De: Prince Handley
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  • THE VOICE OF ISRAEL: FUTURE NEWS NOW . . . ISRAEL, MIDDLE-EAST, & THE WORLD Geopolitical and prophetic discourse on current, historical AND future events impacting Israel and the Middle East. Plus ... current AND future events that are of serious importance to YOU, your family and friends! EXAMPLE: What happens to the Jews in Judea and Samaria who are NOT able to escape to safety in Jordan during the time of the FALSE mashiach (the future Global Governance Leader)?
    Prince Handley
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    Jul 17 2024
    PODCAST SATELLITETHE VOICE OF ISRAEL 11 Tamuz, 5784 Prince HandleyPresident / Regent University of Excellence MEMES, MOSSAD & THE MILLENNIUM COMMUNICATION AND CONVERGENCE ישראל והתכנסות YOU LISTEN TO THIS MESSAGE NOW >>> LISTEN HERE 24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and Health NOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. _____________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION At the present time there are several types of convergence operating which influence: Your worldview; Israel's geopolitical resonance; and, The Final Days of Planet Earth. Some examples of “human-sector” as well as “other-worldly” engagement would be as follows: Media and memes; Bio-ethics and life choices; and, Politics and Globalism. The above three, by nature, influence the following: Social media and relational patterns; Human gene editing (HGE / AI); and, Geopolitical alignments. _____________________________________________________________ WHAT ARE “MEMES” AND HOW DO THEY AFFECT CULTURES Definition of “meme” ― An idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture. Memes (discrete units of knowledge, gossip, jokes, and so on) are to culture what genes are to life. Just as biological evolution is driven by the survival of the fittest genes in the gene pool, cultural evolution may be driven by the most successful memes.— Richard Dawkins An amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture, image, GIF or video or genre of items) that is spread widely online especially through social media. The power of a meme is insane, they widespread in a matter of seconds over multiple different social media platforms. Reaching millions of people usually becoming rapidly popular on a scale of humor and relatability: both contributing factors that have the power to influence the average individual. Memes were used very effectively during the 2016 Presidential campaigns in the USA. And―probably―will be used moreso in the 2020 campaigns … as well as in Israel and in Europe. But have you ever considered that memes not only influence your political alignment(s) … but also your eternal alignment?! Have you also considered that memes can―and may―be created, designed, and anointed by “other than human” forces?! There are competitive voices seeking your vote … and there are TWO major forces recruiting YOU for a life―an eternal life―of service: your eternal vote! WHY IS ISRAEL'S MOSSAD NOT DOING ITS JOB The Institute needs to increase the number of Katsas and Marats involved with cyber and social intelligence (in comparison with KGB) especially in countries vulnerable to political change that may be critical to the peace and prosperity of Israel: such as USA and other pro-Israel areas. The Mossad needs to be more “Tanakh oriented.” There are LOTS of clear, easy-to-understand, prophetic KEYS to alert Israel―and G-d's People―about present and future geopolitical trends. Combining knowledge with accurate surveilance can assist Israel―and Jewish People everywhere―from unnecessary evil … at the least palliative respite when needed. WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF MEME COMMUNICATION G-d confused the language of the masses at Babel, who “were on the verge of accomplishing whatever their minds could conceive.” (Torah: Genesis 11: 6) Notice TWO (2) things. Their language was ONE; Their goal (purpose) was ONE. Building the Tower of Babel―ONE language, ONE goal―resulted in G-d confusing their language, and caused "same language" people groups to migrate to different global sectors and regions. The sin of the people of Shinar was the desire to reign over the world and to determine their own destiny apart from G-d. “ONE language, ONE goal” was the first meme! Since then, communication has been the most demanded commodity in history! Remember: ONE language = 0-1-0-1; ONE goal = globalism. Binary PLUS globalism. Most people do NOT discern what's happening outside―and inside―their “meme-fed” domain of globalism. Even though there are opposing views and voices inside the meme-bubble, those inside the meme bubble are not cognizant of the peripheral bondage. AND ... those outside―Jews and REAL Christians―will increasingly become the objects of persecution. They discern and are not part of the “meme-team” ... but are obstacles to New Global Governance. Convergence from all sectors of society, commerce, and governance will become synergistic ... and ultimately reach singularity. IT WILL GET WORSE BEFORE IT GETS BETTER Because of the return to ONE language (Binary 0-1-0-1) and ONE goal (Globalism), G-d has already planned the future destruction―AGAIN―of Babel. We know from Scripture (Daniel and Zechariah) that hard times are ...
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    12 m
    Apr 28 2024
    PODCAST SATELLITETHE VOICE OF ISRAELNissan 20, 5784 Prince HandleyPresident / RegentUniversity of Excellence PROTECTION AGAINST ALGORITHMS & TERRORISTS LIVING INDEPENDENTLY & SAFELY הגנה מפני אלגוריתמים ומחבלים Prince Handley 24/7 Commentary (FREE) > BLOG Email this message to a friend and help them! ____________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF THIS TEACHING In this message I want to alert you to the Coercion of Algorithms PLUS the Imminent Threat of Terrorism. However, I specifically want to inform you HOW to PROTECT yourself against both. AI runs off of algorithms, but not all algorithms are AI—neither are they all the same. They’re developed with different goals and methods. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the capability of computer systems or algorithms to imitate intelligent human behavior. Most of us are familiar with China's Social Credit System and the CCP's ubiquitous use of surveillance. Online behaviour is monitored … and algortihms are KEY to everything. So HOW does this fit into Geopolitics, Israel and the End Times? Keep reading or listening. Plus: Information to PROTECT you from terrorist attacks and chaos … even in Israel. _______________________________ PROTECTION AGAINST ALGORITHMS & TERRORISTS LIVING INDEPENDENTLY & SAFELYהגנה מפני אלגוריתמים ומחבלים For years the Chinese government has been using technologies to control its citizens in frightening ways. The internet is highly censored, and each person’s cell phone number and online activity is assigned a unique ID number tied to their real name. Facial-recognition technology is also increasingly widespread in China, with few restraints on how it can be used to track and surveil citizens. The {China] Supreme People’s Court maintains a blacklist of people who the government alleges did not comply with court judgments, for example by not paying fines, but also things like failing to formally apologize to someone they are found to have wronged. Being on the blacklist now comes with harsh punishments. You might be unable to purchase high-speed train tickets, fly on an airplane, or send your kids to a private school. The government has prohibited more than 20 million plane tickets from being purchased. SO WHAT IS AN ALGORITHM … An algorithm is a a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end. The definition of an algorithm is “a set of instructions to be followed in calculations or other operations.” This applies to both mathematics and computer science. So, at the essential level, an AI algorithm is the programming that tells the computer how to learn to operate on its own. SO HOW DOES THIS APPLY TO YOU ... What China and the CCP does “leaks” over to the Israel and other countries. Online behavior is already a BIG part of what is monitors, and algorithms are KEY to everything. The basic goal is to process the vast Israeli data—and data from other countries—to create individual ratings which will determine YOUR access to most things … from travel to jobs. A plan released just recently by the Beijing municipal government dictates that personal creditworthiness points will be used to reward and/or punish individuals―and companies―by granting or denying them access to public services like healthcare, travel, and employment. High scoring “Green Channel” people can more easily access social opportunities. Those who actions are disapproved of by the state will be restricted …even to having passports revoked. One high profile system, which has already been used in USA for years, is Sesame Credit—created by Ant Financial—an offshoot of the Chinese online retail giant Alibaba. Using a secret algorithm, Sesame Credit constantlys scores people from 350 to 950. WARNNG: It's ratings are based upon info such as “interpersonal relationships” and “consumer habits.” Being friends with “low rated” people is NOT good … and buying video games gets you marked down! Algorithms fuel—or dictate—HOW these surveillance tools operate … and AI facilitates the operation! EXAMPLE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE USA … You can speak all you want to … but just not in a public forum: like a local School Board Meeting OR on Social Media. [Just look back to what has happened since January 2021.] USA citizens actions are going to be monitored more and more. How many of the people arrested for alleged Jan 6th crimes never were in the area but some communication or relationship supposedly “tied” them to that event. Look at how the Government is atttacking Elon Musk who “healed” X (formerly Twitter) and exposed unfounded censorship by Government influence on the previous Twitter. Across the world, governments have invested heavily in setting up a surveillance infrastructure. There are millions of cameras, but no one to ...
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    23 m
    Jan 17 2024
    PODCAST SATELLITETHE VOICE OF ISRAELShevat 8, 5784 GEOPOLITICS AND PROPHECY A SPECIAL PRESENTATION with Prince Handley PROPHETIC WARNING FOR ISRAEL PREPARING FOR THE TEN KINGS אזהרה נבואית לישראל Listen HERE >>> LISTEN NOW Prince Handley Commentary (FREE) > BLOG Email this message to a friend and help them! ____________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF THIS TEACHING In this message I want to alert you to the Preparation of the TEN KINGS that Bible speaks about several times not only in the Tanakh (the Old Testament_ but in the Brit Chadashah (the New Testament). These Ten Kings are a KEY element concerning End Time Prophecy … and they MAY be on the scene now. They may NOT know what role they are to fulfill―or even have a faint idea concerning prophecy―but they will be KEY in helping the FALSE MESSIAH (the antiMashiach) come into power. They will actually persuade the leaders of the nations AND leaders of the New Global Governance to elect the antiMashiach (AKA “Beast”) to the office of Global Leader. ____________________________________ REGIONAL GLOBALIZATION PREPARING FOR THE TEN KINGS The Holy Bible mentions―or alludes to―“Ten Kings” in different places; however in five main areas: Daniel 7:23-25 “The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings.” Revelation 13:1-2 “It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns,” Revelation 17:3 “beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.” Revelation 17:12-14 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers. Revelation 17:15-18 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled.The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.” These TEN KINGS have an important part to play in End Time Geopolitics with Satan. _________________________________ IMPORTANT There is already a “push” towards Globalism by many international bodies and groups like WEF, CDC, and the UN. I want to ALERT you to a development that many are NOT aware of … Regional Globalism. _________________________________ You can study my reachings on Globalism at the University of Excellence under One World. The Holy Bible prophesies Globalism (which has been in the works for decades) and which the Holy Bible alludes to as a Global Key for the End Times (study Revelation Chapter 13) when the New Global Leader (the False Messiah or anti-Mashiach) takes control for seven years. However, I want to ALERT you to a development that many are NOT aware of: Regional Globalism. There is a “breaking away” by many nations that are in the Globalist movement to Regional conglomerates that meet their needs more specifically: by trade, by ideology, by self aggrandizement and by military protectionism. _________________________________ IMPORTANT There is NOT a common global consensus. Instead of a common opinion, many countries want to align with “like-minded” countries. Other counties that specifically meet their needs or provide trade and economic advantages. _________________________________ The West (including the USA and EU) are being “left behind” in this regard. So what is the REAL reason for this Regional Globalism? ANSWER: It is preparing the stage for the Ten Kings [Ten World Leaders] which major prophecy foretells. _________________________________ IMPORTANT The TEN KINGS do NOT come into authority until either right before OR at the same time as the New Global Leader (the antiMashiach = FALSE messiah) These TEN KINGS align with the antiMashiach and yield their power to him. The antiMashiach needs the TEN KINGS to help him gain Global Control We do NOT know if the TEN KINGS are revealed before OR when the “Time of Jacob's Trouble” starts. _________________________________ The arch-enemy of Israel―and of humankind―will throw everything he can at Planet Earth before his prophesied demise by Mashiach. The Jewish prophet Yochanan [John] in Brit Chadashah (Hebrew New Testament), Chapter 17, shows that the New Global Governance Leader―the FALSE messiah (NOT ...
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