
  • Let The White Man Speak – Part 1
    Mar 5 2024

    To be absolutely correct, in 1776 Thomas Jefferson should have written all white men are created equal.

    America was a barbaric society back then, when the slaves were brought over to work for the white man.

    The slaves also endured more pain and suffering along the way as they were beaten, tortured and raped for disobedience of white man.

    The Indians were killed off while the white man stole their land. The land the we now call the United States of America.

    Listen to how I think we can try and write the wrong of yesterday, so we can all move on together for a better tomorrow.

    Visit www.OrdinaryGuy.com for more information.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Let The White Man Speak - Part 2 - Slave Labor
    Mar 8 2024

    What would it be like for businesses today if they didn’t have to pay black workers like they weren’t paid when they were slaves.

    It took almost 100 years and 16 presidents to free the slaves.

    Well America and the business that were here then for almost 100 years had free slave labor.

    Look at the American Indians, we stole their land and killed them.

    How much is New York worth or your beach house or any house or buildings in America today what’s it worth? How much is America worth?

    That’s what we stole from the American Indians. What’s the price of recognition

    Listen to me here as I talk about writing the wrong of yesterday.

    Visit www.OrdinaryGuy.com for more information.

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    15 m
  • For Gods Sake
    Mar 9 2024

    It’s time to get rid of the godfather of the largest pedophile ring in the world, the Pope.

    The sexual abuse by the Male dominated catholic archdiocese has has gone on long enough, and has to end now.

    The hierarchy of the Vatican needs to be swept clean and replaced by a totally new generation of family oriented married men and woman at the top starting with a new Pope .

    Visit www.OrdinaryGuy.com for more information.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Queer America
    Mar 13 2024

    Take it from a perfectly straight guy who been propositioned by gay men and even transsexuals. I think I’m qualified as a straight ordinary guy to put my 2 cents into a topic that’s gone more than over the top of insanity.

    The rocky road of sexuality in our society has never been an easy one for some. But as they say, you’ve come a long way baby compared to yesterday.

    Is it perfect, of course not, because when your different and there are so many insecure, feeble minded people out there, this is probably as good as it gets.

    Whenever we’re different, regardless of who we are or what we look like, or how we act, there are always bad people who won’t like you, but you shouldn’t care because you can’t please everyone. You just have to please yourself and be proud of who you are.

    Listen to what I’m talking about when it comes to the age of innocence and what’s appropriate when it comes to teaching our kids about sex in school and how that there are the handful of evil, self-serving people who are making a mockery out of these important issues and the LBGTQ community.

    Visit www.OrdinaryGuy.com for more information.

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    25 m
  • Dr. Donald Trump
    Mar 17 2024

    When you’re sick and tired, who do you go to for help, the doctor of course.

    Well America is sick and tired, and we need to go to the doctor to make America well again.

    I’m a registered democrat, but I vote for the party of common sense not the party of insanity. For me to vote democratic, you’re voting to be poor, you’re voting for violence in your neighborhood, you’re voting for war and terrorism.

    Listen to me when I explain why I would rather do anything else in this world than to vote democrat and maybe then you’ll understand why I want Dr Donald Trump to make America well again.

    Visit www.OrdinaryGuy.com for more information.

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Men Who Just Don’t Get It
    Mar 19 2024

    How can men understand women, do they get period pains every month, do they give birth, of course not.

    Can men multitask like women, hell no. Men have no idea of what it takes for women just to get through a normal day while still looking as amazing as they do.

    Listen to what this ordinary guy has to say about why men just don’t understand women, and why I believe there are the two sexes and men are definitely not the superior sex.

    I can’t understand why women are over worked and under paid. In today’s society in what we like to think is a modern world. Men have gotten with the program and respect and not take for granted the most amazing women in the world. The American women.

    Visit www.OrdinaryGuy.com for more information.

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    24 m
  • Your Reputation
    Mar 21 2024

    In today’s society we’re not just looking for the reputation of a good doctor or lawyer when we need some help with something.

    Today every one of us has a reputation that is out there on the internet for the whole world to see.

    There’s no hiding who you are or what kind of person you are.

    But what is a reputation? It’s reviews by other people of what they think of you.

    Are you a nice, kind, caring and considerate person or are you just really inconsiderate, arrogant, mean, self-serving, obnoxious, disrespectful and an all-around horrible person?

    Listen to me here as I not only talk about your reputation, but Americas reputation, because America has one and the whole world is watching and asking themselves what happened to America and what are those Americans doing?

    Visit www.OrdinaryGuy.com for more information.

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    27 m
  • Having Kids Is Overrated
    Mar 23 2024

    Why the hell do we torture ourselves by having kids?

    Kids are so much work and what do we get in return?

    Well it’s not that perfect little family we all hoped it would be.

    We try to teach them every little thing we know and it’s never enough but we try, oh God do we try.

    So how the hell do our kids get so screwed up?

    Listen to me here while I explain why having kids is definitely overrated and may not be exactly what you bargained for.

    Visit www.OrdinaryGuy.com for more information.

    Más Menos
    14 m