majority of Republicans In both the Ohio House and the Ohio Senate. Ohio is a conservative state, and people are frustrated as to why we do not see the same type of conservative legislation passing in Ohio that is passing in other conservative states. The problem continues to be Speaker Stephens, who was elected Speaker with a majority of Democrats, not Republicans. This continues to be a point of frustration for conservatives in both the House and Senate. This stalemate is now at historic levels, as this General Assembly has passed less legislation than any other Oho legislature going back 70 years. Frustrated by the standoff, Governor DeWine himself called for a special session. The last time a Governor had to call for a special session was in 2004. The Ohio House and the Ohio Senate did come together this week to pass a bill that would ban foreign money from interfering in Ohio’s elections. They also voted to put Joe Biden on the Ohio ballot. The question remains, will the Ohio House and Senate come together to pass meaningful conservative legislation, or will the stalemate continue the rest of this session? Listen to this week’s News in Focus program to learn more.

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    29 m
  • STOP Illegal Immigration in Ohio- Legislation has been introduced to address the problem.
    May 7 2024

    STOP Illegal Immigration in Ohio- Legislation has been introduced to address the problem.

    State Rep. Scott Wiggam of the 77th Ohio House District in Wayne County discusses legislation that he has introduced to address the illegal immigration problem in Ohio. H.B. 327, E-Verify, will penalize employers who hire illegal immigrants. H.B. 451, The Wire Act, will track American funds being wired out of the State of Ohio. Drug cartels and human traffickers are wiring money out of the state that they acquire by selling drugs and sex trafficking in the state. Rep. Wiggam's bill will finally track this money. The third piece of legislation is a Texas-style illegal immigration law. Illegal immigration is illegal, in Ohio and we should treat it as such. Ohio as a border state should have the authority for its law enforcement to arrest and deport illegals from the State of Ohio. Tune in and tell a friend.

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  • News Updates - State and National with Chris Long
    May 1 2024

    News Updates - State and National with Chris Long

    Protests are breaking out on college campuses across the country. Intertwined among them is a rise in anti-Semitism. Congressional members in a press conference today, called on the administration and state officials to act, protecting Jewish students attending their colleges and universities. Speaker Johnson called for the NYPD to act at Columbia and if need be, the National Guard. Speaker Johnson said in today's press conference that the nation is beset with problems and the world is on fire right now; it's imperative for people of strong moral courage and resolve to act.

    Thursday is the National Day of Prayer. OCA/CAA President Chris Long will be speaking in Marietta, Ohio at the National Day of Prayer event in Ohio's charter city.

    The Ohio legislature continues to hold hearings on numerous pieces of legislation to address the housing crisis. Many young families are priced out of the market and there is a scarcity of affordable homes. OCA will hold an educational forum on Monday, May 13th at the Wadsworth Nazarene Church on the history of home mortgage lending and the current housing crisis. Jack Boyle, a 35-year veteran of home mortgage lending will be presenting. Also joining the Q&A panel will be Greg Lawson, Research Fellow with the Buckeye Institute.

    This new updated version of News in Focus is 28 minutes in length. Tune in each week and share with a friend.

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