
  • A Creative Instagram Reels Strategy That’ll Get You More Milage Out of Your Content
    Mar 29 2023

    How much time do you spend creating Instagram Reels each week? Hours? Or perhaps it’s so overwhelming and time consuming that you’ve given up creating Reels altogether. To top it off, the most frustrating part with Reels is the shelf life. Once it’s published it just gets pushed down further and further into your feed until it's no longer seen.

    But what if there was a better way? A process that allowed you to repurpose your video content on your website, email newsletters, and more.

    On today’s episode I’m going to share with you a new strategy I’ve been using with clients that’s allowed us to become:

    • More efficient with our video marketing efforts
    • Repurpose our content on a variety of other marketing channels, and
    • Has eliminated the stress and overwhelm of constantly creating new video content.  
    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Stand Out In Your Marketing with Your Signature Promise
    Mar 22 2023

    Imagine for a moment all of your peers around a one mile radius (15 miles if you're in a more rural area) that offer the exact same services as you. Why would your client/patient choose you versus them? This is the question they're asking themsevles and the answer to that question needs to be addressed in your marketing. And one of the ways I teach this to my clients is by developing what I refer to as your, "Signature Promise". Being able to verbally and visually articulate:

    • Who you are
    • How you can help, and
    • How you are different than your peers

    On today's episode you're going to learn:

    • Why I refer to this concept as your "Signature Promise".
    • Why it's always based on the future result you're providing, and
    • Some examples of what it looks like in practice from actual clients.
    Más Menos
    17 m
  • The Next Chapter...
    Mar 22 2023

    Hey Stranger! I know, it's been a hot minute. No, nothing went wrong. In fact, the opposite occured and we had some of the fastest growth we've experienced in years. And unfortnately the podcast had to take a little bit of a back seat. 

    However, now that the dust has settled I've had some time to reflect and I'm super excited to hit that restart button with you and share with you new stories, strategies, content, and lessons I've learned along the way. Let's dive in! 

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Connecting the Dots Between Your Marketing Efforts & Revenue
    Dec 21 2022

    Have you ever thought to yourself that posting on Instagram, creating video content, going live, etc., etc., etc. is a waste of time? That word-of-mouth is a better strategy than online marketing to grow your business? Side note, word-of-mouth is great but you’re leaving your success in someone else’s hands.

    On today’s episode, I’m going to help you connect the dots between your online marketing efforts and your bottom line (your revenue). I’m going to show you exactly how they’re connected and what you need to be doing to make your marketing work for you.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Marketing Lessons from One of My Teachers, David Ogilvy
    Dec 7 2022

    As a lifelong student of marketing and advertising, I'm always studying and learning from the best in the field. Recently, I've been enjoying "Confessions of an Advertising Man" by David Ogilvy and I was struck by a particular section he called his "Last Will and Testiment". It's an eleven point list of some of the most valuable lessons he's learned in his career. As I was reading it, I couldn't help but notice just how much of his knowledge and insights still apply in today's modern marketing and advertising. 

    On today's episode, I'm sharing his eleven point list and my take on what it means for us today in marketing. 

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • 3 Essential Lessons I've Learned with Social Media Marketing
    Nov 23 2022

    There's so noise on the internet related to getting better results with your social media marketing efforts. Use more hashtags, use less hashtags, go live once a week, post everyday, post less often, only create Instagram Reels, and on and on. Which leads us to ask the question, "what really works with social media?". 

    On today's episode I'm going to share with you 3 essenial lessons I've learned over the past 15 years of working with clients and their social media marketing efforts.

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Avoiding Niche Drama
    Nov 16 2022

    One of the biggest mistakes I see with clients is not having a clearly defined niche. Or, on the flip side, having too many niches resulting in their marketing efforts being spread too thin. On today’s episode, we’re going to tackle this “niche drama” (a term one of my coaches coined) to discuss:

    1. What is “Niche Drama”?
    2. Why we need to select a clear niche.
    3. How to select a winning niche.
    Más Menos
    18 m
  • The Little-Known Secret to Looking Confident on Video
    Nov 9 2022

    If you’ve ever tried to create video content for your social media, you may have been disappointed at how you look or sound on camera. In fact, most of us tend look dull and boring on video when we’re first starting out. As a result, you may have come to the conclusion that you’re just not good on video. But I want to offer that this is the farthest from the truth.

    You see, most of us talk on camera as if we’re speaking in daily life. And THAT is the problem. Because you’re not talking to friends and family, you’re talking into a lens.

    On today’s episode I’m going to share with you a little-known secret that’s going to help you increase your engagement, convert more of your followers, and ultimately look more confident on camera.

    Más Menos
    10 m