
  • Selene Chaves - Owner of Skin Reign Uses Funnels to Expand Business
    Apr 1 2024

    Selene Chaves is no stranger to business. In fact, she has her own skin care company with products that she herself, has produced! But after having spent a lot of money on various marketing strategies to help her expand, she realized she needed to learn something herself when it came to the marketing game.

    She heard about the One Funnel Away Challenge and decided to go all in for the 30 days with this course.

    Throughout the Challenge, Selene attended many VIP Coaching Sessions (which are part of the one-time payment of $100 to upgrade) and she did the work. Through the hiccups and roadblocks, she kept showing up throughout the challenge, and 30 days later she ended up with MULTIPLE funnels, including a funnel hub for her business.

    Today she will share her story with the rest of us and talk about HER journey through the One Funnel Away Challenge and how it’s changed her perspective completely with business! She is seeing the possibilities that are out there now and she’s about to take the bull by the horns with various parts of her business!

    Make sure you checkout Selene’s site here: https://www.selenececilia.com/

    And please make sure to follow her on Social Media:

    We hope her story inspires others and can truly show you what’s possible through the One Funnel Away Challenge!

    If you’d like to sign up and learn for yourself, head to: OneFunnelAway.com and check it out for yourself today!

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • David Hines - From Professional DJ to Healthcare Professional, Funnels Work... Simply Put
    Sep 30 2022

    David Hines was no stranger to the business world. He had been doing business for quite some time, including time as a professional DJ (he did events for some BIG named people, one of which may or may not be named “Shaq”) so he understood how to promote events and everything so he wasn’t foreign to the “marketing” space.

    David then switched focus to the healthcare space where he and his business partner have been working for a while. We’re going to learn about his journey through that space and hear what he learned about ‘adapting’ to things as new stuff comes out in the digital marketing space.

    Learn about WHY David took the One Funnel Away Challenge and how that has impacted him to this day! How it helped him “think” again and how much value it brought to him and his business!

    You’re going to absolutely LOVE this episode of the show!

    Follow David on Instagram and Facebook and make sure to check out his website if you guys have any needs within this space: https://www.rschealth.com/

    If you want to head to OneFunnelAway.com you’ll be able to sign up for the next One Funnel Away Challenge and be the next success story today!

    Also, if you haven’t done so yet, make sure to snag your tickets to Funnel Hacking LIVE today!

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • PUBLISH, PUBLISH, PUBLISH - with Shane Larson
    Aug 19 2022

    Shane Larson, host of the One Funnel Away Stories: Podcast, and the One Funnel Away Manager at ClickFunnels, is going solo today to share some stories of his publishing journey.

    Shane has his own podcast (sports) outside of ClickFunnels, and the journey he’s been on throughout the last 5 and ½ years has taught him many lessons in this space.

    Today he’ll talk about consistency and share stories about the importance of this and how consistency will help with discipline as well as finding your voice.

    He’ll also share some insight on focusing on the content and not the numbers, because you never know who is listening/watching/reading your content. It only takes ONE person to change things up for you.

    And you’ll also hear him speak on how publishing and building a platform, can open up new avenues to business that you may never have even realized existed, as well as open up new opportunities to get in front of your Dream 100!

    We hope you enjoy this episode of the show, with Shane Larson

    And if you haven’t received your ticket for Funnel Hacking LIVE make sure to head to FunnelHackingLive.com and snag one today!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Chris Jackson & Gitartha - Powerful Relationships Creating Powerful Funnels
    Jul 22 2022

    Chris and Gitartha were on their own business paths when they joined the One Funnel Away Challenge. But as fate would have it, Chris had a need, and Gitartha had a skillset that could help that need, and they built a business partnership through the One Funnel Away Challenge! 

    Today you will hear about their journeys and how they crossed paths. And what you’ll love about this interview, is the discussion on the golden nuggets they learned from the One Funnel Away Challenge! Both of them have their own skillsets, and they are able to utilize that to build out such an amazing offer and funnel together, and they are even utilizing those skillsets to help out other businesses! 

    We talk about “Funnel Vision” (which is what most One Funnel Away Challengers acquire during the Course, where you begin to see “funnels” in almost every business model), well, these two definitely have that and it’s served them both so well! 

    You’ll understand why I tell them that I have no doubts they’ll be walking across the stage at Funnel Hacking LIVE receiving a 2CC Award in the near future. 

    Make sure you follow what they’re doing and take advantage of their services (which you’ll hear about in the interview) 

    Instagram: @cjack130
    Facebook: Chris Jackson
    Website: go.iwantknowledge.com

    And if you want to be a success story with your business, please head over to OneFunnelAway.com and sign up for the Challenge today! 

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Ralph Ervin - Corporate Freedom Academy
    Jul 8 2022

    It began when he was a child. He witnessed his parents run their own business, and he too, was out getting his own sales experience in. This is when his ‘entrepreneurial fire’ was lit!

    Flash forward to 2022, and Ralph Ervin is utilizing his experience as a Coach, helping others find their freedom from the “corporate lifestyle” and helping them unlock their full potential.

    Today you’ll get to hear many amazing things and what his experience was in the One Funnel Away Challenge! Listen to one of the paradigm shifts that happened for him when he went through One Funnel Away and learned about offer stacking. Also, listen in and enjoy the information he shares about creating an audience with various platforms and the importance of marketing to those warm leads he had already created!

    No doubt after hearing this interview, you’ll understand why he has full belief in himself that he’ll be a 2CC Award Winner at Funnel Hacking LIVE

    We’re cheering on Ralph and we know after this, you will be too!

    Make sure to head to: corporatefreedomacademy.com/coaching today so you can take advantage of Ralph’s services!

    We’d love to have you come through the OFA Challenge as well, so come be our next success story. First  you have to sign up and take the Challenge :) - OneFunnelAway.com

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Suraj Nagarwal - From Newbie to Funnel Expert
    Jul 1 2022

    For many, they might understand what it’s like to be “tight on cash” when it comes to monthly expenses. But as you’ll hear in this interview, Suraj Nagarwal was unable to even pay for his $3.00 per month payments to keep his blog and websites running. That’s when he decided to make a change!

    Listen in on this very inspiring story of how Suraj became a funnel expert in just a few short years! We’ll hear of the impact Russell and the One Funnel Away Challenge have had on him in his time within the ClickFunnels community.

    We’ll be chatting about some great things the “offer stacking” can have on you as a whole, regardless of what industry you are in. We will also chat about traffic, and how organic traffic can be super impactful (thank you Rachel Miller for this information in OFA 2.0). We will also chat about what’s to come for Suraj moving forward!

    You don’t want to miss out on this one! Make sure to follow Suraj on Facebook so you can find out more about his own show he does as well as the services he provides others! Link is below!!


    If you want to take the next One Funnel Away Challenge, head to OneFunnelAway.com and sign up today! 

    And don’t miss out on this year’s Funnel Hacking LIVE Event in Orlando Florida. Head to FunnelHackingLive.com and snag your tickets today!

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Mak McKeehan - Wedding Books, Art, and Courses: How OFA Shifted Everything
    Jun 17 2022

    He and his wife had been in business for quite some time. But in his own words, Mak hadn't "updated his information" (business knowledge) since 2012. So when he and his wife encountered some changes in their business, he knew it was time to find a solution. That’s when he came across the One Funnel Away Challenge back in April of 2022 and decided to take the leap!

    Epiphanies throughout the Challenge became such a regular thing for him that he even purchased his own notebook to write down all of his thoughts throughout each day and night during the course.

    Today you’ll find out how this long-time entrepreneur, was able to utilize funnels and the OFA Challenge to help catapult them into a different world with endless possibilities. Make sure to pay attention and see how they were able to earn their 1-Comma Club Award ($1,000 in sales) with their physical Wedding Guest Books they sell and what they intend on doing moving forward.

    You’ll be super glad you tuned into this episode today! And make sure you follow Mak and his wife. They have their social media channels below:



    And if you’d like to purchase one of their Wedding Guest Books, make sure to head to this link here: https://go.lilyandval.com/guestbook_story54086550

    We look forward to seeing you all in the next challenge. So make sure to head to OneFunnelAway.com and join the next one!

    If you are interested in heading to Funnel Hacking LIVE in 2022 (Orlando, FL) make sure to head to FunnelHackingLive.com today and snag your ticket!

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    36 m
  • Jenn Z. - Importance of a Community
    Jun 10 2022

    Rocking with us today is Jenn Z. who has worked on the Community Management Team at ClickFunnels and is currently fulfilling the role of Customer Success Specialist for the One Funnel Away and Your First Funnel Coaching Courses.

    With Jenn’s experience with communities, we’ll be breaking down the importance of truly building your tribe through the community (such as Facebook and other apps). We will discuss how important it is for engagement, how it helps you understand your customers, how it helps customers with networking, and much more.

    Jenn will also be providing you with some golden nuggets on how to stay on top of things and engage with your customers on a regular and consistent basis!

    This is a VITAL episode of the show because you’re hearing from an expert in the field! If you don’t have a community for your brand/business, as Jenn would say: Do you even want to be successful? Listen in today!

    If you would like to sign up for the next One Funnel Away Challenge, head to OneFunnelAway.com

    Don’t miss out on Funnel Hacking LIVE 2022 in Orlando this year either!! Snag your tickets at FunnelHackingLive.com and we’ll see you there!!

    Más Menos
    22 m